West Coast

aprile 2019
We are off on a cross country journey to California, Nevada and Arizona. The last three driving states in our 50. We will finish with Hawaii and Alaska. Leggi altro
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  • Giorno 11

    Grand Canyon AZ

    22 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Anyway, just a little honesty about family. After breakfast, we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the Grand Canyon. Usually, I am really good at researching how to attack the places we go. I did research the Grand Canyon but I could not get a good grasp of how to see it all. I know why. Honestly, it is amazing but there isn’t much to the park unless you want to do some major hikes and we weren’t too interested in climbing rocks. Usually, we are ambitious but I think we are all tired from all the activities. Our cabin is less than an hour from the south rim. When we got near, we had to sit in a long line which separates into 4 or 5 lanes to pay the 35 dollar fee. Unless you end up in the first lane which doesn’t spread out into other lanes. We sat in the lane while cars (plural) passed us by the dozens. Paul was getting more and more frustrated as he realized he chose the “sucker” lane. If you go, stay to the right as the lanes divide even if the sign says commercial vehicles stay to the right. It took us a while to get through.

    Once we got in, we drove toward the main area where everyone Was. It was crowded but not overwhelming. I have to imagine it is ridiculous in the summer. You have the choice to drive it yourself or take a shuttle. We are not much for being trapped in a tour. We walked to the viewing area called Mathers Point. We were startled by the scene before us. A rocky landscape in shades of reds and browns and greens that cause your body to gasp and hold tight to your loose items of clothing and photographing devices for fear of a stiff breeze sending them over into this vast hole in the ground. It was really hard for your brain to register exactly what you were looking at. Depth perception was not computing. You did know that this little chain link fence was your only safety net from a hardy bump from an unaware tourist or a stiff breeze blowing you over. Of course, you could see the idiots who think its a good idea to climb way out over the edge to get that selfie (while we record to make sure we get the action real time as he plummets to his death). We saw a small memorial stone over the fence on a ledge where some 18 year old lost his life. He or she had to have jumped to the rock where the memorial was and falling to their death.

    So, we walked along the fence for about a half a mile...looking at...well, the same whole in the ground. We were a little disappointed in the reality of what our expectations were of the Grand Canyon. I pictured the Brady Bunch going to the Grand Canyon and yes I tried to do the donkey thing down the canyon to an old ghost town. Hmph. Yes, they have a tour like that but it is a 5 1/2 hour ride down (10 1/2 miles). WTDonkey! Our hour and a half horse ride in Yellowstone was an “a**” breaker. I cannot imagine on a donkey. Who is the dumb “a**” here? Then you spend the night and go back up in the morning. My family would have killed me dead. No Brady Bunch family adventure. Matthew and Elizabeth said they pictured a big crack in the ground so maybe they were pleasantly surprised by the enormous hole. Ben...he just asked, “Where are we again?” He is usually a day late and a dollar short.

    We hopped back in the car to find a picnic spot.We had lunch with caribou wandering around us. We just saw a picnic table and stopped. Paul went to find a garbage can to throw away our garbage while we loaded the van again. He hopped in the van, pulled forward a bit and said, “See that archway right there? We just had lunch in a cemetery.” What?! Ew. That is weird. Strange place for a cemetery. What were the caribou eating in there? Ew.
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  • Giorno 11

    Grand Canyon

    22 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Off we went to see if there was more to see. We drove into the village where there were hotels and trains. We just kept driving. Paul spent the next hour humoring me because I was determined to see if there was more. “Hooonnneey, just keep driving.” Cheesy smiled followed that. “Pull over! Pull over.” Same hole different view. Though pretty. “Pull...never mind, same hole.” “Stop!” Same hole but this rock formation looks like a duck. It does! How cute. Nobody really cared about the duck. I showed Paul and Matthew said, “Dad, won’t see it. He’s not creative enough.” After some finger tracing and guiding his eyes, I think he saw it. He never even sees the taillight faces on the back of cars either that the kids and I point out all the time (Makes the drive to and from school more entertaining). He sees numbers and dollar signs. I see those, too but on receipts. Paul started getting tired of driving and I figured if I let him take a snooze in the back, I could go wherever I wanted. Ben hopped up and drove his first national park. I taught him how to drive with his future girlfriend or wife. Always say yes and smile. He obliged. “We’re stopping again?” “Honey. Smile. Say, yes dear.” Evil smirk. We were headed for one last stop at the East rim called Desert view. I will tell you that the drive to desert view is quieter, less people and great views. I highly recommend that.

