
    • 日20

      Cachoeira do mosquito

      2021年12月17日, ブラジル ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Tivemos outras 5 horas de viagem até chegar à incrível região da Chapada Diamantina. Fomos diretos para a cachoeira do Mosquito para poder começar a sentir a beleza deste lugar.

      Toda a involvência é incrível, essas rochas avermelhadas em camadas que quase que parece que foram talhadas pelo homem dispõem-se umas em cima das outras para formar este lugar.

      Chama-se cachoeira do mosquito porque quando foi encontrada tinha tanto diamente no chão que pareciam mosquitos.

      Vamos ficar dois dias num hostel da vila de Lençóis. Uma vila já com algum turismo internacional mas com uma boa energia. Músicos na rua, artistas no meio de locais e turistas. Acho que até agora foi a vila mais simpática onde já estivemos.

    • 日10


      5月21日, ブラジル ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Arrivés à Lencois pour les 3 jours à venir, ici c'est plus nature, randonnées, baignades. Ça va faire du bien

    • 日11

      Ribeirão do Meio

      5月22日, ブラジル ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      Journée randonnée dans la pampa, après plusieurs kilomètres de marches, une averse le matin, on se détend enfin au bord d'une belle cascade

    • 日20

      Lencois - chapada diamantina

      2015年12月24日, ブラジル ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Nach einer weiteren flughafen-nacht erwischen wir den bus ab salvador nach lencois und kommen ziemlich kaputt an. Alles grün und hügelig, heiss, relaxed. Eine pause vom strandleben, im outdoor-mekka brasiliens. Die menschen sind wiederum sehr freundlich und gut drauf, es gibt leckeres essen.
      Am 2. Tag - ach ja, 25.12., weihnachten, machen wir eine klettertour mit pedro. Macht spass, ist definitiv anstrengender als kiten... am abend landeten wir dann spontan an einer goa-trance-party, auch spannend...
      Dann wurde es ernst, eine 3-tägige trekking-tour mit guides, 60km durch das vale do pati, auf-und ab, wasserfälle und eine vielseitige vegetation. Übernachtung in einfachen unterkünften der lokalen familien und sehr gut schlafen...

    • 日22


      2021年12月19日, ブラジル ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Fomos ao poço do Diabo, mais uma das incríveis cascatas da Chapada.
      Sem saber muito bem ao que íamos seguimos caminho para a Gruta da Torrinha.

      Afinal era uma gruta, com vários km de cumprimento com estalactites e estalagmites com milhares de anos. A visita era de mais de duas horas, com um caminho debaixo da terra trilhado pelos antigos exploradores. Foi relativamente fácil.

      A visita foi feita com o Marco e o aprendiz Filipe. Já quase a meio da visita a mais de 30 minutos a pé da saída, o Marco pediu para apagar as luzes para fazer um minuto de silêncio.

      É um silêncio absoluto e escuridão absoluta. Não há um animal a mexer ou fazer barulho. Só conseguia ouvir o Filipe a mexer no capacete, devia estar aborrecido, e a minha barriga aos solavancos. A verdade é que me começou a dar uma cólica bem forte. Comecei a suar.
      Ainda tentei pensar noutra coisa, mas já não dava. O Marco sugeriu que o Filipe voltasse comigo e ele terminava a visita com o Valentim.

      Começámos o caminho de regresso mas a cólica ficava cada vez pior.
      O Filipe só dizia: "vai ter que aguentar, não pode fazer aqui não". Tentei...

      O resto do caminho foi terrível, suava, a cólica não passava e já não dava para repetir o mesmo número, mas cheguei à casa de banho são e salva.

      Seguimos para o Morro do Pai Inácio. Dizem que tem o melhor pôr do sol da Chapada. Infelizmente as nuvens esconderam o sol mas deu para conhecer a história que deu origem ao nome do Morro.

      Reza a lenda que existia um escravo, de nome Inácio, que se apaixonou pela sua dona. Quando o dono descobriu que eles se tinham envolvido mandou matar o Inácio. Ele conseguiu fugir para o Morro, mas ficou encurralado e teve que saltar... O amor matou o Inácio.

      A verdade é que o Inácio conhecia bem o Morro e saltou para uma das fendas existentes. Sobreviveu e foi visto pelos locais a fugir do Morro. O seu nome ficou.

