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    • Day 5

      Off Piste

      January 21, 2020 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 2 °C

      Our plan today is for Dianne and I split up and ski with other skiers closer to our respective abilities. As we parted company this morning I am convinced I will not see her again all day.
      The local ringer, Deiter, is going to guide what turns out to a big group of folks who consider themselves expert enough to keep up to him. I think I qualify.

      Our initial hoard consists of 8 pretty good skiers, and we do a couple of fast runs from the top to warm up before we rendezvous with Deiter and some others at 9:30. When we all get together, we number around 12. Jim Egglestone, John Wilkes and I are the oldest, and everyone else is about 10 to 30 years younger. Deiter takes us off piste from the start, which means we have to ski over the 18 inch wall that develops from the grooming machines making the groomed trails I have previously complained about. One down now as Scott breaks a pole getting over the wall.

      This new terrain isn’t as steep as some I’ve skied but the snow is deep and not skied out. There are some good turns to be had here. Trees are widely spaced and it seems that nobody skis here because there are not too many tracks. There are some steep pitches and by the time we make it down to the lift I’m breathing hard. Deiter is kind enough to wait for the group at various spots along the way and I stick close so as to not get lost. We go up the lift again with the group intact.
      When we get to the top, I see Dianne getting off the chair lift with some other girls. I did not expect that. She looks a little rattled as she is afraid of heights, but still game. We speak briefly and I say I have to go because this group doesn’t wait for me. We are on our way to a new mountain. I don’t think I’ll see her again until I get to the hotel.

      The route to Hauser Kaibling is mostly off piste and there are some moguls on the way. They are the friendly kind of moguls, nicely spaced, not too tall, and soft. I really enjoyed them. The group is thinning out now. “Attrition”Jim calls it, but he and John are still there. We take 5 different lifts to get to Hauser Kaibling and what turns out to be the holy grail of what I like to ski. It is a shaded stretch of nicely spaced trees on varying terrain in soft deep snow. Everyone left in the group, about six of us can ski powder, only some faster than others. When we get to the bottom, Deiter tells those of us left that there is an assortment of groomers around if we are interesting. Jim says to me “ it looks like he’s saying goodbye”. When we get to the top of the lift Deiter is gone. On the way up though we connect with Sandra, Heather and another female first officer who’s name I forgot. They were guided by Deiter to this mountain yesterday, so the six of us continue to ski this most excellent pitch until lunch. When we stop for lunch, and are looking for a table, Sandra says to me “I just saw Dianne, that’s your wife right”? I can hardly believe it, but it’s true Dianne is here. She is sipping a coke with the girls she was skiing with. I’m so amazed and tired from the mornings activities I decide I’m skiing the rest of the day with her.
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    • Day 1

      Ankunft am Hotel 🥰

      June 4, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Juhuuu :) gut angekommen checkten wir ein :). Es ist hier wunderschön gefühlt alles neu :)
      Zum Abendessen erwartet uns auch jeden Abend ein 4 Gang Menü der Auftakt war schonmal sehr schön wir wurden gut in Empfang genommen und nett bedient hier sind alle sehr nett und die Sprache färbt gleich ab :D.Read more

    • Day 1

      1.den Schladming

      July 5, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      4.00 - 9.00 autem Praha - D. Dvořiště - Schladming - parkoviště u lanovky
      Lanovka 46 EUR

      11,3 km
      Stoupání 796 m
      Klesání 666 m
      10.00 - 16.30

      horní stanice lanovky Hochwurzen (1849m) - Rossfeld (1919m) kluci odmítli skupinové foto - Latterfussattel (rozcestí oběd) - Schiedeck (2339m) jen J, ostatní spali u cedule - jezírka, sněhová pole - chata Ignaz Mattis Hutte (1986m)

      Po probdělé noci jsme byli hodně unavení, ani jsme nezahráli žádnou hru a ve 20.00 jsme byli už zalezlí v posteli. Dneska celý den svítilo sluníčko a dost jsme se všichni spálili.
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    • Day 15


      June 27, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Die Fahrt gestern hierher war recht unkompliziert. Bis auf ein Cabrio und ein Womo, die auf der kroatischen Küstenstraße rumschlichen und folglich bei nächster Gelegenheit überholt werden mussten, sind wir gemütlich hierher gerollt. Gestern Abend gab es dann noch Wiener Schnitzel in der Fußgängerzone für uns...
      Heute haben wir dann einen Action-Day vor uns und freuendes schon.... 😎☀️😄
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    • Day 2


      June 5, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Nach einem Stop im Hotelzimmer machten wir uns dann auf den Weg unseren Ort hier zu erkunden :).
      Runter nach Schladming ging es dann mit dem Auto zuerst shoppten wir einen Regenschirm 🌂 und dann ging es in die City 🙃🤭.Read more

    • Day 10

      Rise and shine!

