Mali i Lëkurësit

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    • Day 61–67

      Genießen und abschalten 🥰🏖️

      August 12, 2024 in Albania ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Wir genießen die Sonnenseiten des Lebens. ☀️🏖️🥰

      In Saranda angekommen, haben wir unser Apartment mit Deluxe-Meerblick bezogen. Am Abend ging es dann in eine Rooftop-Bar mit wunderschöner Aussicht. 😍 🍹

      Das Wetter ist weiterhin sehr sehr heiß und wir brutzeln den ganzen Tag in der Sonne. Hier gibt es so viele schöne Strände und Buchten zu entdecken. Für viele Ausflüge und lange Wanderungen ist es leider wirklich zu warm, weshalb wir die Tage einfach mal ganz ruhig und entspannt am Meer genießen, wobei wir uns gegenseitig regelmäßig beim UNO abzocken. 🃏🤣 ☀️

      Die vielen Sonnenauf- und untergänge, die wir sehen durften, haben uns ganz verzaubert. Es ist wirklich schön mal nicht allein auf Reisen zu sein. Aber seht selbst …. 🥰☀️

      Xenia hat uns eine Melone besorgt, die direkt im Laden in der Tüte geschnitten wurde - sehr freundlich alle hier. 😬🍉 Am Strand von Ksamil, den sogenannten „Malediven Europas“ haben sich die Menschen beinahe gestapelt - da haben wir es kaum länger als eine halbe Stunde ausgehalten und durch Zufall einen wunderschönen, nicht überlaufenen Strand gefunden. Unser neuer Lieblingsort für die kommenden Tage. 😍 🌊 🏖️
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    • Day 9

      Die Burg Lekursi

      August 12, 2024 in Albania ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Ein interessanter Hotspot dieser Touristenstadt ist die Burgruine Lekursi. Aber nicht als Burgruine, sondern als 360° Aussichtspunkt auf Saranda und Umgebung.
      Besonders beliebt ist hier der Sonnenuntergang über dem Meer.
      Um diesen zu genießen, gibt es hier ein Restaurant (eher gehobene Kategorie), eine große Aussichtsterrasse mit Steinofenpizza (für hiesige Verhältnisse fast günstig) und eine kleinere Aussichtsterrasse mit Bar (teure Cocktails).
      Als wir gegen 18 Uhr ankamen, waren wir fast alleine. Zum Sonnenuntergang waren alle Terrassen überfüllt und es herrschte Verkehrschaos bei der Abfahrt.
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    • Day 67

      Bienvenue en Pas_plat_nie

      May 11, 2024 in Albania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      "Pas_plat_nie" (nom propre) : Pays ressemblant étrangement à l'Albanie avec des paysages au dénivelé positif important.
      On continue notre voyage avec Quentin, le long de la côte. Beaucoup de dénivelé et de la pluie. Heureusement le paysage est magnifiqueRead more

    • Day 40

      Road Trip Over

      August 13, 2023 in Albania ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today was the last day that we would have the car, and so it was quite sad. We did, however, have one more night with the three of us before Lewis left us to head toward Turkey. After some minor fucking around, we managed to drop the car off, and head back to the hotel where Erin was waiting with all our bags. We then proceeded to do fuck all, watching netflix, calling our parents and taking naps. We had a big week of travelling, and now we had to recover for a few days (the next few logs may be boring). The only time we left the hotel was to get food before returning for sleep. There are no photos for today because nothing happened - just a photo of the Audi that was our rental car for the week.Read more

    • Day 41

      Sarande Sunsets

      August 14, 2023 in Albania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today was equally as uneventful as yesterday, we checked out of our hotel and said our goodbyes to Lewis, who was heading toward Turkey. Given that I had been with him since Zabljak in Montenegro, it was quite sad to say goodbye, but these happen when you're travelling, and I'm sure we'll stay in contact. Although he's Australian, he is from Perth, so it is unlikely that we will cross paths again. It would only be a couple of days until Erin and I also part ways, but until then, we got an accommodation for a couple of nights in Sarande. Erin and I had become quite close during our travels, but she would also be heading towards Turkey in a couple days and I have to do my best to get back on track with my itinerary so that I can get through Slovenia, Northern Italy, Southern France, Spain and Portugal in about 6 weeks now. Although she tried to get me to join her in Turkey, it just doesn't make sense to do so as I will be there in a couple of months to do a tour. Once again, it is a rough part of travelling, meeting people, becoming close, and then eventually never seeing them again. But this is the way it is.

