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    • Day 11

      Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

      February 25, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Our big event today was visiting the Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitation & Education (WRRE), a non-profit organisation caring for Australia’s Wildlife as well as educating the public on the need for their help to ensure wildlife’s survival. The person who founded the organization and the sole caretaker is a woman named Trish. Let me tell you, she is soft spoken but a true powerhouse! She does enlist the help of the local community and some volunteers, but the lion’s share of the work falls on her shoulders.

      Trish may have 100 or more animals in her care at any given time. Mostly rescue animals that have been dropped off or have been reported to her so she could go pick them up. She told me she once travelled 400 kilometers (249 miles) to pick up a couple of kangaroos that had been hit by a car.

      We saw roos, skinks, koalas, cockatoos, a Wedge-tailed Eagle, brushtail possums, echidnas, emu, and more. All rehabilitating under Trish’s watchful eye and loving care. Most of the animals we could not handle. Trish wants them to not get too used to human contact, because the goal is to release them back into the wild. However, she did let the adults feed some baby kangaroos and wallabies. She brought us out some possums (which are 1000x cuter than the American Opossum). The kids were able to feed baby echidnas (called puggles).

      They asked a lot of great questions and we learned a lot. It was wonderful meeting Trish and seeing the amazing work she is doing.
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    • Day 59

      Teil 2: Cooyar 🌴 & Toowoomba 🎄🎅✨

      December 14, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Im Anschluss sind wir noch zu The Palms National Park gefahren und sind dort den "The Palms Circuit"-Weg gegangen. Das war ein kleiner Reinfall. Hier war wohl schon länger niemand mehr und hat nach dem Rechten gesehen. 😅 In den Bäumen hingen wieder haufenweise quietschende Flughunde herum, es gab unzählige riesige Palmen und wieder einige superdicke Bäume zu sehen. 🌴🦇🌳 Es lagen viele umgestürzte Bäume am Boden rum und es hingen einige tote Palmen in noch stehenden Palmen fest. Am Boden war es wüst. Wenn mal Steg am Boden war, war der sehr morsch. Außerdem war es duster. Ich habe mich irgendwie nicht sicher und nicht wohl gefühlt und wollte möglichst schnell wieder fort. 😬
      Abends waren wir dann noch in Toowoomba auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt. 😊 Es war komplett anders als man es aus Deutschland kennt. Zuhause sind Weihnachtsmärkte auf Umsatz ausgelegt. Man kauft Essen, Glühwein, noch mehr Essen und noch mehr Glühwein und vielleicht zwischendurch noch etwas Handgemachtes und das alles ist auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt nicht gerade billig.
      Der Weihnachtsmarkt in Toowoomba war das komplette Gegenteil. Am Eingang wurde man um eine kleine Spende von 1-2 AUD (= ca. 0,65 - 1,30 €) gebeten. Der Markt hatte nur von 19 bis 22 Uhr geöffnet. Überall waren bunte Lichterketten aufgebaut, Statuen und Bildchen aus Lichtern standen herum, teilweise ganze Szenen. 🎄✨🎅👼 Tanzgruppen sind aufgetreten, eine Blaskapelle hat gespielt und haufenweise Kinder sind herumgetollt. Es gab kostenloses Popcorn und Eis für alle Kinder. Nirgends gab es Alkohol und nur einen Stand, der Würstchen und Steaks (auf Weißbrottoastscheiben 😜) verkauft hat. Man konnte sich Kaffee und Kuchen auf Spendenbasis holen. Die Stimmung war besinnlich. Es war einfach schön. 😊
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    • Day 477

      Bunya Mountains National Park - Tag 2

      July 24, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      On our second day in the Bunya Mountains we did a 10km hike through the rainforest. This National Park is really nice - just a bit cold and wet right now. It was fun to watch all the wallabies.

      An unserem zweiten Tag in den Bunya Mountains haben wir eine 10km lange Wanderung durch den Regenwald gemacht. Es ist ein richtig schöner Nationalpark nur recht kalt und nass. Aber den vielen Wallabies kann man auch im Regen zu sehen!Read more

    • Day 476

      Bunya Mountains National Park

      July 23, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our next stop is the Bunya Mountains National Park. It is very cold up here in the mountains but the scenery is amazing. Green rainforest and hundreds of wallabies everywhere around our campsite. We have never seen so many babys!

      Unser nächster Stop ist der Bunya Mountains Nationalpark. Es ist zwar ziemlich frisch und regnerisch hier oben auf ca. 1000m Höhe, aber landschaftlich richtig schön. Neben den riesigen Bunya Bäumen und dem Regenwald sind vor allem die Wallabies unser Highlight. Soooo viele haben Babys aus dem Beutel schauen. Richtig cool!
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    • Day 296

      Update June

      July 9, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Just after my birthday I went rally driving. That was awsome you drive in a Lancer evo and subaru wrx. I liked the Lancer more. I got the videos on YouTube.

