Le Chameau

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    • Day 21

      Sonne auf Koh Rong Sanloem

      August 23, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Die Sonne scheint 🔆🔆🔆🔆
      und wir haben uns natürlich gleich verbrannt 🦀 aber alles halb so wild! Eigentlich wollten wir durch den Dschungel zu einem anderen Strand wandern, bis morgens früh ein Typ verschwitzt und aufgeregt uns entgegenkommt. Seine Worte: „Ich habe ja schon viele Schlangen hier gesehen, aber die Kobra auf diesem Weg war so groß! 1,50m Länge und ca. 8cm Durchmesser! Mein Herz hat so geklopft“. Bei Nachfrage zu den Schlangen hier auf der Insel beim Hotelbesitzer kam nur: „Na klar gibts hier Kobras! Aber Zwischenfälle gibt es eher selten“. Also stand für uns fest, diesen Weg gehen wir nicht 😂🐍 er hat uns dann einen anderen Weg empfohlen, der etwas breiter ist und nicht so stark durch den Dschungel verläuft. Also liefen wir mit Wanderschuhen, festgeschnürten Wanderhosen und zwei Stöcken zur Selbstverteidigung hinter einem Hundi her durch den Wald 😂 nach 45 Minuten Weg und ohne Sichtung von Schlangen kamen wir dann an dem Lazy Beach an. Total cool: auf der anderen Seite der Insel war der Strand und das Meer ganz anders, viel wilder! Es hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt.Read more

    • Day 44


      February 12, 2020 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Natürlich hat unsere Insel noch ein bisschen mehr zu bieten als unseren hoteleigenen Strand.
      Was genau das ist, wollten wir heute herausfinden.

      Die erste Hürde ließ nicht lange auf sich warten:
      Erst mal mussten wir mit dem Boot von unserem Hotel an den Hauptstrand, dem Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Insel, fahren.
      Doch wie ins Boot kommen, wenn man nicht durchs Wasser laufen kann? Na klar: einfach von starken Armen tragen lassen. Gut, dass mich so viele davon begleiten 😅

      Am Hauptstrand angekommen, begannen wir eine aufregende Wanderung. Diese führte nicht nur quer über die Insel, sondern auch quer durch den Dschungel über unbefestigte Hügelwege und den ein oder anderen wilden Affen.🐒

      Am Lazy Beach angekommen, fragten wir uns, wieso wir nun den Hauptstrand für einen weniger hübschen Strand verlassen hatten. Das konnte ja vorher niemand wissen 🤷‍♀️

      So wanderten wir nach einer Abkühlung im Meer wieder zurück und genossen die Cocktail Happy Hour am Saracan Bay 🍹☀️
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    • Day 59

      Kajak und Lazy Beach

      October 11, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Die Tage hier auf Koh Rong Sanloem plätschern so dahin...
      Vorgestern hatte ich ein Kajak ausgeliehen und bin damit ein bisschen rum geschippert. Gestern habe ich nach 20min Dschungelwandererung diesen schönen kleinen Strand gefunden und war dann fast zwei Stunden am Stück Schnorcheln. Das Wasser ist warm und klar, man sieht jede Menge bunte Fische und Korallen.Read more

    • Day 158

      How to make coconut oil from scratch 🥥

      July 28, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      During our stay in LazyBeach, Anthony and I had the chance to attend a coconut oil workshop only a few weeks ago to which some guests invited us to. After it, it felt so easy and natural, that I thought it might be a nice idea to try and make our own coconut oil so we could bring some with us. So I asked Da, the guy on charge of the workshop, if I could borrow his tools to make some for myself, and set ourselves to work. Nevertheless, on the way of searching for the equipment, bumped into the woman that helped him with the workshop previously, and while I was asking her how to fetch all the tools together, she ended up helping us all the way to our oil (and even invited us to some coconuts), so the result and progress was indeed more professional and successful than the previous thought. She was such a lovely woman (no word of english, of course) and we had such a nice time, and a pretty cool result.

      Here are the steps of how to make a proper coconut oil from scratch through the traditional techniques used in Cambodia.
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    • Day 135

      Lazy Beach, Koh Rong Sanloem (again🤭)

