We are heading off for a month to discover Cambodia and Vietnam and to have a relaxing time in Koh Samui at the end. Follow our adventures!!! Weiterlesen
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  • Tag 20

    Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh

    1. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Today we decided to do an all day Mekong River tour. Better than being stuck in the city all day. We were picked up from the opera house at 8.00am and then had a two hour drive to the boat. Of course we slept most of the way, because it was early after all! We went to a village on one of the islands and had fresh fruit and were serenaded by some local farmers. We then went to a bee farm where we had honey tea which was yummy. Bit scary with all the bees around as we were trying the honey straight off the comb with the bees still on it.

    Then we went on the boat to another location and got in a tuk tuk and went through some windy skinny streets until we reached our lunch destination. That was an experience! We arrived and had a magnificent lunch and there was a elephant ear fish that looked amazing. Met a very cute dog too!

    After lunch we walked to the river and jumped into little row boats and we went through the canals around the islands. Then back on the boat for more cruising on the Mekong and returned to the bus for another sleep on the way home.

    As it was our last night in Vietnam we wandered off to find a decent restaurant. We stopped at a bar first off and played jenga which I finally won, also started to drink beer and it was quite good!

    Then we found a great restaurant the food was excellent, only problem was a very loud birthday party going on upstairs and there was ear splitting screaming and laughing upstairs which ruined the ambience somewhat. But the food was great and it was a good way the finish our last night!

  • Tag 21

    Vietnam - last day!

    2. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Today was our last day in Vietnam and true to last days it was pouring with rain! We went for a wander after spending the morning relaxing in the room. We stopped for coffee and did some people watching and then we went into one of the big department store to take advantage of the air conditioner and too see the amazing shops. Couldn’t afford to shop in them but it was fun looking.

    We went to leave and it was torrential rain so we raced across the road to another big store and found a food court where we ate and wasted our last few dong!

    We went back to the hotel after getting ripped off by a taxi driver! Dripping wet and ready to move on. Ho Chi Minh airport was great with soft and comfortable banana lounges to wait on. Pete and I did a jewellery purchase which even though it’s a fake I like it!

    Finally arrived at Bangkok at 10.30 pm and made our way to the Novotel reliving our meeting there 5 years ago!
    Off to Ko Samui in the morning.

  • Tag 22

    Thailand - Bangkok to Ko Samui

    3. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    After a great sleep at the Novotel at the airport, and after a couple of drinks at the sports bar and we were up and ready for the next part of the adventure. We realised Pete had left his iPad at the hotel, but lucky they found it and are holding it till our return. We then caught a short ride to Ko Samui and arrived at our favourite island. Unbeknown to Pete I had organised family and friends to be waiting for us at the villa and he got a massive surprise when we walked into the bedroom and everyone was there! Boy was I glad the surprise was over! The longest birthday celebration ever!

    The Villa is right on the beach and there is also a pool which is great for relaxing after a day out! We walked up to Som restaurant for lunch and quickly realised with Margs injured foot we would need a car! Lunch was great and it was wonderful catching up with Marg, Simon, Jude, Jenny and Judy. Pete and Simon are a little out numbered by the women but all good and it’s very relaxed.

    For dinner, as we were limited with the distance we could walk (Moses aka Marg) we ended up with the most expensive pizza ever! But it was fun and discussion round the table was lively. Really good catching up with everyone and being in such a fabulous location.

  • Tag 23

    Thailand - Ko Samui Day 2

    4. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    So after waking up in paradise and making ourselves some breakfast we went and organised a car! It is an Isuzu dual cab, so we have 5 inside and two in the tub! So Jenny and I are in the tub and Pete is the driver! So we head off to Nathon for some shopping and eating! Got more supplies and we all had some free time to explore, of course Pete, Jenny, Judy and me headed to the nearest restaurant for some light refreshments.

    Finally went home for some swimming and relaxing! Then a storm hit and we were rained in, and we stayed stuck on the deck losing power but having a great time.

    Then we headed off and Pete found us as an amazing hot pot restaurant, he is a great taxi driver, hasn’t lost the tub dwellers once! The food was fabulous and it was just a little restaurant off on the side of the road.

    Lovely first day together.

  • Tag 24

    Thailand - Ko Samui Day 3

    5. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Woke up to a beautiful day, rain was all gone! Marg and Simon decided to have a relaxing day at the villa to rest up margs ankle. And Jenny was on RDO and decided to stay home by the pool! Think she was just avoiding the tub. We also got the cleaners to teach Jennifer how to fold towels into a swan, and instructed her to make swans on her RDO! Which she did and we made her show us how to do it in case she had just paid the cleaners to do them! Haha but she does know how to do it so we will be hiring her as towel folder for the B & B at Yapeen.

    So Pete the taxi driver headed off with me, Judy and Jude. Jude had ordered some clothes from a tailor and wanted to see if she could change the material. After we walked around ten times we finally found the right tailor but the dress was already underway so no luck in changing it.

    Judy decided to stay in Nathon and do some shopping so we arranged to meet in a couple hours in our favourite beachside stop, well in Nathon anyway.

    So Pete, Jude and I headed off looking for a boat trip for some snorkelling. We found a great place for a coffee called the Sisters (I think) where Pete had the best crispy calamari yet. We drove around and finally got a good deal to take us out to two islands and so we booked it for Thursday. Then we set off to find Judy in Nathon.
    Back to the villa for swimming and relaxing before we headed off to explore Chaweng and to find the kick boxing stadium for those who wanted to watch.

