Bumper & Tin Tin Tripping

juli - september 2020
A trip up the east coast of Australia from Melbourne to Coffs Harbour.
Then to Daryl’s in Sandy Beach.
Then Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park....
Possibly further north.
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  • Dag 1

    Running from the Law

    11. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Here we are in Goulburn.
    Emily officially started her 2 weeks holiday last night.
    You can tell that by how tired she is today.
    Celebrated a touch too hard last night.
    But holidays are to be celebrated, aren’t they?
    So she and Lacey are lying together on the couch watching movies.
    Winston, Emily’s cat is still hiding in the boot of the bus.
    ( He flees there every time the bus starts up, stays for the duration and emerges about 2 hours after we stop.)
    Lacey, my little miniature poodle and bundle of energy, on the other hand has to be spoken rather sternly as she sits on the front seat as we drive ...
    “Are we there yet?”
    “Are we there yet?”
    So I have to explain that it is about a 3 hour drive ... happy with that explanation, she curls up and sleeps the miles away.

    What a trip we have had so far.
    Crossed into NSW with no problem.
    Stayed at the Lake Hume Resort.
    Managed to test out my kayak when my cousin Michael bought his kayak over and we paddled the lake.
    Magnificent sun
    Large fire that night in our fire pit.
    Very, very, very foggy when we woke up.
    Couldn’t see the Lake!

    We had a wonderful time here.
    The lake was magnificent.
    Bumper works so well.
    The fire at night overlooking the lake is spectacular.
    So is the Full Moon.
    Another spot for our ‘Full Moon’ memories.

    Emily didn’t bring the pump that came with the paddle board.
    She has a battery powered pump.
    Turns out that does not connect properly so the air rushes out before she can seal it so the paddle board was not pumped up as hard as she would like.
    “Give it a try, eh?”

    So funny.
    It bent in the middle when she sat on it and, wetsuit and all, in the lake she went when she tried to stand up.

    I can’t talk.
    Twice I tried to get out of the kayak with one foot still in it.
    Did the splits as the kayak moved away from me, still with one foot in it.
    Straight into the water, bottom first.
    We were hysterical.

    There was talk of ‘extending the border’ further north to stop Victorians coming further into NSW.
    We gotta go.
    We did not want to leave the Hume.
    Had a magnificent time here.

    So, next morning, backed Bumper and Tin Tin back towards Rolly’s house ...
    ( Friend of Auntie Meryl and Uncle John. Lovely man. We catch up each time I am here.)
    Up the steep hill...
    Out of the park ...
    And straight into a police roadblock 50 metres outside the caravan park.
    Funny chat .
    ( Well we were in NSW at that stage)
    Funny place to have a roadblock....
    And then all 5 policemen stood and waved goodbye to “Mum”
    ( That’s my Mum. That’s my Mum )

    Off to Gundagai.

    Wow, what a trip.
    We feel we are running from the law here.
    Everywhere we stop has tales about what will happen further north.

    Gundagai was lovely!
    I loved walking the Main Street.
    Talked to heaps of friendly people.
    Bought a pair of shoes, leather, that don’t let my feet get soaking wet when I walk Lacey early in the morning.

    So as we are now trying to keep ahead of any further shutdowns, we are not casually meandering up the east coast, stopping at little towns when we feel like it, staying a couple of days if we feel like it.
    We are running up the middle to get to Coffs as soon as we can.
    Then we can be parked at his house for the duration of our isolation.

    We were able to book at Goulburn with no problem.
    Have a en-suite site.... lovely... it’s been 2 or 3 degrees at night.
    So it is great to warm up that little bathroom with our heater and just enjoy the shower!

    But we tried to book in Wollongong but were told they had been advised that caravan parks are not allowed to have anyone from Victoria stay who has not isolated for 14 days.
    We haven’t.
    So hence the run to Daryl’s.
    Might be free camping tomorrow night.

    Well that’s it really.
    Not sure if this blog will be interesting to anyone.
    Driving and sleeping really.... ( when we are not running )
    Just a diary of our trip.
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  • Dag 1

    Just Goulburn

    11. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Left Gundagai at 10 am.
    Arrived Goulburn about 11.45 am.

    It absolutely poured most of the way.
    Cleared up by Goulburn so we could settle into our site.
    I am sleeping In Bumper tonight on the couch.
    That way we only pay for one site.
    And I don’t have to repack Tin Tin in the morning.
    (That kayak would be very wet to pack back in tomorrow morning)
    It is raining very heavily outside.
    Emily has wound her awning out about 2 feet so we have cover over the door and are undercover to walk into the en-suite. Hahaha.

    This blog will only allow you to add 5 or 6 photos per entry.
    Would not have worked for me writing a blog overseas.
    But will add them as I can.

