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    • Jour 387

      Bouquet final

      27 décembre 2023, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Hello les amis, 👋🏼
      Comment terminer un road trip en beauté ?
      Un vol au-dessus de Whitsunday et de la Barrière de Corail.
      Un moment vraiment magique, que j'ai pu partager avec ma partenaire de voyage (Alice). C'était la Concrétisation de ce voyage, le point final, le bouquet final.
      Merci l'Australie pour tous les beaux souvenirs que tu m'as laissés, je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'une meilleure année dans ma vingtaine. Je me souviendrai toujours des hauts et des bas qui m'ont façonnée. Les fortes amitiés, les voyages, de la sérénité et du le stress . Merci pour les opportunités!

      Comment décrire une année en quelques lignes ? Comment partager avec vous le bonheur que j'ai ressenti, mais aussi les doutes ?
      A mon retour, je me prépare à des questions du type :
      "Alors, comment s'est passée ton année en Australie ? "tu vas travailler dans quoi maintenant que tu es de retour ?" et je n'aurai aucune réponse à vous donner.
      Tout simplement parce qu'une telle année est inexplicable et que tant qu'on ne la vit pas, elle reste très chimérique.
      Quant à la dernière question... Eh bien, cela fait 1 an que je vis au jour le jour et je pense que mon petit cerveau a besoin de se réhabituer aux repères qu'il a tant perdus et à ce qu'il veut vraiment pour l'avenir.
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    • Jour 64

      Goodbye Australien

      2 mars 2020, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Ich bin so froh, dass ich mich nach Australien gewagt habe. Meine Bedenken, dass unter jedem Busch eine große, giftige Schlange auf mich wartet, waren völlig unbegründet. Ich habe nicht eine Schlange gesehen, mal abgesehen von einer im Schnabel eines Greifvogels.
      Nach 3 Wochen hier habe ich das Gefühl noch fast gar nichts von dem riesigen Land gesehen zu haben. Man legt große Strecken zurück um von A nach B zu kommen. Mit dem Premier Bus in mehreren Etappen die Küste von Sydney bis zum Great Barrier Reef hochzufahren, war auf jeden Falle eine sehr entspannte Art zu reisen. Oft fuhr der Bus über Nacht. Meine längste Strecke waren 12 Stunden. Ich habe mich quer auf zwei Sitze gelegt, die Füße auf den dritten Platz über den Gang ausgestreckt und mit Augenmaske und Ohrenstöpseln geschlummert.

      Ein paar Stationen waren leider gar nicht so sehenswert und an anderen Orten wäre ich gern länger geblieben.
      Meine Top 3 Lieblingsorte:
      - Bayron Bay wegen des entspannten Hippi Charms
      - Noosa weil es ein hübsches, kleines Städtchen mit Nationalpark und perfekten Wellen ist
      - K’gari (Fraser Island) weil man hier fernab der Zivilisation in der Wildnis Abenteuer erleben kann

      Die Aussies sind wirklich easy going und zeigen gern ihr schönes Land. Der Taxifahrer gestern ist extra nochmam umgekehrt, um mir ein Känguru zu zeigen, dass am Straßenrand saß. Australien ist sicher und leicht zu bereisen, da hier alles auf die Heerscharen von jungen Work & Travel Backpackern vorbereitet ist. Es gibt jede Menge Angebote an Hostels, Transfers, Touren, Skydiving, Tauchen usw. Ich konnte alles auf den letzten Drücker buchen und an vielen Orten war es noch nichtmal überlaufen.

      Leider hat des Wetter mir auch ein paar Aktivitäten verhagelt. Sydney ist komplett ins Wasser gefallen und durch den Noosa Nationalpark bin ich im stömenden Regen gewandert. Aber ich gönne es den Aussies nach den ganzen heißen Monaten mit Waldbränden, von denen übrigens kaum Spuren zu sehen waren. Ich hatte aber auch jeden Menge Sonne und habe jetzt einen schönen Langzeit-Backpacker Teint.