    • 日19

      2 day trek

      2017年7月2日, ブラジル ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Already at 7 in the morning our guide Washington picked us up because to get to the the start of the trail took 2 hours by car. We were supposed to pay for the tour but it was just impossible to withdraw some cash in the village as there was only one bank plus which ran out of money. So Washington was teasing us that no money no food and we will have to cook by ourselves.

      Once we reached the trail, wel left the car just with our small backpacks with water and clothes we were wearing because Washington warned us that what is one kilo now feels like three during the track. I really admired him as he was carrying food for all four of us for the following two days. The track started with a steep climb of a mountain, followed by a plain until we reached one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen. To enjoy the view even more, Washington prepared a very good lunch for us. From up there we could see the place where we were supposed to spend the night. It looked so close but in reality so far. Therefore we continued hiking, walking down the steep mountain just the opposite side from the morning one.

      In the afternoon we reached "our accomodation". It was like an oasis in the middle of the mountains. It was a home of a local family who provides shelter for tourists like us during the trek. It was a true paradise, couple of simple houses with no electricity, hens, roosters and mules running around. We really could not imagine a better and more peaceful place to take a rest after an exhausting hike.

      Later we went just up a near hill with the aim to watch a sunset. Although the sunset was not really succesful as we were in the valley and the sun went down behind a mountain...the colors of the sky were still amazing. When we came back, Washington already set a table with an amazing dinner. We had a really good talk over the dinner about the local life. I was curious how is it with the school there as we were really in the middle of nowhere in the mountains and the local family had kids. The answer was really shocking, the kids have to go everyday to the nearest village to attend school, so basically they gotta do the trek to cross the mountain every single day. They use the mules, we have seen running around, but still I was feeling really priviliged that I live so close to my school, eventhough I complain all the time that I have to go there.

      After the dinner already around 8 pm we totally passed out with exhaustion but really happy that we could do trekking in such an amazing nature.

    • 日18

      Chapada Diamantina

      2017年7月1日, ブラジル ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      As I have mentioned, our second stop was Chapada Diamantina. The way  there took around 6 hours from Salvador.

      Chapada Diamantina is a deliciously unspoiled National park well of the beaten path. A pristine outdoor wonderland of rushing waterfalls, crystal blue pools, hiking trails and natural waterslides.

      When you plan your trip you can either decide for one day excursions or a more day trek with a local guide. We heard that the second option is much better in order to really get the feeling of the park. However, planning in advance is really tough as many tourist agencies set the prices really high. Thanks to couchsurfing I got a contact for a local guide who was willing to acompany us to the park, but the communication was a little bit confusing so we decided to book a hostel and organize trips through them.

      However, arriving to the bus station early in the morning an unexpected surprise was waiting for us. There was waiting somebody from the hostel to pick us up holding a sign with Sasa's name and next to him my couchsurfing guide calling on me hello Jana. Michael was just having a blast and at this moment I was happy that he leaves all the planning just on me and Sasa, otherwise there would probably be a third person waiting for us. We apologized for the misunderstanding and left for the hostel as scheduled.

      The first day we decided for a one day tour. At the hostel they organized everything and later our guide Washington picked us up. Just driving through the park of unspoiled nature was awesome. The first stop of the tour was a Lapa Doce cave. We got funny colorful helmets and went underground to explore the 3rd largest cave in Brasil with its roof always 15 to 20 metres high and amazing limestones stalactites and stactmites with odd shapes and colors.

      The next stop was a Pratinha cave. When walking there, our guide spotted a Tarantula spider and was taking him on a stick. As I am not a huge fan of spiders, I was just watching from distance. By the Pratinha cave I was really amazed because it is a mouth of underground river flowing out to the surface. We had a possibility of doing a snorkeling tour there. It was an unforgetable experience. I think I have never seen such a transparent water. When we swam to the inside of the cave, there was a complete darkness so we had to use a torch to make our way. It was a little bit frightening but exciting feeling being inside a cave in darkness and having around 20 meters of water below us. Afterwards we chilled just beyond the cave where the river forms a lake, a true oasis with crystal clear water.

      The third stop was a Pai Inácio mountain. The view from the top is a 360 degree majestic scenery of the national park. It was just a short hike to get up and totally worth the effort.

      Last stop was a Mucugezinho river. The river has a really interesting black color, the water is really clean though, its the iron that makes it black. After a short trail, partly wading through the river we reached a Devil's pool with an impressive waterfall.

