Exuma District

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Exuma District
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    • Day 117

      Moriah Habour National Park

      February 19, 2023 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      3 Tage verbringen wir im Moriah Habour Cay National Park. Die riesige Sichelförmige Bucht ist von zahlreichen feinsandigen Stränden gesäumt. Das Wasser ist recht flach und erstrahlt in einem hellen Türkis. Wir zuerst machen eine Tour mit unserem Beiboot durch die von Sandstränden umgebene Mangrovenlandschaft zum Lazy River Beach, wo wir uns durch die Gezeitenströmung im Fluss treiben lassen und den schönen Strand genießen.
      Die folgenden Tage verbringen wir auf den schönen Stränden vor unserem Boot und mit Kitefoilen. Jens arbeitet an seiner Halsentechnik (Richtungswechsel) und Regina macht sich erstmal mit dem neuen Board und dem Foil vertraut.
      Da unser Ankerplatz nur 1,5 Meter tief ist, nutzen wir das schöne Plätzchen auch um das Unterwasserschiff zu reinigen. Mit Spachtel und Bürste bewaffnet entfernen wir mit Hilfe von Schnorchel und Tauchermaske sämtliche Algen, Muscheln und kleine Krebse von den Rümpfen. Das ist anstrengend und ist gutes Training für die Lungen.
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    • Day 403

      The Aquarium

      February 24 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 72 °F

      Near Cambridge Island in the Land and Sea Park is the natural Aquarium. We took the dinghies to a sandbar and swam around. There were so many colorful fish and coral.

      We then went to the island to explore. The rocky cliffs were dotted with small plants and fossilized coral.

      We stayed two nights but moved slightly due to wind. The first night was next to Johnny Depps Island while the second was a bit south of it.
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    • Day 68–73

      Stocking Island BS

      May 3 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

      We left the South Side Marina on Provo at 7am with Lazy Cat, followed about an hour later by Shingitai and Soulmates, All bound for George Town, Great Exuma Island. At 275 miles, it was about 38 hours two days, and one overnight). It was suppo6to be all sailing, but when the wind dropped to 7kn, we motor sailed for a few hours until it picked up again. Shingitai elected to stop at Stella Maris, the N tip of Long Island, but we continued to Stocking Island, arriving at Conch Cut at 9pm. There are no navigation lights, and no moon yet, so it was an instruments approach th Starfish Beach, where we nestled in between the only two boats already there.

      Since we arrived past working hours on a weekend, we'd have to wait until Monday to clear immigration. So we were officially quarantined. However, the beach needed inspection and trash cleanup, so I did that while Alexis caught up work after the passage dry spell.

      On Monday, we moved closer to town for clearing in, to Sand Dollar Beach. This had another benefit - we got to go to a beach dance party, hosted by Electric Mermaid (Pauline Salotti). It was at the beach, with a bonfire and went on far past our staying power!

      Clearing in with a pre-paid, one year cruising permit was pretty easy in Georgetown, with one exception: contrary to the "only captain goes ashore" rule, I had to bring all parties into immigration. That meant another 3 mile round trip, with a work interruption for Alexis. Well, that meant lunch as Sandpiper Cafe, where we met up again with sv Shingitai (Mitchel & Mome) who came over with us from Turks & Caicos.
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    • Day 22–28

      Stocking & Exuma Islands

      March 18 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We have not been in one place long while in the area! We initially anchored at the Fish Fry Shacks N of Georgetown, to get protection of Goat Cay from a N blow. That certainly worked and we had a quiet evening by ourselves. But we we woken shortly after 7am by a hail. When I went out, there was a (very) working boat with two Bahamian men from a cargo ship that was now anchored nearby. They explained that they were delivering fuel and that our boat must be more than 500 feet from them “just in case”. So we upped anchor and relocated to the cove immediately S of Goat Cay.

      The next day I visited Exuma Market in Georgetown (one of the best markets in Bahamas) and ran into Ralph & Leslie of sv Now and Zen. We joked that we almost didn’t recognize them, because Ralph wasn’t holding up a huge lobster, a signature FB photo for them. They were up to Georgetown from the Ragged Islands to extend their tourist visa past 90 days (they don’t always award you what you really want to use). We had met them in 2021 in Acklins and enjoyed their company and stories of running a charter business in Jacksonville. We had them over for dinner and a game of Golf.

