
settembre 2020 - settembre 2021
Un’avventura di 365 giorni di Robin & Lara Leggi altro
  • 48impronte
  • 1paesi
  • 365giorni
  • 227fotografie
  • 1video
  • 21,9kchilometri
  • 4,2kchilometri
  • Giorno 8

    Narooma, NSW, Australia

    16 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Narooma, a beautiful little town on the south coast. Although smallish it still has so much to offer. A beautiful coast line of beaches, Australia rock, lovely locals - we met ours favourite locals at Compleat Angler - lovely English man helped us choose a beach rod, learn some fishing tips and told us about the local seals - and the bottle shop guy - who told us about some nice brewery’s in the area. Love meeting people who go the extra mile to make you feel welcome and ensure you know all the right places to go!!

    We didn’t stay in Narooma; but recommend a day their definitely :)
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  • Giorno 9

    Green Cape

    17 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Drove south to the pinnacles in ben Boyd national park and met acacia and sweetypetey who own a ski venture business in Thredbo. Ran into them again in Eden, they suggested not to miss green cape... and jezz they weren't wrong! We caught 2 fish (1 yellow fin witting and 1 blue swimmer) and 1 huge octopus! On top of it Bittangabee campground was beautiful, Lara went skinny diping in the sea. We had some delicious oysters bought in Eden.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 9

    The Pinnacles, NSW, Australia

    17 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    The Pinnacles is a easy short loop walk. The walk takes you through the world heritage listed rainforest of Ben Boyd National Park. Was a very short loop unless you can figure out how to get down to the beach :) Ben Boyd was also destroyed by the fires :(Leggi altro

  • Giorno 10

    Bombala - “The meeting of the waters”

    18 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We started travelling towards the snowy mountains and decided to go through Bombala. Drove through South East Forest National park. The ride was long with miles of burnt trees from the bushfires. Big log trucks sharing the road. Got to Bombala. Got yelled at by the lady at the servo as apparently water is triple the price, so filling your water at a petrol station in remote areas is probably a no no. But we learnt our lesson. We stayed at a quiet little caravan park in Bombala near the river. Although not much to do the river has platypuses (impossible to see clearly but can see their movements), horses riding by and a really nice hot shower :)

    For dinner we had the Yellow Fin whiting Robin caught at Green Cape. Had it grilled with lemon and pepper with potatoes and salad. Was YUMMMMY
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  • Giorno 11

    Anglers Reach and Caravan Park

    19 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    We headed to Anglers Reach - a small little town on Lake Eucumbene. We headed here to try our luck at Trout fishing. The drive there was absolutely beautiful. We took the snowy mountain highway. We past through Dalgety and Berridale. The drive through Australian country side, mostly cattle farm, with not a soul to be seen - one car would drive past every half hour, but other wise quite and miles and miles of farm land stretching out as far as we could see.

    We stayed at Anglers Reach Caravan Park, a lovely older lady was running the place. She had been very quiet since the bush fires and COVID. And she told us we were a couple of weeks too early for the trout!

    We arrived late, so we set up camp and googled how to cook octopus! ( also a catch from Green Cape) . Although we were told by multiple people to bash it on a rock to tenderise - we decided the easier option was to boil it for an hour. We then made a octopus vindaye! Lara liked it, Robin did not (too chewy) :)

    The next morning we went fishing again. We lost 2 brand new lures and caught nothing.

    Anglers Reach was a beautiful little town. If you love fishing - we highly recommend
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  • Giorno 12

    The Pines Campground, Blowerinng

    20 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    It has been raining a lot and cold at night, so we tried to escape the weather by heading out of the Snowy Mountains. We were told by Acacia and Sweety Petey (that we met in Eden) that the weather was going to be quite bad and to avoid the Snowy Mountains. So we decided to head to Tumut as we had unfinished business with fresh water fishing, so decided to visit the Blowering Damn. We drove through on the Snowy Mountains Highway through the mountains and high altitude. There was speckles of snow, and everything was burnt. It was eye opening. The devastation of the bush fires is all across the south Coast. You can’t really escape it.

    As we were driving towards Tumut at the base of the snowy mountains, we saw some beautiful looking campsites along the Blowering Damn. So we decided to go into Tumut, pick up supplies and then head back out to the campsite called The Pines, in Kosciuszko National Park.

    The campsite was alongside the Blowering Damn. So we didn’t miss the opportunity to fish :)

    We fished till sunset and caught a small Redfin. Apparently they are a pest and should now be thrown back in the water. We didn’t know this at the time. So We threw the little one back in.

    We saw emus running about with their hatchlings. Had a nice fire and went to bed for an early start.

