James Bay

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    • Hari 13

      Quick tour of Victoria

      7 Mei, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Our quick tour of Victoria involved taking photos of the outside of Hatley Castle (which was being used as a film set and the large film crew were a bit protective of us taking photos) and Craigdarrough Castle (closed today but happens to be in the back yard of where we are staying tonight, which itself reminds me of the Faulty Towers hotel by its decor). We also saw a fort, port and lighthouse for Jeremy's interest. Oooh and we saw an otter swimming in the wild which was a first for us both.

      Dinner tonight was in downtown Victoria (Taco Tuesday of course) which allowed us to take photos of the buildings in their lit up splendour in the evening.
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    • Hari 3

      Victoria, Vancouver Island

      28 Juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We arrived here on Vancouver Island this morning, after a five hour flight from Toronto, crossing three time zones. We are now eight hours behind the UK. The weather is warm and sunny and we are staying here for two nights. After the hustle and bustle of Toronto, Victoria is quieter and calmer and we have spent a relaxing afternoon wandering its streets around the picturesque harbour.
      Tomorrow we intend to visit the world famous Butchart Gardens, just out of the town and I’ll let you know my thoughts.

      Thursday 29 June
      The Gardens were developed by Jenny and Robert Butchart from 1904 onwards and now cover some 22 hectares. Robert had bought the land to quarry limestone for his cement company and when the rock was worked-out his wife was left with the task of what to do with the remaining hole in the ground!. Robert was by now a wealthy man and the couple were very hospitable, so the idea of creating a family estate of beauty was appealing. They called their evolving home ‘Benvenuto’; Italian for welcome. Jenny set to work to make a garden out of the quarry, initially using a bosun’s chair to plant the crevices in the sheer walls with plants to soften them. Her logic was unassailable, as once the ground below was prepared and planted there would be no possibility of then clothing the limestone walls towering above. So the sunken garden slowly came to life in the style of the time. Huge amounts of soil and compost have been imported over the years and there is an irrigation system to die for. Eat your heart out those of us who are attached to a hose on a regular basis! Since then the Japanese, Rose and Italian gardens have been added and the whole spectacle is truly a sight for sore eyes.
      It has been a beautiful sunny day and the garden is at its very best, the roses in particular.
      Interestingly a great deal of use has been made of block bedding, which we rarely see
      today, but was of course very much the fashion of the time. Water is everywhere and the colour schemes and clever use of plants has to be seen to be believed. Beautiful, mature, trees clothe the site giving welcome shade and there seems to be a microclimate for every genus of plant.
      The whole garden is of course one giant microclimate, being sheltered within its quarry setting, which allows for the more tender plants to be grown. I could wax lyrically for hours, but will include as many photos as I can to give you a flavour.
      The garden is now over 100 years old and attracts a huge number of visitors annually. One of the early invitees was our own Queen Elizabeth, as a young 12 year old, with her parents, the King and Queen.
      The garden remains in family hands and is being lovingly maintained and developed in the Butchart tradition. If you are ever this way be sure to visit.
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    • Hari 210

      Victoria, BC — Canada

      9 Juli 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Today is another footprint of reminiscing and a short story of our day.

      Today, we are in one of our favorite cities in British Columbia … Victoria. We have visited here several times.

      The earliest visit was in 1982 … a day cruise from Seattle, Washington … on the Princess Marguerite. As foot passengers, our exploration focused on the Inner Harbor where we visited attractions such as the underwater aquarium that is long gone.

      The second trip was in 1983 … this time on the M/V Coho, which plies the waters between Port Angeles, Washington and Victoria. We brought our car on the ferry and visited practically all of the attractions on that occasion over a stay of several days.

      1999 saw us back here for a few days when we were exploring Washington’s Olympic Peninsula … a side trip again on the M/V Coho.

      Finally, in 2018 we made a “technical stop” here on Celebrity Solstice to fulfill the requirements of the Passenger Vessel Services Act. On that occasion, friends James & Shelley (whom we met on RTW2017) took us on a scenic drive before hosting us for dinner in their lovely home.

      Today, we hosted James and Shelley for a late lunch at the Steamship Grill overlooking the scenic Inner Harbor. Sonia and Boris joined us for lunch. We had a delightful time … and the food was great, too.

