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  • Dag 35

    Family Blog - the Suttons

    27 juli 2018, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We have to thank the CYOCYch tour so much for the past week. You gave us the “why” to make the effort to take this trip, and what a reward we received.
    The concerts were incredible and it was a real pleasure to witness such wonderful young people enjoying themselves and doing NMPAT proud. We saw how Czech and Slovak audiences were taken aback by the quality of the orchestra and choir; and the genuine happiness and appreciation in their applause and standing ovations was lovely to see.
    As a family we had a brilliant time exploring each town and city and being real tourists. The places are amazing. And whilst we didn’t feel we ‘stalked’ Dasha and you all too much; it was very funny to frequently bump into you all in various places along the route. Then again, it’s hard not to miss 119 musicians stomping through town! Finally, a huge thank you to the staff who took care of our children but let them be themselves.
    Roll on tour 2020. Count us in...
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  • Dag 35

    Staff Blog - Matt Butler

    27 juli 2018, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    As I write this I'm sitting in the van at 7am drinking service station coffee somewhere in Germany looking forward to my bed and hoping the channel tunnel queues aren't going to be an issue because of the wrong type of heat.
    So looking back over tour what can I say?
    Firstly I cannot think of a better group of students to be with. Not only are they superb musicians, but they are just a great bunch of well rounded decent human beings, a real credit to you all. Listening and playing in the concerts, I have been really proud of the exceptionally high level of music produced and to hear that in such stunning settings has been quite moving.
    I've enjoyed seeing the students flourish and you soon learn who the characters are!!
    The tears shed just prove the importance of this musical journey, the lifelong friendships made and the experiences many other people won't ever be fortunate to have.
    So as van driver, triangle player and general shifter of stuff, I've had a ball. Thank you to all those staff and students who have helped carry, load and laugh at my bad jokes. Thank you to the percussionists for the banter and for telling me where I am in the music or that it's in 4 and not 3.
    Its been a blast!!
    Oh and I love Czech dumplings!
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  • Dag 35

    Student Blog - Jonny Lodder

    27 juli 2018, Frankrijk ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    It has been such a great opportunity to be invited come back on tour, and to be able to play with the orchestra again (thank you Tim!!!!). After a year away at university not playing much percussion at all, I truly feel at home here, with my friends and family at NMPAT.

    I remember when I left last year, it was overwhelming, and not just because of the constant 35°+ heat. I was terrified, unsure of the future, sad, happy, and so proud, so so proud of the music we were playing. Even though that was a year ago, I can totally empathise with how some of my friends feel right now, as we heard back to NMPAT for the last time this year, and for some, the last time ever.
    Just before we boarded the coaches to come back from Italy, Mr Smalley told me simply (after I’d done a pretty big embarrassing cry, trying to say thank you, or maybe I was trying to say ‘PLEASE HELP WHAT DO I DO NOW?!’, but it came out as thank you) ‘I understand, I get it’.
    Now after a year, I think I get it too. Those of you that are leaving the orchestra, or choir this year will always have been in some of the best ensembles in the country. You will always have had the opportunity to tour with those ensembles and have performed amazing music in beautiful venues, with some of the best musicians, and friends you will ever meet. You will always feel the pride you feel now. You will always have been a part of this family.

    Being a student at NMPAT and working with the staff there is one of the best things that has, or will ever happen to me, and even though we move on, every year there is a new generation of young musicians who will need a nmpat, to make sure they have the same opportunities we have been so lucky to have.

    So make sure you hold on to how you feel now, and make sure you shout from the rooftops about it. Make sure you tell people about what we’ve achieved, and how it shaped you. No matter whether you’re leaving to study music at university or not; let’s make sure when we’re the parents, teachers, and the people WE look up to now, that we support and nurture youth music. Let’s make sure every child can have the opportunity to have their lives touched by music as we have.
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  • Dag 34

    Staff Blog - Mr Spinner

    26 juli 2018, Duitsland ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    Years ago, a friend of mine (the super talented Northamptonshire based composer and multi instrumentalist Philip Bass) said to me, "The symphony orchestra is one of our greatest inventions".
    It certainly is, and this tour has seen two remarkable groups of people sing and play some very difficult music amazingly well.
    We've been faced with numerous challenges along the way - just one of them being the need to lift the harp up a lengthy staircase in the Archbishop's Palace. Recognising our need for help, a team of student volunteers immediately assembled to help lift our heavy and valuable harp so carefully, it was as if as if they had paid for it themselves.
    I jumped at the chance to be a part of this tour, and I'm so glad I did. The team spirit across the entire group of young people and teachers has made this tour an absolute pleasure. A huge thank you to all of the students and staff for all of the unforgettable musical moments from our amazing choir and symphony orchestra. The standing ovations at our concerts say it all.
    Bravo. Encore!

    Jon Spinner
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  • Dag 34

    Quiz Update from Mr K!

    26 juli 2018, Duitsland ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    As we make our way across Germany (and of the 17+ countries I've been to this is one of my favourites!) I should mention that I'm looking forward to seeing my cats (even if I'd also like a dog as well) and going away in the caravan to a campsite when I get home. 

    I think I may also need an Indian curry soon, as long as my size-11s don't wear out before reaching the restaurant, at least it wouldn't involve swimming more than 100m, although I'd run there if needed, even at my age having been born in the 70s!

