Portugal 2018

junho 2018
Lisbon, Coimbra and Porto Leia mais
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  • Dia 4

    Jardine botto machado Lisbon

    9 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Now we wandered from the square next to the church, down Veronica street over to the Panteao nacional. the building with a cupola on it.

    there had been a flea market there and the city workers were cleaning up after it. quite a mess.

    across the street was another garden - jar dine mach ado Lisbon- where they have this circuit set up for exercise. We saw that in another park too. Colin exercising his arm!

    There was Pittosporum in the park, red pomegranate, a date palm (i think).

    I like the decoration on this apartment building across the street.
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  • Dia 4

    Igreja de S. Vicente da Fora Lisbon

    9 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    This is the big church we saw from the first lookout in the afternoon from the sun gate. it was off on the horizon.

    It is quite close to the Panteao Nacional. There is an arch that you go under to access it. there was a big truck trying to get up the narrow street with cars coming the opposite direction and other cars behind the trucks, quite the traffic snarl. I couldn't believe that this huge truck was actually negotiating those narrow streets, but it did. The passenger got out and had to get some of the drivers of the cars to move before he could advance. Considering how narrow these streets are the Portugeues are very good drivers.

    There was a street party in front of the church, many tents, one of them labelled Dolores....my middle name! means sorrow in spanish I think.

    You can see a very small Colin in the bottom of one of those pictures, it gives you a sense of the scale.

    there were lots of statues in the small niches, one of them may have been st george, but not sure. one of the cherubs seemed to have a lot of arrows in him.

    the pergola with the fountain (and a pigeon in the fountain) was next to the church, it had a sign inviting you in, but not at this time of night. it was closed and locked!
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  • Dia 4

    Igreja da Graca square lisbon

    9 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We made our way back up to the Grace church square.

    En route we passed a beautiful building calle the Oporina? they were having some sort of celebration there. All these young girls were dressed in these big wide flaring skirts and the boys were dressed like matadors.

    Also saw more loquat trees, norfolk island pines.

    I thought someone was following behind me a bit too close so I stepped out in between the parked cars to allow him to pass, then he was following a bit too close to colin. You have to watch it here as there are pickpockets everywhere the tourists congregate. Lots of signs out too warning you of the pickpockets.

    we got back up to the church square where there was a stage set up. Got a couple of shots of the sun on the church, but that is on the other camera so will have to wait till we get back home!

    my phone ran out of battery.....I think I took about 300 pics today.

    The concert started at 830 and went to around 10. Very good singer, with a fellow on a beat box and another with a guitar. They played a mixture of English and Portuguese pop music. The crowd was bouncing and singing along. Guns and roses, Clapton, they even played Bryan Adams summer of 69!

    We took the tram #28 back to our neighbourhood, although we were not entirely sure it was running as we were waiting, but they have little signs giving you the estimated time of arrival, and sure enough it showed up! a group of French tourists came to the stop late and then tried to be first on. I pushed in front....we were there first and we didn't want to miss getting a seat if possible. We didn't want to wait again in case the tram stopped running.
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  • Dia 4

    bario alto lisbon

    9 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Got off the tram at the top of the Bica Funicular, which is no longer running, but boy were the streets crowded.. They say this is the night life area, and they are not kidding. Music everywhere, tents selling food, mostly sardines and pork, and lots of beer! as we were making our way down the funicular hill a group of 3 guys link arms together to allow me to pass, It was quite cute they created a little wall so I could get through, then they waved......I guess I reminded them of their mom :)

    We had a midnight snack, and it was almost midnight, at one of the restaurants just up from the square at the bottom of the Bica elevator. Largo de santo antonio....i think

    Pork chop, very flat, salad and potato chips, with a glass of port!

    then back to our place, which again the lane was being used as the local urinal! we had followed one guy so he had to wait till we entered our courtyard before he could take his pee.

    This morning the city crew has already been and has cleaned up, and I think hosed down the lane...... the portuguese do know how to party.....late into the eve....
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  • Dia 5

    Bario Alto lisboa

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Just some things in our neighbour hood.

    The traffic restriction, the little bollard goes up when someone who has a pass swipes it and if you do not have a pass you can't get in.

    The flower pot with the circular trimming of ??? some sort of herb and a carnation. Seems to have some affiliation with the Festival of St Anthony. But we have not found out what just yet.

    Feast of St anthony is a festival of Sardines.....

    See all the cigarette butts?? there are a lot of smokers here.....they would not do well in Vancouver with all our bylaws, there are no bylaws here. a few restaurants have it posted no smoking, but not a lot.

    See the bikes? they are located on a bike path along the river....the only flat bit in the city!
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  • Dia 5

    Belem lisboa

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Took the train out to Belem. it is 5 km from where we are staying in the Bario Alto, cost around 1.30 Euro to get there. Weather cloudy and cool today.

    First stop was the Jardin Alfonso de Albuquerque, a square close to the monastery that was our main goal.

    Praca Afonso de Alburquerque is named after the fist Potuguese viceroy of India. A neo Manueline column in the centre bears his statue with scenes from his life carved on the base. (DK Eyewitness source) He was shown with a turbine like head dress, and there were many elephants at the base of the statue. Elephants are used a lot to show the world dominance, and exoticness of Portugal in the relationship to the rest of the world at this time. 1500's.
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  • Dia 5

    Monastery of Jeronimos

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We found our first Starbucks. :( The entire front street was very touristy, we only saw the sign in the distance. there was another one of those exercise circuits in the park. Off above the Blooming Jacarda trees you can see the Monastery.

