A short but fine adventure by Vander Wonders Read more
  • 16footprints
  • 1countries
  • 4days
  • 79photos
  • 0videos
  • 31kilometers
  • Day 1

    Arrived in KL

    January 9, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    After an 8 hour flight from the Gold Coast we arrived in KL and even at the airport things looked different from what we are use to.

    We managed to draw some cash and get a pre-paid sim to get an uber to our airbnb home.

    Before we could even request an uber, some random taxi driver saw us and said he will take us wherever we need to go for the same price as uber, so we first figured out what uber will cost and then jumped in with him, he got us to the place ok but we had to close our eyes a couple of times as we could not bear to watch him weave through traffic, almost like a scooter in the third lane in Bermuda but just with 500 times more traffic to deal with.

    Our airbhb host Shin, met us downstairs of the apartment building with a hug. She was very welcoming and showed us around her house and then took us out for dinner to a Chinese place. Isabel expected a very nice Chinese restaurant thus was a bit sceptic of the food when she saw that the Chinese place was just a bit better than a food stall.
    I on the other hand was expecting this so had no problem to dig in, and boy was the food good.

    After dinner Shin showed us around the neighborhood and we got ready for a good nights rest in a nice freezing cold bedroom.

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  • Day 2

    KL by foot

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    I woke up, redid my vietnam visa... well between a computer glitch and my own shortcomings I entered Roedolf DOB instead of mine for my visa. Luckily its fixable in 48 hours before we arrive on Friday and only $19 "skoolgeld"!! Lesson learned you can never triple check enough.

    We decided to beat the heat and walk to the KL towers from our airbnb. It was a fascinating experience... health and safety hazards all around... smelly markets that almost left me puking and just watching KL life. Being a mom here has it's challenges. She calmly crossed the road and juggled the traffic. I was fascinated by this scene.

    7 hours away from Aus, we are embracing the 3rd world flat white

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  • Day 2

    Petronas Twin Towers

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Petronas Twin Towers were once the tallest buildings in the world. Now the world’s tallest twin structures, the 88-storey buildings with both towers joined at the 41st and 42nd floors (175m above street level) by a 58 metre-long, double-decker Sky Bridge.

    These are such magnificent structure, it almost blows your mind that they stand here and not in a city like NYC. You basically can see the twin towers from almost everywhere in KL and the contrast is so striking, in the minds of the little poor streets these monster towers in the background.

    The 3rd world just have such a divide between rich and poor, in this city it is clear as daylight.

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  • Day 2

    Exploring and tasting

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    1 USD buys you 4.5 Ringgit so celebrating 100 days of traveling in Malaysia makes me feel like we can live like royalties. Halfway on our walk this morning I spotted the Renaissance hotel where we ran in for some air con water and a decent western coffee. (That was after a terrible watery Malaysian filter coffee at the airbnb- I had to get my fix)

    After our mini break we walked down to KL Patronas twin tours, a marvelous high rise building which is symbolic of the future and possibilities of Malaysia. There are amazing designer shops (which Roedolf wasn't very optimistic about) the aircon didn't even convince him.

    We found a great Japanese lunch spot. I found comfort in the decor and general cleanliness of the restaurant. It is definitely a hotspot for corporate people. As we walked in I found peace of mind in the hygiene of the open plan kitchen where the food was prepared. I thought I was adventurous and ordered a local canned ice tea well it was not quite what I had in mind. I thought its reasonably healthy and looks refreshing but it was basically very very bitter cold tea. The food made up for it and it was really delicious, specially the miso soup and salmon &rice. The sushi was different from what our western palates are used to but still pretty good.

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  • Day 2

    Walking tour

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We signed up by for Kampong Bahru walking tour at 4.30pm. It was amaZing to learn about how the traditional houses were built to avoid flooding, the two separate entrances for men and women when there are guests, off course the female entrance was at the kitchen. The Malay culture and history with the British invading for some tin mining and then the Japanese later on was also pretty interesting.

    Along the way we stopped at some food stalls, we tried some of the fruit, sweets and snacks but honestly its very weird and it tastes nothing like the image that your senses create by looking at it. Roedolf captured some priceless facial expressions of me. I am totally out of my comfort zone with the food.

    An adventurous day with lots and lots of walking and moments of speechlessness that will last for a lifetime!!

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  • Day 2

    Authentic Malay

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We headed to Kampong Bharu, meaning "new village", for a free guide walking tour, or as the Malayans say "jalan-jalan".

    Amazing that the government actually sponsor these tours as it really brings Malaysia to life for a foreigner like me. Kampong Bharu is a piece of land that the British gave to the local Malayan people to basically segregate the different racial groups in Malaysia, namely Malayans, Indians and the Chinese. Typical British, they have always been trying to segregate people.

    We walked by several authentic Malayan houses some of which are over 100 years old, and the contrast between these houses and the modern high rises in this city is amazing.

    My personal highlight was the Food street that only served authentic Malayan foods, our guide bought some fruits and other snacks for all of us to taste. My highlight was to witness Isabel so far out of her comfort zone. I learnt something new about my wife today, I never knew she was so bad when it comes to food, first she ran out of the food market this morning in order not to puke and then she could barely swallow a coconut/bamboo treat. Basically when it comes to food her adventurous spirit ends at gourmet western dishes.

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  • Day 2

    Nasi Lemak

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    After the walking tour we headed back to the food street to try the Nasi Lemak, which is apparently the Malayan national dish, it is a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf. Nasi lemak is served with anchovies, peanuts, boiled egg, lamb curry, cucumber, and traditional chili paste.

    It took some convincing to get Isabel to agree to at least share a plate with me. However after trying it I am not going back for this anytime soon.

    Then we went to a little street market near our airbnb and Isabel wanted to try a less interesting dish called Murtabak, it is basically a stuffed pancake. We took beef and cheese filling. This was actually very good and I would not mind having that again.

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  • Day 2

    Comfort zone

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I expected a yummy coconut sweet and the sensation of a green melt in the mouth leamington (krimpvarkie) AND IT WAS NOTHING LIKE IT ...then Roedolf finished it with a smile

  • Day 2

    Grinch!! Eish

    January 10, 2017 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Fish anyone? The Malay people is ALL over chillies and spice!! Everything we have tried so far have a bite to it even the meal on Air Asia!! Well I don't have to say much the pictures will tell the story.

    My favorite to date is the wrap kind off thing called Murtabak combak with beef and cheese! I did not even bother with the curry sauce that you are suppose to dip it into.

    This was an hour after we tried Nasi Lemak which is a traditional Malaysian dish, I said up front to Roedolf I can't do it {"ek sien nie kans nie" - to be exact} we ended up ordering one and I had a few bites.

    Eat your heart out!! Eish

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