Departamento de Victoria

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    • Dag 96

      Beatles Mania

      3. marts 2016, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We had plans to hit the beach today so we arose early to find they had predicted cloudy weather all day , and it's one of the coldest days we've had since being in South America so we opt to see more of the city. Our first port of call will be the museum of contemporary art, about a 40 min walk from the hostel. The atmosphere here is so relaxed that it's 10 oclock before we leave the hostel. Mark picked up a book in Paraguay and hasn't been able to put it down, so I spend almost an hour pulling him away from it.
      Rosario is full of beatiful parks and the walk to the museum is along the river , along the way we come across an area that is dedicated to sexual diversity that flys the pride flag and actually has the stretch named as such -Paseo de Diversidad,. Rosario is one of the gay capitals of South America and has the romantic ambience to go with it. We arrive at the museum to find it is closed due to an exhibition taking place so we leave a little dissaponted and head for another museum located several blocks away.
      On route we stumble across a Beatles bar and head inside to quench our thirst. There is endless memoribilia and in the back is a Beatles museum, it even puts the one in Liverpool to shame as some of the things are really iconic , we finish our drinks and continue the voyage in search of an open museum.
      In most places in the city their roads run like a grid, everything is square so it's pretty easy to find your way around , unless your name is Mark .
      The next museum is also closed so we have to do the next best thing and shop, a couple of tops later and we make our way back to the hostel for tonight's acado ( Argentinian bbq)
      I cannot wait to eat the Argentinian steak and after last night's disappointment I am more than ready. The bbq is lit with all the coals in a 'bucket' in the centre once they are hot they break them into smaller pieces and spread them underneath a huge grill. The various meats are cooked slowly and then for the last 10 minutes with larger hotter pieces underneath. After a long wait 10pm and dinner is served. The various cuts of beef are served with sweetcorn and potatoes with egg . We eat intestine, blood sausage, ribs and the art de resistance fillet steak, it is delicious , with a full stomach I head to bed.
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    • Dag 9

      Zu Besuch bei Luli und Delfina

      15. februar 2017, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Heute sind wir mal in einem etwas schöneren Viertel zu Besuch bei einer weiteren von Melis Freundinnen. Die Wohnung hat dankenswerterweise eine Klimaanlage... Der Ausblick vom Balkon in diverse Hinterhöfe mutet etwas chaotisch an.
      Zu Mittag aufgetischt wird natürlich jede Menge Fleisch (eine Art Stelze) und Bier. Danach gehts ab in den Park, damit die kleine Delfina auch was von der Gegend sieht ;)
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    • Dag 10

      Fischrestaurant und Strand

      16. februar 2017, Argentina ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Heute gings mit der ganzen Gruppe mal schnell zum Strand Fisch essen und ein wenig sonnen, wobei "mal schnell" über eine Stunde Autofahrt pro Richtung bedeutet. Dabei waren wir nur im Nachbarort von Rosario :-O Zeit, um Mate-Tee herumzureichen. Auf halbem Weg passieren wir eine "gated community", eine Ansammlung großer Häuser reicher Leute hinter hohen Zäunen und Sicherheitskontrollen. Naja, wenn sie meinen ...

      Vor dem Restaurant lungern wie üblich ein paar streunende Hunde herum, die uns treuherzig und verschlafen beobachten. Klänge von Bob Marley bis zu typischer lateinamerikanischer Musik untermalen den Strand. Besonders viel los ist nicht, aber es ist ja auch ein Wochentag.
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    • Dag 91

      National Historical Monument to the Flag

      21. maj, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      The Argentinian flag was designed in Rosario and this spot represents where the flag was first raised by General Manuel Belgrano in 1812.