    Ben got me to the Desert View while Paul slept. Ben was the only one who would get out to see it with me. He is so sweet that way. He is going to make some girl really happy. His heart is big. So he and I walked out to the lookout which had a balcony and a tower. There you could see a whole different view of the canyon which included the Colorado river and to the right, the Sahara desert. Amazing views. “Ben, lets climb the tower.” Side glance and a smirk. He thought it would be crowded. It wasn’t bad. Kind of cool. It was a winding staircase up to the top four floors. There was some Indian drawings on the walls. It was neat inside. We got to the top for about 30 seconds when Ben grabbed me by the shoulders with a disgusted look. He spun me around and said it warm and there is a poonsie smell up here. Let’s go. I started to laugh. It did smell. We giggled all the way down. They missed out because I think this was the best stop.

    We were near the East rim gateway which led us out to Flagstaff and back home. It was about an hour and 45 back. Ben got a taste of winding mountain roads. I had to keep telling him that if he is driving, he does not get to enjoy the views. He kept sneaking a peek to his left and the car would slightly veer. Hey! Once we got out to the highway to Flagstaff, Ben had enough. Paul drove the rest of the way. I would highly recommend doing this loop. I would start on the East Gate, no lines and drive out the South Gate. The views in and out of the East side are amazing. You would miss out if you don’t do this. Flagstaff is a cute little town. Full loop drive without stops is about 3.5 hours. I am glad we went the full way.
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  • Giorno 11

    Williams AZ

    22 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ 🌫 13 °C

    We got home and had a little happy hour while we made surf and turf for dinner. We had sparkling sodas and sangria with chips and salsa and guacamole. Grilled up some steaks and salmon and veggies. We had a nice dinner and ended the night with games. We played the game where you hold the device to your head and have to get the person to say what it is. Heads up or whatever. It was funny. We played for a long time. Then, Paul and the kids played the game like quiplash called phsych. They start with a phrase about one of the people in the game and you have to fill in the blanks with something funny and everyone chooses their favorite. They were laughing so hard. They had fun roasting Paul and his gray hair and such things. Paul was a good sport. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and going to bed while they played till late. I would hear them laughing then it would go quiet while they were typing, then laughs again. They had a good time.

    Today, since I am typing for yesterday now, we are heading to Sedona to look around and take a Jeep tour. Good Morning ...”and if I don’t see you later, good afternoon and good night.”
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  • Giorno 12

    Sedona AZ

    23 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Weather: 70s and beautiful

    States: Arizona

    Cities: Williams, Flagstaff, Sedona

    Miles: 63

    Hours: 2 hrs 48 min (driving there, through, and back)

    Sites: Sedona, Red Rock PInk Jeep tours

    Restaurant: 89 Agave

    Hotel/Home: Lovely Little Log Cabin in Williams VRBO #1083110


    Audible: Resisting Happiness (get you thinking book- has a religious base- it is good)

    This is a book that you can listen to a chapter (short) and ponder it.We are listening to it

    in bits. Everyone seems to like it.

    Today was a great day. We got up leisurely, had breakfast, and headed to Sedona for the day. Paul and I have been there and we like it there. We thought the kids would, too. We stopped in Flagstaff for an oil change which Ford was supposed to do at the last check up I had. Grrr. The drive to Sedona is beautiful. You travel through the mountains along switchback roads with breathtaking views. It still amazes me on these road trips how different every turn of the roads can be. The types of rocks change, the shapes of the rock changes and the trees change from one area to the next and sometimes only a few miles apart. Once you traverse the mountains to Sedona, the layered red rocks begin to frame the landscape. Where the day before we were looking into the Grand Canyon, now it feels like you are in it. It is a stunning landscape.The town emerges from the red rock nestled tightly into what the locals call their island within the rocks. It is strikingly beautiful.

    We packed a lunch and had a little picnic before exploring the town. We went in and out of gift shops which Ben just did not understand. “Everything is the same in every place. Why...?” Dad, “I know. It doesn’t make sense. Come on.” After we wandered for a while, played some instruments in the street and pet some animals, we checked in for our Jeep tour which started at 4 PM. We grabbed some homemade ice cream and waited for our tour.
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  • Giorno 12

    Sedona pink Jeep tours

    23 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    There were bright pink jeeps for 8; so 5 of us and 3 others. No one really knew what to expect. There had to be 10 jeeps that took off at once in different directions for different types of tours. We were on the broken arrow. We were all guaranteed a great time as everyone who gets done says they loved it. Ok, lets go. It ain’t cheap (unless I’m talking to Paul- wink). It better be worth it.

    We hopped in the Jeep and headed south of town toward the towering red rocks framing the city. Our guide, Daniel, was great.Very knowledgeable of the area, seasoned in hiking, biking and off-roading expert and a funny guy. He was super friendly. He turned off of the main road toward the rocks. To the left, a parking lot. To the right, an uneven road that he informed us was to remind any drivers that were going the wrong way and would have some explaining to do to the car rental places. We bumped and bobbled over the ground as he informed us that this was nothing. We all half-heartedly laughed with a little worry in our chuckle.