      Further I finally got my pay rise what they promised me. So I made a lot of hours and saved a lot of money for the next part of my trip.

      This weekend I finally could Skydive with my own stuff. Own helmet and rel-suit. And I bought a ditter. That's an device that you put in your helmet and it beeps on certain hights while skydiving.

      After my payrise the company tried to pay me less money on every possibility. And after 6 weeks I'm still trying to get my money. But they are really slow (Australians....).

      Last 2 weekends a few birthday partys and had a good time playing pool.

      Got now bit more that 2 weeks left of work and then I'll travel again with my parents.
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    • Day 213

      Looking for a appartment and work

      April 17, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      I drove in the morning to toowoomba to watch some appartments where I wanna live the next 3 months while I'm working.

      I watched 5 appartments in 2 days.

      Tuesday I had the interview with the person from the McLean farms. I had to do an test on wensday if I was fit enough and ofcourse I failed, so now I have to work :-P

      In the weekend I went to toogoolawah for skydiving. Did couple of jumps on Friday and Sunday. Saturday where a lot of clouds and some rain so no skydiving.
      Got now 47 jumps so I can almost apply for my b-licence!

      On Saturday I arranged my appartment and Sunday evening I moved in. On Monday morning I picked up a bed. So now I live in a proper house with 3 other people :-D.

      On Tuesday was a public holiday, so for work I had to wait for wensday to start. I had to do a drug test in the morning (that's pretty common to do that in Australia) afterwards Brett (the guy who I had a conversation with) showed me around and then I went straight to work.

      And I'm probably not gonna post any posts while I'm working. Because is kind of my regular job at home so. Probably next post end of juli when my parents come to Australia :-)
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    • Day 254


      May 28, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      I'm doing good here. Living with roommates together is really good. Always someone home.!

      Work is also good. Currently installing egg handling machines so my line of work!

      Cause all my roommates do 4WD competitions. I went last weekend with Kim. She has a nice Nissan patrol v8. We went there Friday evening and there we met up with a bunch of people. Drinking beer around the fire.

      The next day there were some comps. How flexible the car is and driveability. That was okay to watch. But I wouldn't do that myself. And in the day everyone was drinking, even the drivers. When the night came a lot of people went 4wd on the tracks of the National park. My 4wd wouldn't be able to do most tracks so you actually need a high decent car. I went with someone else driving. He was driving with a beer in the hand. So weird. And driving so fast on 4wd tracks! About 50 until 60km/h. It was an awsome weekend and met a bunch of crazy people.

      With skydiving I got a few weeks ago my b-licence! Yeah! So now the fun actually starts!. This weekend I put an full face helmet on and a rel-suit (that's for relative flat work). It was so much better and it looked a lot cooler! Got 4 jumps in, 2x 3-way and 2x 4-way. I learned a lot and I was flying really good!
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    • Day 98

      Toowoomba Road Trip!

      May 19, 2014 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Toowoomba was a town to the west of Brisbane by about 2 hours. The Soul’a Shakers team had topped the performance board for a few weeks, collectively we’d smashed it and consistently had good lead and levels of sales of solar panels, so one week we were rewarded with the privilege and responsibility to travel to relatively untouched territory and catch new leads for biosolar in Toowoomba. It was a beautiful town of flowers up in a Highland area of Queensland.

      We were put up in some really decent apartments in the centre of the town, lush sofas, big tv’s, even fur rugs. The rooms unfortunately were double beds and we had to share! I ended up getting to know Chirag a little better after that week having to split a bed with him ?
      Apart from the one night where I met a cute little Canadian cheerleader studying on the outskirts of town and ended up at her campus ? For some reason I always end up with Canadians, I just love their accents and their attitudes, they’re always so much fun to hang out with.

      I’d put in a decent effort that week, skateboarding up and down the hills of the area covering decent turf, and getting decent leads. The last day I made it back to the team in a taxi from the campus in time for the Saturday lead hunt. With an added spring in my step I think I got 7 leads that day, one of my best days, a solid effort and went back to Brisbane with the team really satisfied with my personal performance.

      There was a competition on in the office for quantity of sales, and each week, the highest scorer won a place a spot on a ‘Mystery’ trip. The next week on Monday we had the morning meeting and Sunny went to announce the scores and I found out that my leads had topped the board for sales! 32 kilowatts! I’d never expected to win a place on the field trip but the toowoomba territory helped me succeed in getting a place and a free weekend holiday!! I’d gone on business trips before, but never a business holiday!! I was chuffed!
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    • Day 9