      January 26, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Since our bus left at 5am for the Munich airport we set the alarms for 330am! With coffee in hand we pried our eyes open and got ready for the trip home. The bus left at 5am sharp. It was a 2 and 3/4 hour drive. The hotel prepared a wonder breakfast box for each and we were on our way!

      We both enjoyed skiing in Austria. They have what I would call the leading edge of ski resort technology. 10 passenger gondolas that you board from town centre, along with 8 passenger chair lifts that have heated seats and retracting bubbles for colder days, give you access to 4 mountains and a host of dining choices. The whole area is covered with state of the art snow making equipment. You would think that it would be icy, but it is not as bad as you expect as they groom the mountains every night. If there is snowfall, the off piste runs are every bit as challenging as what we’ve found home in the Rockies. The value seems better too as a one day lift ticket costs about 80 Canadian dollars. Most runs are steeper than Dianne likes, but we figured out how to get down either by gondola or bus or both and still have some good terrain for her to ski as well.

      We went seamlessly from Munich to Frankfurt and home to Calgary in what was a long day.
      Now to deal with the jet lag.
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    • Day 8

      Dianne’s lone adventure

      January 24, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Today was race day! Tom signed up and caught a bus to ski to the site. I did not sign up; I went to watch.

      So I caught the ski bus to the Hochwurzen gondola. It was an interesting ride. Skiing here is so different than home. This bus stops at many stops; many of them allow you get on a lift or just start skiing on the hill. As long as you have a ski ticket the bus rides are included.

      I reach my destination, there is no sign of a gathering of Pilot ski racers! I head on up to the gondola for a ride to the top! Yikes, is this high! This is where we blindly started our sledge rides from, if we only knew! I took a few pictures, holding my breath; admired the view and headed down a few minutes later,

      Still no sight of the racers so I head back to bus and back to the hotel! Tom showed up about an hour later.

      Later in the day there was an apres ski! It was at the top of Planai Gondola at the Schalf Alm Hutte!
      Drinks and a cold buffet. We were a lively group each recounting their day’s adventures.

      Race results are not available until tomorrow. We’ll see then how Tom did.
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    • Day 7

      A walk around Schladming!

      January 23, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Tom and I finished skiing early and decided to take our cameras for a walk. We head to downtown Schladming. It is a quaint place and the area surrounds the ski area. The stores are mainly selling ski wear and accessories and souvenirs.

      Here are a few pictures we took.
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    • Day 4

      Let’s go skiing

      January 20, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

      Dianne and I spent the day skiing and found some challenges. For Dianne the mountain was generally steeper than she likes, and for me generally not steep enough. Even so, there is a host of restaurants and other dining options available all over the four mountain area that our ski pass gives us access to. We took advantage of that while we planned where to go next.

      I have heard about skiing in Europe, and how people enjoy the food, refreshments and long runs. All of that is true. What I miss is the steep 50 degree slopes that I’m used to at home. Moguls are almost non existent, although I did find some small ones at the top of one mountain. They won’t last long because they groom the whole place every night. My friend and fellow pilot Neil Potter was spending some time today with a local who is a good skier so maybe he’ll be able to show me the goods tomorrow.

      Tomorrow we also need to find Dianne a way down off the mountain. She has found some nice runs up top but finds the way down a bit challenging at the end of the day.
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    • Day 2

      Abendessen und Romantik

      June 5, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Heute waren wir etwas zeitigen beim Abendessen und da war es super voll :D vielleicht morgen doch wieder später :)
      Heute Abend kommt jedoch wieder Fußball deshalb müssten wir schön pünktlich fertig sein.
      Die Relegation Hamburg gegen Stuttgard. Naja gut es hat keinen Aufstieg gegeben dafür etwas romantik auf dem Balkon :).
      Und irgendwie muss man sich das Wetter ja schön trinken 🤭🤭😍
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