A 73-day adventure by Rosie Read more
  • 71footprints
  • 3countries
  • 73days
  • 500photos
  • 3videos
  • 36.8kkilometers
  • 34.9kkilometers
  • Day 32

    An unexpected turn of events

    April 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Well it’s now Friday, and sorry I missed Thursday but all didn’t go as planned. When we left Belorado I wasn’t feeling good, had strained my abdo muscles and was feeling queasy, but ok to walk so we set off and as usual it was more beautiful countryside. That is for the first half. At 12 kms we got to a small town - Villafranca Montes de Oca - where everything changes…you ascend a long long climb and at the top find yourself in oak and pine forests, totally removed from the fields of below. But this time the oaks were still leafless and not as spectacular as later…

    So the second 12 kms (it was a 24 km walk!!) was up there…there was another descent and ascent down to a river, which looked horrendous, but when we came to do it remembered it was a short and sharp climb, and not too bad. Then the walk took us through pine forests, many cultivated and planted in rows…but that last 8 kms through pine trees did seem endless, and we were happy to finally arrive at San Juan de Ortega, a tiny place, but we stay at a nice hotel.

    But in the end we didn’t sleep there as I found that my muscle strain had caused a hernia and that was why I was feeling so crap…I couldn’t eat, and was nauseated…so we made the decision to get a taxi to Burgos, where we were meant to walk to today, and went to the hospital there…and so amazingly efficient…after seeing some doctors and the usual triage, they said it needed surgery and they would operate now…which they did at about 3am…so all is now sorted and we will carry on - but I will get a taxi for the first week or so while Amr walks…the plan will continue!

    So here we are in Burgos, officially for 2 days, and I feel fine but will rest and be “sensible”!!
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  • Day 33

    A day in Burgos

    April 29, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Not the day we imagined…we love Burgos and I hadn’t planned to spend the morning in hospital…we persuaded them to discharge me, but I have to say I still feel queasy, which is upsetting as I can’t face the beautiful food on offer. I also couldn’t face another lonely night in the hospital…once in the ward, it is a very solo experience…they are very nice,, and try to do a little English, but my Spanish has gone to pot under the circumstances and it is very frustrating not to be able to converse properly.

    So we did venture out a little. Amr had explored a bit yesterday too and he back on track with the city. It really is a city, with cars even going through the centre, but as charming as ever. I got to check out the cathedral and Plaza Mayor…Amr had to have dinner alone as I couldn’t be around food!

    Not sure where we stand for tomorrow…plan is for me to taxi to Hornillos del Camino, but it is a tiny place and we’ll see in the morning.
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  • Day 34

    Yet another day in Burgos

    April 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    I’m afraid that it’s mostly medical news today, and not describing the lovely green fields that we have been walking through. After discharge from hospital yesterday I still felt awful - nausea and vomiting, and in the middle of the night I knew we couldn’t go on today…had to go back to the hospital and get help…they were lovely, and a CT showed a twisted small bowel causing some obstruction which was why I felt so nauseated, and probably the cause of the whole chain of events…so here we are, Amr booked into the hotel till next Sunday and we had to readjust our walking programme…the camino people very sympathetic and understanding (can’t be the first time a medical crisis has happened on the Camino) and tonight Amr is spending on the reclining chair in my room as the hotels are full (or super expensive) as it’s a long weekend for May Day. We are good! I am on nil by mouth (thank god I don’t have to try and eat!) and just IV fluids to rest the bowel, and hopefully in a few days it will resolve…otherwise surgery, but hope not.

    Well that’s the latest. Amr will get to know Burgos really well, but it’s a lovely city and lots to see…but much more fun doing it together. Today he went to the Museum of Evolution right near our hotel, had all the time in the world for a good visit. But I do feel bad that he has to do all the mopping up and reorganisation of the trip..we hope to move on sensibly after about a week, but not sure how much walking I will be doing at first…will be cautious. Just so glad that there was a reason I was feeling bad, and that now it is being resolved. Phew…sorry, this is not really a travel report! Will try and write a bit each day, but will probably not be a huge amount to say for a little while.
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  • Day 35

    Still Burgos

    May 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Not much to say today…languishing here…but I want to respond all of you who have been sending such lovely messages, it has boosted me along and thank you all SOOO much…means a lot.

    Amr has had a visit to the castle - now in ruins - but has beautiful view down to the cathedral and city…and he enjoyed watching the May Day parades going on…he is finally back in the hotel and can sleep in a bed, after 2 nights in waiting rooms, and last night on an uncomfortable chair here…! We’ll see what tomorrow brings…
    Having trouble uploading..taken off photos to see if the words go..
    …and now with some clever tricks have managed to get some photos up!
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  • Day 36

    Post surgery

    May 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Amr here today to write update:
    Arrived to hospital to have her whisked away to theatre for operation which involved resection of a section of small bowel that caused the problem and Rosie is now back in ward and own bed. No input except IV and still has Nasogastric tube till tomorrow.
    Plan is for 5 more days in hospital then maybe 2 in Burgos Hotel till up to move on.
    Only photo is Rosie post recovery and tired +++.
    Getting to know city quite well and thankfully weather great.
    Rosie will take over tomorrow and is flattered by all the thoughts and wishes.
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  • Day 37

    More Burgos hospital

    May 3, 2023 in Spain

    Back to me but naturally not lots to say, certainly nothing interesting!! But it has been day 2 and I am as fine as can be expected I think. Amr and I have done many circuits of the corridors, I no longer have a catheter and there is promise of the nasogastric tube coming out if I behave! That is the medical bulletin.

