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    • Day 49

      Pandas, Cable Car, Old City & Hotpot

      May 20 in China ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      The way we see it, there are 4 big ticket items that anyone visiting China needs to tick off, The Wall, The Forbidden City, The Terracotta Soldiers, and Pandas. We decided to get out of the gates early and headed for Chongqing zoo to see some pandas. The pandas were incredibly cute, but we must have come during nap time - easy to do as I think they sleep for 90% of the day. Many of them were sleeping in what looked to be very uncomfortable poses, draped over poles or starfished on platforms. Nathan managed to spy one which wandered into its cave at the back of the exhibit too, but that was the most action we saw.

      Diane enjoyed a little prance in some of the flowers before we left the zoo and headed for lunch. After lunch we took the old cable car across the Yangtze River. This cable car used to be one of the main ways to get across before all the modern bridges were built.

      The cable car put us back in the middle peninsula, close to the raffles tower complex again. We passed an old temple, dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers, and headed for the old city. This area, now very much a tourist attraction, demonstrates how Chongqing used to be built. Given Chongqing's mountainous geography, they would build platforms on big piles and then build their buildings on top of that. We climbed down through the nine levels of the old city, encountering a wide array of traditional foods, sauces, teas and even a smoke breathing dragon!

      After leaving the old city (which was very busy and loud) we found a Majiang room and taught Ross and Diane the basics - we will test them on this later. Chongqing hotpot for dinner before hitting the hay.
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    • Day 10–13

      Die Megacity Chongqing

      April 6 in China ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Hatten den Post auf Privat eingestellt😂 Deshalb hier jetzt öffentlich von vor 3 Tagen 😁⬇️

      Nachdem wir schon in Berlin die Arte Doku über Chongqing (die größte und schnellstwachsende Stadt der Welt) geschaut haben waren wir hooked! Nach Chengdu ging es dann mit dem Zug nach Chongqing - diesmal nicht ins Hostel sondern mal ins 5 ⭐️ Hotel mit einem Zimmer im 34. Stock!

      Schon am ersten Abend sind wir aus dem Staunen nicht mehr rausgekommen. Die Skyline von Chongqing ist eine 360 grad Erfahrung, überall blinkt, leuchtet und flackert es in allen Farben und Formen - eine Großstadt einer ganz anderen Dimension!

      Die Berg Stadt Chongqing ist in mehreren Ebene aufgebaut, hier müsste die Karten App auch dreidimensional funktionieren - denn man weiß zwar ob man sich am richtigen Ort befindet, aber nicht, auf welcher Ebene. Dafür haben wir uns zum Glück recht wenig verlaufen 😅

      Wie die Stadt wurden wir auch hier eher Abends aktiv und haben bei einer Flussfahrt auf dem Jangtse nochmal einen anderen Blickwinkel auf die Stadt bekommen - Hochhäuser soweit das Auge reicht. Wirklich gigantisch!

      Außerdem ist Chongqing bekannt für den berühmten Hot Pot - angeblich liegt es an dem feuchten Klima hier, dass die Leute aus Chongqing besonders scharf essen, jedenfalls erzählt man uns das hier. Wir haben einen Hot Pot mit “geringer Schärfe” bestellt (Ich will NICHT wissen wie scharf die anderen 2 Schärfegrade sind). In dem Topf mit kochender scharfer Brühe, Unmengen von Chilli’s und Szechuan Pfeffer konnten wir dann unsere Zutaten (Gemüse, Fleisch) kochen - wie beim Fondue nur ohne Käse. Außerdem gab es Sesamöl in einem kleinen Töpfchen dazu, wir haben erklärt bekommen, dass das wohl die Schärfe nimmt - das Öl wurde direkt nach dem ersten Bissen zum Lebensretter 😅. Trotz der Schärfe hat es aber sehr gut geschmeckt!

      Chongqing - sehr sehenswert und sicherlich weiterhin im konstanten Wechsel - vor 14 Jahren gab es die Stadt ja gefühlt noch nicht! Eine Stadt die es nur in China geben kann.
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    • Day 48

      Welcome to China!

      May 19 in China ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      After a "quiet" day yesterday (only a Chinese wedding, meeting up with three groups of Vela's mates, and about 10 hours of Majiang) today was an exciting one! Nathan's parents arrived in China for the first time!

