Isle of the Dead

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    • Day 104

      Port Arthur

      May 21 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      We've spent a few days in Port Arthur now and are really enjoying everything about Tasmania so far. The wildlife is incredible, although we have no idea what most of the animals are! We saw a giant ant, which Rosie was playing with. It was only later we found out they're extremely dangerous! The birds and animals are so tame, Rosie has hand fed various types of cockatoo and hundreds of pademelons. We've also seen sea eagles and kookaburra. There's a nice walk from the campsite to Port Arthur where the old prison is, the history around the convicts being exported around the world to be used as forced labor is interesting but sad. I can't believe they sentenced 7 year olds to be sent around the world for minor crimes. It is so nice to be able to have fires again, due to the fire ban we only had one fire during our whole time in New Zealand. It's also great to see some forest again and really highlights the extent of the deforestation in New Zealand. 1.2m hectares of ancient Kauri forest and 97% of wetlands have been lost there. We've also walked to Shipsterns bluff, which was beautiful, not a wave id want to surf though! This is our last night here before we start heading North.Read more

    • Day 106

      Trip up to Swansea

      May 23 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Had time for Rosie to do another few laps of the pump track at the campsite before we left. She said she wanted to do it again and again and again! Shes getting so much more confident on her bike now 😊
      Ended up having to change our route up to Swansea from Port Arthur as the road didn't look suitable. Then still ended up on an unsealed road! Luckily it was fine to drive on, just got the campervan very muddy!
      Had a delicious lunch in Dunalley - crayfish and a seafood platter. The girls both loved it and ate very well. Rosie especially enjoyed the prawns and Poppy loved the calamari which was so tender. Had a play in the park nearby before we left. Stocked up on food in Orford. There aren't any big supermarkets around here but the shop had all we needed. Poppy had her first go at sitting in a trolley 💜
      It was late afternoon when we arrived in the campsite at Swansea so we just hung out in the lounge and then made some dinner in the campsite kitchen.
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    • Day 44

      Erste Schritte auf Tasmanien

      January 10, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Ein kleiner roter Suzuki apv soll ins die nächsten 2 Wochen begleiten. Vermieter ist "Wicked Camper", der meist durch Autos mit Graffiti und recht alten Autos auffällt. Der Ruf ist durchwachsen, dennoch entscheiden wir uns für einen unbesprühten Bus. Wir sind soweit zufrieden, auch wenn  man spürt, dass der Bus nicht gerade der Jüngste ist...

      Wir starten Richtung Tasman Halbinsel (Süd-Osten) und kommen ersteinmal in einen Regenschauer... Hmm... Werden die nächsten 16 Tage nun regnerisch und kalt?

      Der Regen macht eine Pause und wir probierens ebenfalls mit einer: Frühstück am Strand! Doch wir bekommen gleich  eine Ladung Sand bei einer starken Böe auf unsere frisch belegten Brote... Regnerisch? Kalt? Stürmisch? Schlechter Start, doch Tasmanien wird uns noch viele unvergesslich schöne Momente geben, soviel ist sicher!

      Wir schauen uns trotz des Regens verschiedene Sehenswürdigkeiten an und machen kleine Wanderungen. So waren wir z.B. beim Tessellated Pavement (gespaltene Steinplatten am Meer),
      dem Eaglehawk Neck (Verbindungsstelle/Engstelle zur Tasman Halbinsel), der Pirates Bay (frühere Piratenbucht), dem Blowhole (bei hohem Wellengang Wasserfontäne), Tasman Arch (Loch/Höhle mit Verbindung zum Devils Kitchen) und Devils Kitchen (Steilklippe). Am Strand vom Eaglehawk Neck haben wir eine  ausgiebigen Spaziergang gemacht und den Surfern bei den Surfversuchen zugeschaut... Brrr kalt
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    • Day 1,999

      Port Arthur

      November 13, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Another nice spring day, which we had allocated to go up to the north western side of the peninsular. This part also falls south of the Dog Line and was turned into a coal mining area. Convicts were forced to work the mine, and the coal was transported to the growing city of Hobart by ship.
      The coal was not of great quality, apparently.
      After a good walk around the old mining area we drove to Nubeena to find an ice cream and then on into the Tasman National Park to complete a walk to the Cape Raul and the Shipstern Bay lookouts. There was a relentlous climb up to the first lookout, followed by a decline to the bay lookout.
      Shipstern Bay is where the big waves come in for the professional surfers, but conditions were relatively calm as we looked down on the coast line.
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    • Day 2,000

      Port Arthur

      November 14, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      The Cape Hauy walk is noted as one of the great one day walks in the peninsula.
      We drove the short distance to Fortescue Bay, the last part of the journey along a 12km gravel road through the forest - always a treat.
      The day park here is the finishing point for a four day walk - The Tasman Three Capes walk - which has to be completed in an anticlockwise direction.
      We passed a lot of oldies on the last leg of their walk as we passed through eucalypt forest, giving us an occasional view of the sea. Eventually, we climbed up out of the tree line into general scrub with magnificent views of the Cape coastline. We could see the very undulating path stretching out in front of us, dropping into deep valleys and rising over the headland in front of us. Eventually, after 1 hour and 50 minutes, we arrived at a wind swept cape lookout where the brave could look at the totem pole rock feature in the raging sea below. Needless to say Karen would not go anywhere near the edge, despite trying to do so twice. It really was too scary!!!
      After a short stay at the Cape, we returned to the car park, retracing our steps. Karen counted over 2250 stone steps on the return journey.
      This is billed as a strenuous walk, every bit as strenuous as some of the South West Coastal path that we have completed, and we enjoyed it immensely.
      We dropped into Doolishus (in Doo town) for a well-deserved fish and chip late lunch. Very tasty.
      Returning to base we started preparing for our trip to Hobart tomorrow.
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    • Day 14

      Spiky Bridge to Port Arthur

      March 4, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After Spiky Bridge we continued down the Tasman Highway to Kelvedon Beach. Last night Millie had a melt down and wanted to go home, so we had already decided to stop at a beach so she could have a little play in the sand and surf. The surf wasn't too bad as the whole bay, though quite large and open to the seas, is fairly sheltered so she had a play and we found a lot of scallop shells and small conch shells for Millie to add to her collection. Once she got that out of her system and the smell of rotting seaweed got the better of us all, we got back in the car.
      We were planning to get lunch and petrol in Triabunna.. only one of those was practical as the petrol station we were planning visit was closed.
      So we continued on after lunch and the GPS said to take a certain road that became an unsealed road. OK we thought we could manage it and then 7km along there was a sign saying the road was suitable for 4WD vehicles only... stupid GPS, so we headed back and took the long way round (via Buckland (for petrol), Runnymede, Sorell Nd Copping) which ended up being the scenic route anyway... but again, the number of Tasmanian deiver who cut corners and narrow roads... I am beginning to hate driving here!
      We finally arrived at Port Arthur about 5pm and check into our very nice, modern and tidy cabin before heading to Fox and Hounds, Port Arthur for dinner.
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    • Day 16

      Visit from feathered and fury friends

      March 6, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We got back to our accommodation and had a rest for the rest of the afternoon, after all the walking we had done for the day had left us a little tired, especially Millie.
      While we were resting, our fethered and fury friends came round for a visit while dinner was being prepared.
      After we had dinner, we started to pack our bits and pieces and get ready to move on to our last stop on our trip; Hobart.
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    Isle of the Dead, Q21943458

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