    • Dag 98

      Day From Hell

      5. marts 2016, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today is going to be a long day , we are catching the overnight train from Rosario to Buenes Aires, but it doesnt leave till midnight, luckily we have managed to get our room for free as we have been here for 4 nights and the fifth is free , we use the morning to pack and in doing so Mark finds that he has lost his bank card. The next 3 hours are sent trying to cancel it. Firstly topping up the phone then on the phone to India, going though security to a point of having to give my shoe size. we send the rest of the afternoon chatting with a lovely couple from Brazil, Vicky and Raffael, and share a lunch of Aubergine pizza(i will share the recipe when i get home). An hour before we are due to leave another storm starts and we agree a taxi to the station is the best way, but trying to get one in the rain is nion impossible , after an hour we flag one down and say our goodbyes to the greatpeople we have met. Wearrive at the station and go to the ticket office book the tickets and the guy start speaking to me in Spanish, but i havent a clue what hes saying. Eventually i figure out that you cannot pay by card and as we are leaving Argentina to head to uruguay I dont have enough cash. The nearest cashpoint is 7 blocks away and it is now nearly ten thirty. The chances of getting a cab are slim so i speed walk like ive just had 8 cups of coffee I arriive at the cashpoint and it wont give me any money ? I check the balance and its 0 My worst fear, whoever has had Marks card has cleared out the account. I hastily flag down a taxi( it has now stopped raining and head back to pick up one of the other cards from Mark at the station tell the taxi driver to wait again and head back to the cashpoint with the other card. Thank god this time it works , and i ask the driver to take me back to the station. He must think ive lost the plot. Back at the station i call the bank again (this costs me 15 quid) and they advise me the reason its showing zero is because the bank i was using wasnt compatable with the card, and our money is safe. I get back to the station purchase our tickets and im tempted to not tell mark and let him suffer a little for his irresonsibility but cant do it. we board the train, both relieved. The train is really comfortable, and far cheaper than the bus so we recline our seats, get our blankets out and sleep.Læs mere

    • Dag 61


      18. oktober 2019, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C


      - mitten im Zentrum, beim Parque Independencia
      - großer Spielplatz nebenan
      - sehr laut, an 6-spuriger Straße, aber auch etwas ruhigere Parkplätze auf der anderen Seite des Spielplatzes vorhanden
      - gegen eine kleine Spende haben die Parkeinweiser unseren Camper im Auge behalten, als wir unterwegs waren
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    • Dag 17

      Rosario, Argentina

      8. januar 2019, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Procurei bastante, mas n consegui carona mais barato pra Cordoba e decidi ir de ônibus pela madrugada..

      Peguei carona num caminhaozinho dentro da cidade, foi legal ver q pouco tempo depois o rapaz se desarmou rs..

      Conheci numa lanchonete da rodoviária de Rosario uma mãe e filha que vai estudar medicina brasileiras.. as ajudei mto..

      A energia com o cara de uma das empresas do guichê de ônibus estava tão boa que me fez de 900 por 720 pesos a passagem até Cordoba..

      Conheci uma garota na recepção chamada Maya mto gente boa qdo fui pedir sinal wifi numa loja de vinhos..

      Primeiro dia que meditei na viagem e foi magnífico.. conectei com os antepassados..

      Leonardo meu host me deu paezinhos para comer na viagem de ônibus..
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    • Dag 16

      Rosario, Argentina

      7. januar 2019, Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Dia de descanso..
      Leonardo meu host preparou um café mto bom e enquanto comíamos me mostrou no youtube pela tv tudo sobre os tipos de músicas argentinas..
      Fomos ao mercado e compramos coisas pro almoço.. ele cozinhou e só faltou sal rs e menos pimentões..
      Dormi a tarde e fomos caminhar com uma amiga sua q já me dizia ele ser ela superficial..
      Foi a primeira interação com um nativo que foi ruim..
      Ela chegou a dizer q n gostava do Brasil, e olha q já foi várias vezes rs..
      Despedimos dela e começamos uma corridinha..
      Encontramos outra amiga sua enquanto corriamos e para cumprimentar, qdo ele me apresentou como brasileiro, essa outra chegou a paralisar e dar um passo pra trás rs..
      Aí sim fui entender que brasileiros aqui n são tão bem visto, ainda q há quem goste..
      Rosarinos são um povo mais ciumento com sua cidade..
      Leonardo me explicou o pq tem se afastado de alguns amigos, pois n concorda com essa postura..
      Tomamos uma vitamina em sua casa qdo voltamos..
      Estou procurando carona pra ir pra Cordoba amanhã, mas está desafiador..

      Cidades menores são mais conservadoras
      Onde há turismo e estrangeiros demais o povo é mais sussa
      A sensação n é boa de ser rejeitado
      O problema estão nas pessoas
      Ficar em silêncio ou n estar perto é sempre o melhor à fazer
      Nunca julgue de cara, Leonardo tem sido incrível..msm q no início n pareceu
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    • Dag 12


      27. september 2016, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Nach Buenos Aires und Córdoba ist Rosario die drittgrösste Stadt in Argentinien.

      Wir waren langsam etwas müde von den vielen Stadtbesichtigungen und spazierten deshalb am breiten Fluss im grossen Park entlang. Dabei fanden wir heraus, dass neben Fussballer Lionel Messi auch Che Guevara in dieser Stadt geboren wurde. Ihm wurde gar ein ganzer Park gewidmet, welcher jedoch nicht besonders inspirierend war.

      Dennoch ist Rosario eine ziemlich schöne Stadt, auch wenn sie nicht besonders viele Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten hat.
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