Wimmera Shire

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    • Dzień 104

      first working week

      29 grudnia 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      The whole week I'm helping on the farm with different things. It's a farm that harvest grain and have sheep's and horses. They got about 3500 acres of ground what's a normal farm in Australia.

      This week I drove for the first time in a harvester. That was pretty cool! I also drove some more tractor. Because the weather was bad this week I did a lot of other stuff, such as cleaning machines and repairs. In total a bit more than 60 hours so good money. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 108

      lots of hours

      2 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Monday I learned how to maintain the gleaner and afterwards drove it for a couple of hours. Rest of the day was all little stuff. At the end of the day the Peter (the old farmer) tried to roadkill 2 rabbits. Maybe he hit one properly but the other one survived :-P. The rabbits are not goqod for the crop.

      Wensday evening Peter felt down of the truck trailer, and injured himself. Luckily he could walk normal but was a bit sore. After a scan in the hospital he had a cracked vertebra in his back. So he had to do it "easy". You know how old farmers are, take it easy is not in their dictionary.

      Thursday I woke up a bit earlyer and started to maintain the gleaner and afterwards drove until mortie came around 3 o clock. Afterwards I did some stuff and finished bit after 10 so that's a pretty long day of more than 15 hours.

      Saturday, I did feed the sheep first and then maintenance at the header. (gleaner) afterwards I had to clean up some lentils that felt next to the bin.. Almost 2000kg.. Oops. Afterwards I drove a bit on the header. In the afternoon we had to stop of the heat. Because there were a lot of fires at other places. So had a few hours rest and then did some other stuff. I watched cricket for the first time. It's a very popular sport in Australia. Just like soccer in Holland.

      Sunday I had the morning off and the afternoon some maintaining at the header and afterwards bring some grain to graincorp.

      Video of harvesting lentils:

      Total this week was a lot of work, total of 85 Hours and so a lot of money for traveling and skydiving :-D.

      Probably next week wouldn't be a big difference from this week.
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    • Dzień 117


      11 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      This week I again drove on the header. I helped Peter (old farmer) to bring grain with the truck to graincorp. And I drove for the fist time in a real truck, Awsome! And every morning I had to feed the sheep. They got 2 dogs and they love attention Haha. Good to have them around, there also dogs to get the sheep together.

      Wensday it was raining and had to stop harvesting. We could do some maintenance on some machines.

      This farm reminds me of an old friend of my, he was also living on a farm. But stuff every where and you can't find anything. A lot of used stuff, because you never know when it comes in handy!. An old stubborn farmer who's gonna quit when he's in a wooden box. Every Sunday to church just because they do it already 70 years. So why would you quit going to church? :-P

      And then you realize that farming is a hobby instead of work. If you have a farm. Mostly you work all day long almost every day. Always at home. Once a year a week on holiday if you're lucky. Well I'll be rather working 40 hours for a company and do whatever I want next to it :-D.

      This week again a lot of hours, total of 70.
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    • Dzień 123

      who can answer the question?

      17 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌬 39 °C

      This week I realized I don't want to be a farmer. Probably after a few months there's no challenge and only hard work. But what do I wanna be and what do I wanna do? You can be and do anything you want! Okay almost anything then.

      Most of all be yourself!. Ah yeah one problem solved!. Only thing is to figure out who you are... Not that easy..

      What I wanna do? To much at the same time. So I definitely wanna keep skydiving, motorcrossing, snowboarding, go-karting, surfing.. Hmm yeah I see maybe only surfing if I can't do all the other stuff. But what I'm gonna do? How do I get my money to live? Engineer 40 hours a week at the same place? Or maybe in the field to travel all over the world and see nothing, because your aways working?. Maybe become a skydive instructor? Or maybe something else, like a nurse? Hmm, definitely no! Haha :-P.

      And where do I wanna live? Netherlands? Why, because I lived there for 26 years and my family and friends live there? Hmm.. We will see.

      I hope I can answer the question after my traveling. Until now I don't know what traveling is gonna bring me and how long it will take, but I know already that is gonna end and that I have my answers by then.

      Oh yeah and ofcourse I worked this week. Not much exciting new stuff. But still driving tractors, combine and more farming stuff. The dogs always try to get in the back of the ute and come along. I had it once without knowing. Halfway I saw a dog in my mirror..:-P. Sunrise and sunset are really nice. And the wheat crop we're now harvesting is full of dust! Wensday was my first time to drive the header in the dark. Lucky the crop was easy because you can't see much in the dark with a lot of dust.

