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    • День 2

      Day 1: BJ Chongwenmen

      19 октября 2023 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      The flight arrived at 11.00. Less than three hours later I checked in at Beijing XinQiao hotel, which was my favourite hotel when it was part of Accor Group. In the afternoon I explored the area very close. Many things have changed ....Читать далее

    • День 40


      25 сентября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      After one last overnight train trip, one final epic journey through Chinese customs and immigration and a five hour wait in the customs hall while they changed the bogies on the train, we made it!

      We have now traveled from Helsinki to Beijing by seven trains, including six nights spent rattling and swaying along trying to sleep and trying to avoid using the toilet.

      October 1, 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the formation of the People’s Republic of China, and there seemed to be more portaloos than bicycles on the pavement in preparation for the forthcoming celebrations.

      The Forbidden City was closed in preparation for the ceremony, but we did the walk around Tiananmen Square in 32 degree heat, watching people lining up in the shadows cast by the flagpoles, the only shade available.

      We also visited the Temple of Heaven, complete with lanterns installed in the trees and a giant video screen behind the Temple of Prayers for Good Harvests.

      That was all we had time for in Beijing, although Don and Kim have two more days to explore the Great Wall and look around a bit more.

      It has been a fascinating trip, replete with reminders of how little we really know about the rest of the world no matter how smart we think we are. For example:

      They had built a whole new MRT line in Singapore that we had never heard of.

      Sometimes countries change the design of their currency. We brought British five pound notes, and a whole lot of Chinese yuan from home, carefully saved from previous trips and now no longer legal tender.

      First class on a Chinese train is not nearly the equal of first class on a Russian one, but did come with a (male) carriage attendant who snorted, hacked and spat constantly into the rubbish bins. Unlike our Russian experience it also didn’t come with drinking water or cups, which did lead to some improvisation and some urgent shopping excursions on remote Mongolian railway stations.

      Just because a short, chubby, middle aged Chinese woman in tight jeans and a cowboy hat says a “steak” restaurant is any good doesn’t mean it is. Especially when she has a loud, grating voice and dismisses our questions with “Listen to me!”, and keeps turning the pages of the menus while we are trying to look at them. Actually, this wasn’t a mistake - we knew it would be no good but her performance was so bewilderingly funny we were unable to get up and leave.

      This has been a marvellous trip, full of new sights and experiences (almost all good ones) and shared with great, funny, caring friends. We are rather lucky.
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    • День 322

      Dicke Post und tote Bären

      4 декабря 2018 г., Китай ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Ach du schöne Adventszeit, wie sehr ich dich doch liebe! Aber Sue noch mehr und drum hab ich der Schönen einen Adventskalender gemacht und nicht dir. Also mache ich vor zu. Jeden Tag eine kleine Überraschung. Und was hat sie für mich? Nichts. Toll. Naja, sie ist immer noch mit mir zusammen. Das ist ja auch was. Irgendwie. Die erste Überraschung ist neben der Tatsache, dass ich dann doch nicht drei Tage im FCS-Shirt durch die Strassen Beijings latsche, eine Tüte Maltesers. Natürlich kein Original. Aber eben das, was der Chinese daraus macht. China hat das Kopieren ja bekanntlich im Blut. Für Treppengeländer werden aus Beton Holzstämme kopiert, Tunneleinfahrten mit perfekten und doch künstlichen Felsformationen geschmückt und chinesische Autos sehen sowieso alle aus wie von Porsche, Mercedes und Konsorten. Von den Klamotten fange ich gar nicht erst an. Alles Fake eben. Trump-Land quasi. Die Fake-Maltesers schmecken trotzdem. Sind ja auch ein Geschenk. Bezahlt vom gemeinsamen Geld. Geht ja mehr um die Geste. Finde ich.

