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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Bruxelles-Capitale
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    • Hari 3

      Brussels Day 2

      17 November 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Minor drama this morning as boiler down so no hot water. Reached out to Jean so will see what happens.

      Busy day planned. Guided tour round the centre and then metro to the Atomium.

      The tour was very extensive so didn’t make the Atomium today. Not to worry found the Delirium Bar - enormous range of beers mostly quite strong.

      Good news boiler fixed, so shower, cassoulet and a quiet night in.
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    • Hari 3

      Radfahren in Brüssel

      1 Ogos 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Das Royale Belge liegt eher im Speckgürtel der belgischen Hauptstadt, umgeben von etlichen zum Verkauf stehenden ehemaligen zumindest diplomatischen Gebäuden/ wenn nicht Botschaften. Die CD Parkplätze sind erhalten 😁. Wie ich erlesen konnte, sind die sich deutlich in der Minderheit befindlichen deutschsprachigen Belgier, völlig beleidigt, dass sie nicht so richtig mitregieren dürfen. Geguckt hatte ich nach der Amtssprache und das ist augenscheinlich ein weites Feld und sicherheitshalber wurde Belgien in 3 eigenverantwortliche Territorien unterteilt, die nur durch Zitat: König, Kunst und Fußball zusammengehalten werden.
      Hm 🤔 jut… Gestern hat es nur seeehr wenig geregnet, deshalb sind wir mit dem Rad ins Zentrum gefahren und haben erst einmal zügig alle Outdoor Sehenswürdigkeiten abgeklappert und nur wenig Schoki gekauft. Die Innenstadt ist grandios, voll und eigentlich eine riesiges Fressmeile 🤩. Auf dem Rückweg sind wir noch ein paar Umwege gefahren und dann im Hotel ins Fitness/Wellness Studio gefallen. Aperol/Campari und 💤😁😁😁
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    • Hari 108


      3 Julai 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We started the day with a call home before heading out on our day of exploring the beers of Belgium!

      Our first stop was Brussels oldest brewery where we learnt about the process required to brew ‘Lambic’ beer. The production of this beer does not use modern cooling tanks and temperature control, and as such cannot be brewed in summer when it is too hot. Instead, it relies on the natural weather environment and traditional methods like using wind to cool the beer as it is produced. It was very cool seeing the entire process from mashing the ingredients through to bottling and then finished the tour with a few samples of the lambic beer. It had a very interesting taste and is more similar to a wine rather than a beer, which makes sense given it is aged in a oak barrel. This type of process of making wine is only now done in Belgium and is very rare.

      We walked for a bit from the brewery and checked out some more comic book murals across the city (and we even checked out a comic book store which was very cool!)

      Our next stop involved ticking off another important Brussels food tradition - mussels! We had some delicious mussels and fries accompanied by a couple of very flavourful beers, a red rosè (made with raspberries) and triple amber!

      There was one last "must eat" item in Brussels and that was chocolate! We went to Mary’s, the oldest shop in Brussels (which was the first to officially be the chocolate of choice for the royal family). Mary's was highly recommended by our tour guide from yesterday and they use traditional chocolate making techniques so we had to give it a go! It now has chains all over Belgium. We tried a couple each including a salted caramel dark chocolate, peacan chocolate and dark chocolate mousse (which was our favourite!) The chocolate was nothing short of delicious and gave us the energy to continue on with our pub crawl!

      We went to the Delirium Cafe, where we tried their ‘Beer Meter’ - a long paddle of 10 quite sizeable tasting beers! We enjoyed the various flavours as we made another call ‘home’ - to Daniel’s parents in the US!

      We made our final stop at a bar called Gist (dutch for yeast), which brew their own beers and just so happened to have happy hour whilst we were there! We enjoyed some strong sours (which Gab loved), amber and dark beers as the days' drinking was starting to catch up with us! We had some great chats and lots of fun sitting outside enjoying the little bit of sun.