      I'm glad they have a freezer here so I can eat icecream everyday! Jeeahj!
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    • Dzień 126

      already 1 month of work

      20 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      One evening I was just finished with work and when I walked back to the house I suddenly saw a spider on the road. It was a harmless one but it was around 10cm big.

      When I was picking weed from a paddick I found a skull, probably from a fox. Pretty cool!

      We had to bring the other header (John Deere) back home. It was 1 hour drive with a car but back with the header took us 4 hours. It was 125km and the header drove 35km/h. So that was some trip! The day after I could drive in the John Deere header. It was a lot easier and quicker than the gleaner. But that should be with 12 years difference. Everything was more automatically only push some buttons and control if everything is alright all the time.

      This week was also a long work week of almost 82 hours. Maybe next week less. I'll see what happens.
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    • Dzień 129

      Weeding (no not weed for smoking :-P)

      23 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      This week a lot of weeding. But it isn't that bad work. Imagine nice warm weather of 28 degrees. Nice sunny. A light breeze, walking around and look around you. Just like hiking right?! Only now you walk half day on the same paddick. Looking for thesame plants and earn money in the meantime. I can imagine worst jobs. The only thing that's really annoying are the Flies, they are continually buzzing around your face and go on your face, in your ears and nose.

      Next to work I had to make some plans for the next travel period. Probably I'll work till 1 February

      Oh yeah again I had the dogs in the back of the ute. Look in the mirror.
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    • Dzień 134

      change of plans! probably not last time.

      28 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      It was a bit of a puzzle how to define my trip and do everything I want within this year. Afterall I think it just fits.

      Because it's now hotter I want to go to tasmania first and then travel up the east coast. It's now hotter there and also better temperature to surf but it's not to hot. At the end of the year it's cooler and then travel trough the outback so it's not that warm. Afterall a bit more driving but better temperature overall.

      I'm planning on going to tasmania end of February / begin March. End of March I'm going back with the ferry to Melbourne. Than drive to Sydney, hopefully work there for a month in June. Afterwards go to brisbane and do some activities. Then go to cairns, then to darwin. Hopefully find a job around darwin for 2nd year visa. Afterwards go down to Adelaide and from adelaide straight to Sydney where my trip started.

      I'm not gonna say what kind of activities I gonna do. I don't even know it myself so. One thing I can say is that I'm gonna skydive and surf :-D

      I made a bucketlist. Yeah I must there on believing.(Dutch saying translated)

      That's the plan for now. Probably it's gonna change. Don't know how and when (else I would tell you now ofcourse!), but I'll see what's on my path.

      The picture with road work is a typical situation in Australia. :-P
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    • Dzień 139

      last working days on the farm

      2 lutego 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      The last period I worked.......... Days straight
      I had in the total working period of 5,5 weeks 4 days off. Perfect for backpacking. A lot of days and hours and then a lot of traveling again!

      Saturday and Sunday where my days off. I discovered Saturday that if you work a full time job such as farmwork. Then if you make 38 hours then you also can count the weekend for your work and holiday visa. And since I get Payed per 38 hours. Then I worked 10 weeks on paper. 10x7 = 70 days I got already! So I only have to do 18 days! Hopefully I can come back for 2 weeks over here to finish the work for my 2nd year visa! I'm really lucky with this job!.

      I also had time to plan my trip to tasmania. I hope to see at least 1 of the 2 really amazing things. But they occur not every day and only by night. But I'm gonna tell more when I'm starting my trip to tasmania!

      Ohyeah and I worked :-P. Got some old poles out of the ground from a fence and again some weeding. Also perform maintenance to a tractor and cutter. While cleaning the paddick I saw for the first time a real redback spider. These are not really big (around 3 cm) but they are really poisonous. You can get really sick from it but it's not deadly.

      Now up to Adelaide!

      I finally had the courage to make a picture of my room where I stayed.
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    • Dzień 6


      12 lutego 2017, Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      I did some searching for how long the trip would take and how many kilometres we would make. I think it would take about 11 days and around 1500km. We will see if it is correct at the end.

      Currently we got 3 cars. The other 2 are rented and we tried to name them. Unfortunately hasn't worked out yet. I'm going with Anna. Sebastian, patricia and léa are going together and will start together withe and Anna on 28th of February. Ben, nicoletta and Josephine are going together but they Wil start one day later.

      And if you travel in Australia half of the backpackers are German. Also our group. I said that it's only allowed to speak English. Else you will be putt in a corner. :-P

      A few people where scared this would be a planned trip. Because I made some things in excel to clear my head. But we are gonna travel around and see how we go. ;-)

      Maybe we have some more people but I think this is the group and 8 persons is a perfect group, not too big and not to small!
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