    Looks like being a very quiet rest of the day.
    Movies, I think.
    Or a good book.

    Loudest clap of thunder!
    And lightening lit up the whole area.
    May be staying another night if the rain continues like this.
    It is torrential.
    It’s racing down the road in rivers.

    Heater going beautifully in here.
    I am sitting at Emily’s desk in Bumper writing away.
    We are snug.
    And Winston had emerged from the boot.
    All is right here
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  • Dag 2

    So near, and yet so far.

    12. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Bit tired tonight.
    We are booked into a pet friendly motel in Taree for the night.

    We left Goulburn at 9am this morning and it was such a glorious day.
    The rain had disappeared and the sun was shining.
    And I found the chocolate milk in Bumper’s fridge.
    Emily had bought it for me and I had forgotten.
    So I had chocolate milk with toast!
    Great breakfast!!!

    Wonderful driving day..
    We went a lot further than planned because we were having fun.

    Very glad we were driving around Sydney on a Sunday.
    If that was the traffic skirting Sydney on a Sunday, heaven only knows what it is like on a weekday.

    But as we headed north, the traffic was thinning.
    Lots of people coming back into Sydney on the other side of the road though.

    So I am following Bumper.
    Looking at those perfectly painted rubbers and back window...
    And Emily leads the way...
    Heading into Taree .... about 2km out ....
    Emily pulls over to the side of the road....
    I pull in behind her and put the Emergency lights on flash.
    Something has dropped down under Bumper.
    Something quite big.
    Being as mechanically minded as we are we thought, “That doesn’t look good.”

    And it didn’t.

    Rang RACV..... luckily both have Total Care (planned)
    Driving a 1981 bus and a 20 year old Hi Ace .... can’t do without it.
    RACV very confused, then rang NSW version and got things organised.

    A lovely ‘man in a van’ Glenn arrived.
    Thought he was Ted’s brother (Phyll and Ted)
    So we had a ball.
    ( He didn’t think it looked good either.)
    Rang the tow truck.
    He arrived.
    Loaded poor Bumper onto the back of a truck and followed that truck into Taree.
    Moved Winston into Tin Tin....
    Took all we thought Emily needed out of Bumper...
    And left him sitting forlornly outside the mechanics.

    Booked into this pet friendly motel
    (Didn’t know they existed.)
    Very comfortable.
    500 metres from the mechanics.
    Emily will head down there in the morning.

    We are 2.5 Hours from Daryl and Martine’s at Sandy Beach.
    So near, and yet so far.....

    Depending on what is said tomorrow.
    Obviously need a new tail shaft (or drive shaft ... whatever that thing is)
    But will have to wait for parts I think.
    Both RACV guys said it looks like a bolt has come loose or sheared off.

    So we think that we will leave Bumper to be fixed, drive to Sandy Beach and have fun...
    And come back down to pick up Bumper.

    That’s the plan tonight.
    Subject to change ....

    We are fine.
    You just deal with it.
    And very comfy watching TV on a very big bed in the motel room.

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  • Dag 3

    Bought the wrong gear ....

    13. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Daryl was pointing out his favourite fishing and surfing spot while we were whale watching yesterday.

    He said the other day, took his fishing gear to this beach. No fish anywhere but the waves were magnificent.
    “ Bought the wrong gear. “ he thought.

    Went back the next day, with his surf board, about to wade in .... and an 8 foot grey nurse shark swam in front of him in about 2 feet of water.

    “Bought the wrong gear. “ he thought.
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  • Dag 3

    Coffs here we come!

    13. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    So an early rise in our ‘Pet Friendly ‘ Motel.
    What a beautiful view of the Lake.
    Emily headed off in Tin Tin to talk to the mechanic.
    And then to a pet shop to get a cat cage for Winston.
    Figured he’d be safer and more comfortable in that for the trip up the highway.
    Emily had spoken to RACV Total Care....
    Will pay for the motel.
    And a hire car for the time it is needed.
    And accomodation until Bumper is ready to go again.
    So we searched and searched for accomodation to (seriously) take advantage of this offer.

    Unfortunately, all wonderful beachside cabins or BnBs were either booked solid, not pet friendly (understandable) or way too expensive.
    Really thought that was going to be another side to this trip.
    I rang car hire places while Emily was gone.
    Found a car ...
    Packed everything I owned and all Emily’s that she might need from Bumper into Tin Tin....
    He was pretty full, let me tell you.
    Just as well we were only 2 and a half hours from Daryl.
    Sleeping in Tin Tin was no longer an option.

    Off to Taree Airport to pick up the hire car.
    I love country airports.
    They are so small.
    And just so perfect inside.
    While we waited for the hire car to be filled with petrol, I wandered inside.
    Used the hand sanitiser in the bathrooms and commented to Emily how ‘foamy’ it was on the hands.
    She collapsed in hysterics.
    What I finally managed to get out of her was that wasn’t hand sanitiser, it was liquid soap.
    Yep, hands very, very sticky for a very long time.

