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    • Day 26

      Homeward Bound, part 4

      July 8 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Weem getting closer. Not so many killies today un unny one country. Motorways all the way so the cameras away un the quizzes are back on, them scoured the tinternet this time un their doin okay.

      We turns off the motorway for a trek cross country to the campsite, OMG what are they doing tu me, the sat nav ses turn left un they did, bugger me, cobbled streets, give me a proper bone rattlin, pretty little town Cassel, but cut do wi sum tarmac.

      On to Watten, were we're stopping. Town has a windmill un a huge canal running thru it. We tries the Aire fust, free night, there was a space but it's a bit chocker so its back up the canal, feels like um, to the little campsite. Lovely little site, mainly statics, un seasonal pitches but a nice little pitch with grass. The wife sites us un ses hubby ull be round later, ruddy good English both of um.

      Off fu a stroll round village tu stretch the legs, fust sight is a stone bridge uvva nuthin, cause he has tu climb up it, they think it might be seating fu boules pit. A beautiful little church up another cobbled street, then a walk up the cut tu watch the big barge gu by, then back tu me fu tea un an early night ready for early start in the morning, nearly home 🏡.
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    • Day 18

      Calais, 1. Etappe

      August 9, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Die erste Campingplatz ist erreicht, Camping Le Grand Gravelot, unweit zum Strand. Der erste sonnige Tag seit langer Zeit. 25°C im Womo, es fühlt sich gut an. Morgen um ca. 12uhr geht's mit der Fähre nach Dover.Read more

    • Day 1

      Sightseeing in Calais

      August 31, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Schön das ihr wieder,oder neu, dabei seid...diesmal geht's zum größten Bullitreffen der Welt...nach England. Wir versuchen euch einen Eindruck von dem 1-wöchigen Trip rüber zu bringen und wünschen euch viel Spaß

      Andy und Ulli

      Heute Morgen gegen 10 Uhr hatten wir dann fertig gepackt und es ging auf die Autobahn. Durch die Niederlande und Belgien fuhren wir bei schönstem Wetter Richtung Calais in Frankreich. Dort legt Morgen früh gegen kurz nach sechs unsere Fähre nach Dover ab. Unser Stellplatz für die kurze Nacht befindet sich im Hafen...somit haben wir nachher einen kurzen Weg zur Fähre...

      Da wir schon um 16 Uhr in Calais waren...viel zu früh...aber wir wollten uns das Städtchen auch mal ein bisschen ansehen und nicht nur als Ablegehafen gebrauchen...

      ...und es hat sich gelohnt...Calais hat richtig schöne Ecken.

      Nachdem wir noch gemütlich einen Kaffee getrunken haben, machen wir es uns jetzt noch ein bisschen im Bulli gemütlich und dann geht's früh ins Bettchen. Morgen treffen wir unseren ersten Mitfahrer und fahren zusammen Richtung Ostküste. Insgesamt sind wir sechs Busse, aber jeder fährt individuell, bzw. mit dem ein oder anderen zusammen. Wir sind drei Busse die die Ostküste fahren, zwei fahren die Südküste und einer kommt auf dem Rückweg aus Schottland zu uns...Donnerstag wird sich getroffen und Freitag starten wir gemeinsam zum Treffen...
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    • Day 1

      Eindrücke Calais…

      May 12, 2023 in France

      Das Wetter ist regnerisch und stürmisch. Alles ist irgendwie trist und grau. Die Willkommensparty in der Beachbar wurde verlegt in die Innenstadt :0/…
      Wir freuen uns, die anderen Teams kennen zu lernen. Einige verrückte Autos haben wir schon gesehen - also auf zum Anstossen 🍻…Read more

    • Day 9–11

      Calais bei Ebbe und Flut

      July 23 in France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nach einem Abstecher nach Dunkerque haben wir eineinhalb gemütliche Tage in Calais verbracht. Beide Städte sind von den Weltkriegen gezeichnet. Von den ursprünglichen Bauten ist wenig übrig; nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg musste möglichst schnell und günstig wieder Wohnraum her.
      Entsprechend muss man die schönen Ecken zuerst finden. Beide Städte haben mit ihren Häfen und dem Meeranschluss aber einen gewissen Charme.
      Besonders die Strände sind an der sogenannten Opalküste kaum zu überbieten. Wir genossen sie bei schönen Spaziergängen und von unserem Balkon in Calais aus.