      Kulinarisch hat Australien gar nichts wirklich typisches zu bieten. Ein Fisch der Barramundi heißt, Beef Burger mit Roter Beete und Känguru-Burger waren meine kulinarischen Highlights.
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    • Jour 16

      Steak zum Frühstück

      9 mars, Australie ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      War das eine Nacht.
      Zu Hause eine schwere Havarie. Das 100er Abwasserrohr ist dicht.😱
      Danke Zahni, Du warst da!🙏
      Ich konnte ja nur telefonisch Beistand leisten. Danke Schatzi und Maxe. Ihr seid großartig. Hier sagt man dann gleich und wenigstens: GREAT! aber eher GREATER!

      Nach drei Stunden war dann meine Nacht zu Ende. Erst ein schweres Gewitter und um
      ! 3:30 am ! fährt die Kehrmaschine an meinem Parkplatz vorbei. Im Arbeitsmodus. Die Stadt Proserpine muss das schon morgens machen. Warum? Weiß ich nicht.
      Um 7:00 am gibt es in Airlie Beach einen Markt. Das Markttreiben wollte ich mir anschauen. Den berühmten Whitesunday Saturday Markets... Ist heute ins Wasser gefallen.
      Um kurz vor 7:00 am drei Stände, -leerer als auf dem Bassinplatz in Potsdam...
      Ich hab mich dann mal kurz in die Airlie Beach Lagune fallengelassen. war danach noch neue Steaks und Sonstiges einkaufen.
      Nächstes Ziel: Peter Faust Dam.
      Und dann weiter in den nächsten Nationalpark. Cape Hillsborough.
      Da gibt es einen Strand, dort kommen ziemlich zuverlässig Kangaroos und Wallabies zum Sonnenaufgang an den Strand um Algen, die die Flut mitgebracht hat, aber auch Mangroven Samen zu fressen. Ich bleibe deshalb 2 Nächte im Nationalpark.
      Dann geht es weiter. Natürlich ist der Pacific Coast Way ziemlich schmal. Viele Trucks haben oversize und das Wetter schüttelt so ein Hitop wegen seiner Aufbauhöhe ganz schön durch. Die Fahrt lebt von den Touristen Touren. Wenn ich mich nicht immer zu Abstechern hinreißen lasse, dann sind es bis Sydney knapp 2000 km. Also werden es mehr Kilometer werden
      Richtung Süden...
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    • Jour 51

      Proserpine, Queensland

      10 juillet 2015, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      CAIRNS to PROSERPINE 2/7/15 to 10/7/15

      HW. We’re heading south again towards Innisfail along the section of the north Queensland coast called The Great Green Way. As the name suggests everything is incredibly green and the rainforest scenery is so lush and dense, sometimes growing right up to the edge of the highway. The landscape if fairly mountainous and all of it is covered in rainforest which makes for some great scenery. We spent a couple of days exploring the Innisfail area and visited Mission Beach which was quite busy with holiday-makers. We also found an unusual winery at a place called Murdering Point where they make wines and liqueurs from many different fruits other than grapes. Naturally we sampled most and bought a few!! We also heard about a place called Paronella Park which everyone said was a place not to be missed so we managed to get a camp spot there for a night and drove up into the hills west of Innisfail. Paronella Park got its name from a Spanish chap named Jose Paronella who bought a section of the rainforest in 1930 and set about single-handedly building his “castle” amongst the jungle. Within his landholding there is a large waterfall called Mena Falls. He not only built several buildings but also huge concrete staircases to the lower levels, an avenue of Kauri pine trees, a tunnel through a hill leading to another smaller waterfall and many pathways through the rainforest. He then set about constructing the first Hydro-electric power plant in Australia which he then used to power his “castle” as well as floodlight the Mena Falls, and all of this in the 1930’s. He even had a big ballroom/theatre in his “castle” which had a huge mirror-ball suspended from the ceiling and his own cinema equipment. Unfortunately most of the buildings are now in ruins due to several disastrous cyclones and floods over the years but the people who bought the place about 20 years ago are in the process of slowly restoring parts of the property. The power plant is now working again and we saw the falls and other buildings floodlit at night.

      From there we drove to Tully (where, surprise, surprise it was raining) where we saw the iconic big gumboot and went on a tour of the sugar refinery which was very interesting. Everywhere around this part of Queensland there are huge areas of sugarcane which is all ready for cutting at the moment. Unfortunately the unseasonal wet weather of the past month has delayed the cane cutting and we were lucky that we saw the sugar mill in action.

