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  • Hari 7

    Last day in X'ian and going to Chungqing

    15 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    This morning Nan picked us up at 8.30 to take us to the small Goose Pagoda, wonderful garden and structure. In the complex there is housed the X'ian Cultural institute, we went in and had a short calligraphy lesson. The last showed us just a couple of words, the meaning of their writing and we had a go (very rough go). Then we decided to buy a painting done right there in front of us of the China national flower, the peony. Quite pretty.
    Then the pagoda, while everything in Beijing was round here the pagodas are square, the influx from the Silk Road different cultures and styles. The pagoda is set in a beautiful park encircled by a huge rose garden, quite beautiful.

    After this we managed to the the X'ian Museum, quite interesting with many relics from the Tang dinasty. Most objects dated to the 3rd to 6th century Ad, fascinating.
    Then Nan took us to a cooking lesson. We made horrible to look at dumplings, then had an exaggerated lunch (delicious and too much!). And here we are on the train, 5 hours to Chungqing.

    Arrived at 8 pm, the city of Chungqing is the largest city in the world. Half an hour before arriving you start seeing endless skyscrapers, all the same, these grey flat pillars, ominous looking, nothing like X'ian or Shanghai.
    The hotel is quite nice, but as nice as X'ian's. Within 15 minutes from arrival we were on a subway looking for the center and a place to eat. Chinese restaurants around town close at 8.30 pm, a little early, so we were towards the river and found bright lights and hot pots galore.
    After getting kicked out of a couple of very full places, we ended up in a nice hot pot restaurant and are really really well. We had a laugh, have a new WeChat friend and are delicious food. We had to take a taxi back because the subway closes early but we spent 20 yuan, not even 3 Euros..
    Oleg fell right sleep but he was so happy. I'm glad he's having a good time.
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  • Hari 6

    X'ian: The Terracotta warriors

    14 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Slept like logs, the breakfast is unbelievable here, Asian and Western. At 8 our guide Jessica was waiting fur us. We are on our way to see the terracotta warriors in heavy traffic. Hear everyone snoring? 😃
    A but concerned about the IL problem but we are still 9 days away...
    We arrived at about 10.30, nearly 40 degrees C and sweltering hot. The crowds were phenomenal and the toilets..a new benchmark.
    A disorderly queue, our new guide Nan (who told us to call her Jessica) a young just graduated girl, brought us in and we gasped and pushed for a photo but oh was it worth it. Unbelievable.
    Creepy. It liked like the Snow Queen's Palace, all these men turned to stone in one second. They are so real and life-like. We saw the 3 pits, the 3rd bustling with archeologists still unearthing artefacts. After Nan took us to the Muslim quarter for lunch, we had a typical local meal with the Uigur flatbread filled with meat, delicious, large noodles with meat and vegetables, soup, vegetables and fruit. Delicious. Then we walked through the Muslim quarter (they arrived a very long time ago to trade, since X'ien marked the very beginning of the Silk Road, and then decided to stay. Their mosque, stinky canned the Great Mosque, is the largest in China, and a welcome respite from the heart and noise. It was a place of peace, quiet, flowers and prayer. Although we were not allowed in the prayer room, we could walk in the garden and admire the outer gates and gardens. We went out and walked again through the souk, the others started buying junk and getting ripped off as these places go..all of a sudden, I was walking with Oleg, Robbie runs tearing past me screaming: have you seen my ruck sack? I said no, of course not! So he ran back to the mosque. I ran with me preparing to have to go to the police. He had his last remaining phone, the company one, since he forgot his at home, his iPad, his wallet, all his money and cards. I was holding all the passports and visas ..
    Anyway he came out with the rucksack, noone had taken it yet but now we are all watching him like hawks! 🤣😆
    After we went back to the hotel and napped for an hour before going out again.
    We wanted to see the fountain lights show at the Large Pagoda so we took a bus, an adventure in itself, and fit off at this gigantic food court. We managed to secure a good seated place to watch to incredibly magical spectacle. Hundreds of thousands of people gather here every night to watch this and it's just with it!
    It lasted until 9.30 pm then we ventured back to the Muslim quarters and decided to go for Street food since all restaurants close at 9.30 in X'ian. After walking a bit, they all decided to stop at a very smelly grill while an angry guy grilled something that looked like a baby Alien (yes, the one from the movie with tentacles, not cute ET), slathering tons of oil and spices. They all said it was good but the 3 of us kept clear. We still have a ways to go and I don't want us to run into.. Running problems! 🤪
    Robbie stopped for the coloured balls cooked in dry ice and bought some for Oleg who ate one and promptly vomited in the street (which was ok, it was probably the cleanest thing there). We bought him yogurt, drinks and some delicious Uigur hot beads, that was really good. At the end we took 3 rickshaws back to the hotel which was fun. We sent Oleg to bed and went for drinks with the adults. We went to the nearby King Garden Bar, very snappy, all water fountains and garden set against the city wall. We had some good laughs, some locals came to say hello, I had done people ask for my WeChat. Funny. Back to the hotel Oleg was sleeping like a baby. He's really our God both.
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  • Hari 5