      We made it back to the Airbnb in one piece to have dinner and watch a movie and then called Daniel’s cousins in the US before heading to bed!
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    • Hari 23

      Essen an jeder Ecke 🧇

      4 April 2023, Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Brüssel ist definitiv eine Stadt des leckeren Essens. Ob süß oder herzhaft, es ist für jeden was dabei 🧇🍟🧆 An jeder Ecke gibt es wunderbare Schokoladengeschäfte, die schmackhafte belgische Schokolade verkaufen, aber auch Pommes Frites findet man zu genüge.
      Insbesondere die klassischen brüsseler Fritten sollte man hier probiert haben, aber auch regionales Essen wie Boulets sollte man unbedingt einmal versuchen. Heute habe ich außerdem gelernt, dass es auch hier zwei verschiedene Arten von Waffeln gibt 🧇 die Brüsseler Waffel (die rechteckige und weiche, aber dünnere und dafür belegte Waffel) und die Lütticher Waffel (dickere superweiche runde Waffel, in welche Perlzucker eingebacken wird. Diese wird dann erwärmt, so dass sie außen karamellisiert und schön knusprig wird, aber innen weiterhin sehr weich bleibt) 🤤
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    • Hari 189

      Brussels, Belgium

      13 November 2022, Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Beer, Waffles and Chocolate in no particular order. Now repeat. That's been our mantra since we entered Belgium and I must say it's a delightful one. We spent a few days in the Flemish capital of the north Brussels. The city's architecture is beautiful and there is plenty to do and see in the European Unions administrative home.

      Belgium is actually a relatively new country in Europe. Belgium had a revolution and won independence from the Netherlands in 1830. Surprisingly, the catalyst of the revolution was an opera called "La muette de Portici". The opera was focused on nationalistic themes and when the opera finished on August 25th of that year, patrons immediately started to revolt on the streets! After the revolution, Belgium also started a new constitutional monarchy and elected Leopold I as their king. He apparently didn't want the job, but eventually accepted.
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    • Hari 33

      Paris to Brussels

      31 Oktober 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heading North

      Left the boat and spent the morning travelling to Brussels. After I'd checked in, had a wander towards the old town and took the hop-on-hop-off toot bus around the major monuments to get myself acquainted with the city and learn some more about its history. We were interrupted by a guy on a unicycle juggling fire holding up the traffic. Had frites - chips with sauce - for dinner, my first Belgian specialtyBaca lagi

    • Hari 7

      Brussels (Pt3- GrandPlace, Mannekin Pis)

      16 Julai 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The centre of Brussels' old town is an extraordinary UNESCO heritage listed square called Grand Place (the translation from French is exactly what it sounds like) surrounded by 14-17th century buildings covered in gold leaf. We then went to see the Mannekin Pis statue (that translation is about what you think it is too - Little Boy Pissing), a very important cultural symbol for Brussels for reasons that seem very hard to quite pin down. I also visited Jeanneke-Pis (Little Girl Pissing), which is much newer and about 600m from her 'brother'.Baca lagi

    • Hari 72

      Farewells to yurt and friends

      31 Julai 2023, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today we woke up for the final time in the yurt. We packed everything up, grabbed one final bacon sandwich and headed to Brussels. The drive was fairly easy and it was time to say farewell to Holly and Kate. It was so nice spending time all together and the group really got along so well. We'll see Kate soonish but it'll be a while to we see Holly, the newest UK convert. Kate is off to Paris then home and Holly is off to Paris as well but then will continue her travels.
      We then navigated back through Brussels to the outskirts to our accommodation. It was confusing to find the accom but luckily a lady eventually came out with our key. We then turned the Matilda's game on and it was almost half time, so after a brief sit we headed into the main centre.
      We found an Irish pub and watched the end of the game which was very exciting. We then walked trying to find somewhere for lunch. After passing a few places, one place got us as the waiter put on an Aussie accent after asking where we are from. We then visited a bar named the Squire which had a horse shoe as its logo and horses on every table. The waiter was wild and when I went to pay, the waiter and I were dancing together. He literally grabbed my hands and we did a quick two step. Dance is the universal language. On our exit, some other guy was also having a boogie with us. The Squire really was my scene.
      Next we walked to what Liisa dubbed the 'oldest shopping street in the world' which was literally home to about 10 chocolate/macaron shops. Liisa tried 3 different macarons and had a good time. We then got a Belgium waffle, however we weren't allowed to sit in the shop unless we all bought a drink... So we struggled to eat them outside with what resembled a toothpick. Erin was the Waffle Wally and somehow managed to have cream on her nose. We had seen this souvenir of a small boy statue peeing literally EVERYWHERE so had to check it out. It was Pissing Boy, potentially the son of the original Pissing Men (see Prague day). It was also a tiny statue, which is allegedly a replica. We bought souvenirs anyway as it was hilarious.
      We then caught the train back and walked once again in the rain. Had a shower and watched some Vampire Diaries. It's been a big few days for us all.
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    • Hari 3

