Edificio Monseñor Gimpert - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

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    • Päivä 209

      Valparaiso & Viña del Mar

      12. toukokuuta 2017, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Von Santiago ging es dann mit dem Bus vorbei an schönen, teils prunkvollen Weinanbaugebieten nach Valparaiso, auch Valpo genannt. Die Stadt ist Chiles sogenannte Kulturhauptstadt, denn die bunte Altstadt gehört zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Leider hatten wir etwas Pech mit dem Wetter, da es an einem der beiden Tage durchgängig in Strömen geregnet hat. Trotzdem haben wir uns rausgequält und uns den Tag bunt gemacht, mit den farbenfrohen Häusern in der Altstadt. Am nächsten Tag sind André und meine Eltern in die Nachbar- und Strandstadt Viña del Mar gefahren - ich habe mich von meiner Zahn-OP in Santiago erholt. Da das Wetter an diesem Tag besser war, nutzten wir alle noch einmal die Chance Valpo im Trockenen zu bestaunen. ;-)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 6

      Handy weg, Fuss kaputt.

      13. heinäkuuta 2019, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Auf dem Weg nach Valparaíso.
      Ein gemein besehlt geschickter Taschendieb schaffte es inmitten der ubahn das Handy von Tom direkt aus der Hosentasche zu entwenden.
      Ja. Doof. Seitdem teilen wir uns ein Handy.
      Was meiner - wie manche sagen - Handysucht wohl ganz tut gut 😂. Im übrigen gibt es hier auch wirklich wenige wlan spots 🙂

      Das Hafen-Städtchen Valparaiso, auf deutsch auch Paradiestal, ist ein Traum aus Treppen und Graffities. Bunt mit bunten Treiben auf den Straßen, total verrückter Architektur, gehört diese Stadt zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Das Leben findet alles draußen statt, auch im Winter. Demnach erneut viele Märkte und kleine Handwerks Kunst am Strassenrand. Wahnsinnig bodenständig, bisschen jungbusch style in den Kneipen Straßen und total gechilltes Dorf. Die Straßen führen meist hinauf auf die Cerros und sind soooo eng, steil und kurvenreich und wieder runter. Gefühlt up and down, wie San Francisco nur dreifach so dicht bebaut.
      Absolut nachvollziehbar, dass dies ein Wochenend - und Feriendomizil für viele Chilenen ist. So gut und schön, dass wir spontan 1 Tag länger bleiben. Fühlen uns richtig wohl hier.

      Umso trauriger, dass ich den Tag länger leider nicht wirklich erlebt habe. Fuss am abend an einer der zahlreichen Treppen verknackst, blau, dick und tut weh. Bleibe somit mit mir und der neuen Staffel von stranger things in unserem hostel. Getapped und auf Ibo geht es dann mit Rucksack und 7 Stunden Bus weiter nach La Serena.
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    • Päivä 7

      Last minute walk

      12. huhtikuuta 2018, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Walking down the steep hill below la sabastiana to the city centre and finally back to the bus terminal.
      Tried hard to see hear and feel it all that I could along the way.
      Felt sad to leave.
      What a special place.
      Gracias Valparaiso.
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    • Päivä 5


      10. huhtikuuta 2018, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Unlike Santiago which I found very clean and orderly in most parts of it, my first impression of Valparaíso was: what a mess!

      Unpleasant smell around the bus station, chaotic traffic, people and stray dogs everywhere... and the bus stop! It didn’t even have any signs or directions on it!

      Fortunately I did manage to catch the bus to my Airbnb. All I did was 👋 the bus, hop on, pay 💰 and say the name of the stop I’d like to get off. The bus driver was very kind and reminded me to get off :)
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    • Päivä 2

      Daytrip Escape: Valparaiso/Vina del Mar

      20. helmikuuta 2018, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Having seen the photos of colorful houses from travellers past, I knew when planning this trip that Valparaiso was a must. But how many days and how would it work with the schedule? People have recommended 2 days - 2 days I didn't really have, and thus, it was a day tour through Viator for me. That said, if you had the time, you could likely make this trip on your own by bus or car.

      Our small group of travellers was rounded up for the 1-2 hour drive to the Chilean coast, and what a difference in temperature. We arrived in Vina del Mar first, making some quick stops at the Moai statue, the beach and the flower clock. Despite the quick stops, we weren't rushed at all for photos and even had some time to ocean-watch by the water. The area has a very relaxed, but still upscale vibe that one could easily spend a half or full day.

      Back in the van, it was off to Valparaiso. I found it a bit of a small bustling city. It's old with colorful hills, dotted by houses. While the city streets by the water is worth a wander, it was into the hills that we wanted to go, exploring street after street of not only colorful houses but cool street art that commands your attention. Some streets are named after European countries.

