Esperance was always a “must stop” for us … to chill for a couple of days.
We were hoping to do so not in a caravan park in town, however. No, we had our heart set on doing so in Cape Le GrandRead more
Esperance was always a “must stop” for us … to chill for a couple of days.
We were hoping to do so not in a caravan park in town, however. No, we had our heart set on doing so in Cape Le GrandRead more
It's been a beautiful summer day climbing clifs to get a view of white beaches and sand dunes and an ocean covering all possible shades of blue.
A café after lunch got us some needed beingRead more
Wir haben einfach probiert ein wenig Sonne zu bekommen, hat nur so halbwegs geklappt
I took Bella out for the morning to the Skatepark with Sasha and then we went to the beach for a fish and chip lunch!
Bella absolutely loved the skate board and mastering the pump track.... then onRead more
Nichts Neues ausser ca. 310Km🤪 Halt für etwas Süsses und noch schnell in einer Garage und Equipment gekauft🤣😉 für das spätere Prospektin 😂🤣
Day 4. Walk along jetty and park. Shopping at Red Dot, Reject Shop, Woolies. Gas from BBQ Galore, filled fuel.
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Traveler Wie warm ist denn das Wasser?
Traveler Schon gut kalt… schnell rein kann man schon in badehose aber alle surfer haben einen neo an ☺️