      Our drive then took us to Cardwell which is a very pretty spot on the coast with views to Hinchinbrook Island. We then continued towards Ingham and drove to a camp spot we’d heard about at a place called Forrest Beach where we set up very close to the beach. Most of the beaches aren’t safe for swimming due to the “stingers” which may be present in the water. There’s absolutely no surf anywhere along the coast as the reef protects the coastline from swells. Here the palms and rainforest grew right down to the sand in places.

      Continuing on we spent a couple of days in the Townsville area. While the city is very “touristy”, it is also a very picturesque place with great views from Castle Hill across the boat harbour and to the many islands off the coast. The water is incredibly blue, the beaches stunning and the green backdrop of the forest make for some great photos. After Townsville we travelled down through Ayr where we looked through an interesting little nature display which was created by a man using more than 60,000 native fauna, butterflies, shells and rocks mostly collected around north Queensland. The landscape now became totally different as this area was very dry because apparently they had no wet season earlier this year. It was mostly flat with low scrub and looked quite desolate after the lush green we had become accustomed to. After a free camp near Bowen (the home of the Big Mango) where I sampled some Mango sorbet, (delicious), we reached Proserpine where we set up camp and drove out to Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour which are both stunningly beautiful places. It’s mostly green again around this area with lots of sugar cane everywhere. Airlie is a real tourist mecca with resorts built up into the hills overlooking the harbour which is full of very expensive boats.

      FW After depositing more of our Top End red dirt at the caravan park in Cairns during a rain shower, we moved on to the August Moon park just out of Innisfail where they had a wash down area which we took full advantage of. We thought the ground around our caravan looked really red but the red just kept coming out of every cavity when I turned a hose on it again.

      About a week and a half before we visited Paronella park they had 170mm of rain overnight and a considerable area of the park was under 1 ½ meters of water. We saw little evidence of the flood.

      A minor statistic of the Tully Sugar Mill is that 100% of the sugar goes overseas.

      Heather mentioned we stayed at Forrest Beach, what she didn’t mention is that the long term holidayers that have been going there for years threatened to slit our throats if we told anyone about it, so please don’t tell a sole.

      At Proserpine we stayed in a caravan park that backed on to a sugar cane plantation with the cane train line about 10 m from our caravan. The cane trains ran till almost midnight. (look closely in the photo behind the caravan for the cane train carriages)
      We seemed to pick the wrong time to take a look at the beaches as almost every time we drove to them it was low tide and trust me you know when its low tide because the water is almost a kilometre away.

      You probably don’t have to be a mountain goat to access the houses and resort accommodation built in the “hills” around Airlie beach but it sure would help. I don’t think a normal human being could actually walk up the roads they are so steep.
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    • Proserpine

      4 juillet 2019, Australie ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Got hammered by rain just out of Bowen. Had to stop to add waterproof liners and chat to some locals. A photo also of the rain over the cane fields. Cane and cattle together from here to Mackay. Also had an issue with the chain on the KTM so stopped near the town of ‘Leap’ to reattach the chain - found a bolt had come out of the centre stand as well ... that had to wait until we got settled for the night.En savoir plus

    • Jour 57


      14 septembre 2019, Australie ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Day 1: Left Bowen after breakfast and headed off for Proserpine, couldn't get a coffee at roadhouse and coffee machine not working. after setting up van and having lunch drove out to Airlie Beach, very much a tourist town with plenty of surf shops and cafes.

      Day 2: After breakfast droveback to Airlie Beach and around to Shute Harbour. Could see many of the Whisunday Islands from the lookout.. had a gluten free Pizza back at Airlie Beach for lunch.
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    • Jour 288


      10 novembre 2022, Australie ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Finally made it to Proserpine after passing through Bowen for a brief look. It was hard to find a park for the caravan 😔 lovely to catch up with some friends from Hedland when we lived there ❤️ went for lunch at the local pub. Brilliant free camp right in town 👏 thanks Proserpine 😊En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Proserpine, PPP, Просерпайн, 普拉瑟潘


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