      But before that, we had a lovely time with a friend we made during our 2009 polar bear adventure in Churchill … in Canada’s Manitoba province. Irene met us at Ogden Point where Insignia docked today and drove us to a quiet café at Oak Bay Hotel for tea … coffee in Mui’s case.

      We had a great day in Victoria catching up with friends … with the weather allowing us to eat and drink outdoors.

      A really lovely day. One that we hope to repeat when we return to Canada with our RV some in the next few years.
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    • Hari 62

      Goodbye Canada 🍁

      24 Juli 2023, Kanada ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Unsere letzten drei Tage auf Vancouver Island waren auch gleichzeitig die letzten in Kanada. So schwer mir der Abschied in Alaska fiel, so schwer fiel er nun Marc in Kanada. Das Land war von Anfang an fester Bestandteil unserer Reiseplanung und hat uns beiden wahnsinnig gut gefallen!
      Wir haben die letzten Nächte im Süden der Insel verbracht und auch hier nochmal gemerkt, wie vielfältig sie ist. Freitagnachmittag sind wir mit einem kleinen Zodiac-Boot auf Wildlife-Tour gefahren. Hier wurde die Kamera direkt ihrer ersten Belastungsprobe ausgesetzt. Der Wellengang war so stark, dass wir froh um unsere Vomex waren. Aber es hat extrem viel Spaß gemacht! In den letzten beiden Tagen haben wir den Süden der Insel nochmal genauer erkundet - gestern mit einer 55 km langen Fahrradtour. Das Klima ist hier im Sommer so trocken und warm, dass verschiedenstes Obst, Gemüse, Wein und Blumen angebaut werden (im Gegensatz zum Rest der Insel). Entsprechend viele Höfe und kleine Verkaufsstände gibt es hier.
      Den letzten Abend haben wir dann in Victoria, der Hauptstadt von British Columbia (wenn auch deutlich kleiner als Vancouver), verbracht. Von dort aus ging es heute Morgen um 06:10 Uhr mit der Fähre weiter aufs amerikanische Festland zum Olympic Nationalpark.
      Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten 4 Wochen USA! 🇺🇸
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    • Hari 16

      Viktoria die Hauptstadt von B.C.

      2 Agustus 2022, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Der Tag begann außergewöhnlich früh, nämlich um 01:00 Uhr. Was war passiert?😱 Wir wurden aus dem Schlaf gerissen, weil jemand um unseren Camper schlich. Es war zwar kein 🐻, aber als jemand mit der Lampe in den Camper leuchtete, blieb uns fast das Herz stehen. Ri fasste Mut und öffnete die Tür. Ein Ranger belehrte sie, dass das Übernachten auf dem Parkplatz nicht erwünscht ist. Er hatte offensichtlich Mitleid mit uns und ließ uns weiter schlafen, wenn wir keine Party 🎉 machen. Das war ja einfach für uns. 😜

      Trotz der kurzen Nacht sind wir um 07:00 Uhr in den See gesprungen, um für unsere Whale watching Tour fit zu sein. Um 10:00 Uhr startete das Motorboot 🚤 und fuhr mit hoher Geschwindigkeit Richtung Pazifik. Wir fuhren 1,5h bei eisigem Wind und glaubten schon nicht mehr daran, noch Wale 🐋 zu sehen. Dann näherten wir uns einer kleinen Insel mit gedrosselter Geschwindigkeit und entdeckten viele Seehunde, einen Seeelefanten und schließlich auch noch Wale. Die Freude war sehr groß.

      Etwas durchgefroren schlenderten wir noch durch die Straßen von Victoria. Als wir in den „The Butchart Gardens“ fahren wollten, entdeckten wir einen Strafzettel am Camper. Da der Camper 9 m lang ist, hätten wir zwei Tickets kaufen müssen. Gut erzogen, liefen wir zur City Hall, um die Strafe zu bezahlen. Die Kanadier waren an diesem Tag das zweite Mal sehr nett zu uns, weil uns nach einer kurzen Belehrung die Strafe (40 Can. Dollar) erlassen wurde.