      Nachdem uns der Highspeed-Zug am Anfang unserer China-Reise noch beeindruckt hat, markiert der Flughafen Changsha trotz aller Moderne den Tiefpunkt von allen bisherigen Reise-Hubs. Von scheinbar fehlenden Passnummern auf e-Tickets, über das kaum verständliche Telefonieren mit mehreren Hotlines an einem Info-Schalter, vorbei an der kompletten Verwüstung des Handgepäcks, nur um Streichhölzer(!) zu finden, bis hin zur allseits beliebten Flugverspätung. Ich könnt schon wieder kotzen. Tu ich aber nicht, denn viel wichtiger ist die Post, die mich dieser Tage erreicht hat. Australien hat einen netten Brief in die Schweiz geschickt. Da waren drei Schweizer wohl etwas zu schnell unterwegs. Umgerechnet einhundertfünfzig Stutz will Down Under von mir und dazu gibts noch einen Punkt im australischen Flensburg. Oha. Laut Tagebuch geschah die Raserei - immerhin Neunzig wo Achtzig erlaubt - am Tag, als wir mit Marc auf dem Rücksitz die weite Strecke vom Grampiens Nationalpark nach Philipp Island bei Melbourne zurückgelegt haben. Dabei fanden wir auch Zeit für mehrere Wein-Degustationen. In meiner Erinnerung waren wir total gemütlich und lustig unterwegs und daher habe ich die lieben Aussies in einem ersten Schritt der Verteidigung nach dem Beweis-Foto gefragt. Mal schauen.

      Wie die Grundstimmung der australischen Briefpost, empfängt uns auch Beijing mit eisigen Temperaturen. Das hält uns aber nicht davon ab - eingepackt in die maximal zur Verfügung stehenden fünf Schichten - die Chinesische Mauer, die Forbidden City und sonst ein paar Sehenswürdigkeiten zu besuchen. Wie das Volk sind auch die Bauten gigantisch. Die Forbidden City beschreibt eine Website als „Palastanlage der ehemaligen Herrscher-Familien der Ming- und Quing-Dynastien mit 9’999 Zimmern, weil nur der Himmel 10’000 Zimmer haben kann ...“?!? So ein Quatsch. Aber egal. Den historisch bedeutsamen Tian’anmen Square besuchen wir ebenfalls. Der Mann mit den Einkaufstüten ist aber nicht mehr da. Macht auch Sinn, Panzer sind ja auch keine mehr da und ausserdem ist es wie bereits erwähnt arschkalt. So kalt, dass an diesem ersten Advent zusammen mit Michael Bublé, ein paar kitschig geschmückten Bäumen und Sue’s Starbucks-Xmas-Latte mit Toffee-Crunch-Sahnehäubchen tatsächlich ein wenig Weihnachtsstimmung aufkommt. Doch bevor wir wehmütig werden, freuen wir uns wie kleine Kinder über das vorzeitige Weihnachtsgeschenk in Form einer nigelnagelneuen GoPro. Danke Santa aka Axa! Und schäm dich, diebischer Schinese.

      Leider gibt es auch rund um unsere letzte Destination in China keine der aufgrund ihrer süssen jedoch äusserst ungeschickten Art zurecht vom aussterben bedrohten Pandas. Schade. Sue ist schon wieder traurig. Dafür gibt es aber auch hier total geiles Essen und zur Abwechslung ernähren wir uns mal einseitig. An allen drei Abenden serviert uns China einen Hotpot aka Fondue Chinoise. Geil. Neben dem bereits viel zu oft erwähnten Essen, hat uns China atemberaubende Landschaften, extrem hilfsbereite Menschen, mehr Bilder als Buchstaben und die erste Fussmassage geboten. Und das alles für wirklich kleines Geld. Ein spannender, abwechslungsreicher und empfehlenswerter Besuch beim grössten Volk der Welt. Vier Mal so gross wie das global bestimmende und von einem Clown regierte Amerika und fast zweihundert Mal so gross wie unser niedliches Schweizer Völkchen. Die Chinesen sind aber trotz umfangreicher und ständiger Überwachung ein Volk mit vergleichsweise wenig Regeln, insbesondere was den uns bekannten Anstand betrifft. Und das sieht und spürt man sowohl auf wie auch neben der Strasse. Ununterbrochen. Pfui. Aber egal, denn dann kam ja nochmals dicke Post aus Down Under. Viel schlimmer als permanent rotzende Chinesen. Australien verlangt nochmals einhundertfünfzig Stutz, da wir angeblich auch am ersten Roadtrip-Tag mit Marc zu schnell unterwegs waren. Hundertacht wo Hundert erlaubt?! Somit ist die Sache doch klar. Der Tacho geht falsch! Eindeutig. Habe auch hier nach dem Foto gefragt. Mal schauen.