      We picked them up from the airport at about 10.30am and, after a quick refresh at the hotel, took them out for our favourite Chongqing style noodles. The noodle restaurant is quite famous for being owned by three brothers, who each work the restaurant for a year before taking two years off. Big thumbs up for the first meal in China.

      Afterwards we headed for Chongqing's famous monorail. We weren't the only ones having a gander at the famous line which goes right through the middle of a residential apartment building. We hopped on the monorail and rode a few stops with nice views of Chongqing over the Jialing River (smaller of the two rivers in Chongqing).

      We exited the monorail in the middle of the peninsula where the Jialing River meets the Yangtze. You could see where the green waters of the Jialing mixed into the browner colours of Yangtze. There is a famous tower complex (4 individual towers which are connected with a causeway 42 floors up) so we headed up to one of the bars for a spot of hydration and to enjoy the view.

      We then headed off to meet up with Vela's family. The restaurant put on an absolute feast, with dishes being stacked on top of each other in order to fit them on the table. Nathan's dad enjoyed having a taste of Baijiu with Vela's step dad, calling it "medicine" to help fight off any impending illness from the plane. Thank you to Vela's mum, Mei, for organising a fantastic welcoming dinner!
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    • Day 15

      Chongqing One Full Day (3) 重庆一日 (3)

      May 28 in China ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Ciqikou Acient Town is such a charming, dynamic and vibrant tourist attraction, one day definitely not enough, let alone a few hours.
      (Ref Baidubaike)
      Ciqikou Ancient Town is a folk culture ancient town with a history of thousands of years, is the north gate of ancient Chongqing, and formed a commercial wharf where land and water intersect in the Ming Dynasty, and is known as "Little Chongqing". It resembles the old Chongqing, and it is the only ancient town with the largest scale and the most traditional Bayu houses, folk customs and folk customs in the main urban area of Chongqing. The unique stone staircase streets and alleys, the remaining temples and palaces, are the natural museums of Bayu mountain residential buildings.
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    • Day 15

      Chongqing One Full Day (1) 重庆一日 (1)

      May 28 in China ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We had full day tour of some of the major landmarks and historical sites. First was Changjiang Cableway.
      (ref Baidubaike)
      Its construction was started on March 20, 1986, completed and in operation on October 24, 1987, connecting Yuzhong District and Nan'an District. It has full length of 1166 meters, running speed of 6 meters per second, one-way run time 4 minutes and 30 seconds, the maximum passenger capacity is 65, and the daily volume is 10,500.
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    • Day 15

      Chongqing One Full Day (4) 重庆一日(4)

      May 28 in China ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Liziba Station, CRT (Chongqing Rail Transit) Line 2
      It is amazing to see monorail trains going in and coming out of a 19 story residential building. The monorail station and the residential building were constructed together as one structure rather than retrofitting. The station is located at 6th to 8th floor, 5th floor and lower are shopping stores, 9th floor and above are apartments.

      Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum
      The Yangtze River roaring down the Three Gorges, carrying thousands years of history


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    • Day 15–17

      Chongqing One Full Day (2) 重庆一日 (2)

      May 28 in China ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      White Resistance Former Prison site and Zhazi Former Prison site. History has always been bloody, brutle and ruthless. Let's value peace and prosperity, lest we forget those martyrs.
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    • Day 13

      Chongqing Night Market 重庆夜市

      May 26 in China ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Before dinner we spent a few moments strolling the night market across the street from the hotel. You can find probably every kind of local snacks here, BBQ pork, lamb, seafood and vegetable skewers, cold drinks, and many we cannot name. Extremely nice night view of the city skyline across Changjiang.
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    • Day 13

      Local food Chongqing Noodles 重庆小面

      May 26 in China ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Chongqing local cuisine is famous for its hot chilli spiciness. We had a late lunch at this Old Lady Qinyun’s Tantan Noodles recommended by the hotel front desk staff. The “hongshao tihua noodle” Is Super delicious! I asked for the least amount of chilli pepper, it still came red.
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    • Day 9

      Chongqing - Zoo, Parlament u. Markt

      May 31 in China ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach der Ausschiffung bei Chongqing sind wir bis zum späten Abend noch im Zoo, beim Parlament und einem Markt gewesen. Mit Schnupfen, Husten usw. Unser Flug nach Xian ging erst um 23 Uhr, daher konnten wir nicht Pause machen im Hotel und mussten mit. 🤧😷Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Chongqing, 重庆市

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