    The summer Palace and X'ian

    13 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Today early wake-up call and we checked out early. We left our suitcases and went to see the Summer Palace. It was about 1 hour away, past parks and along a beautiful lake. The Empress who lived there was quite wicked they say, as women in history go, and she killed her son so that she could rule. It wasn't possible to visit inside any of the buildings, "Giancarlo" said because people were stealing things and ruining everything. The Parks, delicate walkways outside and lake were lovely. And the marble boat was just beautiful to see.
    We walked abeing pushed around by millions of people, then went for a very early lunch in a very good restaurant that I enjoyed very much. The Turin couple did nothing but complain but I really enjoyed everything. I found out that they don't drink cold things at the table, just tea or warm water with lemon. It makes sense since it washes away the spice taste.. but oh the complaints..
    Then we rushed to the Bejingxin (west) station for the X'ian 2 pm train. We had some time so went to McDonald's and got some very bitter green tea and a good iced coffee for Robbie lucky him. Then we settled in for a 6 hour trip.
    19.02: on the bus from the station.
    Great trip, really enjoyed it. Very clean and orderly with some good views of the countryside.
    We arrived at the largest station in Asia, so probably the largest in the world. You couldn't see the end of it. Still about half an hour to go.

    We arrived in perfect time at X'ian. The city is completely different from Beijing, you strive and see scores of high rises in the middle of a desert. The city is small compared to Beijing, "just" 12 million inhabitants and they seem to be wealthier than in the capital. You see some supercars Abe very nice stores. Our hotel, the Titan Times, is great, they gave us a suite which Oleg is enjoying. We went out for dinner by subway to the Bell Tower, there is an amazingly lit square so full of light and young people talking, playing music, eating and playing that it was lovely to see. There were some high fashion shops (major brands were all here) and at the level above we are at a really nice dumpling restaurant (have to find the name, Feng sth, lovely) are so much we had to leave stuff and spent less than 12 Euros each.
    After dinner we ventured into the Muslim quarters. I wasn't expecting the lively, noisy colourful soul. I bought a power bank, my phone keeps doing. I suspect it's the sim card I bought here.. Enough is said.. it was a lot of Finn and we shall probably go back tonight.
    The others took a tuktuk but we walked to the near subway and in 1 stop we were at the hotel. The rooms were very cold..
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  • Hari 4

