Qinian Dian

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    • Dag 5

      On Our Way

      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ 63 °F

      Once again, I'm lagging behind everyone but there's so many fascinating things to see, and photograph, that I just can't help it. That's Kathy walking ahead of me with Fiona. Despite them being quite a bit older than us, Fiona and her husband, Peter, seem to be the tour group members that we've become the most friendly with. They are very nice people. It's more enjoyable to have people to share these great experiences with.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      The Game

      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ 63 °F

      This is a shot that I felt like I had to stop and get. Two locals, playing Chinese Chess, so intent on their game that they aren't even aware that they are being photographed. This is the sort of shot that really captures some local flavor and, in my opinion, is what street photography is all about. I dabble in this genre of photography sometimes but it takes a special mindset to really do it well.Les mer

    • Dag 5


      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      The bright vibrant colors look great and the details are amazing. I'm thinking that the painting is probably redone every several years because, after so many years, the original paint job would have faded away to nothing by now. It's good to see that the Temple of Heaven is so well taken care of.Les mer

    • Dag 62

      Himmelstempel & Finanzviertel

      29. august 2019, Kina ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Während der Vormittag für die verbotene Stadt reserviert war, wollten wir am Nachmittag noch den Himmelstempel besichtigen. Dies ist eine Tempelanlage, in der die Kaiser mehrerer Dynastien jedes Jahr für gute Ernte gebetet haben und natürlich gehört der Tempel zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.
      Nach einem stärkenden Mittagessen ging es in den Park des Himmelspalasts. Der Park mit vielen schattenspenden Bäumen und Pavillons wird von Einheimischen als Treffpunkt für Gesellschaftsspiele und jegliche Sportaktivitäten (u. a. TaiChi) genutzt.
      Der Tempel im Parkzentrum ist wunderschön und sehr beeindruckend - der Blick auf den runden Tempel, der auf einer 3-stufigen, 20 Meter hohen Steinterasse steht und dem blauen Himmel im Hintergrund bestätigte den Tempelnamen. Himmlisch! Eines der schönsten Gebäude, dass wir bisher gesehen haben und unsere bisherige Nr.1 auf der Reise, weswegen wir uns auch in Sprungbildern versuchten. (deren Erstellung sehr anstrengend war 🥵)
      Am Abend fuhren wir noch für eine kleine Fototour zum Finance District der Stadt. Während Peking bisher auf uns eher ruhig, entspannt und so gar nicht "großstädtisch" wirkte, hatte man hier durch die vielen Wolkenkratzer schon eher das Gefühl in einer Metropole zu sein. Spannend auch diese Seite der Hauptstadt kennen zu lernen.
      Als Abschluss unseres Pekingaufenthalts suchten wir noch ein kultiges, verstecktes Restaurant namens "Liqun Roasted Duck" auf - welches uns als Tipp von den Jungs aus Xi'an gegeben wurde. (und wie sich herausstellte auch von zahlreichen chinesischen und internationalen Prominenten besucht wurde). Die Erwartungen konnten nicht ganz erfüllt werden, jedoch war die gebratene Ente ein guter Abschluss in einer Stadt in der man sicherlich noch mehr Zeit verbringen kann. 🦆😋
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    • Dag 19

      Beijing's Front Yard

      22. oktober 2019, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      Apartments in Beijing are tiny by North Carolina standards, and they have neither a front yard nor a back yard. On the one hand, this seems like a deficiency. On the other hand, the local government here has made sure that every resident is just a short walk from a beautiful park. These parks are the front yards of Beijingers. Every morning neighbors gather in the park for calisthenics. For older folk these may consist of simple exercises to maintain flexibility. However, I saw maybe a dozen men, my age or older, doing a routine on parallel bars that could impress judges at the Olympics. One man was doing pushups with his feet raised on a low wall. Another older Chinese guy was on an inclined bench doing sit-ups. I stopped counting at 200. When you finish your exercises, you can break out your musical instrument and join the volunteer neighborhood band. A group of saxophone players offered decent jazz for their neighbors who were still doing their exercises. A group of women gathered for their daily crocheting club. Two other men played chess.

      The remarkable thing about this morning gathering in the park is that people get to be with people. News is shared. Conversations sharpen the mind. Sorrows are softened as neighbors meet with neighbors. All in all, it’s not a bad way to begin every new day if you live in downtown Beijing.
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    • Dag 19

      The Connection

      22. oktober 2019, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      While the Christian leaders of Europe stressed the divine right of kings, the Chinese emperor claimed the Mandate of Heaven. In some ways the Chinese way of thinking about it has some advantages over the Western notion. In Europe the idea of divine right was unconditional. The king could have the morals of an alley cat, lose half a dozen wars or murder his own subjects with absolute impunity. In China, on the other hand, the Mandate of Heaven was conditional. As long as crops fed the population and no foreign invaders disturbed the peace, the emperor was allowed to rule as an autocrat. If things got too bad—if famine, war or invasion made life too difficult for a large number of people, the pundits could conclude that the Mandate of Heaven had been withdrawn, and the emperor had to resign. In a few instances, the emperor himself decided that he had lost the Mandate of Heaven, so he committed suicide. Knowing the frailties of politicians, all in all, the Chinese idea has some definite advantages.

      The Mandate of Heaven was renewed three times each year, once in the spring, once at the summer solstice, and once at the winter solstice. The rituals renewing the Mandate were carried out in the Temple of Heaven, the place where heaven and earth were connected through the person of the emperor. He was the connection. The temple still stands in Beijing today, and those of us on this Viking tour had the privilege of visiting it today. As though my WOW-meter had not already pegged out, we marveled at architecture and embellishment that defy description. This conical pagoda is certainly one of the most beautiful buildings one can imagine. Adjacent buildings offer explanations of how artisans built this magnificent structure with cantilevered beams so that its millions of wooden pieces all lock together. Paradoxically the building supports itself with its own weight, and each of the myriad of wooden members is decorated with embellishments that are themselves works of art. I know that we in the Western world think of God as beyond all human imagination and incapable of being impressed with any of the puny creations our hands can produce. Yet, as I marveled today at this building where the “Emperor of Heaven” visited His human counterpart thrice yearly, I couldn’t help thinking that He would be honored to dwell in such a place.
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    • Dag 5

      Red Gates

      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Just like in the Forbidden City, we passed through a big red gate to enter the grounds for the Temple of Heaven. These gates always seem to be open; at least, I've never seen any that were closed. They look to be very heavy and strong. I'm wondering if they are left open because of how big and heavy they are or if they are closed at night and the public just doesn't see it. I'd be very interested to see them opening and closing.Les mer

    • Dag 5


      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Kathy looks very natural and at home in front of this Chinese architecture. I'm guessing that many of the people here think that she's a local because when they find out that she's American, they seem to give her special attention. She gets very embarrassed about it but I think it's kind of cute.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      So Colorful

      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      It's no surprise that the architecture for the Temple of Heaven is very similar to that of the Forbidden City but everything here is so much more vibrant and colorful. It feels much less serious and severe than the Forbidden City. All of these bright colors make the Temple of Heaven feel like such a happy place.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      The Dragon

      27. september 2018, Kina ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

      Like the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven has many of those glazed ceramic animals around the buildings. Here, though, not all of them are on the top of roofs so we can get a much closer loos k at them. This photo of a green dragon looks very stylized but I kinda like how it came out. It's something different.Les mer

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    Qinian Dian, 祈年殿

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