      Ein Video zu China gibt's hier: https://youtu.be/tD3NcHv7YKA
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    • День 1

      Fabolous dinner

      4 августа 2023 г., Китай ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Arriviamo a cena presto verso le 7.30, cottissimi e affamatissimi. Dadong: un ristorante molto elegante dentro Mall di una delle stradi principali di Pechino.

      Lo chef era al centro della sala con un grande fuoco 🔥 arrostiva le anatre. Intorno giravano i pesci rossi 🐟 che ci osservavano cenare, in attesa di qualche briciola

      Super emozionati ordiniamo l'anatra 🦆 alla pechinese, verdure e altre cosucce buonissime con un bicchiere di rosso. Festeggiamo al nostro primo fantastico giorno di viaggio, non sembra vero!!

      L'anatra era buonissima, 🤤 si scioglieva in bocca. La presentazione è una sorpresa, bella da vedere, ma poca carne (per Paolo che si aspettava un 🦃 tacchino probabilmente 😂).

      Finita la cena cerchiamo invano di prendere un passaggio.. alla fine decidiamo di camminare verso hotel, solo 3 km..
      Chiudiamo la giornata con 21.821 passi 👣
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    • День 3

      Lunch and the Temple of Heaven

      6 ноября 2017 г., Китай ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      So we hopped back in the car and settled in for the drive back to Beijing, in less than 5 minutes we had stopped at what appeared to be a greenhouse. It was our lunch venue, warm and verdant. Food was good, fried aubergine and potato in a garlic'y sauce, vegetable wraps (like duck with pancakes but veg and strips of egg) and a spicy chicken dish with a sharp sauce and unidentifiable crunchy fungus. This plus our exertions meant that both of us were struggling to stay awake for the drive back to the city. We got back and went straight to the Temple of Heaven. Large gardens much used by the local retired community for dancing and gambling and in the middle a square building. This lead to another covered walkway the balustrade of which was buried in groups of people playing noisy games of poker and Chinese chess.
      This brought us eventually to a central building and a gate which took us through to the centre of the complex including the magnificent Temple of Heaven, a Qing dynasty Daoist temple solely for the use of the Emperor. A circular building made entirely of wood (nanmu ), no nails or pegs and decorated inside and out.
      Surrounding buildings explained the rituals and the construction history/techniques. The crowds were thining and there was again Chinese music drifting from the dancing pensioners outside the complex.
      We were offered various options after but we settled for a return to the hotel to rest our tired trotters.
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    • День 86

      Peking, China

      29 сентября 2015 г., Китай ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Mit dem Bus ging unsere Reise weiter in die Metropole Peking. Hier leben unglaubliche 22 Millionen Menschen, einfach Wahnsinn ( zum Vergleich in Berlin sind es zurzeit um die 3,5 Millionen). Nach der Ankunft am Busbahnhof folgten wir der Menschenmenge Richtung Metro. Es ist sehr einfach hier Metro zu fahren, da alle Linien per farbigen Pfeilen am Boden ausgeschildert sind.

      Nachdem wir nach etwas Suchen (unser Hostel war schließlich nicht mit farbigen Pfeilen ausgeschildert) im Hostel ankamen, erlebten wir eine böse Überraschung… Unsere Reservierung über HRS-Hotel sei nicht gültig, da das Hostel gar nicht mit dieser Firma kooperiere. So standen wir da mitten in der Nacht in Peking, total fertig von der langen Busfahrt und hatten erstmal keinen Plan. Zum Glück bekamen wir dennoch ein Zimmer, das zwar muffig und ohne Fenster, aber immerhin ein Zimmer war.

