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    • Dag 1

      Salzburg on The Way

      28 december 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      We decided to stop over in Salzburg on our way to our friends in Italy. The girls were particularly excited because this was the filming location for "The Sound of Music." That is a movie they recently discovered and truly enjoyed. Their little voices have filled our home with the memorable songs from the movie ever since they watched it.

      Poor Mabel's cough flared up again before we left, but we rallied despite the lack of sleep and everyone traveled quite well. Everyone was excited to be in adventure mode again, so the joy of traveling trumped the tiredness. We traveled by rental car which allowed us to encounter more of the countryside and the Alps. The snow capped Alps with lingering clouds and lush green valleys below were just a spectacular sight to see. Oh and all the long tunnels made for extra fun! One tunnel took Seth five breaths to complete. We went through many long tunnels this trip.

      Our hotel was fantastic and had a pool, but I forgot the swimsuits! Luckily, the kids were very understanding and kind about that. They were really just excited to see the city and be traveling again. We drove into Salzburg and hit the streets exploring. We walked along the river as dusk chased us and the city lit up with Christmas lights. We were drawn toward the town center by Christmas trees and the delicious smells of the Christmas market. We shared one thing savory and one thing sweet! The Schaumrollen was a sweet cylinder shaped pastry filled with whipped marshmallow cream topped with powdered sugar about the size of a child's forearm. We decided on Spätzell because we didn't hit our carb goals for the day. Ha ha! This dish consisted of drizzled, fried dough covered in cheese and pork.

      As we wondered further into the city, we encountered "Mozart" on every corner as this city is also famous for being the birth place of this incredible musician. This trip stirred their curiosity of Mozart and his impact on the world through music.

      We ended the night with an incredible feast at a restaurant with multiple playgrounds! We ordered not understanding how large the spread would be, but we could have fed at least two other adults easily. It was beyond delicious with meats, fresh veggies, sprouts, and freshly made potato wedges. Sehr lecker! Needless to say, we were stuffed and fell to sleep quickly back at it hotel after a full day.
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    • Dag 11

      St. Peter's Cemetery (Petersfriedhof)

      4 april 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      Next to St Peter’s is the oldest cemetery in Salzburg, and one of the oldest in the world. The cemetery dates back to the year 700, with the monastery and Abbey having a continuous history since 696. The cemetery also featured in The Sound of Music. We love visiting cemeteries overseas as they are so different to ours and this one is no exception. The headstones, or grave markers, are so unique and detailed, and each plot is a bed of flowers. The graves all look so well taken care of and with the flowers blooming it is a very peaceful and beautiful place. St. Mary’s Chapel sits in the centre of the cemetery, which is the burial site for famous personalities, artists, scholars and merchants. Mozart’s sister is buried here.

      It does amaze me how much detail and what is included in shrines created for certain families, with imagery of skulls being very popular. The history and artistry makes this cemetery a very interesting spot to visit.
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    • Dag 10

      Residenzplatz, Salzburg

      3 april 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Next to the cathedral is the Residenzplatz, one of the main squares in Salzburg, located in the historic center. Surrounded by several historic residences, it was built in 1587. At the center of the square is a fountain called Residenzbrunnen, built between 1656 and 1661 and while it wasn’t on today it is still an impressive fountain.

      One of the buildings around the square is home to the Salzburg Carillon or Glockenspiel. It is a musical instrument consisting of 35 bells which are played together or in various combinations
      , and the bells ring out three times a day. The bells were purchased by Archbishop Johann Ernst in Antwerp, Belgium in 1695 and the once in Salzburg the drive mechanism and brass drum were made by a local gunsmith Franz Sulzer and bell founder Benedikt Eisenberger, and the Glockenspiel was constructed. The brass drum has 7,964 holes in it to allow the sound to resonate. It began playing in 1704 a repertoire of 40 pieces and a clockwork element was added in 1873 where the movement of the clock would release the music, thus being able to pre-time the ringing of the Glockenspiel.

      We just happened to be in the square when the bells started ringing and the snow started falling. It was a surreal experience, especially as we were not expecting such cold weather or snow on this trip. It was pretty cool.

      We also came across an artist seeing his works of Salzburg and we liked his work so much we bought a piece for home. We do love buying art pieces when we travel as they bring back so many memories.