      July 5, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      After a few months of constantly moving and changing, finally I had a place to settle for a little bit again. Indeed this place wasn't like the ones I had been before, since in here the concept of volunteering was very different to what I had done before. In here I was just another worker, whose payment wasn't through money but by benefits such as food, drinks, accomodation, transport... Which made the experience completely different to what I was used to, but also a beautiful one and with lots of learnings.
      Anthony, a french guy I had met in my last hostel in the island, got completely captivated by my plan for the next month, and decided to join me. And that, without any doubt made the experience absolutely better. We worked long hours and some days it was quite demanding, because when the day was sunny the place was full and you had to do three things at a time on your own. But also, sometimes you just sat waiting for hours to pass because there wasn't really much to do. We were trusted with money from the beginning and you could clearly see how necessary we were.I learned a big deal about bartending and making cocktails (must say I am quite good at it) and everyday practiced some french with Anthony, while he was learning spanish with me.
      During this past month, got the chance to meet some beautiful people and have some very nice laughs, such as a very characteristic swiss couple, some doctors working in Phnom Penh and some very sweet families. But also, my relationship with my boss wan't the best, since from the very beginning she treated me with despise always having something bad to say about me (but always with a smile, which made it even worse) such as "you're giving more attention to some guests than to others", "you didn't smile with enough enthusiasm while welcoming people" or things of the matter, that I can assure Anthony would have never even though of (cause I was more experienced in hostelery than him). I even got banned once from eating fruit so they would be for the guests (which hurt me a lot since its the base of my diet). My perception of her was that she person who only though of money and would never move a finger further than necessary for anyone, which chocked a bit with me (for example, we once took a juice by mistake to some guests that they didn't order and she charged them because they didn't refuse them, or charged for a simple glass of water), but always hid everything in her smile and niceness. And I guess, that was also an interesting exprience, because it was the first time I didn't have a warm relationship with my boss, but felt pressured and uncomfortable by its presence. The kitchen staff were beautiful (they tried to teach us some khmer unsuccessfully), and the owners (a sweet and relaxed family formed by Ken, Lida and TeyTey) and Ken's brother, Da' was always showing up there to help and give a nice idea, and fell in love with Lala, a smart 2 year old who was always around and with whom we always understood each other, nevertheless not speaking a word of each other's language. It was a holiday spot, so the customers were always nice and chilled, sometimes curious and hoping to have some nice conversation with us, which was a bit complicated because of our amount of work. And the fist thing to do every mooring was to walk about 10 steps and jump into the (most of the time) cristal water), as well as the very last thing before going to bed. Had more types of cocktails that I ever tried in my life, ate a looot, and was veryvery lazy. We had a huge storm for some days that broke many things (even trapped guests in the place) and many things broke, such as the wifii, so must of the time we were disconected of the world (even had to walk along the jungle to find somewhere with wifii to do a bit of my masters at some point), and when the poor wifi worked it was too weak to let you do anything. So we just read, relaxed and swam. Sometimes doing some different activities such as going for a run, visiting some beautiful hidden carvings on the jungle, snorkel on the reef, watch a movie or made some coconut oil. I also tought some yoga on the sunny days, having a large variety of students (even had a 7 year old more than once, who was more into it than the 60 year old next to him). The classes were on the beach with a towel, that I offered private classes for a very cheap prise and I had the chance to make some very personalized classes, which was very different to what I was used to (and made a bit of money, with some nice tips most of the time), I once got s student attacked by a crab on a class even!

      As for the setting, we owned the whole beach and the closest thing such as civilization was Sarracen Beach, half an hour away on a treck with a minimart where you could buy basic things and some hotels and restaurants. The beach was always very dirty because the water just brought all the dirt that the locals and fisherman threw on the water, even though the workers spent a good amount of time to clean it daily. The bungalows were basic but enough, and really touching the beach, with always some companions around. For example we had a huge lizard living with us for the hole month, and I once had to take a rat from a guests room (which I released on the jungle instead of what I was meant to do because I was very unable of sacrificing the poor thing), and experienced our cat kitty giving birth in front of us.

      Overall, beautiful and teaching experience, sometimes with some mixt feelings, but the scenario and privileges always made it worth it. And now, I am ready to say goodbye to the place and head towards the next adventure in... Thailand!

      🍴Food: Lazy beach (coconut curry, yellow curry, amok, french toasts with banana jam, pasta homemade tomato sauce, banana fritters with nutella, peanut butter banana shake and any cocktail made by me:\)
      📍Essentials: carvings in the jungle, be very lazy at lazy beach (maybe a cocktail for sunset), Da's coconut oil workshop, swim with the plankton at night and admire the beautiful clear sky (you can even see the milky way and lots of falling stars)
      💡Some facts: this beach is considered one of the 21 most beautiful beaches in the world by National Geographic (even though its quite beautiful, I must disagree with it though, its not that stunning)
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    • Day 17

      Lazy People at Lazy Beach

      November 13, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Wisech ds fürne Sunnti kört heimers ganz gmüetlech la agah. Am Morge si es paar vo üs zwar früeh uf füre Sunneufgang zluege abr mir si drna när nomal es stündli ga ablige.

      Nachem Zmorge heimer dr Vormittag am Pool verbracht & am Nami heimer glich nochli meh vo dr Insle welle gseh u si 20 Minute uf di anderi Sitte vor Insle zum "Lazy Beach" glüffe. Uf dere Sitte vor Insle isch ds Wasser no klarer gsih will d Strömig nid vo dere Sitte chunnt & mir si nomal churz ga schnorchle & bade.
      Mir hei dert o usegfunde was ds eim im Wasser mengisch sochli brönnt obwohl eim nüd berüert - es isch also Plankton.

