world tour '16

August 2016 - February 2017
A 171-day adventure by Gone walkabout Read more
  • 39footprints
  • 5countries
  • 171days
  • 156photos
  • 0videos
  • 24.4kmiles
  • 17.3kmiles
  • Day 1

    And so it begins

    August 20, 2016 in England ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    After a very early start I've made it to Gatwick for the first of many security arse aches while I explain the metal plate in my arm

    Felt appropriate to get a beer in despite the fact it's 8 am here or about 4 in st John's

    Tons of emotions flying around, very sad to say goodbye to friends and family for a long old time but very excited to get started and super frustrated that I'm yet to find a free men's cubical after searching all the toilets in Gatwick...😝😀
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  • Day 1

    somewhere up in the sky

    August 20, 2016, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Loving our lead stewardess and her security talk including highlights such as

    This plane is equipped with rather stylish walkway lights in case of an emergency....or in-flight fashion show.

    If you're not a fan of my humour, this place is equipped with 8 emergency exits.

    If you're traveling with children.........why???

    If your life jacket doesn't inflate swim really fast...or blow in the red tube

    And the Audience participation section for seat backs and tray tables

    After a bit of humor to lighten the mood and as if right on cue, pissing rain and hammering winds, Gatwick runway looking suspiciously like a wave pool...gonna miss you too you crazy little island, no need to cry....

    Ps I know my big brother was worried about my leg room, please see attached evidence that West jet rocks considering this is standard economy

    Also briefly thought the internet up here was gonna be good enough to watch a low quality stream of the ab's is not lol
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  • Day 1

    First night in Canada

    August 20, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    I'm here, I've had a wander and a couple pints, I'm's pretty here, I'm going to bed after some healthy dinner...not enough energy to write more

  • Day 2

    decent walk for an awesome beer

    August 21, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Killing a bit of time before my brewery tour, decent walk down here, the highlights included waking past the basilica (photo attached)....cos I'm all grown up and stuff. And walking past a graveyard that had 2 gravestones that I wished had been the other way around as both contained one word only(presumably the name of the deceased)...the first said dicks and the second long...oh how I wished they had been buried next to each other and the other way around so I could have been super childish about the death of long, dicks...can't have everything I guessRead more

  • Day 3

    the first hang over

    August 22, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    I write this within minutes of waking up so I can't guarantee no bad language...or that I'm actually alive

    Soooo Canada ey...these Newfoundlanders can drink some some drink and they brew their own so I'm not stuck drinking corrs (see I knew their would be swearing)

    Newfies here have the coolest sing song Irish/Canadian accent I've ever heard, they are massively proud of their Irish/British heritage and I'm told...admittedly when 3 sheets to the wind...that this was part of the British empire until 1949 and as such drove on the left until midnight on a specific night ! love em here but their a bit nuts

    After my adventures in breweries yesterday when I had whatever the tour guide fed me 1 beer before and 1 after I went for the walk back here and met up with Jen (awesome Scottish woman I've known for upwards of 36 hours who lives here too) polished off my sixer and asked her where's good and do you fancy a beer?...God bless this 22 year old, a thousand miles from home for taking sympathy on an old fucker but she responded, the yellow belly brewery is good and yes.

    I realise at this moment I've been awake for upwards of 5 minutes and the hang over isn't curing itself so I will briefly say, st johns is my kinda town, oldest street in North America is also the most bars per km. We visited a decent few decent bars, met a fella from Dudley in the first place that's been here 4 years, listened to country music and sang along, being thoroughly British me and Jen were relentlessly mocking the closing ceremony that everyone had on tv....much the horror/confusion/amusement of the bar staff, met Jen's work buddy's, I got screeched in....I would explain what that means but quite frankly I was half cut when Jen told me it was a traditional newfie thing and all I really remember is some bloke dressed up as a fisherman making me and 20 other gullible tourists kiss a fish and down a soft shot for twenty bucks whilst talking in a hilariously bad Irish accent at a million miles an hour....and had some traditional night out junk food on the way back here.

    I would right more but you're bored and I need breakfast
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  • Day 3

    being all sophimistimicated

    August 22, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After the huge American breakfast and extra couple hours back in bed failed to cure the hang over I thought I should probably stop laying about doing nothing and go explore the imaginatively named "the rooms", st John's local museum.

    Fascinating exhibit on Newfoundland's contribution to WWI (yes mother I know how into WWI Graham is and yes I took extra photos that I'll email separately), stunning views from the third floor cafe with decent wine and lovely seafood chowder Aaaaaand not much else, oh well nice way to spend an afternoon
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  • Day 4

    what's one day?

    August 23, 2016 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    Grim weather today, thunderstorms and nastiness, morning on the sofa me thinks, I'm traveling for a year I can take one day out, if the weather gets better I'm doing a boat tour this arvo

  • Day 4

    all at sea

    August 23, 2016 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    After a slow start to yesterday had a great time on the boat tour, not much to report except beautiful scenery and some long distance sightings of some puffins, 2 bald eagles and 1 whale

    Few more pictures in a video here:
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  • Day 6

    Welcome to Toronto

    August 25, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Leaving st John's at 4.30am I arrived in Toronto bleary eyed and confused... It was easy enough to navigate the airport and find myself a train into town and after upwards of 30 seconds of Google maps I thought it would be no bother to walk to the place I'm staying... Big regrets there, 30/40 mins walking with a giant pack on my back and bag on my front in mid twenties heat... To say I was a sweaty mess when I arrived is like saying Hitler was a bit of a naughty boy...

    After I eventually found the place, which looks like a crack den from outside and not much better in the buildings shared hallway I was let in by the owner, what a beautifully decorated clean place, most bizarre thing ever, I was having a freak out and trying to remember the nearest ok looking hotel until I walked through the front door.

    After eventually cooling down I was going to do one of two things, pass out and sleep... I had a vague notion it was about 10am local but that was about an hour and a half behind where I started and God knows compared to London... Or shower up, make a plan and grab a red bull... I strapped on my big boy pants and made a plan and my God an i glad I did.

    I decided to splurge a little and book a table at the 360 restaurant at the top of the cn tower, expensive, yes, 20 min walk back in the direction I just came...obviously, worth it? Totally (see pictures for proof)

    I've made it back to the flat now and am pretty sure I'm just gonna fall asleep watching family guy...but then I've got a few more days here and best part of a week left in Canada...night night
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  • Day 9

    reflections on a cool town

    August 28, 2016 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Been a very short stop off here in Toronto but totally worth it, great views, good food, plenty of beer and very cool people.

    Highlight has to be ; Random bar conversations leading to better place to watch the baseball in the stadium leading to random bar queue chat, leading to roof parties and another bar and even more awesome people...

    Can't say I've been much of a "tourist" here but Google tells me I've walked about 20 miles since Thursday, seen a decent chunk of the downtown and China town areas, eaten some decent food, drank a ton of beer, watched the titans win and met some cool people...I'm ok with that

    Tomorrow I get out on the road and drive down to the falls before going to see my mum's friends in Elmira
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