South Perth

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    • Päivä 51


      19. joulukuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Unser Flug heute nach Adelaide wurde abgesagt und wir fliegen erst morgen über Melbourne nach Adelaide. Heute Morgen sind wir deshalb zum Hafen gelaufen und mit der Fähre rüber nach Soth Perth City. Dort haben wir bei der Anlegestelle im Mr.Walker gefrühstückt. Ein Stück weiter waren wir bald beim Zoo Eingang. Die ganze Anlage ist wunderschön angelegt mit vielen Pflanzen und grosszügigen Wegen. Vorallem die Tierwelt von Australien ist vertreten, aber auch Tiere aus Afrika und Asien. Schnell waren 3 Stunden vergangen und wir sind mit dem Schiff zurück.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 46

      Swan River

      16. huhtikuuta 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Solangsam wirds au mir biz langwilig am Strand 🙈

      Bin drum wieder mal id Stadt und um de Swan River gloffe 🚶‍♀️ S'wetter het wunderbar mitgmacht ☀️vlt. sötti s'nöchst Mal biz besseri Schueh ahlegge anstelle vo Schlarpe 😂 Bin 3/4 rundume gloffe, das sind in etwa 15 km und den isch usem Nirgendwo eifach es Boot uftaucht! Haha so guet 😊 also hani das zrugg gno, so bini au grad mal no Böötli gfahre ufem Swan River 🛥

      ✅ Um de Swan River eigentli Velofahre, aber da kein Bikeshop offe het bini halt gloffe 💁🏼‍♀️

      ✅ Böötle ufem Swan River

      Was ganz speziell isch sind die schwarze Schwän wos nur in Australie und Neuseeland git 🦢

      Was mir ah Australie bsunders gfallt sind die riesige Pärk. Sie sind so pflegt und eifach ihladend zum uf'd Wiese sitze und nüt mache 😊

      Da ich ja scho ide Stadt gsi bin hani grad na chöne bi mim Lieblingschleiderlade go verbigügsle isch nämli au de einzigi Lade wo offe het, sonen Zuefall au😂 muen mer ja grad usnütze 😄 und han sogar es Bikini gfunde, mer chan ja nie gnueg vo dene ha 😁 und isch schliesslich erst mis 2te und eis hani weggworfe.

      Am Abig ah dem schöne Örtli na luegge wied Sunne verschwindet 🌇

      Perth gfallt mer echt u mega, nöd zu gross aber au keis chlises Städtli :-)
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    • Päivä 4

      Day#1 - Left Perth and drive to kalbarri

      16. heinäkuuta 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      We left Perth today.
      We headed north with a damn full and …..great….organized car to stops at Lancelin sand dunes, lake Thetis (to see Stromatolites), dongara bakery to get a pie (I had steak mushroom) and a nice: BEESTING Cake 😄❤️ was almost good as a German one!! Our first night will be on Tudor Holiday Park in Kalbarri. It‘ll be around 8 degrees tonight ….so….please check on me tmr 🙈❤️Lue lisää

    • Päivä 48

      Silvester in Perth

      31. joulukuuta 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      In der Stadt gibt es an Silvester viele verschiedene kostenlose Konzerte und Bühnen die wir anschauen. Außerdem gehen wir essen in einem Malaysischen Restaurant (war nicht so lecker).
      Zum Feuerwerk fahren wir mit der Fähre auf die andere Seite des Swan River von wo man eine gute Sicht auf die Skyline und das Feuerwerk hat.
      Wir setzen und auf die Hafenmauer und trinken unseren Wein bis alle Leute gemeinsam runterzählen bis das neue Jahrzehnt beginnt. 🎆🎆
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    • Päivä 162

      Perth Zoo

      19. marraskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      * am Tag unserer Abreise haben wir noch den Zoo besucht

      * Ein Highlight waren die Koalas

      * Giftige Schlangen usw. hat es auch gegeben, waren aber nicht so fotogen

      * Schildkröten waren nicht jugendfrei

      * Im Zoo gab es auch Dinosaurier
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    • Päivä 28

      Cosy Corner and the Albany coast

      1. toukokuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Managed to see the women's downhill racing live from Lourdes online last night, the men's race started too late unfortunately.
      After a trip for supplies near the Dog Rock (picture below) we explored the Torndirrup National Park to the South West of Albany. The coast is very rugged lined with granite cliffs and scrub land but with white squeaky sand (it really does when you walk on it!) and stunning turquoise water. Features included the Gap and Bridge where the swell crashed into the inlet, Jimmy Newhills harbour, Salmon Holes, Frenchman Bay and Vancouver Peninsular where we had a long walk on the beach, got accosted by a mahoosive friendly dog and visited a bird hide - sadly the birds were mostly hiding.
      After a drive West along the coast, we are staying at the Cosy Corner beach - a free camp area in the trees next to the sea. Very different to the 'luxury' of the last two nights, no wifi or spa but is tranquil and stunning scenery .
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    • Päivä 54

