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    • Day 23

      Skipworth Reserve

      April 3, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We have arrived at Skipworth Reserve. It is exactly as we remembered it on our last visit and we have set up camp in nearly the same spot.

      Several King parrots here are very unafraid of people. They seem almost curious of us.

      Early the next morning we are up before it is light. Now sitting in our camp enjoying the sounds of the running Goulburn river punctuated by the random kookaburra chorus. Soon other birds will join in and possibly come over to greet us.

      The first visitors have arrived. Tiny scrub wrens scouting the outskirts of our camp. Soon they get braver and do a quick scamper through our annexe area. Eventually they come right in and make sure there are no morsels of food left from our supper last night. One very bold one flew up onto a chair table and checked that out. Then they leave, probably to check other camp-site.

      Later one brave little bird ventured about two feet from where Pam was working on the computer to forage in our used breakfast plates. He struck it lucky and found some residual cerial on a breakfast plate. We both took a few photos but the bird did not seem care one bit. Later one wren ventured into the tent. There was nothing we could do but wait for him to finish his sortie and leave. Since then we have made sure to keep the door to the tent closed.

      Later tiny blue wrens,(Superb Fairy Wrens) with their mast like tails of two or three feathers made an appearance. The females and non breeding males are actually a mousey brown. Upon marurity the males develop their mating colours just before breeding time. Today there was one male beginning his change to blue and his harem of females all staying within his field of view.

      This afternoon the parrots were back until they had each been given an almond. This time Pam handed the almonds out. I took some photos for her.

      The pacific black ducks drop in every now and then just to see if we have changed our mind about feeding them. For a few minutes they line up and intently stare at us from very close by. Eventually they give up and head back to the river. (where they are supposed to be).


      Skipworth ended up being cold some nights but always pleasent each day. We drove to Mansfield one day to replace a busted sleeping bag and enjoy an outing to one of the cafes.

      The outdoor shop was wonderful and ended up being able to equip a new sleeping bag and some other useful items. The service in these towns is exceptional and nothing seems too much bother.

      We had fires running most of the day into the night that provided ample heat for our shower water and all our cooking needs. The quite old but unused camp oven we brought with us was well and truly seasoned on this trip. Porridge every morning and supper each night. We even did cheese melts for lunch. A treat much enjoyed by the children.
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    • Day 23

      Mansfield, Victoria

      April 3, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Mansfield is the last port of call before Jamieson. It is quite a busy town, obviously a stop on the way to the snow fields. They seem to be getting ready for the season.

      We called in at the visitor info centre and took a look at the historical rail station. Trains have not travelled to here since 1977. The line closed in 1978.

      Mansfield has one other claim to fame. The man from snowy River movies one and two were filmed there. Many s enez were also filmed nearby and in the high country. That must have been exciting for the locals.

      On the way to Mansfield we crossed a bridge that spans Lake Eildon. Last visit the water was not far below the bridge. This time we drove down well below the high water level to look at the tall bridge structure. This area definitely needs a lot of rain.
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    • Day 1

      Tin Hut camp

      March 15 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Found a great camp in a secluded spot with the benefit of a toilet.

    • Day 3

      Mansfield Information

      February 7, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Popped into the information centre and was particularly impressed with the Mansfield community charter...which provides guidelines for how they want the shire to be seen.
      Loved the Ned Kelly armpit pice which is reasonably local to Mansfield - Glenrowan area.

      Mansfield is the seat of the Mansfield local government area. Mansfield was formerly heavily dependent on farming and logging, but is now a tourist-centre. It is the support town for the large Australia ski resort Mount Buller. It is associated with the high country tradition of alpine grazing, celebrated in the film made around Mansfield, near the now famous Craigs Hut, called The Man from Snowy River (based on a poem by Banjo Paterson).
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    • Day 8

      The Final Few

      April 25 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Ghostriders' Central Victoria Cycling Adventure - Day 8
      Not only was our cycling adventure coming to an end, but it appears that our peloton is also rapidly coming to an end as well. Only a couple of days ago we had 19 riders enjoying the warm sunshine, this morning only 10 riders presented themselves at the start of the ride in Boonie Doon.

      After dinner last night, another 5 riders indicated that they would not be completing the final ride. I guess it takes a unique combination of extreme mental and physical fitness to complete 7 rides in 7 days and not all of our peloton are equally blessed in that regard.

      Since it was Anzac Day, we started the ride with a short Anzac Ceremony by the war memorial in Bonnie Doon. Allan Barlin led the service, just like the way he had led us 12 years ago at Anzac Cove in Turkey. It was a meaningful way to recognise the sacrifices made by so many in the armed forces.

      The balmy weather that we had enjoyed up to now was now nothing but a memory. Not only had the temperature dropped by about 10 degrees, but it was actually raining. Faced with this unexpected challenge, there was even some discussion as to whether we should just cancel the final ride and head home instead.

      We finally opted for a much better alternative - to head to the coffee shop just across the road, and enjoy coffee and cake instead. It turned out to be a wise decision, as by the time we had finished our coffee, the rain had also finished. We could ride after all.

      The plan was to ride from Bonnie Doon to Mansfield and back, a distance of around 45 km. It didn't take long for us to decide that the trail was a real gem. Not only was the scenery amazing, but the surface of the trail was smooth and well packed. It all made for most enjoyable cycling. It was a pity that it was just so cold.

      At the ten kilometre mark, our peloton shrunk even further when Michael, Christine and Bob all decided to Uturn and head back to the start. We were down to seven riders.

      The ride to Mansfield is slightly uphill, but the good surface and gentle tailwind made the going easy. One surprise discovery was a mobile phone tower that had been distorted into a piece of sculpture. We stopped there for a closer look and a few photos.

      When we made it to Mansfield, we discovered to our relief that the huge bakery was doing a roaring business. We would not be going hungry after all.
      After lunch we began the 22km ride back to the start. The return ride was just as much fun as the outward ride (apart from the head wind and frigid temperature).

      When we reached Bonnie Doon we shared a few hugs and fond farewells. It really had been a fantastic week of riding and fellowship. All seven rides had been quite different, each one special and memorable in its own way. We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to explore our state with such good friends.

      Now we need to make plans for our next adventure. The ideas are already forming.....
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    • Day 47


      October 30, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Couldn't stop at Darnum Hotel. It's all closed off. Will have to take that stop off my list. Kept going through to Kerrisdale and pulled up on the side of the road for the night. Just an hour from Shepparton now.Read more

    • Day 65


      March 11, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Staying at the Showgrounds, very busy as it is a long weekend this weekend in Victoria (Labour Day). Day trip to Lake Eildon and the township of Eildon today. Walk a little way around Goulburn River to a dam wall along with a lot of other people and a lot of dogs. Everybody had the same idea today. We then drove across the Lake Eildon dam wall with some spectacular views of the damRead more

    • Day 289

      Cathedral Range jour 1

      April 20, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Pour le week end de Pâques, on a voulu partir faire quelques randonnées escarpées.
      Déjà, on avons vu que ce week end de 4 jours est très populaire pour partir en camping et tout était complet, donc obligé de dormir en haut, au camp le moins accessible.
      Puis on a decouvert que le " goodfriday" est plus "férié" que le lundi de Pâques, du coup absolument tout était fermé pour les courses.
      On est ,donc, parti samedi dans un parc naturel assez exceptionnel, pour 2 jours de randonnées sac à dos.
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