    Great fun driving around with Jenny and I in the tub banging on the roof when we wanted them to stop. Well pete stopped about 20 times making Simon get out and check the exchange rate at different places! Finally found a spot and wow we got 30cents more than the first place! Haha!

    Found a place to park and then found a beautiful restaurant on the beach and enjoyed a lovely romantic dinner (for six). Then we walked back to the stadium only to find it was closed and the right kick boxing stadium was a long way away. A collective sigh of relief was heard. Then it was time for a bit of a cultural experience with us taking Marg, Simon and Judy to their first girly bar. They sat there looking like the three wise monkeys checking out the people and places. Well we had a lovely night of exploring and spending time together. One of the best things about this part of the trip is that it is very relaxed and everyone just does what they want and we get to spend time together too.

  • Tag 25

    Thailand - Ko Samui Day 4

    6. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Another beautiful day in paradise that saw us set off to do the touristy things on the island. This time just minus Simon who stayed behind to do some work. Once again Pete is tour guide and surrounded by us girls, and he is incredibly patient with us all! So we set off, first stop the big Buddha after a few goes down some side streets. Jenny and I were boiling to death in the tub today as there was no cloud cover so we got Pete to stop and we bought umbrellas and six large bottles of water that we ended up using in a tub water fight! Still kept us cool and we entertained a few Thais on bikes.

    While people visited the big Buddha and surrounding shops Pete and I sat in the Big Buddha coffee shop and had real coffee and the place had a lovely outlook over the water. Gradually everyone found their way to us and we set off to the next venue, passing through Chaweng and Lamai to another great lunch venue found by Pete overlooking the phallic rocks! We really have had some great food along the way.

    After lunch we moved on to the Mummified Monk and then back to Nathon where we had a drink in the Irish bar, as you do, where we watched the rugby briefly while Jude tried to pick up her garments from the tailor. Not successful as she was closed, back again tomorrow!☺️

    Made our way back to the villa and Marg interrupted Simon’s reading time and we all relaxed by the pool, with Jude and I trying to get everyone to do water aerobics which no one would participate in of course! Bit like when I try to get people to play frisbee on the beach😂😂.

    In the evening we found another wonderful restaurant on the beach, it really feels like this is an eating fest!

    Oh and I forgot to mention that on Tuesday night after returning from dinner at Chaweng, Judy, Jenny and I stayed up till 2.00am singing and dancing, not drinking of course, which meant that on Wednesday we had to have a RAD. This is Pete’s solution to having an AFD. Now I know some of you will be thinking what? So a RAD is a reduced alcohol day, because no one seems capable of an alcohol free day! It’s ok we are all going into detox, apart from Jude who the only well behaved one!🤣

  • Tag 26

    Thailand - Ko Samui Day 5

    7. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Today everyone was up early, ready for the snorkelling trip. Jenny used the ‘I have a pain in the tummy’ excuse to get out of going, so we left her behind with her book. Off we went ready for another adventure. This time Simon and I were tubby buddies! Simon borrowed Jenny’s umbrella and off we set.

    We caught a long tail boat to two snorkelling locations. I didn’t realise Judy had never snorkelled before and so we had some tense moments getting her into the sea. But that’s one thing off her bucket list, as by the time we finished she was snorkelling like a pro!

    Everyone had a great time and we saw heaps of fish and an amazing time. Our boat driver was amazing and very helpful with all the oldies, oh that’s us! Apart from pete who threw himself into the sea so he didn’t have to use the ladder!

    On the way back we stopped at a restaurant that was being set up by a French guy when Pete and I were here 5 years ago. It is lovely but no food so we moved on and Pete once again found us an amazing place where we stopped and ate. Amazing I have been here to Ko Samui 4 times but still going to places that I haven’t been before..

    We finally got home after stopping to get the sick one tomatoes and once again cooled off in the pool and relaxed. We then all went out to dinner. Though we were a pretty subdued lot after the snorkelling so didn’t last long and then headed home. Another lovely day, so spoilt😘.

    Oh and Simon tried to get his money back from Jenny after her umbrella did a back flip and was useless on the trip home. She responded by saying she was suing for damages to property! I think we need a moderator 😭

  • Tag 27

    Thailand - Ko Samui Day 6

    8. Juni 2018 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I designated Friday to be my day of rest with no exploring or shopping for the day, so we all decided to take it easy and then head into the Fisherman’s village for dinner. We had a great day reading and relaxing and in the afternoon Pete and I introduced everyone to Presidents and A...holes! A card game taught to us by Nick and Sarah at Christmas. It’s is great fun though I’m sure we put our own twist on some of the rules. It rained for much of the afternoon so it was a great way to fill in the afternoon. Oh we had a few drinks along the way, as you do!

    We decided the rain had finished (well we hoped as Jenny and I were tub buddies), and we headed off to Fisherman’s village which is a lively place with heaps of bars, restaurants and shops of course! We found a restaurant that quickly set us up a table for 7 right on the beach, and luckily the rain held off! We had a wonderful dinner with everyone in high spirits after the relaxing day. Has been really great spending time with friends and family and a wonderful way to end our holiday. Always hard when you arrange a trip with a group to make sure everyone is happy but the only rule we had was that you could do what you want!

    After dinner we all wandered back along the street and some of us finished the evening with a banana pancake from a stall! Yummo 🤗 finished the night with a drink on the balcony for some of us!

  • Tag 431

    Completing our trip

    17. Juli 2019 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    So 12 months down the track and I am finally finishing this trip, just before we are ready to embark on the next adventure.
    We had a fantastic time in Koh Samui and ended our trip with a couple of days in Bangkok shopping and eating lots!!
    Definitely a trip to remember!!