
août 2023
Une aventure de 15 jours par Vicki En savoir plus
  • 13empreintes
  • 1pays
  • 15jours
  • 118photos
  • 2vidéos
  • 13,8kkilomètres
  • 12,5kkilomètres
  • Jour 12

    To Ubud

    20 août 2023, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Woke up feeling a bit ropey, not sure if it is illness or aches from yesterday, or both, thankfully an easy day today.

    I walked from the hotel, along the seafront to where I was meant to be catching the bus at 2.30. It was a nice walk, but it's pretty much resorts and hotels the whole way. I made it to the spot, found the pick up point and went in hunt of some food, preferably with air con as was sweltering (again, not sure if this was illness, the heat or both). Found a nice little cafe and sat out in the breezy garden with my mango juice and smoothie bowl, reading to kill the time. I thought I'd better check my tickets etc and that's when I realised I had booked the wrong day, 21st not 20th 🤦🏼‍♀️ couldn't get hold of the bus company to change it so had to get a blue ird taxi there instead, although a lot comfier than a bus, it cost be another 290,000. Idiot.

    Anyway, I made it to Ubud, in one piece and before the bus that I wasn't on would have gotten me there. Checked into my hotel and it is lovely! Have a carved wooden, 4 poster bed overlooking their temple/shrine and water fountain, with a pool to boot.

    Decided to do about of exploring, a quick look at Google maps showed that Ubud Palace was really near so went and had a look. Couldn't get into lots of parts of it but it was nice to walk around (and free). From here I went to the Water Palace (palace seems to mean temple) which was ok but not worth 35000 to walk up to a decorative wall and out again. They put me in a purple sarong and white jacket with a little head thing (the men had a different head thingy). Unfortunately, one of the water lily pools was being cleaned out or repaired so didn't get to see much of the water aspect. Had a nice wander round some markets before heading back, early night needed as getting up at 1.45am tomorrow.
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  • Jour 13

    Mountain hikes and clouds

    21 août 2023, Indonésie ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    1.45am start 😴
    I was collected by the driver at 2.10, who drove me and a Spanish couple up to the hike starting point, about an hour away. Once there, we waited with other bleary-eyed people, drank the tea/coffee/water, and ate biscuits quietly until our guide appeared with head torches and bamboo sticks. We left at about 3.30am and hiked for about an hour and a half. I don't think we went massively far but we all needed regular breaks as it was pretty steep in places. It was odd hiking by torchlight, trying to navigate narrow and uneven paths, knowing full well there is a big old drop next to you, you just have no idea how big. The climb up was pretty uneventful, it was cool seeing all the lights below us.

    As we got to the top, we literally walked into the clouds and stayed there. The cloud was so thick, the touch beams stopped travelling as far. It was also cold! I had been regretting the 2 pairs of trousers on the way up but grateful for them then. We had breakfast as we waited: warm banana sandwiches, a banana, an orange, a boiled egg and a chocolate bar. I did try to eat the sandwiches but could only eat half of one 🤢 after a while we could see a small bit of light and it looked like the clouds were lowering... They weren't. We did not see a sunrise at all. On the way back down, once below the clouds, the views were still good just not as spectacular as we had all hoped.

    The next bit was back to the meeting point to find our driver who would take us to the natural hotsprings! This was great. 2 hours in the hot springs after a hike and sitting in cold clouds for about an hour was perfect. There were about 7 pools, all different temperatures, all overlooking a gorgeous lake, with the sun rising in front of us. We also got a free drink as we came in, not sure what juice it was but it was delicious.

    After the hotsprings, we went to a coffee plantation. Thankfully the Spanish couple weren't fussed by this either. We were given a quick tour, including seeing a cat thing that eats the coffee beans then poos them out, they then collect the poo and make coffee from it. We did a quick tasting, avocado coffee and chocolate coffee weren't too bad and mangosteen tea was delicious, before heading back to the hotels.

    I had done 10,000 steps by 7.30am and was back at the hotel before midday. I had been planning on going and getting some food but had a couple of hours nap instead. Once awake again, I went and sat by the pool with a book for a bit before going for a wander. I spent a lot of time at the art market which was fun to walk around, it has a bit of everything. Very touristy but great stuff to look at. I had chicken and avocado curry on the way back which was very nice, I just wish they would stop putting lettuce in hot things (but at least I found the maggot/worm before eating it).
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  • Jour 14

    Me and mopeds dont mix

    22 août 2023, Indonésie ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    So I decided to hire a bike. This was not a good idea.

    After breakfast I went to set out for the rice fields, after I worked out how to turn the bloody thing on. Finally got it going and should have trusted my gut a given up and just walked. Once on the road I was ok, slow but ok and pottering along fine when I decided I didn't like it so pulled over with the plan of walking the last bit. Instead, I somehow managed to accelerate not break and crashed into a wall, breaking the front of the bike and giving myself a black eye (glasses went onto it I think) and massive bruise on my right thigh. Thankfully, some very helpful and concerned locals helped me by calling the hotel and explaining (they couldn't pick me up yet as busy), also checking I was ok and giving me tissues for my eye (I asked for ice but beggars can't be choosers). They weren't overly happy about me walking back to Ubud- about 8k they said- but I did not want to get on any bike. So walk I did, and an hour and a half later, I made it back. I actually quite enjoyed the walk in the end, nice views and interesting shops on the way and gave me time to get rid of a little of my embarrassment.

    I got back about 11 and the lovely lady at the hotel apologized to me?! She had the keys now and would go get it later. I wanted out of there so decided to walk to some of the places I had planned for today anyway. I started by going to the Champuhan Ridge walk, which was nice. It's a 2km footpath running along the edge of the city. I stopped for some lunch and a coconut before heading back.

    Next stop was the sacred monkey forest, which as the name suggests is a forest full of monkeys. It also has lots of cool statues dotted around. The monkeys were not shy but I was not in the mood to be jumped on as my leg was killing me so stayed well back. It was nice to walk around in the shade for a bit, even if I wasn't overly comfortable with the monkeys after passing a woman on my way in saying they were cute but their bites hurt, whilst rubbing her arm. Thankfully, I left with no more injuries to add to the list!

    Headed back to chill, rest my leg and pack ready to head home tomorrow.
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