      Es het am spätere Nami nach Gwitter usgseh u vom übereloufe düre Urwald simer aller verschwitzt u grusig gsih u drum simer de wieder hei gspatziert u ga dusche u ner vorem Znacht no biz abgläge odr mit de Lüt ir Schwiiz telefoniert.
      Usserd Kelly u d Maylea. Die si am Lazy Beach blibe u hei no der Sunneundergang gluegt. (Z Gwitter hetsich verzoge u aui si troche blibe)

      O hüt hets vor und nachem Znacht wieder spileni gä, wo abr disesmal ohni grossi Diskussione hei chöne gspillt wärde ;).
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    • Day 20

      Scarison Bay - Lazy Beach

      January 16, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We have two bays that are approximately 1.5km from Scarison Bay, accessed via paths inside the jungle. Sunset Beach is defiantly a much harder path and defiantly not to be attempted wearing flip-flops.
      We opted for the second option, Lazy Beach, another beautiful sunset enjoyed with several cans of Cambodian beer.
      Make sure that you have mosquito repellent for the return walk home, they will be waiting for you on the way back.
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    • Day 76

      Ko Rong Samelm

      April 17, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      En drömig ö, där vi bodde i tält och hade ett mer primitivt liv med dålig täckning och inga transporter på hela ön. Så man fick vandra genom djungeln och man vill gå någonstans. Det var i grevens tid som vi var där, de har börjat förstöra ön och ska bygga vägar och lyxhotell. Så tråkigt, jag tror människor verkligen behöver ha platser där livet är mer primitivt och man kan få slappna av utan att mobilen ringer.

      En av kvällarna var vi ute och snorklade i lysande plankton. Så himla häftigt!! Som magi! Tyvärr går det inte fånga det magiska på bild.

      Vi prövade även en klassisk Khmer grill där man gick massa gott tillbehör som man grillade och kockade och sen åt.

      Vi hängde också en del med Ella och Olivia så vi blev ett härligt tjejgäng från olika delar av världen.

      Bilderna från dessa dagar är begränsade för jag passade på att inte använda mobilen så mkt.
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    • Day 38

      A walk to lazy beach

      October 11, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Lazy beach was a 30 min walk across the island jungle, but mostly on a dirt road. It is a private bay with only one “ hotel” and corresponding restaurant , bar. We had a lazy afternoon swimming in the clearest water and enjoying great food. Even some stinging from jellyfish (eggs) and a hoard of mosquitoes couldn’t deter us.

      What makes it truly special is its bioluminescent plankton, which lights up the sea at night, creating a surreal, otherworldly experience. We had tried to see it in Cat Ba, Vietnam but with no success as there was too much light pollution, and had considered doing a tour to see it. So it was even more magical to see it completely alone at lazy beach. We went out for a swim, as the glow gets stronger further out. Like swimming in white - blue glow worms. Our phone camera didn’t really pick up the glow, but the special memory will stay with us.

      After another 30 minute walk home across the island in the dark, only hearing the sounds of the jungle, we were ready for a shower. Relaxed and feeling clean again, ready for bed, we unpacked and made a not so nice discover….Jeroen’s beloved sunglasses were missing. There have been many close calls in the past, but this time there was really only one place they could be….somewhere on the beach likely where we had changed after our last plankton swim…..across the island….oh no. The restaurant unfortunately couldn’t find them, but even if the chance was small and the walk long and sweaty, we had to try. So once again, we started walking. This time with temperatures lower, no sun, knowing the route and a goal in mind the walk seemed shorter. Arriving at the beach, the restaurant closed, we began the search for the needle in the haystack….sunglasses in the sand. It being pitch black we were happy we had brought some flash lights, after 20 minutes scouring every part of the beach, even parts we hadn’t been to yet, we felt a bit hopeless. Charly had brought 3 pairs of sunglasses ( very essential), so there were some options until getting new one. Sad but at least feeling like we tried everything we turned back.
      “ Well at least tomorrow we don’t wake up thinking “ what if” …..” We stopped, staring at the path in front of us. What is that? Lying there at our feet.
      Jeroen’s sunglasses.
      We were in luck.
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    • Day 52

      Nicht das Paradies

      January 20 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Wir sind auf einer paradiesischen tropischen Insel und genießen es!
      Und doch ist es nicht das Paradies. Am Horizont sieht man Schiffe der kambodschanischen Marine, die die Seegrenze zum alten Feind Vietnam bewachen. Wir sind heute zum Leuchtturm an der Südspitze der Insel gewandert - und fanden dort ein gut gepflegtes Geschütz vor...
      Erst 1989 endete der vietnamesische-kambodschanische Krieg, die Guerillakämpfe erst 1999.

      Unvorstellbar in diesem Paradies ist auch die Geschichte des Regimes von Pol Pot und der roten Khmer - ein Autogenozid. Zwei Millionen Menschen der eigenen Volksgruppe fanden den Tod - bei acht Millionen Einwohnern. Aus Kambodscha sollte ein Bauernstaat werden. Da genügte es, Lehrer zu sein, um ermordet zu werden. Binnen drei Tagen wurde die Hauptstadt Phnom Penh geräumt - Stadtbewohner sollte es nicht mehr geben. Bis heute erinnern über 300 sogenannte Killing Fields an die Massenmorde an der eigenen Bevölkerung...

      Es ist wunderschön hier! Aber es ist ein Paradies mit grauenvoller Geschichte.
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