      Zum botanischen Garten schaut euch einfach nur die Fotos an. 🪷 🌹
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    • Hari 23


      8 Agustus 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Vanuit het hotel kunnen we vanochtend met fietsen de stad verkennen. Heel leuk. Ze hebben zelfs een tandem voor ons. En dat vinden ze hier ook leuk dat we die willen. Want er zijn maar weinig die m hier kunnen rijden.
      We rijden hier via een paar mooie trails zo naar downtown. We stoppen voor een bak koffie met wat lekkers bij Dutch bakery in Fort Street. Dan terug naar het hotel om wat te zwemmen. Eind van de middag gaan we nog een keer het water op voor whalewatching.
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    • Hari 12


      8 Agustus 2023, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Der Tag in Victoria beginnt mit dem Besuch im Royal British Columbia Museum mit den Ausstellungen Angkor -The lost empire of Cambodia, Dinosaurs of B.C., SUE- the T. Rex Experience, Old Town, New Approach und British Columbia - Natural History.
      Mittags haben wir eine Kleinigkeit gegessen und sind ein wenig durch Inner Harbour geschlendert. Dabei haben wir etwas die Zeit vergessen. Viel zu spät sind wir zum Fahrradvermieter angekommen. Knapp 1.5h sind wir raus aus Victoria an der Küste entlang geradelt - tolle Ausblicke auf die Küste nur die Räder waren unglaublich in die Jahre gekommen 🙈. Schade, dass wir nicht länger Zeit hatten!
      Ganz in der Nähe des Fahrradvermieters liegt Fishermen's Wharf mit großartigen Fish&Chips Buden, Hausbooten und schönem Blick auf den Inner Harbour. Wasserflugzeuge starten, Wassertaxis schippern kreuz und quer - ein buntes Treiben auf dem Wasser.
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    • Hari 9

      Our Stay at The Empress

      24 Juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We didn’t get a chance to stay at the beautiful old hotel that looks like a castle at on our honeymoon in Quebec, but we did it last time! Cool 1904 period details, a cocktail with special purple hotel gin. I went in the hot tub three times in 18 hours!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 24

      Victoria Day on Victoria Island, Canada

      22 Mei 2023, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our final day of the cruise sees our early arrival at Victoria Island, on a public holiday: Victoria day no less, and a brief return to Canadian soil before our journey on to the USA. Memphis, Tennessee.

      A dignified later start. A customs alert as Jan's penchant for Marijuana sees us yet again detained by Canadian customs. Some quick talking from Allan and assurances the stash will be discarded prior to final disembarkment is enough to convince our oh so friendly Canadian customs officer that we, are in fact cool (*man*) and will oblige accordingly. Jan does a good job hiding her disappointment at another missed opportunity for a strip search.

      We take our position as representatives of Victoria, Australia, and honorary representatives of the late Queen Victoria herself. It is lovely to be back with our fellow monarchists, especially on this auspicious day.

      Prestige cars, a catch up with old friends (and immediate neighbour of Jan and Allan in Rowville), and an afternoon spent exploring the incredible Butchart Gardens.

      Some fun at a pedestrian crossing whereby Melissa failed to see a pot hole upon stepping onto said crossing / main road, pushing Jan in the wheelchair - causing Jan to commence a forward tumble a russian gym coach would be proud of. Jan is safely returned to her chair with the superhuman lift strength of *humiliation* on Melissa's behalf, as the cars and crowd looked on. The day concludes with Melissa briefly knocking herself unconscious due to head strike in disabled taxi after supporting Jan safely off. #lookupandlive

      The longest minute transpires as Melissa comes to. Pride injured more than anything. #publiccollapsenotcool

      Our cruise through the pristine Alaskan inside passage concludes today. What a finale indeed.
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    • Hari 55


      14 September 2023, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Prächtigs Wätter heimer hüt gha. Scho am Morge het üs dSunne gwermt. Da mir ke 110V Strom hei gha, heimer Brötli ufem Griu ufbache.

      Nächhär dimet ab uf Victoria chli ga die schöni Stadt aluege u natürläch o no öppis Shoppe.
      Ds Bundeshus vo British Colubia heimer o bestunt. Fein gässe heimer o. Am Schluss simer no zum Fisherman‘s Wharf gloffe. Zrügg de mit äm Wassertaxi.
      Uf dr Rückfahrt, churz vorem Rv Park simer no ga Znacht ässe.

      zum Erschte;
      Äs isch gar nid so eifach gsi, ir Stadt für üsses grosses Gfährt ä Parkplatz zfinge.

      zum Zwöite;
      Üs Griu hei mir hüt uf Poscht bracht.
      Dä sött i äs paar Tag in Horsefly acho.

      u zum Dritte;
      üsi letschti nNacht uf Vancouver Island
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