      For lunch, we stopped at one of the restaurants in the hills that sported a sweeping panoramic view of the city below. There are so many more examples of art I wish I could share (they have a photo limit here! unless you became a premium member).

      En route back to Santiago, it was a pit stop at the Indomita Winery for a sampling of wine from the Casablanca Valley. A bit fancy but also boasts a great view all around. The Chilean wine of this region to try is the Camenere. My favorite part though? Picking a few Merlot grapes off the vine, now that's fresh =)

      Our tour only scratched the surface of this getaway from Santiago, there's still more to be seen and discovered next time I'm back.
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    • Päivä 92


      7. joulukuuta 2016, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Das Tal des Paradieses. Heißt zumindest so, obwohl es kein Tal ist, eher eine Bucht mit mehr als sieben Hügeln. Ist ja aber auch nicht Rom. Das mit dem Paradies werden wir jetzt mal die nächsten Tage herausfinden.

      Und da das heut mit der obligatorischen Walkingtour nicht geklappt hat, machen wir halt unsere eigene. Natürlich gibts hier auch Deutsche...die aus Stuttgart kommen und beim Bosch schaffe. Und die haben da nen Tipp. Heute wird zufällig im Hafen eines der ganz großen Containerschiffe eingeweiht. So diese Größe mit über 5000 Containern, für die man erstmal den Panamakanal erweitern musste.
      Und warum wird die hier eingeweiht? Das Schiff heißt Valparaiso Express. Und kommt von Hapag Lloyd. Deshalb steht das auch hier rum. Ansonsten fährt das hier wahrscheinlich nicht vorbei, wohl eher zwischen den großen Häfen Amerikas, Europas und Asiens.
      Gesehen, wie die Sektflasche da zerplatzt ist, hat keiner, aber wir sind auch so ein Ascensor hoch gefahren. Die gibt es hier öfter, das sind sowas wie Standseilbahnen...Auch aus deutscher Produktion, von vor dem ersten Weltkrieg.

      Abends gibts dann noch eines der besten Spagetti Napoli Rezepte der Welt. Meines, zubereitet von Chefkoch Martin höchstpersönlich. Zumindest starben Rory, Katherine und Denise nicht daran.
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    • Päivä 94

      The Rabbit

      9. joulukuuta 2016, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      There was this small rabbit, living in a hostel in Valparaiso. It's a city on the other side of the world, located directly at the beach, with walls covered of metal.
      The Rabbit's name was Benjamin. He was an albino, all over white with red eyes, and he was not alone in the hostel. of course there were the travellers and carlos, the owner. no, there were also three cats, who had every time an eye on him. As a rabbit is he was hiding the day deep down in his cave, build by someone, sometime ago. He thought it must have been made by a traveler, but they come and go, even if they stay a month or half a year. It was made out of a carton, stuffed with straw and the entrance was just big enough for him to jump in.
      In there he slept the whole day and just came out in the night, when all of the traveler's had drunken they're wine and gone to bed. He hopped through the terrace to the water. It was placed Beneath a bench, where all the travellers where smoking in the day and filling up the bowl with water for the cat's. Because at some point they had forgotten him, nobody knew that he was also living there. He just ate the vegetarian food which fall down from the german women, who pretended to live healthy with just eating vegetables, but were always smoking on the terrace.
      Even the cats just smelled him but nobody of them could ever see him. He was really careful with going outside. But of course, one day he had to make a mistake.

      It was a cold night and there was no chance of getting water and the end of the night. It would be frozen, so he had to go directly after the sunset. He knew that because it was happening every winter in that city.
      He hopped down the stairs from his place at the end of the terrace, through stairs up on the other side and up the small tube directly in the wall behind the water bowl. He looked around and there was nobody there, so he went to the pond and drank fully out of the bowl. But the cat's were just sitting behind one side of the bench and looking at him. Toni, Denise, and Number 3 where the names of the tree cat's that this hostel got with the time.
      And all of them were sitting there and starring at him, while he was incapable of just running away.

      What should he do? They're were just starring at him, three pairs of eyes in the darkness. Then Denise said: "I knew it is an albino. He's quite young. He smelled older." "He's not that big, we wouldn't be satisfied eating him," Number 3 said. "Do you think he would

      Rory the bad one

      He put all his power together amd rammed the other one. And he won. And while all this happened, the travellers discussed and drank wine. No one saw anything.

      And at then, he just hopped over, every evening when the travellers were sitting on the benches, got stroked by the them and drank as much as he wanted.
      It seems to be that rabbits are not just some fearful least not everytime.
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    Edificio Monseñor Gimpert - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Edificio Monsenor Gimpert - Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso


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