For years now I've been obsessed about seeing the world, yet only touched a few countries in Europe. Now, I am finally about to explore Nepal and the Himalayas in all their stunning glory. Follow me on my journey :) Les mer Paralimni, Cyprus
  • Dag 27

    Arrived at Pokhara

    30. desember 2017, Nepal

    Well, I've arrived after a long horrible bus journey to Pokhara. It is the biggest city (after Kathmandu) and I must say its very different but in a good way.

    It's clean, vibrant, fresh and full of life. I planned my visit here to coincide with new years as they have a street festival where the main streets are closed to traffic and many stalls are set up selling gifts and food. Bring on the MoMo's!!!

    I love the location of Pokhara, set on the side of the huge Phewa Lake I decided to take a boat tour on the lake to catch some sights. The scenery was simply amazing with the Annapurna mountains in the background and 100's of paragliders floating down from up above - I think I might have a go at that!

    Later that evening, I loaded up the couch surfing app to find there is a newbies meeting close to meet so I thought I'd take a look. Met some new people, had dinner and then it all went a bit surreal. 4 travelers turned up dressed exactly as you would expect a traveler too and they bought with them musical instruments, a guitar, a triangle, a harmonica and a didgeridoo, yup a didgeridoo. At the end of the night it was those 4 signing Hare Krishna songs until I was ready to leave - it was OK but not what I was expecting.
    Les mer

  • Dag 26

    On My Way to Pokhara

    29. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Another early morning bus journey today, its going to be a long one but i'm looking forward to it. On my way to Pokhara. After Kathmandu, Pokhara is the biggest city in Nepal and many report it being much cleaner and generally nicer.

    I changed my plans so that I am in Pokhara now so that it coincides with the annual street festival. Once a year all the bars and restaurants take over the street and celebrate new year, come to think of it, not got any plans for new year yet!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 25


    28. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    This morning I decided to hire a bike from my hotel. There are quite a few temples far from each other so I thought the best way to see is by bike. Again the bike wasn’t the most comfortable and it was a ladies bike - but it works so off I go.

    The first temple I visited was the Maya Devi Temple which is thought to have been the birthplace of Bhudda. I had to leave my shoes at an outbuilding which was fine, I’m not at all religious but I respect it. The problem was that the floors were damp and muddy which made just walking a problem.

    I went inside the temple to be told “queue there”, at first I couldn’t understand what was happening but after 10 minutes of queuing I could see it was a prayer line which simply isn’t my thing so I left.

    I was riding from temple to temple but it all seems very disorganised, I kept being told to get off my bike and walk at certain points although there are no signs etc.

    At one point I was deciding where to go and a group of guys were walking towards me, I though I was going to be mugged but nope, they wanted s selfie with me, I since found out that they love photos with westerners, it’s cool.

    I checked out a few more temples and headed back to the hotel. The weather has been very miserable and I’m finding out quickly that I need to move onto my next place - Pokhara
    Les mer

  • Dag 24

    Lumbini - The Birthplace of Bhudda

    27. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    My time in Chitwan is over, it’s an early morning start to take the bus to Lumbini, thank goodness for tourists buses, we pay a bit extra yes but they are so much more comfortable than local buses although if a road has holes then it doesn’t really matter!

    On my way to Lumbini I was dropped off in a busy unfamiliar area and was told “local bus lumbini”, so with my backpack I walked along the road asking every bus man if they went Lumbini, I was in luck.

    My backpack was thrown onto the roof and I was squeezed into the back seat, at first I though this is will be ok, it could be worse and it could be fuller. I spoke to soon, the bus was already full and at least 30 more people got on board. I was think of the buses back in England that sat “seating 48, standing 12” this was more like seating 48 standing and hanging out the door 48!!

    The journey took just 30 minutes so I was happy and relieved to have survived a local bus.

    I checked into my hotel and ventured into town and I immediately realised how small it was, a couple of restaurants, four or so shops. I’m here for two days and I’m in the birthplace of bhudda, how bad can it be?
    Les mer

  • Dag 23

    Elephant Festival - Part 2

    26. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    At the main field there were many events, hundreds of food stalls selling a variety of local foods and in the main arena the elephant were playing polo.

    Spent most of the day here taking photos and eating!!

    Tomorrow I take an early bus to lumbini - the birthplace of bhudda.
    Les mer

  • Dag 23

    Elephant Festival - Part 1

    26. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    When I arrived in chitwan I found out that the elephant festival starts today - result!! It’s 4 days of celebrating the elephant, traditional dancing and more.

    The parade started right outside my hotel so I was in the right place, there were lots of different types of dances and dress, the parade went through the streets ending up at the main field where events took place.Les mer

  • Dag 22

    Christmas Day - Part 2

    25. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Today I had arranged a half day jungle trek. Current law states that I had to be with two guides so that was arranged.

    I met my guides and he gave me three rules:
    1) If we see rhino and it charges, run in a zig zag formation.
    2) If we see a sloth charging we all need to create noise to scare it
    3) If we see a tiger, make sure you run faster than it

    Needless to say this filled me with confidence (not)

    After crossing the river in a dugout boat we started the tour, we saw the occasional elephant and rhino but very far away and a few hours passed. We were near the end and spotted a rhino really close, then all of a sudden a baby rhino with it. Was great to see these in the wild but then we realised that mother rhinos can charge!
    Les mer

  • Dag 22

    Christmas Day - Part 1

    25. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    After a horrid nights sleep I went for breakfast at KC’s which had gorgeous garden settings at the riverbank, it was nice to see they had decorated for Christmas.

    Afterwards I abandoned the hotel and booked a more comfortable room, I couldn’t bear another night on that concrete bed!!

    At 10:30 it was time to go down to the riverbank and watch the elephants bathe, it’s a daily ritual where tourists join in and help and also climb on top and get soaked, unfortunately I wasn’t dressed appropriately or I would’ve been on top!!
    Les mer

  • Dag 21


    24. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Early start this morning! On my way to Chitwan National Park and the bus journey is around 7 hours!

    Very bumpy, noisy and dusty, I was relieved to finally arrive at Chitwan. Immediately I felt relaxed, the weather here is sub tropical so was nice and warm and the sight of elephants just free in the streets was incredible to see.

    Although the lodge I booked was cheap, it was very uncomfortable, the ged was pretty much hard like concrete, not sure how long I’ll stay here!

    As I had arrived by afternoon I decided to rent the most uncomfortable bike ever and took a ride to the elephant sanctuary. Note sure what I expected really but it was quite underwhelming, many elephant just feeding but it was good to see the baby ones.

    That evening I took a trip to the cultural dance hall where the locals show their traditional dance. I was surprised how many were in the audience there but it was a great show, the peacock dance was one to remember.
    Les mer

  • Dag 20

    Lazy Day!!

    23. desember 2017, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Another day in Kathmandu today. People from our group were leaving throughout the day so hung around to say goodbye.

    There was me, Marnie, Maz, Ben and Jason left that night so we went for some food and a drink afterwards. There would also have been Alan but for some reason he changed his flight and left early without a goodbye, he was ill a bit in the Everest trek and maybe the though of him doing Annapurna was just too much - I wish him well!

    At the hotel we befriended an Aussie called Dylan, he will be joining Marnie and Jason on their trek, he joined us for dinner then we went drinking!

    We tried a couple of places then saw this one place that looked like a regular bar on the second floor, we went in and walked up stairs to find we were in the middle of a live band playing - it was awesome!!

    Many drinks consumed and the odd memory of chanting daal baht made it a night to remember!
    Les mer

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