      - der Plage de Calais
      - Ebbe und Flut sowie die Fähren und Frachtschiffe beobachten
      - das Essen bei Histoire Ancienne
      - der Drache von Calais: ein 72 Tonnen schweres Kunstwerk, das mit unfassbaren 4 km/h die Strandpromenade entlangdüst und Feuer spuckt (man muss es fast selbst gesehen haben, um es zu glauben 🤣)
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    • Day 3

      Spazieren durch Calais

      July 23 in France ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Wir haben heute das nahe gelegene Calais besucht. Auf unserem Weg durch die Innenstadt sind wir dabei am Rathaus, einem kleinen Aufbau im Zuge der Olympischen Spiele, diversen Leuchttürmen, einem alten Fort, einem Drachen zur Symbolisierung des olympischen Feuers und dem Strand vorbeigekommen. Calais wirkt zwar wie eine Stadt, die man nur auf dem Weg zur Fähre durchqueren muss, allerdings hat die Küstenstadt auch einen "etwas in die Jahre gekommen" Charm.Read more

    • Day 18

      Day 18 - The Vagabond Returns….Shattered

      March 16 in France ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      My alarm went off at 5.15am (4.15am UK time), I jumped in the shower and got dressed into my slightly damp motorcycle gear.

      I arrived at Le Shuttle early and the check in lady told me that she had put me on the earlier train. Great result! I waited until the information screen told me to board then I headed down to the train. Unfortunately a useless French Border crossing man was so slow checking passports that by the time I got past him, I had missed the earlier train. I had to wait to wait for my original train after all.

      Once back in Blighty, the sun was shining, the roads were quiet and I raced home probably a little too fast back home to my house and waiting wife. I stripped off my motorcycle clothes for hopefully a while and weighed myself. I was very pleased to see that I was about 4 pound lighter than when I left the UK. I put it down to all the time spent in the mosh pit sauna!!

      It had been an absolutely fabulous trip with a few trials and tribulations that all added to the adventure. I have also made friends with so many people from the UK, Europe and beyond who I know that I will bump into at future NMA gigs.

      Over the last two days on my bike, my ears were filled with snippets of lyrics on repeat from NMA songs that I had heard over and over at the gigs. I have listed a few of those lyrics below:-


      ‘Well, my bags are packed, I’m ready to go
      Whichever way the world is tilting’

      ‘There’s a line of shadow on the far horizon
      It could be stormclouds and it could be mountains’

      I have never been a wise man – living too fast and recklessly
      Too quick to judge, too quick to act and forgive and forget


      ‘And the pressure moves the mountains, seven billion and counting’

      ‘They say that we're all kings and queens in the new world except for those who aren't
      They say we can follow our dreams to the very top of the tree except for those who can't
      They say that the meek shall inherit the earth except that they shan't’

      ‘But I know it isn't personal - I just live on an angry planet’


      ‘No, not for one second did you look behind you
      As you were walking away
      Never once did you wish any of us well
      Those who had chosen to stay’


      ‘They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
      Dear God what have we done?
      There is no rest for the wicked ones
      Dear God what is this evil that we've done?’

      ‘The wolf he howls, howls up at the moon;
      some day coming - some day soon’

      ‘What a wonderful way to go - what a wonderful way to go . . .’


      ‘And still these mornings I wake up singing
      Even if I can’t remember why
      These mornings I wake up singing
      Even if I can’t remember why’


      ‘Do you really want to go there?
      I close my eyes, and I count to ten, I hold my tongue and then I count again’


      ‘So sit us down, buy us a drink, tell us a good story
      Sing us a song we know to be true’

      ‘Revolution for ever, succession of the seasons
      Within the blood of Nature, all raised to rot and die
      This purity is a lie’


      ‘Well I dreamed that I was running, through a wilderness of plenty
      And I could hear the hunt behind me, getting closer, getting closer
      And I knew that the end was coming and I wished that it was over
      Bring me the snowfall, bring me the cold wind, bring me the winter’

      ‘So let the weary land be rested and the killing season over
      Let the shadows stretch forever in the light of burnished silver
      For I fear the age of consequence and I wish that it was over
      I fear the age of consequence and I wish that it was over
      Bring me the snowfall, bring me the cold wind, bring me the winter’


      And finally….