    Let me tell you, we had so much fun. It was some true off-roading. He drove us to the top of the red rock for some views you won’t get just walking around. You can hike it but the jeeps are fun. You bounce around everywhere. He got us on some angles that caused to get real close to our neighbors. We got out a few times to climb higher up for better views. He even said the jeeps used to drive to the tops of some of these rocks. Aww, hella no. I was already scared. The red rocks are not mountains but caused by erosion. They are continuously eroding. One end of the canyon where we were was actually connected to the other end a million years ago.
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  • Giorno 12

    88 Agave Sedona

    23 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    We all loved the Jeep tour. Everyone expressed their liking to it. After the tour, we went to 89 Agave for what we thought was a snack but ended up a dinner. Paul and I ate there before and enjoyed it so we ate outside overlooking the red rocks as the sun set.We ordered a bunch of chips and guacamole with bacon, some kind of Mexican pizza looking thing and salsas. I had a yummy drink that was their specialty. It was supposed to be rimmed with worm salt but they were out.Darn.It was really crushed worms. I was disappointed. Not really. As we were leaving town, the sun was just at the point where it lights up the red rocks. Stunning. Everyone stopped to watch. Gasps everywhere.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 12

    Williams AZ

    23 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    We got home after dark and started to load up the car and clean up the house. We have a long drive tomorrow, 14 hours and we want to leave by 6:30 AM. We are trying to make it to Salina, Kansas so we only have 5 hours to Columbia, MO to see our niece at Mizzou. We are so excited to see her at her school. We packed up and hit the sheets but before I fell asleep, I started reading about people who have died in the Grand Canyon which led to a murder story of a couple on the Appalachia trail. I got spooked since we are kind of in the woods (though there are houses not to far between but maybe they are murderers). I had a hard time falling asleep. Why do I do that? “What was that noise?”Leggi altro

  • Giorno 13

    Salina ks

    24 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Weather: 70s and beautiful

    States: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas

    Cities: Williams, Albuquerque, Dodge city, Las Vegas (?)

    Miles: 995 miles

    Hours: 14 hrs 45 min


    Hotel/Home: Fairfield

    Audible: Resisting Happiness (a couple chapters at a time), Adrift

    We packed up early and hit the road at 6:30 AM. We had a long day ahead of us. It always seems so impossible to drive these 14 hour jaunts. It is daunting. We just keep ticking off the miles and hours. It is actually pretty cool to pass through towns and down roads across the country that you may have never know existed. The landscape keeps changing. The people keep changing. When you hear about a storm or an event on the news, you can say you’ve been there. You have left a footprint there.

    Our weather has been fabulous the whole trip. No rain, mostly blue skies and beautiful spring like weather. Warmer in California and Las Vegas. Our trips have been charmed. I will admit that we are all ready to get home and give each other some space but that is expected, right? We have been within 5 feet of each other for 15 days. We all have our own personalities (which are much different with teenagers) which often conflict. I will say that our kids don’t dread being on these trips though. They never complain about doing any of it and never have. Thank God. They truly enjoy seeing different places,eating different foods from different places in the country and even meeting people from those places. This trip has been great because we have been able to see family and friends along the way and see where they live. We saw my sister, Heather in San Francisco, the McCormicks in Santa Cruz, my nephew Cody in LA, the Lanstra’s in Pasadena, Paul’s brother, Dave in Vegas and our niece Emily in Missouri. They are all part of our blog of trips and our blog books. A part of our history. Life is good.

    We have spent a lot of driving time listening to books as well. This Resisting Happiness book is a good one. It is a Catholic based book that makes you dig deeper into your faith and even more, creating a better version of yourself. It really got all of us thinking and wanting to be more active in that pursuit. We listen to a couple of chapters a day because it is a thinking and processing book. The kids have been listening, too. We don’t expect them to get everything we do out of it but they will pick up things here and there. Its about being a good person, using faith as a guide, helping others, how you present yourself and more. It is funny that a lot of the topics hit on things we were already talking to the kids about like how you present yourself to others. We all need to process what we learn in different ways. Paul likes to talk about it. I like to internalize myself. No way is better as long as we are all willing to look at ourselves and want to create a better version of ourselves. Break bad habits and create new and positive ones. It is a great book and the author reads it on audible.