    The Great Wall of China

    12 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Today bright and early we are off to see the Great Wall of China. The weather is quite cool. 2 hours by car.
    We arrived at about 1030 and decided unanimously to go up by cable car and not walking.. So we queued up for an hour. Three wall had some very steep steps, a lot of people going any which way, lots of long silver worms and some incredible scenery. We decided to go down by toboggan which was like a Bob sled and lots of fun. It was actually quite funny (errrr hem), when we came down, one guy in our group, Sergio, who was several people behind us came down Saint: had anyone lost a phone? He'd found this phone on the bobsled metal way being bounced here and there by the people tobogganing down at high speed so he slowed down and picked it up... And it was Robbie's phone!! I thought it was pretty funny.. 🤣😂😱😱🤕
    We went for a nice local lunch then took another 2 hour trip to return to Beijing. We stopped at the Olympic village, quite impressive to see, the architectural design of these constructions was quite different. After this we decided to go to the Hutongs, walk around and have dinner the. The Hutongs are the ancient 14th century warren of alleyways that coast the lake. Most of these small house are now shops but everything is really colourful and fun to see. We had a really amazing dinner in a great restaurant built into a Hutong old house. Peking duck is very good but..not my thing, probably it's an acquired taste..
    Our suitcases are ready, we leave tomorrow for the summer palace then X'ian.
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  • Hari 3

    Beijing The Forbidden City

    11 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    8 am After an amazing Asian and Western breakfast we are off. Today we see the forbidden city and the temple of heaven.
    11 am Resting a moment. My goodness how many people how much noise how huge. Tienanmen square boggles the mind it's so huge. There was a queue of local people waiting to see Mao Zedong mausoleum that was so long you couldn't see either end.
    We went inside the forbidden city. Gigantic but not as opulent as Bangkok's. There are so many people, I hear 100.000 which is the maximum that will be allowed. You have to fight to move, to take pictures, to breathe, selfie sticks everywhere.

    After walking and walking we walked all the way up to the hill and went to the Temple of heaven in the Palace Museum. The park around it is incredibly beautiful, I may even say poetic. Very peaceful woods with any kind of trees and shrubs.
    The activity park was something special with brand new excercise machines full of people excercising or doing Tai Chi, or a Beijing martial art with a fan that was just beautiful to see

    After this, we left our guide and decided to venture with the Beijing subway. It's quite easy to travel in subway and a ticket costs 3 RMB.

    After we went to the Antiques market, but I found it quite trashy. Very large and the closed shops had some nice furniture. We got an iron cast teapot for Oleg but turning the corner we found an entire shop of just teapots all nicer and cheaper.. Oh well.
    After we went to the Beijing Silk market. It was quite large nearly as large as the old Shanghai take market. We bought a wind breaker abed a black down jacket for Oleg, then one fur me, a long white goose down coat for me for 60 Euros and a lovely parka for Robbie.
    After this we decided to eat onsite, at the top floor there was did court and we went to a nice Beijing restaurant at Chaoyang. The service was extremely slow but we had some nice noodles and walked home. We were supposed to walk for about 40 minutes but Rob insisted we make a turn and take a "shortcut" which took us in some really grotty areas, in front of the Beijing station (shambles is not the word...), walked in some quite hair-raising winding Ashley's behind with people starting at the 3 crazies venturing there, and finally at 11.30 pm we lumped into our hotel, quick shower and a snore.. To be woken at 3 am by the hotel alarm.
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  • Hari 2

    Funny dinner in a very terrible place

    10 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Place is in a mall just across the street from our hotel, we'd seen so many but none was ever good enough so here we are. www.tcsl.com.cn
    Anything we ordered they didn't have so we ended up ordering dumplings (eggs and zucchini.. They had nothing else), raw potatoes and a strange kind of bran with rice over boiled spaghetti. What can we drink? There are no drinks. Couldn't leave fast enough. Odk since 1993...
    Oh and Robbie was leaving without his iPad. World have been funny strange no phone and no iPad. Tired going to bed, resent day tomorrow. At least we manage to get local SIM cards, really cheap!
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  • Hari 2

    Stopping in a lovely teahouse

    10 Agustus 2019, Cina ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Tired out, we walked around and reached the pedestrian area not far from Tienanmen. We stopped to have a green tea in this lovely, delicate tea House, Wu Yu Tai tea. I can't describe the music, the scent, the peaceful ambiance.Baca selengkapnya

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