      Fraser island

      May 2, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Aussie Trax džipu nomas ofiss izskatas pēc parastas garāžas, kur varētu mainīt riepas vai izpūtējus. Pilnīgi neticami, ka no otras pasaules malas serviss bija nevainojams - ātras un precīzas atbildes, noderīgi ieteikumi un droša rezervācija. Praksē gan visi dzelži, ieskaitot miniaturo Suzuki Jimmy džipiņu un gāzes pavardu ir ap 15-20 gadus veci un labi nokalpojuši. Toties serviss ir cilvēcīgi sirsnīgs, drošības instruktāža tik pamatīga, ka tā arī netiekam gudri, vai tā domāta pilnīgiem nejegām, vai arī mūs sagaida ļoti sarežģīti brauksanas apstākļi. Beigās nolemjam, ka esam taču no Austrumeiropas un tādēļ gatavāki pārbaudījumiem nekā vidējais rietumnieks.
      Katra ziņā, neko nenozēlojam, jo džipu tūre Austrālijā noteikti ir obligāts pasākums.
      Prāmis uz Fraser island brauc tikai pusstundu, tad esam uz salas, un smilšu ceļi ved mūs uz priekšu. Pirmais iespaids - smiltis kā Gaujmalas ceļa pie mūsu laukiem, tikai risas vietām dziļākas. Mazais Džmmijs gan grab un klakšķ, visas gumijas blīves laikam izdilušas. Liekas viss viegli, bet, kad esi braucis stundu pa šo ceļu, sāk palikt grūti. Labi, ka salas šķērsošana tieši stundu arī aizņem, un nonākam okeāna krastā. Tur uzdevums vienkāršs - kamēr ir bēgums, pa liedagu aizbraukt iecerēto gabalu, jo, kad atnāk paisums, liedags ir zem ūdens. Ātruma ierobežojums ir 80 km/h, bet Džmmijs uz to nav garavs, jo pie 70 kļust nevadāms.
      Viens no šodienas mērķiem ir Japāņu kuģa vraka apskate, kas šeit krastā guļ kopš II Pasaules kara. Neviena mākslas instalācija nestāv līdzās metāla un sālsūdens sadarbībai 75 gadu garumā. Tik skaisti!
      Dienas noslēdzošais uzdevums ir “team building” mums ar Zandiņu - atrast kempinga vietu un uzcelt Aussie Trax iedoto telti, nesalamājoties sava starpā. 26 gadi laulības dzīves izrādas pietiekami uzdevuma veiksanai, lai ari vājuma brīzi bija manami. Tagad izskatās, ka sāks līt - būs vai nu jāsēž mašīnā, vai jāiet gulet, lai ari ir tikai septiņi vakarā.
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    • Day 10

      Kā Austrālieši atpūšas

      May 3, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Šodien redzējām savvaļas suni Dingo. Bija iznācis liedagā uz okeānu paskatīties un sevi parādīt. Līdz ar to mūsu statistika uzlabojas - Casawory putns un Dingo redzēti, krokodils un strauss ēsti burgeros. Atliek vēl ķengurs un koala, lūkosim, ko varam darīt šai sakarā. Ja neka citādi, būs jāpērk pie ledusskapja lipināmās bildites ar magnētiņu aizmugurē.
      No rīta kempingā rosība, visi dodas vai nu makšķerēt, vai ceļot pa salu. Mēs ari lepni uzvāram uz savas gāzes plīts kafiju un plānojam dienu. Blakus kaimiņu mašīnai tikmēr pienāk tāds kā mazs krokodilītis un šauda mēli - tā ir apmēram metru gara guana. Laikam jau nekaitīga, bet uz taciņas tādu satikt negribētu.
      Esam nolēmuši ar savu mazo Džimmiju izbraukāt salas austrumkrastu visā garumā. To darot secinām, ka salas neapdzīvotība ir tūristiem uzturēts mīts. Komercija dara savu - pāris lielakās apmetņu vietas pārvērtušās par kūrortiem ar viesnīcu, baseinu, sporta laukumiem un tā talāk.
      Iespējams, līdz asfaltētiem ceļiem caur lietusmežu daudz gadu nav palicis.
      Tā arī mēs pakļaujamies civilizācijai un atzīstamies sev, ka gulēt gribam kempingā, kur ir labierīcības - tualete, izlietnes un duša par 2$. Tādu izvēlamies lietusmežā pašā Fraser salas vidū, lai butu savādāk. Pārak apmeklāts tas gan sākumā neizskatas - tikai viens auto ar 4 jauniešiem.
      Džungļu skaņas sākumā šķiet biedejošas - Dingo kauc, gribēdams tikt iekšā pie mums kempinga teritorijā, papagaiļiem kāzas, vēl laiku pa laikam lieli kraukļveidīgie virs galvas ķērc. Tiešam negribētos vienam šeit būt.
      Bet tad atbrauc 4 lieli, superaprikoti džipi, uz lielām pannam cepas gaļa, skan mūzika. Ķērcēju un gaudotāju balsis noplok, vai arī kļūst nedzirdamas civilizācijas trokšņu iespaidā.
      PS Kad jau biju beidzis rakstīt, notika šī ceļojuma dramatiskākais notikums - Zandiņas kontakts ar meža dzīvnieku. Par to rītdienas rakstā.
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