      We headed back to our apartment early as we had ticked off so many amazing sights and it was just so cold. I think it eventually reached the expected 5 degrees but was close to zero most of the day. Time for a rest, much more to do tomorrow and we are crossing our fingers that tomorrow is sunnier as it would be lovely to see Salzburg in all her glory.
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    • Dag 1

      St. Peter's Church, Salzburg

      26 september 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      St. Peter's Church, located in the heart of Salzburg's Old Town, is one of the city's oldest and most significant landmarks. This Romanesque and early Baroque-style church dates back over 1,200 years, with its origins rooted in the 8th century. Its imposing façade, adorned with intricate architectural details, commands attention. The interior is equally impressive, with ornate altars, stunning frescoes, and a serene atmosphere. The church also houses a historic cemetery, where notable figures, including Mozart's sister, Nannerl, are buried. St. Peter's Church embodies Salzburg's rich religious and cultural heritage, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.Meer informatie

    • Dag 1

      Der Residenzplatz

      29 augustus 2020, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Vom kleineren Mozartplatz ging’s zum größeren und prunkvoller Residenzplatz. Der Platz wird im Westen von der Alten Residenz, im Osten von der Neuen Residenz mit dem kunstvollen Glockenspiel und im Süden vom Dom begrenzt. In der Mitte des Residenzplatzes steht der aus dem 17. Jahrhundert stammende, künstlerisch gestaltete Residenzbrunnen. Der Platz befindet sich an der Stelle eines ehemaligen Friedhofs. Der Bau des Platzes steht im Zusammenhang mit der damaligen Umgestaltung Salzburgs von einer mittelalterlichen Stadt zu einer fürstlichen barocken Residenzstadt. 1587 begann der Bau, indem das alte Domkloster und 55 Bürgerhäuser am damaligen Westende der Pfeifergasse abgerissen wurden. Am längsten haben wir uns auf dem Platz am Brunnen aufgehalten. Er ist der größte Barockbrunnen Mitteleuropas und wurde zwischen 1656 und 1661 gestaltet. Vom Platz ging’s dann weiter zum Domplatz für den Blick auf den Dom, bevor dann ins Innere ging.Meer informatie

    • Dag 10

      More Salzburg

      26 september 2021, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      ISTM that any trip to Salzburg has to recognize Mozart. Here is his statue (in the 1st picture) in, of all places, Mozartplatz, one of the main squares.
      The 2nd picture overlooks the city from the castle (see Festung Hohensalzburg post).
      The 3rd picture may look familiar from The Sound of Music. Atop this wall is where Maria was walking after leaving the convent. What looks like a tunnel at the bottom of the wall was built as an air raid shelter in world war 2. It's a parking garage now.
      The 4th picture is in the cemetery at St Peters Abbey. This is the cemetery where the vonTrapps hid during the movie, though it was filmed on a set in Hollywood.
      St. Peters Abbey is the 5th picture. This is where St. Rupert founded the abbey in the 7th century. His statue is over the door to the church (see the Salzburg Churches post). Salzburg developed from here. It is why Salzburg celebrates St Rupert's Day with an extended festival. (I happen to be here in the middle of it, and there are dirndls and lederhosen everywhere.) St. Peters remains an active abbey, housing both Benedictine and Franciscan monks. It is one of the oldest, being continuous since its founding.
      The last picture is in the church of Nonnberg Abbey. Yes, this is where Maria was. So start singing "You'll Never Walk Alone." It, too, is an active abbey, and it is said to be the one if the oldest convents, dating back to the founding of St Peter's. The 1st abbess was a relative of St. Rupert.
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    • Dag 15

      High On A Hill

      27 mei 2023, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Well what do you do when you go to Salzburg. Have a guess, there are clues and what a great day it was .

    • Dag 4

      Wir schauen Salzburg an

      1 oktober 2019, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Später machen wir einen Abstecher in die City.

      Wir verbringen einen sehr angenehmen Nachmittag in Salzburg bei bestem Wetter, abends gibt es dann noch einen leckeren Fisch in dem von Barbarella empfohlenen Fischimbiss direkt an der Salzach.

      Das Wetter soll jetzt dann leider etwas schlechter werden, mal sehen, wie es weiter geht.
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