      Driving to Coral Bay

      27. toukokuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We have spent a couple of days driving to get to Coral Bay (570km) the first place you can drive on a tarmac road to get to the Ningaloo Reef. We had a look around Denham and saw an old building that had been built using the shell blocks. We also had a quick paddle at the lagoon before setting off. Yesterday we passed two roadhouses and today just one, the rest of the journey consisted of a straight road and desert type low lying scrub. We also crossed over the Tropic of Capricorn. We stopped over night at Carnavon, where 80% of Western Australia's winter fruit and veg is grown. All the farms are lined on a short stretch, either the north or the south bank of the Murcheson River (which is actually a dry bed with billabongs apearing along it). The water is pumped up from the underground river that runs below it. We enjoyed having a look at these and buying some fresh produce. As well as feeding some big snappers, we had time for a snorkel in the bay. With the tide out you only had to take a few steps and then the sand dropped away to the reef.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 55

      Seafari - Coral Bay

      28. toukokuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Spnt a whole day on a 'seafari', looking for the various marine wildlife found off the Coral Bay coast, in particular the large Manta Rays that can be found here. Hopefully a chance to use our new tough camera we had to buy after dust broke the old one.
      The first round of snorkelling took us to a deep part of the reef where there was a small canyon to dive down into and find marine life hiding away. Straight away we found two Green Turtles who weren't bothered we were there and allowed us to follow them. Just after we watched as three reef sharks chased a shoal of fish into a huge bait ball and took turns to catch a few. Aside from this the fish and coral (hard coral which makes spectacular shapes rather than soft coral which is more colourful) were amazing.
      As we got back on the boat the spotter plane was circling above trying to locate Manta Rays for us to swim with. It took a while but they found a 3 metre long juvenile and we were able to swim on the surface above it. It was ok with us being there and did a barrel roll in front of us to show off. We swam with it for nearly an hour, by which time 8 people has returned to the boat leaving 3 of us with the Ray. At this point the guide allowed us to dive down and swim alongside this graceful creature that appears to fly through the water.
      On the way to the second reef dive of the day we spotted two humpback whales and followed them for a while before they dove down to feed. Not long after this and just before we got in the water, a 3.5 metre Tiger Shark swam past which did concern us a wee bit. However the guide explained their dietary habits and got in the water to take some photos!
      The second snorkel was around coral stacks where you could dive down and swim through canyons and gullies with the shoals of colourful fish.
      An amazing day with two very tired travellers by the end of the day!
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    • Päivä 54

      Initial Impressions of Perth

      13. joulukuuta 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We crossed the Swan River today to gain our first impressions of this spectacular city. Until now, our view had been from the South Bank and our balcony window and that alone would give any famous city skyline a run for its money. I have to say the reality is equally impressive. We alighted on St George's Terrace and walked the centre. What immediately strikes one is, yet again, the juxtaposition of the old and the new and the clever way this has been achieved. There is a huge amount of building going on here and clearly the amount of money poured into Perth over the last twenty years is phenomenal. Every major mining corporation seems to have a stake here, reflecting the massive wealth produced by mining in Western Australia.
      Rather like Adelaide, there is plenty of green space and of course a beautiful river, but everything is on a much grander scale. This is a major city that is over a thousand miles from its nearest neighbour and is possibly the most isolated on earth. Perth was always something of a joke in Australian terms until recently and that is most certainly a thing of the past. Business, architecture, arts and culture, plus the food explosion has put Perth on the map like nothing else. The waterfront has and is undergoing great alterations. Dodging our way around the cranes and building sites we decided to visit the Swan Bell Tower. The tower is a focal structure on the Perth waterfront and it struck me as a modern day Venetian St Mark's Campanile. It's construction was Western Australia's Millennium Project and kick started by Laith Reynolds, a local international businessman with a passion for English bell-change ringing. Whilst in London, he heard that the bells of St Martin in the Fields on Trafalgar Square, were to be melted down and recast. He persuaded Western Australia to provide the metals needed to cast new bells for St Martins and managed to negotiate the transport of the 1727 bells, financed by King George 11, to Perth, where they were ceremonially renamed The Swan Bells and installed in the newly constructed bell tower in the year 2000. There are 6 levels of exhibition and viewing. It is tall, as you probably gathered and some of the viewing platforms are transparent. This is where Peter scored. He might not like things that flap, but I couldn't walk out there and had to view from a solid floor distance!
      We are quits!
      We took the ferry back to South Perth and walked back to the apartment along the river, with that skyline in view all the time. This is not a natural wonder, it is man made, but it certainly holds the eye.
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    • Päivä 6

      Ohh....Perth Zoo!

      11. kesäkuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Irgendwie happerts bei uns energetisch ein wenig wegen des Klimaschocks. Es ist Winter in Perth. Und wir sind auf Sommer eingestellt. Selbst ein gutes „ Breaky“ kann uns irgendwie nicht retten. Wir schalten programmmässig ebenfalls auf Sparflamme und besuchen den Zoo. Schon lange ist‘s her seit dem letzten Mal! Very nice - wir schlendern in den Gehegen herum, die ungefährlichen Tiere frei um uns.„Salties“ and „Freshies“, „Snakies“ and „ Birdies“ ... bald schon sehen wir sie in freier Natur!Lue lisää

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    South Perth, _Western_Australia


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