Jardim Afonso de Albuquerque

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    • Day 6

      Day 189: Lisbon Earthquake Museum

      July 17 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Can’t visit a country without some geological element. Spent our last day in Lisbon visiting Quake: the Lisbon Earthquake Museum.

      The museum is an interactive 1.5 hour experience that takes you through seismology lessons and then immerses attendees in Lisbon before, during, and after the quake. The museum also educated attendees on being prepared for the next big one and other larger events such as San Francisco and Japan Tsunami March 15 2011. The most interesting section was simulating the morning of: we were all in the streets and entered a church for the All Saints Day Service. We got through the first 7 minutes of the service before they started shaking the pews and mimicking the initial shock and aftershocks for several minutes. The moment you exit the church, they had smoke machines and made the room glowing red and warm to represent the fire and trying to navigate the streets to safety. And of course 10 minutes later in this room they used museum panels to visualize the approaching tsunami coming towards the city.

      We also really enjoyed the last room which dove into leaders’ thoughts to repair the city. This included building the streets wider and in a grid format with planned roads and material (first urban planning); sending out a paper survey to ask witnesses questions about the earthquake (first systematic data collection); and planning how to protect the population from disease and starvation (first civil protection service). Wonderful museum and recommend it for all ages!

      We also stopped by Mercado de Campo de Ourique for lunch. Visited an oyster stand which had a deal for two oysters and a glass of wine; the owner is such a delight. First, he selected two different types of oysters to try and let us try two different wines before picking. We saw he sold barnicals and admitted we never had them before. He lets us try them for free! Mary loves oysters and has tried them in Newport (best in US) and Norway (originally her favorite) but now the oyster from MEROIR is the best oyster she has ever had!

      With the owner, we chatted about global warming and the impacts to oyster farming. We learned so much about oysters and specifically Portuguese oyster farming in such a small interaction. Before leaving, we grab bocadilla sandwhiches and some lemonade/beer.

      We ended the day hopping on a flight to Ter Azores.

      Afonso dos Leitões - Food Store Belem

      Fried Pork Belly & Sandwich
      Portuguese Oysters
      Bocadilla Sandwhiches

      Quake Lisbon Earthquake Museum
      Mercado de Campo de Ourique
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    • Day 38

      Lissabon muss einfach sein!

      October 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Seit Montag sind wir nun auf der anderen Seite des Tejo, am Orbitur Campismo da Costa de Caparica, und genießen hier die Zeit.
      Und wir waren auch schon zweimal drüben in Lissabon und sind wieder mal durch die Stadt gewandert. 🥾⛰️
      Natürlich haben wir auch wieder die originalen „Pasteí de Belém“ genießen müssen, dafür haben wir uns extra in die Warteschlange gestellt. Aber es war unsere einzige Warteschlange, die anderen bei den Museen und beim Turm von Belém haben wir großräumig umrundet. 😊
      Die Stadt wird, so wie Porto auch, jedes Jahr wuseliger und die Zahl der Kreuzfahrtschiffe hat gegenüber den letzten zwei Jahren extrem zugenommen. 😳
      Wir schieben zwischen den Stadttagen halt immer wieder Strandtage ein .…😎
      Das geht hier südlich von Lissabon sehr gut.
      Ob uns Lissabon oder Porto besser gefällt? Wir finden, man kann diese beiden Städte einfach nicht vergleichen. Sie sind ziemlich verschieden und haben beide Flair.
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    • Day 57


      May 13, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Was sollen wir euch noch über diese tolle Stadt erzählen, außer das sie großartig ist?

      Bunt, vollgestopft mit Menschen, Elektrorollern, Fahrrädern, Autos, Bussen, Tuk Tuks, Trams... und alles auf Straßen, die so schmal und teilweise so steil sind, dass man nicht verstehen kann, wieso der Verkehr hier nicht kollabiert. Liebe Straßenkleber, hier hättet ihr echt mega viel zu tun!🙈

      Wir haben uns für zwei Tage auf dem Orbitur Costa de Caparica eingerichtet. Ein typisches Orbitur Camp halt, und dazu noch sehr laut, da eine Hauptstraße direkt nebenan vorbei läuft. Nun ja, für 2 Tage wird es gehen. Von hier aus sind es nur drei Kilometer bis zur Fährstelle in Trafaria, von wo aus wir in 30 Minuten für sage und schreibe 1,30€ pro Person nach Belem übersetzen können, incl. Fahrräder wohlgemerkt.

      Wir verbringen einen tollen Tag in Lissabon und schaffen es, uns einiges anzusehen. Nur würden wir es nie wieder mit den MTBs machen. In Belem und am Tajo entlang ist es ja noch eine tolle Idee, in den engen, steilen, übervollen Gassen der Innenstadt ist es eher eine Qual. Wieder etwas gelernt für das eventuelle nächste Mal.

