Cabo Verde
Sal Municipality

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Os 10 melhores destinos Sal Municipality
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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 2

      Erster Tag nach stressiger Nacht

      5 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach ausgiebiger Verspätung der Flieger(einer von uns sitzt noch in Lissabon fest), haben wir heute ausgeschlafen, die Tauchgänge klar gemacht und die Lagune beschwommen.Alles ganz gechillt.Heute Abend schauen wir mal nach den Babyschildkröten, denn sie sollen derzeit schlüpfen.Leia mais

    • Dia 4

      Erster Tauchgang

      7 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute gab es den ersten Tauchgang und Monsterwellen an unserem Strand. Es sind ganz viele Schildkrötenbabys heute geschlüpft und ins Meer getragen wurden.
      Der Tauchgang war sehr abenteuerlich. Mit dem Auto ging es. Nach Santa Maria. Dort liefen wir mit unserem ganzen Equipment bei 34 Grad in der Sonne auf den Pier.Dort wurden links und rechts von und Fische ausgenommen, geputzt und geköpft. War sehr grenzwertig für mich. Unsere Sachen wurden auf dem Zodiac verstaut und dann ging es zu einem Wrack in 11 m Tiefe in der Nähe. Nach der Rückwärtsrolle vom Boot ging es runter. Hier im Atlantik ist eine ganz andere Welt als mir bisher bekannt. Das Wrack war sehr Fischreich, 5 Rochen, 1 kleiner Hai, eine lila Schnecke, und unzählige Kugelfische postierten für uns. Nach 52min ging es wieder hoch an Board und zurück an Land. Eine völlig neue Erfahrung. War ein guter spannender Tag.Leia mais

    • Dia 5

      Zweiter Tauchgang

      8 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute ging es an ein recht stömungsfröhliches Riff. Das Boot war voller Engländer und diese waren auch unter was recht unkontrolliert und hektisch. Es war ein Auf und Ab im Wasser, es gab einen Ammenhai, Lobster, Steinfisch,kleine Moränen und große Schwärme zu sehen.
      Man hatte immer mal eine Flosse im Gesicht von den Hektikern und unser Guide wirkte zwischenzeitlich auch recht desorientiert.
      Um den Abend aber schön ausklingen zu lassen waren wir im Grillrestaurant am Strand.
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    • Dia 7


      10 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute sind wir 9Uhr los zu 2 tollen Tauchgängen. 2 herrliche Riffs mit sehr viel Fisch, ner Schildkröte, nem Ammenhai und vielen fotogierigen Fischen, zu guter letzt gab es noch einen großen Platz mit dem Resten eines 100 Jahre alten Wracks.Leia mais

    • Dia 8

      30 Meter und dann zum Wrack

      11 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute vormittag ging es auf 30 m runter und im 2. Tauchgang ging es nochmal zum Wrack vom 1. Tauchgang. Ein wenig Strömung und etwas trübere Sicht aber dennoch schön. Zu meiner großen Freude wartete unten eine riesige Schildkröte auf uns.Ein perfekter Tauchabschluss.Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Chillen und Quadtour

      12 de novembro de 2022, Cabo Verde ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Der letzte Tag begann heute chillig. Ich hab 3h am Strand relaxt und 14 Uhr ging es dann zu einer 3 stündigen Quadtour über den gesamten unteren Teil der Insel. Ein toller Trip und ein mordsmäßiger Sonnenbrand.
      Nun sind die Koffer gepackt und für Corry und mich geht heute Nacht der Flieger gen Heimat.
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    • Dia 2

      The Ambivalence about all-inclusive

      11 de janeiro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      When researching hotel options I came across the option to go for a cheaper room in central Santa Maria. No foods included, no cleaning, more of an apartment really. What steared me away from that option was the fact the prizing was almost the same as at one of the all-inclusive hotels with pools, bars, restaurang and house keeping. There were no money to be saved. And when we are here, I kinda get why. The town is not developed at all, there aren't a whole lot of restaurants, we are on an island that has to import foods and water so the family owned restaurant competes with the big hotel chain that can import foods in bulk. There are no budget alternatives! With that being said, this is the first time we go all-inclusive and I feel oddly weird about it. There are staff everywhere. House keeping, gardeners, pool keeping, bar-and restaurant staff. Outside the restaurants there are designated staff to just give out anti bacterial gel for hands. Food is free, drinks are free and easily accessible. And everything is in such abundance it makes me feel guilty. Guilty for being previliged. For ordering a coffee and deciding to throw it out when realizing I ordered instant coffee and get a coffee brewed in the bar instead. Guilty for being a little bit excited over the cheese table where they have cut and serve 10ish different cheeses. besides the cheese- i have never seen so much food before! I feel embarrassed! And guilty for considering staying at the hotel area where everything is easily accessable instead of headed out and exploring the island and meeting the real people and culture. I feel embarrassed.

      So with mixed feelings, this is how the day went. After breakfast we hung around the pool a couple of hours. After lunch we decided to check out the beach. It was a short walk and it was beautifully situated with white sand, palm trees and turquoise water. It was orange flagged and it was ok to bathe with precaution. The beach was absolutely lovely, not many people at all. The waves were high and quite strong and at one point we were outmatched by an especially strong wave and Viggo went under a couple of seconds before I managed to get him on his feet. In that same wave I lost my sun glasses and I thought they were forever lost. By sheer luck a Dutch tourist managed to fish them up as they floated past him and he managed to retrieve them and get them back to me. After that we decided to return to the resort and rest a bit.