      Die Tage verbrachten wir damit einige Sehenswürdigkeiten anzuschauen. Wir besuchten auch den „night market“, wo es allerhand skurrile Dinge zu essen gab. Wir probierten unter Anderem Skorpion, große Maden und Mehrwürmer, erstaunlich lecker, wenn man sie frittiert :-)

      Von Peking aus ging es auch dann am 4 Oktober mit dem Schnellzug weiter nach Badaling, einem Teilstück der chinesischen Mauer.
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    • День 2

      Dad's first Proper Dining Challenge

      5 ноября 2017 г., Китай ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      After a nap we needed food, we thought peking duck would be a logical choice and we noted the address of the nearest recommended venue. However it must have moved or closed or we couldn't recognise it...so we walked round and found a Beef hot pot restaurant ...no English spoken but the menu had translations...I think that was the first bit that unnerved dad - intestine hotpot didn't seem to appeal nor black tripe and that was just what we spotted before an accommodating staff member trotted over with a translated phrase on his phone - "we have a two person special would you like that"? What we got was some vegetation - still growing in a pot, some crispy carbohydrate of some sort, two trays of raw beef, two pots of funky peanut'y sauce and a huge steaming pot containing taro, peppers, beef, and lots of coriander. We worked out a method for cooking the beef by gripping it between enormous cooking chopsticks and swirling it in the pot..tasty but chewy, we crunched some of the unknown golden fried carbohydrate and then the staff took pity on is and came to help us out. We'd been doing it all wrong...mostly slowly and inefficently rather than anything else. Except for the fried carb..which we were supposed to add to the stock until it went floppy...and took on the consistency of old leather. By this time Dad had decided he really didn't care for beef and in the end I decided I couldn't cope with anymore coriander..I had done my best to avoid but it kept sneaking through. We admitted defeat, finished our Yanping Beer and paid up... An interesting experience but not as good as last nights noodlesЧитать далее

    • День 3

      Peking Duck

      6 ноября 2017 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      So how could we leave Beijing without having duck? Fortunately there was a specialist duck restaurant in the next door mall. It is a huge mall, and one of 3 locally...(Chinese socialism is an amazing blend. On the drive earlier there were fabulous exhortations to further progress and socialism, community and loyalty but the malls are enormous and shiny - you could be anywhere. The people seem prosperous and we haven't seen a single rough sleeper (though there any number of reasons for that?). Our guide told us that in China men retire at 60 and women at 50 so as to make sure there are jobs for the rising generation. I could be retired!!). Anyway after wandering the shiny floors and watching the iceskaters on the rink at the bottom of the atrium we found our Duck.
      Crispy skin, pancakes and everything you would expect. The chef came to our table and sliced it in front of us...unlike at home the result includes the head...
      Stuffed we toddled back to the hotel and treated ourselves to a drink in the bar after which we returned to our room. It then transpired that dad hadn't paid for the drinks or given our room number but being westerners we stand out sufficiently for them to pursue us to our room! Very red faces on our part
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    • День 17

      Peking - der 2. Tag

      9 июня 2019 г., Китай ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Das erste Frühstück ohne Gruppe... völlig orientierungslos irrten wir durch Hotel... Nein, natürlich nicht. Aber komisch ist es nach den letzten zwei Wochen schon ;)

      Heute haben wir es etwas ruhiger angehen lassen. Der gestrige Abschiedsabend war schön und lang...

      Bei uns stand der Besuch des Himmelstempel auf dem Programm. Ein toller Spaziergang durch das Gelände, teilweise fast alleine. Eine wirklich imposante Anlage!