      Before we could check into our hotel we had to get a taxi to the accommodation, because we no longer had a car. This ended up being the biggest fuck around, and probably the closest we have been to getting scammed so far. We were quoted 30 euros to get into the hills, and we figured we'd do it (even though I was keen to walk a little first). The guy arrives, and we get in, but the traffic is so bad that we are barely moving. The taxi driver seemed stressed, so I said we could just pay part of the cost and get out so you can complete different drives, but he assured us that it was alright. After about half an hour, he ups the price due to the time it's taking, and we figured it was probably fair and didn't have much option at that point. Then, just as we get out of the city and out of the traffic, he says he can't go any further because his work day is finished. So, instead of driving another 10 minutes, he drops us off to walk it for 30 minutes. He then asked for the 40 euros and I argued that we haven't even arrived at our destination, so it isn't unfair to pay the whole price but he wasn't budging and we had to pay the full price. It was very annoying and unfortunate but these sorts of things happen while you travel. After said 30-minute walk in the midday heat, with our big bags, we arrived at our hotel, and the family was super lovely. They even said they would have picked us up if they knew we didn't have a car. We planned to do nothing the rest of the day, but then the family offered to drive us to the beach, and we figured it would be the easiest way to get down there now we don't have a car. We didn't want to miss our opportunity. This ended up being quite nice, and because the weather wasn't great, there weren't many people. This was especially good as it cleared up just as we arrived. We did little more than have some drinks by the beach and chill until the sun began to set. We then moved to the rockface that overlooks the water to fully enjoy the sunset - which was fantastic. This was great, and it was a nice way to end a pretty busy day.

      We then stuck around for some drinks and some food. We had gotten incredibly over shitty Albanian pasta, pizza, and burgers, so when we had the option for sushi, we had to try it. It was quite expensive, about 17 euros each, but we seriously needed something different. It actually was fantastic, too. Some of the best sushi I've ever eaten. I've been told Europe has shit Asian food, but this was my first time trying it, and it was great. Maybe it was just the fact it wasn't regular albanian food, but I enjoyed it a lot. After this and a couple more cocktails we had to head home but it was a huge walk up steep hills, and we were NOT going to get a taxi again, so we took a couple roadies and went on our way home, stopping for a drink wherever necessary. We eventually made it home and passed out instantly - we were exhausted.
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    • Day 11

      Von Permet nach Saranda

      June 6, 2023 in Albania ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Am Morgen ging es für uns auf zu einer kleinen Schluchtenwanderung, als sich das Wasser vom Fluss etwas zurückgezogen hatte. Danach ging es dann weiter nach Girokaster. Dort haben wir uns die Altstadt angeschaut und die Burg besichtigt. 🏰
      Weiter ging es dann zur Karstquelle "Blue Eye" und für eine Nacht auf einen kleinen Campingplatz mach Saranda.
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    • Day 5

      Day around Borsch

      June 8, 2023 in Albania ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Too hot for the beach so a journey to a national park was on the cards. After an hour of twists, turns, and death if you go over the edge type driving, with another hour of the same to go, we called it quits and went to Borsch beach and a lovely hotel for lunch.
      After a perilous drive back we lounged on thd balcony, snoozed and read books.
      We have been invited for dinner with the owners tonight so just about to get ready.
      Vlore tomorrow.
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    • Day 4

      Journey to Sarande

      June 7, 2023 in Albania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      So, a brief recap of things forgotten. Yes we did see a 3 foot snake crossing the pavement and yes, we did drive through the heart of Albania's oil fields. Scary, and smelly sums them up.
      Anyhoo, bit of a cloudy start this morning but the sunshine arrived as we did to Sarande. Hit 29 in the late pm.
      Guest house on a hill, lovely balcony, terrace, and views. Restaurant tonight high on a hillside. Oh God! Bit high for me.
      Went to buy two bottles of water in local supermarket and were given them as a gift as the owner is friends with our hostess. They are very kind people.
      Parking in Central town is awful so we're off out of town tomorrow.
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    • Day 299


      January 30, 2019 in Albania ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      آلبانی اولین کشور در اروپا با حس و حال کاملا شرقی!
      مردم مهربون و مهمون نواز و کنجکاو. رکاب زدن قسمت شمالی کشور خیلی هیجان انگیز نبود، جاده ها صاف و شهر ها شلوغ. ولی با نزدیک شدن به کوه های جنوبی، رکاب زدن سختتر ولی مناظر زیبا تر و جاده ها خلوتتر شدن.
      عمده جمعیت آلبانی که جزو ضعیف ترین کشور ها در اروپا از بعد اقتصاد هست، به کشاورزی مشغولند. گاری هایی که با قاطر کشیده میشدن یکی از جالب ترین چیز هایی بود که هنوز مردم اینجا استفاده میکنن.
      غذا ها هم که کاملا باب طبع ما! ماست و شیشیلیگ گوسفنذی، تاس کباب، کله پاچه و از این دست غذایا!
      بهترین قسمت ماجرا هم وقتی بود که برای تعمیر زنجیر دوچرخه مهدی وسط یه سربالایی وایساده بودیم و نسبتا کلافه ازین که چرا زنجیر جا نمیوفته. تا این که چهار تا دوچرخه سوار دیگه از راه رسیدن و بهمون کمک کردن 😃 آشناییمون مصادف با این شد که ادامه مسیر رو باهم طی کنیم و شب باهم چادر بزنیم. اولین بار بود که رکاب زدن تو گروه شش نفره رو تجربه میکردیم و فکر میکنم انگیزه کافی برای رفتن سربالایی های طاقت فرسا بهمون داد.
      بعد از رسیدن به شهر سارانده در جنوب آلبانی زمان خداحافظی فرا رسید و هر کس مسیر خودش رو ادامه داد.
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    • Day 24


      May 17, 2024 in Albania ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      First time in Albania and I feel immediately transported back to Laos. It’s the poor man’s Greece on the coast. Not much to see in this town but nice view and an old abandoned monastery. Excited to move inland.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mali i Lëkurësit, Mali i Lekuresit

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