    Car’s ready.
    No pets.
    Of course not.
    (Well if you are already running, one more offence is no going to make that much of a difference, is it?)

    It’s a silver 4 wheel drive, auto Nissan Xtrail.
    And we were off.

    Now when you are as car savvy as I am, and you are used to following a large bus with perfectly painted back window and rubbers, I could have lost the Xtrail as easy as blinking.
    I stuck to that car like glue.
    She was navigating after all.

    Wonderful trip up the highway.
    Perfect roads.
    We have had some bumpy rides along the way but this was great.
    And magnificent blue skies as far as you could see.
    And I was driving in a t-shirt!

    The miles slipped away....

    And then we were parking in front of Daryl and Martine’s house in Sandy Beach NSW!!!!!!

    Wonderful greetings.
    Lacey and Scout, Daryl’s dog checked each other out, decided that they were OK.
    Did a tour of the house after the renovations .... looks absolutely magnificent!

    Then a Daryl drove us to look at the beaches.
    Up to the tower as we watched a whale breech...
    Many more whales spouting....
    And the occasional fin.
    The whale pass Sandy Beach each year, thousands of them.
    Checked out Woolgoolga ( Woopi) to the locals.
    Emily bought knee and wrist pads to wear when ‘One Wheeling’ .... more to follow on that.

    Then food shopping.
    Back to put in a pork roast ( I didn’t do that. Looked crowded in the kitchen with Daryl and Emily in there.)
    Lovely night sound the open fire in the back yard.
    Then wonderful dinner.
    Then absolutely hysterical night on the back deck.
    It poured with rain.

    And then instantly stopped.
    And we we undercover the whole time, just lapping it up.

    Bed time.
    Emily is sleeping in Tin Tin as Winston is living in there at the moment.
    Both Daryl and Martine are allergic to cats.
    Safer for Winston too.
    He’s very comfortable and has a 360 degree view and sleeps with his favourite girl.
    He’s OK.

    Great, great day.
    And lovely to be here.
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  • Dag 4

    The beach and the house

    14. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Beautiful renovation by Daryl and a Martine.
    It is simply stunning and we certainly don’t want to be anywhere else!!!!

  • Dag 4

    One Wheeling on Sandy Beach

    14. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Both slept wonderfully.
    Daryl off for a quick surf.
    He has to self isolate since he left Mum’s so is home with us.
    Martine has to as well now so is working in the study.
    Daryl instantly back.
    Waves only knee high.

    Emily, Lacey and I off to Sandy Beach.
    Long, long walk along the beach.
    Spots of rain. Then it stopped.
    Lacey ran all up and down the beach.
    Loved it.

    And Emily bought out the big guns ... the ONE WHEEL!
    It’s a motorised skate board.
    Her first time trying it.
    She was amazing.
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  • Dag 4

    Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park

    14. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Went with Daryl, Martine and Scout to check out the sites we have booked at Woopi Caravan Park.
    All the caravan parks are full.
    People travelling north to get to warmer weather.
    I booked these sites several weeks ago and still couldn’t get 2 sites together.
    So was keen to see what they were like.
    Lovely little caravan park.
    Right on the beach but sheltered by trees.
    Apparently we can walk 5 kms to Sandy Beach at low tide.
    I think Emily will be trying that on the One Wheel!
    ( I’ll just jog along behind.)
    So right on the beach but also flanked by the lake.
    Very shallow lake that is formed by a creek running into the sea, and becomes wider every time the tide comes in.
    Lots of sandbars at low tide.
    Perfect for the kayak and paddle board.

    The sites look great.
    I’m ready.
    Booked in from 5th August.
    Me for 6 weeks.
    Emily for 3 months.
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  • Dag 5

    Beach Day today

    15. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Amazing day today.
    Woke to a brilliant blue sky,
    Sunshine EVERYWHERE!
    And it was warm.
    Went to the beach 3 times!!!!
    The waves were enormous from the weather that has been hitting Sydney the last 24 hours.
    As soon as we crested the hill .... wow ....
    All we could see was white foam.
    Looked amazing.
    Long walks on the beach.
    Three times!!!!!!
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  • Dag 5

    Then we checked out The Lake

    15. juli 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Headed to Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park to check out the lake...
    Love this location.
    The tide was coming in so rushing into the lake.
    But there are sandbars everywhere so it is so shallow.
    And the water is crystal clear.
    This will be fun to play on!
    And right next to the park.

    Oh and Daryl painted the roof of his house.
    AND made dinner.

    AND ....
    Emily bought a Postie Bike.
    ( I’ll never keep up now )

    This holiday adventure is getting better and better.
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