      Day 3: When in Brussels 🧇🍻

      13 April, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Sunshine and good vibes for my final day in Brussels! 🌞 ✌️

      I squeezed in all the sights and things I wanted to do. Plus, a spontaneous drink with some lovely guys I met in the hostel kitchen 🍻

    • Hari 3

      Frida Kahlo en veel van Brussels

      12 Jun 2022, Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ja, ek weet nie hoe om veel en heel te gebruik in Nederlands nie, dis moeilik. Maar dis baie snaaks, die Nederlands. Van hulle allerdaagse woorde is maar lelik in Afrikaans (en andersom - soos Hendrik gou agtergekom het).
      In elk geval, ek word lekker vroeg wakker, want ek wou nie my shutters toemaak vir die son nie - in België kan mens besluit wanneer dit nag is. Jy maak net jou shutters toe en dan is dit pikdonker.
      Ek en Liehet vat toe die trein na Antwerpen centraal statie, waar ek 'n sim card wou koop, maar baie plekke is toe op 'n sondag (bv elke liewe selfoon netwerk winkel), dit staan dus oor tot more en ons vat die volgende trein na Brussels.
      In Brussels loop ons en neem klomp foto's, onder andere van Grand Place, 'n katedraal wat in die jaar 1000 gebou is, en nog vele ander plekke. Ons gaan eet ontbyt by 'n koffiewinkeltjie/restaurantjie, waar ons croissant, 'n baguette (vars, warm en crispy), kaas, botter, konfyt, vars uitgedrukte lemoensap en 'n warm drankie (beste hot chocolate van my lewe) kry. Daarna gaan ons Neuhaus toe - want Tina se ma-hulle het in 2016 vir my Nauhaus sjokolade gegee en ek onthou tot vandag toe hoe lekker dit was. Ek gaan môreoggend bel en plek bespreek by een van hulle sjokolade werkswinkels.
      Daarna gaan ons na Grand Casino om na die Frida Kahlo uitstalling te gaan kyk met klomp van Liehet se vriendinne. Dit was nogal uitsonderlik, met 'n tydlyn van haar lewe vooraf en dan in 'n groot saal nog inligting en video's oor Frida en haar kuns.
      Ons gaan eet toe by Wagamama - 'n oosterse kos restaurant en daarna vat Lisinda ons Atomion toe, maar dit is reeds toe. Ons kry egter die lekkerste belgiese wafel by die trokkie wat dit daar verkoop.
      Ek en Liehet kry toe sulke elektriese scootertjies waarmee mens kan ry as jy dit scan op 'n app. Jy los dit net weer langs die pad as jy klaar is, dan kan 'n volgende mens dit gebruik. Ons ry so 5.6km om weer by die busstasie uit te kom. Jy ry in die fietsrybaan en als is baie mooi ingerig daarvoor. Op sekere plekke moet mens ongelukkig in die pad ry saam met die karre, asook telke male op 'cobblestone' strate wat jou brein weer in plek skud.
      Toe ons terug is in Centraal area gaan kyk ons na Manneken pis en kry vir ons belgiese frites met truffle mayonnaise (maar dis nie iets om oor huis toe te skryf nie). Ons vat die trein terug Noorderkempen toe en stap toe huis. En gaan slaap baie lekker!
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