      As the wind was expected to shift to the E, we followed NandZ over to Honeymoon Beach on the W shore of Stocking Island the following morning. We snagged a spot and that evening had a delicious lobster taco dinner on NandZ with Ralph, Leslie, and Ed and Cathy from sv What If, and Chris and Gosia from sv Solaris.
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    • Day 415

      Crab cay

      March 7 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      We anchored in Crab Cay next to a small beach. The Cay has ruins of an old resort and a partially dug out canal. The canal is deep enough to jump into from the cliff walls. We spotted turtles and a sting ray in the canal.Read more

    • Day 412

      George Town and Stocking Island

      March 4 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Chat n Chill is the place to be. Beach volleyball, tree house, rope swings, and sting rays. A regatta is happening so there are over 400 boats in the harbor and something fun happening each day. There is a treehouse the kids work on as well.

      Across from stocking island is George Town with a grocery store and small shops. We found delicious jerk ribs.
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    • Day 48

      Der Riese vom Little Cistern Cay

      March 6 on the Bahamas ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Mit Ziel ‚Warderick Wells Cay‘ fahren wir südwärts, erfahren nach dem Buchungsversuch per Mail jedoch, dass wir dort erst morgen eine Boye bekommen.

      Deshalb suchen wir uns für heute den ‚Little Cistern Cay‘ als Ankerplatz aus. Zum Schluss waren‘s 20nm.

      Fantasie zur Fotoserie:

      Heute ist Jens besonders umtriebig und dirigiert - kaum liegt der Anker am Grund - die Crew zum Landgang. Per Dinghy geht’s in 2 Shuttles zum Privatstrand: baden, „sünnele“ und chillen.

      Geplant ist, dass ich später mit dem SUP nachkomme,, denn ich habe noch einen Telefon-Termin.

      Kaum an Land angekommen, erzählt Jens das, was ihm über den letzte Einheimischen von Little Cistern Cay bekannt ist.
      Sofort macht sich die Crew auf die Suche nach dem legendären Riesen „Gröj“.
      Es ist Dornen-durchsetztes Dickicht zu durchqueren und schon sichtet Thomas Lutz am Oststrand der Insel Flossen-artige Fussabdrücke.
      Alles wird vermessen: Länge, Breite, Tiefe, Schrittabstand.
      Neugierig lassen die Crewmitglieder den Blick schweifen - und hey - „Skipper Jens“ entdeckt ihn natürlich zuerst:
      Da steht „Gröj“ schmunzelnd in seiner ganzen Grösse neben seiner Lieblings-Palme.
      Bleibt zu hoffen, dass sie diesem Druck standhält:-)

      Vonne lädt „Gröj“ zur allabendlichen „Sands-Runde an den Weststrand ein.
      Selbstverständlich hat der Schweizer Urs für „Gröj“ auch ein „Sands“ eingepackt - ein „Rotes“ natürlich.
      Bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit verabschiedet dich „Gröj“ herzlich und zieht sich schmunzelnd ins Unterholz zurück - die Crew steigt zufrieden ins Dinghy und fährt gen „Mira“.
      Und so kommen „Vonne und Jens“ heute zu ihrem unvergesslichen „Hochzeits-Tags-Erlebnis“.
      Herzliche Gratulation zum 14. Hochzeitstag
      Eure Crew
      Ines, Diethmar, Silvie, Jörg („Gröj“ - 2m gross), Urs, Thomas, Martin
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    • Day 406

      Compass Cay

      February 27 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      We anchored at Compass to visit Rachel’s Bath and Rocky Dundas. We hit the baths at low tide which wasn’t the right time, but it was still nice to see. Rocky Dundas was amazing but the waves were a bit strong. There was nice snorkeling outside the cave entrance.Read more

    • Day 403


      February 24 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      We anchored and rafted one night by Johnny Depps island. It was a quick dinghy ride to the aquarium, a lovely spot to snorkel and see tons of fish. In that vicinity there’s a shallow submerged sandbar that was fun to swim around.

      Second night we moved to be better protected and wandered the rocky beach of the nearby island. There was a lot of old coral and fossils.
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    • Day 167

      Dave's first solo adventure

      February 3 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      I decided to take a short solo trip to see how manageable this boat is without a crew. Just a short trip into Elizabeth Harbor to see a few sites that we skipped over on our last visit.
      Anchored in a beautiful little harbor (with no other boats in sight), and swam and walked the dogs on the little beach.
      I took the dinghy out to explore a little of Crab Cay's coastline and checked out a few snorkel locations. There is an underwater cave here, tons of fish, but the cave is far too small to enter. There is water flowing out from the cave as tide was coming in, suggesting that it connects to the other side of the island. Explored a few wrecks that I'm sharing this little cove with too.
      What could go right: beautiful weather without the slightest breeze, and no biting insects! Beautiful beaches and water, and stingray, turtle, fish, and starfish sightings
      What could go wrong: I miss my adventure buddy!
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