      Bye bye Lissabon, es war uns eine Ehre!
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    • Day 43

      Lisbon, Day 1

      May 18 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Took a ferry this morning to Lisbon. It cost a fortune .... 1.45euro incl. the bikes.
      On arrival we cycled along the waterfront to Belem tower and Padrão dos Descobrimentos monument.the As it was Saturday, the place was full of tourists..... like us...🫢

      We decided to have some lunch at a place called LX Factory. It's an old industrial complex that houses now lots of arty farty shops and artisan restaurants. It reminded me of some places I have visited in Berlin. It had a great atmosphere.

      After lunch we wanted to ride the famous route 28 tram and decided to go to the start (or end of the line) that was furthest away from the centre. 🚞
      The idea was that we avoid these pesty tourist and guaranteed a window seat.
      In Google map it was only 4km away ...... so no problem with our bikes..... so we thought ...... however, we found out very quickly the reason for the lack of tourists.
      Lisbon is one of the cities that is build on 7 hills.... like Rome ..... and they were steep. ⛰️
      I used over half of my bike battery power to get up these hills, .....but it worked .....we got our desired window seats.😋😋
      We stayed on the tram right to the end station (10km) and it took us on a great exhilarating 1.5 hours tour through Lisbon.

      On arrival at the end station we planned to get back on the same tram again to return to our bikes...... but ..... now we saw were all these tourist were trying to get onto tram 28 ..... the queue was over an hour long ... and Germans are allergic to queues....😞

      So, .... this required some germanic thinking!!!! We discovered that tram 12 was running for some distance on the same track .... and there were no queue.
      So, ..... the idea was to get onto tram 12 and half way change to tram 28 and thereby skipping the queue. Our plan worked a treat. 😀😀😀 we beat all these pesty tourists.

      Back on the bikes to the ferry and home for 20.30.
      We had a great day in Lisbon.
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    • Day 45

      A Visit to MAAT

      October 28, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This morning we set off for the suburb of Belem to visit MAAT, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. It is located in two buildings, a disused Power Station and an architecturally magnificent modern building.

      One of the main artists being featured at the moment is Joana Vasconcelos, a Portuguese artist known for her large-scale installations. She was the first artist to receive the EDP Foundation New Artists Award in 2000. Joana takes over the interior spaces of the museum’s two buildings and her work is also in the outdoor area, showing a series of works either previously unseen or not seen in many years. A further common thread across almost all of these works is that they are mechanical and/or luminous pieces, hence the unifying title chosen - PLUG-IN

      Joana Vasconcelos maintains and develops the traits of irreverence from earlier works (in themes, forms, materials and working methods): an ironic, humorous and critical look at the things in the world and the nature of those things. What she does is steal things from everyday life and give them another dimension. What is poor becomes rich, as in fairy tales; and what is rich explodes into excesses that break the boundaries of plausibility and reasonableness. Under the cloak of her fantasies and commitments Joana Vasconcelos’ work contains the naked truth of the work of art as a reflection on reality; as a process that transforms reality; as a critical look at reality.

      In 2012, Vasconcelos showed her work at the major annual contemporary art exhibition in the Palace of Versailles. She was the first women and the youngest contemporary artist to exhibit in Versailles. In 2020, she created a massive site specific work, “Valkyrie Mumbet” at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. This was her first solo exhibition in the United States. The work is part of a series of large scale pieces the artist creates for specific spaces, in homage to inspiring women connected with that location. This particular work honours Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman, an enslaved woman whose court battle for her freedom in 1781 helped make slavery illegal in Massachusetts.

      I loved all her installations, especially the Valkyrie Octopus and Tree of Life. I can’t imagine how many hours it took to create these two installations.
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    • Day 5

      Belem lisboa

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Took the train out to Belem. it is 5 km from where we are staying in the Bario Alto, cost around 1.30 Euro to get there. Weather cloudy and cool today.

      First stop was the Jardin Alfonso de Albuquerque, a square close to the monastery that was our main goal.

      Praca Afonso de Alburquerque is named after the fist Potuguese viceroy of India. A neo Manueline column in the centre bears his statue with scenes from his life carved on the base. (DK Eyewitness source) He was shown with a turbine like head dress, and there were many elephants at the base of the statue. Elephants are used a lot to show the world dominance, and exoticness of Portugal in the relationship to the rest of the world at this time. 1500's.
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    • Day 4

      Aardbeving Museum

      May 29 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Beste aardschok!

    • Day 25

      Lissabon Ausklang

      September 17, 2021 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute war nochmals Lissabon angesagt.
      Nach der Besichtigung vom Torre Belém und des Denkmals von Vasco da Gama war genießen angesagt.
      Nach den ungemein köstlichen Pastéis de Belém und einem Cappuccino ging es nochmals zum FoodMarket. 😋😋
      Müde haben wir noch heute Lissabon verlassen und haben auf dem halben Weg zur Algarve einen netten und ruhigen Campingplatz einer Gemeinde im Nirgendwo entdeckt.
      Hier werden wir morgen einen Pausetag einlegen, bevor wir uns zur Südküste aufmachen.
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