      Our guide was a really awesome one and we had an amazing day so we asked him for recommendation how to spend the following two days in the national park. He offered taking us on a 2 day trek of a part of the Pati valley trail which is considered to be one of the most beautiful treks of Brazil. It also included one night stay in the mountains in a house of locals. So of course we made a deal with him!

      Returning to the hostel we cancelled the second night, packed everything and prepared just the necessary for the trek.

    • 日232

      Cachoeira do Sossego und Riberão do Meio

      2016年8月10日, ブラジル ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Mit Micha, einem Deutschen, den ich auf der Busfahrt kennengelernt habe und einem lokalen Guide mache ich mich auf den Weg zum "Wasserfall der Ruhe".
      Um ihn zu erreichen müssen wir ca. 1 1 /2 Stunden durch das Flussbett kraxeln, klettern und springen und uns den besten Weg über Steine und Felsen suchen.
      Die Belohnung für die Mühen in ziemlicher Hitze: ein kühles Bad im Wasserfall- Schwimmbecken :-) Und ein leckeres Lunchpaket. Auf dem Rückweg machen wir einen Stop weiter unten am Fluss, wo das Wasser im Laufe der Zeit eine Naturrutsche gebildet hat, auf der man sich recht hubbelig, mehr oder weniger elegant ins Wasser gleiten oder platschen lassen kann.

    • 日231

      Nationalpark Chapada Diamantina

      2016年8月9日, ブラジル ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Schon viel hatte ich von der Chapada Diamantina gehört, nun ist es endlich soweit und ich fahre selbst hin.
      Ca. 450 km westlich von Salvador, 7 Stunden mit dem Bus durch eine Landschaft voll mit Kakteen legt der kleine Ort Lençois, von dem aus man zu diversen Ausflügen in den Nationalpark starten kann. Der Ort an sich ist sehr süß mit ein paar kopfsteingepflasterten Straßen, tagsüber menschenleer, abends voll mit Tischen und zu Abend essenden Menschen, die schöner Live Musik lauschen.もっと詳しく

    • 日205

      Wonderful Waterfalls

      2016年6月20日, ブラジル ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We woke early in the morningand after having breakfast and we have a quick chat with a couple of kiwis that are staying in the same pousada. They are booked on the three day tour today and although a little bit jealous my back just really is not up to it.just before nine we make our way down to Paulos sister to have a bit of pampering. I havent painted my nails in months as the last time i tried it was so hot the nail varnish was drying before id actually put it on my nail. Its strange because here they dont paint accurately they correct after and use a sharp stick wrapped thinly with cotton wool and dipped in nailvarnish remover. Maek has gone to find the bank but when he returns there is a problem as none of the banks here accept our card, the woman tells us not to worry as sge has gone online and there is a Bradesco bank here, so she sends her daughter with us to find it. When we arrive the bank is closed but the owner shouts from over the road he will open at 8 in the morning so it shoul be in time to pay for our trip. Feeling like a new woman we walk back to the pousada to ger our hiking gear on and walk out of town towards the trail. There isnt actually much of a trail to follow as its just huge rock formations but our guide has told us to just follow the river. We wind our way up the river bed which is really dry, just a small river of water but as we reach higher ground it flows a little stronger. Within the rock formations are holes filled with water, some obviously deeper than others by the darkness of them. We carry on walking to the top whee there is a young lad selling beers. We buy one each and sit chatting to him and shortly afterwards another guy joins us who speaks perfect English. We ask the guys about going further up The Trail both advise us that it's not safe and with going on the trek tomorrow we finish our beers and walk back down to the town. We go back to the pousada and chill for an hour or so before showering and heading back down town for dinner. The town has even more flags all over the place now and theyre putting up figures similar to big guy fawkes. There are a couple of boards where you can pit your head through and a small house has been built with adobe and psalm leaves . There are lots of people working in the square as tonight there will be traditional music. Mark orders pizza which for Brazil is really good, but im not hungry and still feeling out of sorts. As Mark finishes eating it starts to rain and we make a run for the slaves market around the corner. They have a little artisan market here and there is a stall in here selling jewellry made from golden straw. It really is beautiful. A joint descision is made to head back to the pousada and my back is glad to be laid on a cool flat surface. Time for bed😲もっと詳しく


    Lençóis, Lencois


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