reiste i 7 land Les mer
  • Dag 47

    Exploring Rio

    2. januar 2018, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    It's the second day of January. New years eve in Rio was unbelievable in every sense of the word. I have never seen so many fireworks. Copacabana beach itself had 10 of the Wellington-size barges alone. The pushing crowds trying to get on the beach after 11pm were fun to begin with but soon got grating. Louis and I lost Eyob at about 11:45 (he's fine, don't worry).

    Louis and Eyob spent all of new years day recovering so I decided to walk to Botafogo, the suburb directly above Cobacabana. I think this is what they call an 'up-market' district (ie no slums/favelas). Leafy paths, expensive restaurants and great views. I'd live there.

    To be honest, we haven't done much sightseeing, but I don't mind. The heat is oppressive and I like just walking around. I could write about some interesting things. The guy next door to us walks around with a glock in his waistband, but you'd all prefer to hear about the tourist sights, right?

    Pics: (1) Fireworks; (2) View from Botafogo of Sugarloaf Rock; (3) Leblon beach.
    Les mer

  • Dag 44

    No news...

    30. desember 2017, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    ... is good news. Didn't do much today as got up late and spent all day trying to find an open laundromat. Aim to visit Christ statue or Sugarloaf mountain tomorrow.

    Probably won't post tomorrow as out for new years.

    Happy new year all.
    Les mer

  • Dag 44

    New Zealand 4 - Brazil 3

    30. desember 2017, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Our hostel is in a favela 10 minutes walk from Copa Cobana beach. This place is well-known for its beach football - Neymar probably played here. Our hostel had a ball in the corner so we headed down.

    The waves are big here so, after a thorough buffeting, we had a kick around on one of the beach football pitches (see last post photo). As happens to us all over the world when a ball comes out, a few other guys soon come up and want a game. Brazilians vs kiwis. They thought they were in for an easy win vs a couple of jet-lagged gringos but we gave them a lesson in physicality and won 4-3. There's no ref to whine to in street football.

    Rest of day was spent on a celebratory parade/walk down the beach with some guy from Liverpool.

    Not much else happened actually. We played some Argentinians later. They won but were cheats and kept pushing us in the back. Was tempted to launch a few jibes regarding the Falklands (their government insists on calling them the malvinas or something) but decided not to.

    Later had a barbacue on hostel balcony. Had to go inside halfway through due to some possible gunfire we could hear (no joke).

    No pics sorry as we decided to leave our phones locked at the hostel.
    Les mer

  • Dag 43

    Rio: Hot

    29. desember 2017, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We have landed in a sauna. The fan is on full and we are all shirtless.

    Will post more tomorrow, just wanted to update you all.

  • Dag 41

    Adios Peru

    27. desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    This'll probably be my last Peru post. We leave in 22 hours for Rio.

    I've enjoyed spending a lengthy 25 days in one place. It is a welcome change from the flight-every-week schedule we've been on through Ecuador and Colombia. Peru's other advantage is that it is well-developed (for South America) yet still pretty cheap. We were paying $7 NZ a night each in Puno.

    Visited the Circuito Magico Del Auga last night - a sort of fountain theme park. Very good. Pics attached.

    I write this overlooking the President John F Kennedy park. Built to honour him giving Peru a load of cash in his short Presidency. Now full of cats, fed and sheltered by the local council. Like Louis suggested in his post, I always get the impression the South Americans dislike the US and its meddling (which makes the Thomas Edison drive here even more puzzling). JFK is everyone's favourite Catholic though. Just ask Marilyn Monroe.

    There are "Welcome Francis" banners everywhere as the Pope is visiting soon. He's no doubt coming to bless the Christmas miracle that was President Kuczynski beating his corruption charge.

    Pics: (1) Fountain; (2) Louis in fountain; (3) Another fountain; (4) Miraflores; (5) More Miraflores.
    Les mer

  • Dag 40


    26. desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Our final leg in Peru ends in probably the least Peruvian city in Peru. Lima is both capital and biggest city, holding a third of the country's entire population (11 million). It means Peru suffers from over-centralization of wealth, human resources, media coverage etc (like London, for example) but I won't write about that now.

    We are staying in Miraflores. This leafy suburb is where the Peruvian elites raise their families. Predictably well-policed and well-stocked with Starbucks, McDonalds etc. We're not complaining though - we appreciate the familiarity international franchises bring to foreign places.

    We are in the Pariwana hostel, a party-place "where the fun never stops". Sometimes I wish it would so we could all get some sleep, but for the most part, everyone is pretty good company. I'm writing this at 2:30 am so perhaps not that bothered. As you all know, I sleep very little anyway.

    Les mer

  • Dag 38

    Merry Christmas (NZ Time)

    24. desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Christmas eve in Puno. Spent much of it researching future accomodation. Rio over new years is very expensive and largely booked. We'll find something but should've probably booked earlier. Chalk it up to experience.

    I think we're all missing Christmas at home a little (though the others will deny it). Christmas lunch tomorrow will not be of the same fare as in Wellington. Looking forward to Brazil though.

    We're flying in to Lima at 11:30 pm. Might see Santa delivering a few final presents.

    Pics: (1) Puno; (2) Leftover All Whites poster: Rojas, Reid, Boxall (!) and Marinovic.
    Les mer

  • Dag 37

    Bon Voyage

    23. desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    This confounded continent insists on repeatedly making me sick. While Louis and Eyob are spending the day sailing Lake Tittikaka, I've spent most of it in bed.

    On the bright side, a ton of football has been on TV today. Started with the nix (lost), then El Clasico, then Juve v Roma and now, as I write, Man United are playing.

    We did 'sail' the lake ourselves yesterday. You can hire a paddle boat for 7 soles (though we bargained it down to 5). Our good ship had a fearsome dragon prow but Captain Eyob steadfastly refused our requests to ram other paddlers.

    Pics: (1) HMS The Green Dragon; (2) 'I am the captain now'; (3) 2 games at once.
    Les mer

  • Dag 36

    Puno Time

    22. desember 2017, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    According to Lonely Planet, Puno is Peru's hottest new tourist attraction. Presumably they based this on its access to the lake, as the town isn't much to write home about.

    Narrow streets and water-filled pot holes dominate. Playing dodgems with the local drivers is fun until someone gets run over. Cusco was far nicer to stay in (at least the cordened touristy part we were in was).

    It's cold here as well. I am wearing 3 layers. We are looking to see how much it costs to hire a boat and sail it on the harbour. A live baby Alpaca here is NZ 20 so hopefully sailing your own boat for a day is not much more.

    Pic: the local super mercado - note the close proximity of meat and wild dogs (probably where our dinner last night came from).
    Les mer

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