    It was Sunday so very very busy as this is still an active church and a church service had just been held. We entered in through the south portal which is unusual as this door is normally kept closed. Just as we went in the organ was playing, it was lovely and loud. the acoustics are incredible. You can just imagine what it would have been like in the 1500's when this monastery was built.

    It is made of white limestone, stretches for 300 yards , King Manual (1495 ruled from 1495) erected it as a thank you to the early discoveries made by the early portuguese explorers. It was financed via "pepper money" a 5 % tax on spices brought back from India. - i.e. all those great spices that those same portuguese explorers brought back and then traded with other poorer European countries that did not have any established trading ports in the East.

    King Manuel built the church near the site of a humble chapel where sailors spent their last night ashore in prayer before embarking on their frightening voyages.

    this style of architecture is unique to Portugal and is called Manueline. Amazingly finely detailed carvings, lots of religious symbolism, lots of oceanic themes, shells, ropes, lots of flora and fauna and lots of diversity. It was a pretty amazing church to wander around and see all these different carvings in the columns, walls, niches..

    more from Rick steves:
    ...Monks often accompanied the silor pirates on their trading pillaging trips hoping to convert the heathens to Christianity. Many expeditions were financed by the order of crhist, a brother hood of soldier monks (i think this is the knights templar and their square cross is everywhere). The monks who inhabited this cloister were Hieronymites - followers of St Jerome, hence the monastery name of Jeronimos.

    King Manaual did much to promote exploration, but he is also the king who forcibly expelled all the Jews. gthe spanish Reyes Catolicos -Ferdinand and Isabel - agreed to allow Manuel to marry one of their daughters if he expelled the jews. - end of Rick Steves info

    The South Portal which we entered, amazing amount of detail in this entrance. There is a picture in the guide with 48 different entries for the different statues, and busts and medallions all within this portal.
    Back to rick - the fancy portal facing the street, is textbook Manueline. Henry the navigator stands between the doors with the King's patron saint St Jerome (above on the left with the lion) Henry (Manuels uncle) built the original sailors chapel on this site. this door is only used when mass lets out or for saturday weddings ---this was why we were able to get in today mass had just happened, and look at the crowds around that entrance. l
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  • Dia 5

    Monastery of Jeronimos south portal

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    more details from the south portal.

    The different saints all have some sort of symbolic thing with their carvings I think. this from a later display in side the cloister:
    St Augustine, has has bishop like hat
    St Paul, a sword
    St Mathew , a child
    St John, an eagle
    St Luke, a bull or ram
    St Mark, a lion

    The central figure is Henry the Navigator, the guy responsible for sending out all these explorers, although he never actually went out himself. ( only one trip I believe into Africa)

    on either side of the door are two medallions thought to be king Manual and his spanish queen Isabella...

    The other carving shows a scene of the crucifixion I think. There is a different style of cross with 2 cross pieces, but I have read something about that in the past, although I can't remember what I read, other than the crosses did have different styles throughout the ages.
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  • Dia 5

    Monastery of Jeronimos, interior

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Rick Steves- the Manueline style is on the cusp of the Renaissance. the space is more open tan earlier medieval churches. Slender palm tee elite coluns don't break the interior space as Gothic columns would. and the ceiling is all one height. Motifs from the sea hide in the doer. The sea brought Portugal 16th century welt and power, making this art possible. You will see rope like arches, ships, and monsters to evoke the mystery of undiscovered elands. artichokes eaten for their vitamin C to fend off scurvy remind us of the hardships sailors faced at sea. ---

    a picture of the Organ player as he is leaving.

    One of the tombs is the empty tomb for the prince who never returned from war. King Sebastiao. The tomb of the longed for Dom Sebastiao stands empty. The young king never returned from batten in 1578 (eyewitness pg 51)

    the design on the ceiling. Each medallion is something different.

    There are 7 confessionals along that wall.

    The renaissance alter. Nearly everything here survived the 1755 quack excel thte stained glass. In the niches surrounding the main altar elephants - a far eastern symbol of power, more powerful and kingly than the lion - supports 2 kings and queens, (king Manual I is front left) Many portuguese churches were renovated in Renaissanceand Baroque times, resulting in an odd mix of dark, older naves and pretty pastel alters. -source rick stoves
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  • Dia 5

    Monastery of Jeronimos Vasco Da Gama tom

    10 de junho de 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Close up of the Confessionals

    the south portal doors now shut and that cross the order of Christ- on the red cloth. Henry the Navigator was the grand master of the Order of christ. It was the knights of the templar who defeated the moors in the 11th and 12th century

    Vasco Da Gama's tomb with close ups of three symbols on the sides. His ship - a Caraval - that -cross of the order of Christ, and the third symbol -the armillary, the sphere which is the symbol of King Manuelin, but it is his symbol because it was so important to early navigation. that was what allowed the explores to tell latitude.

    Rick steeves _ 1497 Vasco Da Gama (1460-1524) prayed in the small chapel that once stood here, He then set out with 4 ships, 150 men, state of the art maps, and the armillary sphere. a globe surrounded by moveable rings designed to determine the positions of the sun or other stars to help sailors track their position. Da Gama ws to confirm what earlier navigators had hypothesized, that the ocean recently discovered when Bartolomeu Dias round africa's cape of Good Hope was the same one seen by overland travellers to India. And hopefully da Gama would find a direct sea route to India.
    the symbols on the tomb, the cross from the military order of the soldier monks who funded his voyage, the Caravel, (the ship),
    By Christmas Da Gama rounds the cape of good hope after battling hostile ARabs in Mozambique. he arrives on the SW coast in Calicut in may 1498. trades for spices, and networks, heads home and arrives in Lisbon sept 1499. They had been away for 2 years and 2 months.
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