      ‘I’m heading north, I’m heading home, Doing 125
      I close my eyes and count to ten - Ha ha, I'm still alive’
      (Well actually doing about 95mph north west up the A20, then clockwise round the M25 & then south down the M23).

      I could have gone on.

      Back home, I discovered that numerous photos, videos and messages had been uploaded on Facebook, WhatsApp and god knows what else. A few photos are below.

      Song of the Day - 5.15 by The Who

      NMA Song of the Day - 125mph by New Model Army.
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    • Day 3

      Jour 3 visites

      June 10, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Camden town,
      Buckingham palace avec répétition du défilé pour l'anniversaire du roi la semaine prochaine,
      Tour de l'horloge - Westminster,
      tomber sur le World Naked Bike Ride 😄
      Quartier Greenwich Nord, puis télécabines.
      Towerbridge pour finir
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    • Day 2–3

      19.05 Day 2 . . . Back In The UK

      May 19 in France ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      The alarm sounded at 6.00am at the Aire de Bosc-Mesnil on the A28 north east of Rouen.
      Up and out taking Loup for a leg stretch before we set off for the Chunnel. A couple of croissants and coffee’s grabbed we were on the road at 7am as planned.
      We arrived at the Euro Tunnel site and immediately went to the pet reporting area. Always a mad place with so many dogs, it is always a good spot for an accident - and so it proved.
      Loup out of his crate I decided to adjust his lead and bent down to do so, leaning forward. It was at this point Loup saw a dog exit the pet reporting office and set off at full speed to go say hello. Due to my stance it took no effort for him to have me full face plant in the car park, still hanging onto the lead at full arm stretch. Back on my feet we went into the office, only for round two to start - too many dogs in a confined space lead to much barking and frivolity and general mischief. It wasn’t long before I left Tre inside to do the paperwork while I took the mutt outside.
      All booked in we went to park and wait our crossing.
      At 1145am we were onboard and departing France.
      Arriving in the UK due to the time difference at 1130am we got on the road only just remembering in the nick of time to drive on the left.
      We drove to Tunbridge Wells and parked up - walking in to surprise Melissa at work, we bumped into her as she was leaving her building to go for lunch . . . Complete luck!!
      After a short natter and confirming a time to pick her up in the evening, we drove to Haysden Country Park near Tonbridge to take Loup on a long walk.
      The weather was lovely with just a little breeze as we walked the circumference of the lake. Loup was in his element with so many people on bikes for him to attempt a tyre chew on. The afternoon passed without incident and so we drove to our parking spot for the night.
      The Spotted Dog pub at Penshurst allow you to park overnight in their car park if you have a meal in the pub. Unlike some pubs that offer this - they even leave their toilets open overnight for your convenience . . . Brucy Bonus! The location having been checked out and the pub owners spoken to we drove to Tonbridge.
      Just after 6pm we picked Lissy up and returned to the Spotted Dog for a fab meal and my first two Guinness for about 6 months.
      After a fab evening and meal we dropped Lissy back home before heading back and bedding down at the Spotted Dog.
      Two days done already!

      Elvis Costello - I Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down
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    • Day 3

      Eurotunel, 1. poskus, NoGo

      July 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Sva padla na veterinarski kontroli ☹️ Tabletke za gliste naj bi dal veterinar, zabeležil v potni list, se podpisal in žigosal. To nama manjka, ker pri nas dajemo lastniki sami. So pa nama rezervacijo prijazno prestavili na jutri in rezervirali obisk pri lokalnem veterinarju.

      Jutri poskus št. 2

      Aja, veterinarjeva cena 95 eur: dve tabletki, en čip sken, klepet...
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