      We went to an tour guide meeting and booked an island tour for tomorrow and a lemon shark expedition later this week. The buffet food is in abundance and very varied but we also pre booked the Asian a la carte restaurant and the exclusive Kulinarium restaurant later for this week. We took the short walk back to the beach to watch the sunset and that was the end of a lovely day!
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    • Dia 3

      Secrets of Sal

      12 de janeiro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Yesterday we were picked up by the hotel lobby at 1 pm by a jeep that took us, an English/Latvian couple and a few more tourists in two other cars on a round-trip around the island. The island Sal is just around 20 km wide and has 4 towns. The trip took us around some of the most scenic places of the island. 5 days of rain per year makes the nature very desert like, the color scheme was all kind of terracotta, brown and orange with splashes of low growing bushes where they been able to survive. The landscape is very flat with a few higher mountains where nothing grows. The coastline however is amazing, we visited Murdeira beach and Buracona lagoon with the black vulcanic landscape and azure sea. We also made a stop at the Salina's salt lakes where we were able to go for a swim. I would highly recommend it- the feeling of almost floating on top of the water due to the density of the water. It felt so strange, it was almost difficult to stand up because the feet didn't naturally go down to the bottom... ( Also be aware that every small cut or scrape get a burning sensation from the salt. Not just the cuts, the entire neither region felt sore from the salt after a couple of minutes- take my advice and pay for the shower after you are done bathing. It costs only 1 dollar and is totally worth it!)

      The area around the saline lakes are very wild wild western- like. The sand, the dusty road, the barren lands and the abandoned wooden structure from past times salt transportation via ropeway- it all came together. If tumbleweed would roll past, i bet no one would bat an eye.

      After the trip to the salt lakes and a short stay in the desert of Terra Boa where we got to se the Mirage, we drove to Plameira where we were given several shots of the local hard liquor. It was a fun ending of a fun day!

      For dinner we had booked one of the resorts restaurants, this particular one was specialized in Asian foods (interesting choice considering we haven't come across any Asians at all during our visit so far). The food was quite good, it contained more spices than the regular dinner buffet and we particularly enjoyed the misoshiro soup, the chicken curry and the grilled, marinated fish. If you are gonna stay at the hotel, please make a reservation to the restaurants because they book up fast! A lovely ending of a fantastic day!
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    • Dia 4

      Water park and White party

      13 de janeiro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      So yesterday was an uneventful day. We decided to check out the water park in the morning. The RUI hotel chain had 3 resorts side by side- the one closest to the beach is Cabo Verde, an adult oriented resort. Our resort, Funana, is the mirror image of Cabo except it's more family oriented i guess. Or at least they allow families (they also have poolside bingo and late night youth parties so I'm not exactly sure who they are trying to target.) The third resort is Santa Maria and they are the one that has the splash park that is one side kiddie friendly and one side wild water slides and rapids for older children (+12 years old) and adults. As a RIU guest you are free to use facilities at any of the other resorts except perhaps children aren't allowed to Cabo Verde perhaps, we haven't tried. So anyway, yesterday morning I went the 5 minute walk to the splash park. Viggo liked the kiddie area with 30 cm water and perhaps 10 different slides, none very fast. If I had kids in the age of 5 or below this would definitely be my choice of hotel! But as swimming wasn't possible in the 30 cm pool area and not allowed in the more adventurous high speed water slide park we grew tired after n hour or so. I tried the rapid and it was fast as frick, going down the slide almost felt like a back massage. I have a video but Penguins only lets me upload one video per day and I really want to show the video I took later that night when we went to White party!

      After a couple of hours at our own pool and late dinner we changed into white clothes and went to the party area that was totally transformed with UV lights and all kind of white accessories. Drinks were free, there were dancers all dressed in white and one corner had free body paint. There were live music, dancers and it was really entertaining. Loads of kids at this time the early evening. I assume the party really started later in the night but we didn't stay to see it, by that time we were fast asleep..:)
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    • Dia 5

      Beach, pool and relax

      14 de janeiro de 2023, Cabo Verde ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We were tired yesterday and after breakfast we decided to go to the beach and relax under the palm trees. There were a lot of mosquitos, however, and it wasn't as relaxing as we had planned. I don't know why the other neighbouring tourist weren't bothered by the blood suckers, are they just targeting us?

      Out in the open air, the wind and sun helped chase the mosquitos away but you can't help but feel you need to hide from the sun as it is at it's highest. We swam and played in the water and I really admire the turquois color. I added some pictures from our day at the beach, from the pool area and from the colorful drinks.

      What to bring to Cape Verde:
      - Sunscreen, loads of it.. I burned my knees somehow. Also being after sun
      - Mosquito repellant..I wouldn't bring scented candles or citronella sticks, people don't seem to use it, but bring spray and stick. Im also taking antihistamines but I have always been sensitive to bites.
      -if you bring hats, make sure it fit snuggly, it is really windy. Really windy.
      -Bring something to put over your shoulders, like a kimono or something. It's wearable to and from baths and it protects your shoulder when the sun is hot.
      - a deck of cards, it's nice to sit and play while sipping on a drink when the sun is high.

      That's perhaps not rocket science advise but what I come to think of now. Take care back home!
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Sal Municipality, Sal, Concelho do Sal

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