    Also looking forward to a bacon & sausage sandwich over the summer, eaten using my right hand and with brown sauce, if there's too much sauce I'd need to use my knife and fork (but could leave the spoon), and I could wash it down with a nice cup of coffee. 

    The karaoke at the back has just broken into "Don't Stop Me Now" which is great, just wondering if they could add in a little 'vocalise' or the theme tune to the Onedin Line too maybe? If music was also their fave subject at school it shouldn't be too hard?!

    Must also get back on the golf course asap as I have withdrawal symptoms, I could catch up on the Radio 5 sports news whilst I'm at it, and following a round perhaps a G&T or a real ale, or mint choc chip ice cream?

    Have heard that Daniel Craig is going to do one more Bond film which is great, although hope he doesn't follow in another previous Bond's footsteps and start appearing in musicals as I don't see him as a lead in West Side Story, similarly don't see him as a Gryffindor in a Harry Potter movie either; maybe he could branch out into Sci-Fi and do either Star Wars or Star Trek, that would be brilliant!

    New Bake-Off should be on soon which will be great; think it has the potential to run for at least as long as I've been working for NMPAT, so 17-20 for sure. Noel Fielding does a pretty good job, although I'd say he's a league down from the "big guns" of comedy like Billy Connolly; I'm sure Chandler from Friends would have a witty one-liner to say about "big guns"...

    Hope I haven't said too much? 😂😂😂😂
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  • Dag 34

    Staff Blog - Mr Draper

    26 juli 2018, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I don’t know many of the students that well but have loved helping them prepare for 4 fantastic concerts. The students I remember from earlier times at local centres now playing at such a high level shows why our aim to nurture is so important. So many different personalities all working to a common goal. I think the tears on the last night show how close the groups get. The youth of today are something to be proud of.
    The 3 ‘vannies’ had a blast and having such a fun support crew (NMPAT staff)really helped.
    Are we home yet.....
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  • Dag 34

    Staff Blog - Mr Green

    26 juli 2018, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    CYO has proved throughout this very busy year why they are held in such high regards by other music hubs around the UK.
    It has been a real honour and a privilege to share the musical direction role each Saturday morning. The young people always give so much in every performance and the final concert of the 2018 tour was no different with both CYO and CYCh performing with such class. Shostakovich's 9th symphony was a fitting end to a great year of concerts which had some amazing highlights.
    It was lovely to get to spend one day of the tour with the students and my colleagues in the beautiful city of Bratislava. The atmosphere and spirit of everyone was contagious and quickly helped me get into the groove for the performance. I couldn't have asked for a more dedicated and emotionally charged concert to sign off my current time with CYO and I hope you all feel the same!!
    A big thank you must go to my colleagues who in the 24 hours I was with the party showed why the tour was such a big success. They give up so much whilst at the same time give a great deal.
    Good luck to everyone who is leaving us for university, college or placements and I'll see everyone else around the building in September.
    Mr G
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  • Dag 34

    Coach 1

    26 juli 2018, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Venue - somewhere in Austria we think?
    DVD - currently "Coco"
    Stops - 1, Burger King for lots of students...
    Scrabble Result - Mr Spinner won, Ms Kelly did not (she hid her disappointment well?!)
    Volume levels currently ok, the karaoke appears to have stopped!

    Forgot to post these photos the other day, this is the Coach 1 Gallery...
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  • Dag 34

    Staff Blog - Corinne Malitskie

    26 juli 2018, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Why would sane, intelligent instrumental music teachers agree to staff a cyo/cych concert tour? There is much to lose in giving up more than a week of your life to this cause, such as sleep, holiday time, good food, early nights, single rooms, free time, lie-ins, oh, and did I mention sleep? The gains? We get to spend over a week with 119 incredibly talented young musicians, some singers, some players and some that are both. They cope admirably with the gruelling journey that can only be likened to the never ending story and put up with ridiculous wc queueing experiences at 2 or 3 am. They appear for breakfast at the agreed time, assemble at the appointed hour fully equipped for departure to some far-off concert venue , all with smiles on their faces and manners that would make their parents proud! Did they ever moan, complain, object or protest? Certainly not. ( I won't mention here the request to have a few independent hours in town on the last night ) . The concerts were without exception successful. Glorious music played and sung in beautiful venues. Whilst the conductors basked in the glory, weighed down by bouquets and compliments, the rest of the staff took the opportunity to improve their stand-folding and weight- lifting skills. Musical skills? Not exactly, but necessary. Except of course, for the supremely talented, willing and very very able Mr Johnson who was able to rehearse and perform both a virtuosic Tuba concerto and a fiendish jazz keyboard part in Mass in Blue IN THE SAME CONCERT. The van crew need special thanks as they were vital to the tour success and never lost their sense of humour. I could continue this for hours but my phone battery is not going to play ball ( luckily for you). So, in conclusion I feel very fortunate to have been allowed to share the joys and hardships with our 119 amazing young people and my very special NMPAT colleagues. There were many tears shed on the final night. We will return n September to a fresh orchestra and choir but Tour 2018 will remain in our hearts forever. May all our leavers have a happy and successful future. Remember to come back and visit your old friends from time to time .
    All the best wishes from Mrs Malitskie!
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