    For most of the 14 hour drive, we listened to the book, Adrift. A true story that was made into a movie. I have not seen the movie but Elizabeth had and said it was totally different than the book. It is a good driving book because it takes you on a sailing journey where the detail emerges you in the experience but at the same time, it’s not all critical to the story. At one point, I fell asleep and didn’t seem to miss anything and later Paul did the same. Not to say that it was unimportant to the story but not so important if you missed something, you missed the point of the story. It really passed time. Nothing terribly exciting or as engaging as Lion (A Long Journey HOme which we LOVED).

    As night fell, we ended up on these smaller highways that got up to 70 miles an hour and down to 35 miles per hour as they led us through one little town America after another. Each having corn or wheat fields flanking each end and giant grain silos and factories in the towns. We know that if you live there, chances are you will work there like your father or mother did and as your grandparents may have. Each town no longer than a mile stretch. In and out for hours. We finally reached Dodge City, yes the city where the cowboy phrase, “Get outta Dodge,” came from. I can see why. It smelled like poop all through the town. It is actually a fairly nice town until you get out of the car.Cow poop smell everywhere. I suppose you get used to it. Maybe the wind changes. I don’t know. We grabbed our Pizza Hut Pizza and got outta Dodge.
    We arrived in Salina around 11PM. We hit the sheets for our 4.5 hour drive to Columbia, MO to see our niece Emily at Mizzou. I will tell you that the Fairfield that we stayed in was one of the nicest that we’ve stayed in across the country. Marriott, Bonvoy, is revamping their hotels again and their image. I like it. I love Marriott. They are so consistent across the country. They never feel dirty, the people are nice and the rooms are comfy. I am creeped out by hotels but never a Marriott. We have stayed in close to 40+ different ones across the country. Different levels from Renaissance to Courtyard to Fairfield. We are now Platinum Elite with three night short of Lifetime Platinum Elite. We get some perks from that. Just know that Marriotts are consistent across the country, Fairfield’s and Springhilll Suites have suite rooms accommodating up to 6 people and they have free breakfast, they have clean rooms with clean white bedding and are never in bad neighborhoods. Important when traveling with a car full of stuff. They really take pride in their brand.

    Tomorrow to Columbia.
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  • Giorno 14

    Columbia MO

    25 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Weather: 70s and beautiful

    States: Kansas and Missouri

    Cities: Salina and Columbia

    Miles: 300

    Hours: 4 hrs 16 min

    Sites: University of Missouri

    Restaurant: Sycamore

    Hotel/Home: Springhill Suites (another revamped Marriott)


    Audible: Resisting Happiness and An Interview with God (Made into a Movie)

    A shorter drive today to Columbia to see Emily. We arrived around 3 PM, checked into our hotel and headed to pick up Emily and her friend Lauren. Unfortunately, Ben started feeling sick last night. We hoped it would pass by morning. He wasn’t great all day. He still wanted to try to come with us to see Emily. I could tell he was just going through the motions. Emily greeted us outside her Delta Delta Delta house and took us in for a tour. Fun to see where she lives. We drove near the well known rec center built by the founder of Walmart. We parked and walked to the rec center for a tour. Ridiculous place. They have a water park, racketball courts, basketballl courts, volleyball courts, a workout gym and a ginormous sport swimming pool. The place is ridiculous. She excitedly showed us around. We saw the journalism school. We saw where her store is going to be next year that she had to write a business plan for and compete for a store front, Housey Designs. Proud of her. She paints jackets, coolers and canvas. They also body paint. Emily took Paul to his Fraternity which had NO resemblance to his fraternity at MSU. It was a really nice building with rules and regulations that made Paull’s chapter look like vigilantes. Pledges have to study 4 hours a day, 5 days a week no matter what. Grades are super important. They cannot drink in the house or have parties in the house. Paul chuckled the whole time at the stark contrast. I was feeling relieved that if my kids join one, maybe it will be a little safer. We shall see.
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  • Giorno 14

    The Sycamore Columbia MO

    25 aprile 2019, Stati Uniti ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    After we walked around, she took us to a restaurant she worked at over the summer, The Sycamore. It is a trendy small plate kind of place. Our kind of place. Once again, we filled the table with all kinds of food. Ben wasn’t eating or feeling well.He took his first Uber back to the hotel. He must not have felt well because he took me up on it immediately.

    After dinner, we started walking back to the car picking up a Bird (scooter) along the way. We all gave it a try. We dropped Lauren off at the house and Emily worked her magic and got us into the baseball field after dark. A friend of hers who is a starting pitcher met us there and gave us a tour of the field, the locker room (peeewww), and the cages and such. Super cool. The kid was so nice explaining everything and answering our questions. Nice end to the night. We dropped Emily off and said our goodbyes. We grabbed some tacos and went back to the hotel. Our last leg home tomorrow. We are getting anxious to be home. Another great trip. Good night.
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