    Amr has been here all day, so not even stories from the world outside today! They are very kind … at first I felt it was just an efficient and functional hospital, but now there are warm kindnesses … Amr was even brought a tray of lunch!! He said the soup was edible and it was a beautiful omelette! And mandarins which are his favourite fruit…and they brought a dinner tray, but he had just left…
    He has also been swamped with travel insurance forms, but they too have been very kind, spoke to me and were very sympathetic and understanding.

    My nice room mate, Mercedes, was discharged this pm…sad as she and her husband were very nice…they had walked the camino in 2019 and we had a bond. About in 60s I think. She had a simple hernia and was just overnight..Now I have a new neighbour, a bit odd, but seems ok…certainly not a neighbour from hell!
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  • Day 38

    Still Burgos, but some progress

    May 4, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Some news from inside hospital and outside. First was that last night when Amr was having some wine and tapas he witnessed a huge religious procession going through the streets…we don’t know what was but noisy and colourful!

    Then today, Amr came quite early as I’d had a bad night, not much sleep and a rather unsmiling night nurse…but the day improved - the docs say that if all continues I may be released Monday, And today they stopped the continuous IV fluids and this afternoon the NG tube came out. So far I have had camomile tea and I think I get some soup at dinner!!

    Also I forgot to mention another high point… I had a shower (helped by Amr) and washed my hair!! First time for more than a week I think. So you can imagine rejuvenation of spirits!

    Amr was again given lunch (I think they like him because not all visitors would)… and Hartley, he said the soup was good, but the chorizo and potato stew stuff was worthy of Tapavino!! And there was a salad, some chicken stuff and 2 mandarins…They really must like him!! Also will mention that masks are mandatory in the hospital…except patients in their room (and husbands - not officially)…madness…

    Then when he left he finally visited the monasterio de Santa Maria la Real de las Huelgas which we wanted to visit last time but closed on Mondays.. so now he has seen it and says he was blown away. Pics not allowed inside but he has sent some of cloisters. This is also the burial place of Eleanor of England, Queen of Castille.

    So all in all a not bad day, we walked many laps of the corridors as usual, and I am going to take the eating very slowly as just don’t want any backward progress.
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  • Day 39

    A boring report!

    May 5, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    So little to say today…the big excitement of the day was I’ve been promoted to semiliquid diet and actually had broth, puréed pumpkin and a cooked pear for lunch…wow…good thing is I feel hungry and eating has not given me nausea…all good signs. One funny thing I must relate: this is Spain, and hospital times are so different - the first human contact in the morning is about 8.30, then breakfast at about 9-9.30. Lunch 1-1.30, cup of tea (prob with cake or biscuit but I don’t rate for that) at 5.15 or so, and dinner at 8-8.30. So contrasting - by 8 o’clock in Oz I remember starting to settle people down for the night!

    Perfect Amr has been here all day…together we have walked 2 kms round the corridors (don’t worry, at a very slow pace) and this is recommended …so doing all the right things. Also Amr has had a frustrating day dealing with insurance red tape…they want docs from here about exactly what happened on admission , and a release signed by me, which I have done, so that my GP can release my records to them…all understandable but tedious, especially as this is Friday and admin is open 9 - 2pm Mon to Fri…anyway, he has been speaking to the insurance people, emailing and found a social worker here who understood and was very helpful and with whom he says he is actually in love!! - Amr liking a social worker!!! Trouble is the hospital wants a GOP form (guarantee of payment) before we go, and being the weekend who knows how long it will take….but we still hope to escape Monday, and get a bus to León on Monday or Tuesday.

    Today we did not have the friendly morning staff of yesterday and Amr was not presented with lunch…so he’s off now, and I hope he has a good meal, and he says he needs a stiff drink! Only photo is my lunch, as not even sightseeing to report.
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  • Day 40

    A few variations in hospital

    May 6, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Amr came quite early as we set up ourselves to watch the pageantry of the coronation. A fun diversion and they certainly do their pageants well. It was on Spanish TV and we also watched and listened to it on Amr’s iPad. So that kept us amused for hours! You republicans out there mightn’t agree, but it sure is a historic spectacle and fabulous music!

    Otherwise usual hospital report: I have been promoted to semiblanda! For this 5pm snack, instead of a cup of tea I got a slab of queso fresca and little packs of quince paste to go with it. And for lunch I had yogurt as well as the usual bland stuff! All stays down and I feel hungry so I think all good signs! Surgeon still hope for Monday discharge. The 5pm offering is to keep you going till dinner at 8.30…so must try and stay up till then!

    One frustration is that the nurses all wear masks and it is SO difficult to know who is who…some are obvious, but I have no idea what they really look like. We had the nice team on today and Amr was given a delicious lunch!

    So Amr is now out in the world and said he plans to have a proper dinner at a nice place he found…meanwhile he is kindling till the dinner hour and came across a group singing…he sent short video which I’ll try to include.

    Think that’s all… we did almost 2 kms circuiting the corridors.. my rather weird room mate has returned…she is a very noisy talker and I don’t get a single word she says. She gets my few words and we are amicable, but she constantly has her tv on as background- not always watching- and she snores ferociously!!! Amr brought me eyeshades for the tv flicker, and a nurse gave me ear plugs… wish me luck!!
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  • Day 41

    Sunday in hospital

    May 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    There is absolutely nothing new to report today! The city is dead on Sunday morning - Amr said he was the only person on the street when he arrived here early. Probably buzzing more now - 6pm. So we did laps - 4 kms today, and I am eating more palatable food, but just can’t stomach the potato mash without salt or fat! We went to one of the sitting rooms and listened to a podcast of Outsiders and I had a nap while Amr watched a Spanish movie or tv show. So that’s it - now is the dead time waiting for 8.15 dinner!!

    Only wrote today because if no entry you might think there was a crisis! And not even photos…

    Ah, I have a photo Amr just sent me - his delicious feast of croquettas and pimientos…so jealous!
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