    We had a quick fish in the morning and then headed to the Blowering Damn look out, and walked across the Damn. Then headed to our next destination in the Bago State Forest, to the other side of then fam and we thought it had potential to get us a fish!!
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  • Giorno 13

    Bago State Forest

    21 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Bago State Forest is on the less accessible side of the Blowering Dam (We only realised after that it was 4WD only) and the weather was not on our side. After checking out the first few campgrounds, we decided they were spot too windy and decided to look further into the forest. On the way (against Lara's warnings and against the advice of a local from Tumut fishing and camping shop: "stay away from the “nice green patches” known as ‘wet spots’ by the lake as you will get bogged up to your axel") Robin decided to drive straight on to a ‘nice green patch’ of grass and instantly the car instantly sunk inches into the ground...

    After a solid hour of digging, flattening the tyres, placing recovery tracks and getting muddy. With Lara behind the wheel and Robin pushing the car, we managed to get it out of car cemetery. Victory.

    After a little celebration, We we’re back on the road and followed foreshore drive, that winded around the lake. A large storm had hit us, with hail and heavy rain.. we drove for another half an hour on a quite difficult road and finally found a perfectly sheltered and secluded campsite right by the lake, just as the sun came out too :)

    We tried fishing in late afternoon and all day the next day from sunrise without any luck even though fish was jumping all around us (probably teasing us)...

    The Blowering dam seemed like the perfect place to catch fish but was being difficult to us...
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  • Giorno 15

    Burrinjuck Lake

    23 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    On our way to escape the bad weather and still pursuing our fishing quest, we drove north and arrived to Reflection Caravan Park on the shore of Burrinjuck Lake (the road to the free camp site at the state forest was closed).

    We finally managed to buy some worms (been hunting for about a week, apparently the worms ‘weren’t growing’ in QLD) from the local shop in the caravan park and immediately dropped hook line and sinker in the water in front of our campsite.

    Unfortunately, it seems we did not drive far enough as the bad weather was following us. Rain showers kept on coming one after the other, beautiful rainbows would appear as the rain would stop. We kept fishing through the showers and scored a Carpe at dusk! Finally!!
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  • Giorno 17


    25 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    The massive storm front was still upon us when we reached Mudgee, a region known for its good wine... so we stopped at Blacklea winery and were ‘welcomed’ by an old grumpy owner who was tired of answering questions and was hovering over the bar making us very uncomfortable, so we left his establishment in a rush! Unfortunately we were not in better luck with the next two wineries we had planned to go as they were booked out.

    We headed to Mudgee town as a massive storm was looming upon us, so we went on a pub crawl at: Mudgee brewery (grear red ale, which we got a travel size Growler, known as squiller), Woolpack hotel (nice live music), paragon hotel (cheap pizzas, average), We ended up sleeping in the parking lot in the middle of the town)...

    Next morning, although 4°, the sun was out and we got better luck with the places we visited:
    1. Gulgong old mining town (average - too many cars to get a good pic of the old buildings)
    2. Bakery - Mudgee Bakery - average and commercialised. Looks like they extended the cafe and lost its charm)
    3. Cheesery - Mudgee Cheesery yum yum
    4. Honeyree - Honey Haven Mudgee - no need to stop there just drive past, but they did a nice coffee
    5. Winery - Thistle Hill - Bought 12 bottles of 2016 shiraz at Thistle Hill Winery (We still haven't figured out where to put all this wine in the van...)
    6. Walk to The Drip Gorge (also know as the great dripping wall) in the Goulburn River National Park

    All in all we weren’t prepared for a weekend in Mudgee - everything booked out - so lesson learned to be more prepared !!
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  • Giorno 19


    27 settembre 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We spent 2 nights around Dubbo as we had some errands to run: car maintenance and administrative crap.

    Night 1: Ponto Falls Campground, got there late after our Mudgee extravaganza. Simple campsite (lots of birds and friendly ducks) - closed since covid but we went in anyway.

    Day/ Night 2: Headed to Dubbo, we stayed at a rest area to work on the car. Unfortunately, Robin spilt engine oil on the bed... so we had to pay for the crapiest caravan park just to clean the sheets at the laundry machine... We ended up at a burger joint for dinner.

    Spent the following day working on the car doing the regular service and ran some errands for Robins VISA - good thing about Dubbo, everything is 2 minutes away!! (Robin met a lovely chap who went over and above his ‘very busy schedule’ to certify his papa era. We stopped for the night at Terramungamine Camp Ground. We met Nicole and Ruby (her 15 year old dog). Nicole is a nomad who currently works with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, she told us about some nice spots around, such as a rock where aborigenese would sharpen their tools thousands of years ago. She also told us that someone got shot in the leg at the campsite we were staying at 2 weeks before. Apparently some locals like to rob the rich tourists ...

    Lara wanted to go to the zoo even thought Robin tried to convice her otherwise. The zoo was a horrible experience as school holidays had just started and Lara even admitted at the end that the zoo was dull! Animals seem bored and unhappy ..

    Was a long day, but at least the car was purring! Her engine was as happy as ever !!
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