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    • Giorno 122


      1 luglio 2017, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Am 1. Juli ist Canada Day!! Ich bin also pünktlich zu den Festivitäten in Vancouver angekommen 🎉
      Alison und ich sind am ersten Abend durch die Stadt gelaufen und waren mehr als ein wenig verwundert. Weit und breit kein Bierstand und keiner der Leute war am kennt man das von zu Hause aber nicht 🤔
      Am nächsten Tag haben wir uns mit Moritz und Thomas zum Frühstück verabredet. Mit dem Fahrrad sind wir zum Stanley Park gefahren und haben Downtown erkundet. 🎶I want to ride my bicycle🎶
      Vancouver ist eine wirklich schöne Stadt und hat von allem etwas zu bieten.
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    • Giorno 98

      Plätzchenbackerei & Weihnachtsmarkt

      18 dicembre 2018, Canada ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      An einem meiner freien Tage entschied ich mich dazu, mal Plätzchen zu backen. Gar nicht so einfach, in einer spärlich eingerichteten Küche - nicht so wie zuhause wo es tausende von Möglichkeiten gegeben hätte :D Ich wog schon im Store ab, wie viel Mehl, Zucker und Mandeln ich zu Vanillekipferl brauche um dann daheim einfach alles nur noch in eine "Schüssel" (es wurde die Auflaufform als Schüssel genutzt) verkneten zu müssen... Letztendlich hat aber alles gut geklappt und meine Plätzchen schmeckten sogar. Mitnehmen wollte ich Sie auf jeden Fall zu Lynn, da wir ja geplant hatten über Weihnachten zu ihr nochmal auf die Farm zu kommen.... wobei es auch ein paar "Problemchen" mit meinem Arbeitsplan gab, aber das lies sich alles lösen, sodass wir uns am am 22. Dezember auf den Weg machen konnten..

      Vorher besuchten wir aber noch den Vancouver Christmasmarket, der mit viel deutschem Werbung betreibt und das mussten wir natürlich uns mal anschauen. Witzig ist es schon, wenn man ein Schäufele und Salzburger Stiegl (verkauft als deutsches Bier) auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt findet. Aber mit einem Glühwein und einer Waffel im Bauch war die Weihnachtszeit noch ein Stück näher gerutscht :) Und als Ingo den Glühwein auf Englisch bestellte, drehte sich der Mann um und schrie nach hinten "Zwei Glühwein in einer Tasse bitte!" Dann wusste Ingo natürlich bescheid und der Verkäufer meinte, dass an dem Stand fast alle aus Deutschland kommen. Ich war natürlich wieder so dreist und bestellte meine Waffel nicht auf Englisch sondern auf deutsch und er verstand mich sogar! :D Den Rest redete ich dann aber in Englisch mit ihm, weil er nur ein paar Worte verstand :D Schon verrückt was die deutsche Kultur alles für Einflüsse auf die Welt hat :)
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    • Giorno 88

      Ristorante "Via Tevere"

      28 aprile 2015, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      It's about time to eat Italian style pizza in the best pizzeria of the city.
      After an unsuccessful attempt around 2 months ago (waiting line was about 2 hours, they don't take reservations), I was lucky today when I spontaneously decided with my Ticino-friend to have dinner there. First time I saw someone eating two (!) pizzas.
      And we were not disappointed, the pizza was awesome! And the Menabrea beer was so much better than Moretti or Peroni!
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    • Giorno 2

      Vancouver, British Columbia

      13 agosto 2018, Canada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Before going to bed, I took a sleeping tablet which I only ever use to combat jet leg, so I had an awesome sleep last night. We made breakfast in our room before walking down to the nearest train station. Fortunately for us, it takes you directly into town.

      Unfortunately for me though, all that sitting on an aeroplane yesterday meant my arch enemy sciatica came back. We tried to see the sights of the city but it took a lot longer than planned, as I often had to stop and rest.

      After arriving in the city, we first visited the Visitor Information Centre before heading to Stanley Park. It has been quite a few years since we visited Vancouver, and Ted was keen to see the totem poles that have made the Park famous.The surrounding parklands and lake were worth seeing too. Despite the pain I was in, it was worth seeing.

      I hadn't visited Granville Island before, so we managed to work out the transportation system and catch a bus there. Whilst there, we decided to treat ourselves, and went to a third story seafood restaurant overlooking the port. We were hoping for a novel way to return to our accommodation via boat, but since there wasn't such an option, decided to take the bus and train back instead.

      My sciatica was giving me all kinds of grief, so we relaxed back at our room before heading out to dinner. We like the Commercial Drive area very much - we couldn't see much last night, but during the day noticed the large number of pubs and restaurants in the area. For dinner, we headed to a cheap and cheerful Mexican restaurant named the Red Burrito.

      Tomorrow we are planning to head to Whistler for the first time. There have been a lot of fires in the surrounding areas, so we've changed our return time to earlier in the day, as weather forecasts have put the area as smoky. Even so, we are looking forward to seeing somewhere new.
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    • Giorno 2


      20 gennaio 2016, Canada ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      After another bloody cold night on the train (even after buying a blanket) "woke" to watch the last couple hours of scenery into Vancouver city. The best scenery of the trip in my opinion. 18 hours till my flight, any suggestions? 😁😁Leggi altro

    • Giorno 1


      29 gennaio 2018, Canada ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      We made it out of Hazelton Jan 29th. Phew. After teaching until the 25th, getting report cards done and cleaning up for the new teacher to live at our place, it was good to hit the road although leaving snow and friends behind is always hard. We were able to exchange hugs with Robin in Prince George, had coffee with Liam in 100 Mile, and drove through on the Duffy Lake Road. Roads were pretty good, except Quesnel where we drove through a snowstorm to get there, and slid around on ice when leaving. But they do have the world's best donuts at the Quesnel Bakery and a pretty nice pool.
      We stayed our second overnight with Dawn in Squamish and then walked at Lighthouse Park on the way to Marty's eye exam. Unfortunately, Marty and his eyes are too old for the PRK surgery that he was hoping for, so the bifocals are coming on the trip. Staying with Sheelagh, James, Mackenna, and Keenan in Vancouver has been comfy and easy. Thanks for the friendship and for giving up your bedroom, your house made up for the deluge outside! Science World today was great and Caleb says that anyone who comes down should go there. Jorja loved the water works. We saw an IMAX about Henry Bates who spent 11 years in the Amazon Jjungle in the 1850's whose collection of butterflies gave Darwin the proof he needed for his theory of Natural Selection. Tomorrow we are heading to Vancouver Island to visit Hazelton expats.
      Caleb's thoughts: HI friends & frenemies wassup ... the drive down to Vancouver was awesome .we got to Vancouver on Wednesday and luckily went to a friends house and crashed for the night ! It rained two days strait which was a bummer and we didn't do very many outdoor things in that period luckily todays been pretty nice :)so that's all for now >>>>wait I forgot to mention I got to go onstage in science world for an experiment and get splashed when the guy put a tuning fork in the water.
      That's all for now folks! Enjoy the snow and have a ski for us.
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