      Sven wollte gerne den Südbahnhof mit den Schnellzügen sehen. Der Bahnhof war gigantisch, Züge konnten wir keine sehen ;)

      Am Abend waren wir ein Geschenk von Freunden einlösen. Im Red Theatre die Kung Fu Show. Nach ein paar Schwierigkeiten die Karten zu bekommen (keine Kartenzahlung möglich, der nächste Geldautomat ist mit unserer Karte abgestürzt...) haben wir eine eindrucksvolle Show erlebt. Danke an Eva und Volker!

      Am späten Abend haben wir uns in einem kleinen Pekinger Lokal das Essen und Bier schmecken lassen...das ist aber auch eine eigene Geschichte ;)
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    • День 27

      A long Lucky, Ducky Day

      21 сентября 2019 г., Китай ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      So we jumped into Yang’s car at Beijing Station at 3pm and Ben gave us some important information about our afternoon City Tour straight away. Two of the main attractions, Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City were to be closed from tomorrow for 11 days so today was our only chance to see them!

      The reason for the closure of these areas is rehearsals will be taking place for the big parade to be held on 1st October to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

      We were very lucky to have the chance to see these places, however last entry into the Forbidden City is 4pm and you have to be out by 5pm. There was obviously no time to check into our hotel we just needed to get a shift on despite having just come off the back of a 31 hour train journey.

      Now came another surprise. Ben told us that although we had been due to stay at the Kapok Hotel right in the City Centre near the Forbidden City (which had been booked at least 6 months ago), because of traffic restrictions caused by the Anniversary celebrations our booking had been transferred to another hotel (the Citadines) 3.5 miles further out from the centre.

      This caused much jumping up and down and whinging from us about our disadvantaged location and wasted pre trip research but Ben kept calm and told us that it’s not like the UK and if the government say something must be done then it has to happen. We have subsequently learned that all the hotels close to Tiananmen Square are having to ship out foreign tourists for two days (Saturday and Sunday) in part to stop them taking photos of the parade rehearsals. Quite bizarre really.

      Anyway this couldn’t allow us to be diverted from our high speed, race against the clock, sightseeing Tour. Our first stop was the vast Tiananmen Square, the biggest Square in the World. It is mighty impressive with iconic buildings flanking it’s sides, Mao Tse Tung’s Mausoleum and The Great Hall of the People being the two best known.

      Then it was a quick dash to the Forbidden City (arriving 10 minutes before last entry) which was the work place and home for Chinese Emperors over the Centuries until their removal during the revolution of the early 1900’s. It is a huge site filled with Palaces of different meanings and functions. Despite the time constriction we had a good look round and then walked to a nearby hill to look down on the Forbidden City and really grasp the scale of the complex.

      We then checked into our ‘new’ hotel and to cut a long story short we have calmed down in our objections. The bottom line is that our new hotel is fine and the rooms are very well appointed (breakfast is top class too). We also know that all the reasons behind our hotel switch are absolutely true and that our UK Agent also only found out about the change yesterday.

      We realised how very lucky we were because if we had arrived in Beijing a day later on our schedule we would have missed these two top iconic sights which would have been a disaster.

      Tonight we wanted to visit a particular recommended restaurant named Siji Minfu for Peking Duck. Now this would have been a 7 minute stroll from our original hotel, but a look at the map showed that it would be nearly an hour walk from our new location. With the help of reception we got a cab which arrived there in less than 15 minutes. We had read there is usually a big queue for tables (this was correct!) and when we got there at 8pm we were told it would be an hour and a half wait. They gave us a ticket with our queue number and we headed about 100 yards to the bar of the Crowne Plaza Hotel for an hour (regular street bars don’t seem to exist here) before returning to Siji Minfu and waiting just 10 minutes for our table. It was worth the hassle. After a prawn starter our duck was carved in front of us and melted in the mouth. As per usual we were the last people left in the restaurant and paid the bill as the chairs were being piled on tables and the kitchen staff were leaving the building. It was then a taxi back and in the room by 11pm.

      It has been one hell of a 24 hours for us since entering China but after some ups and downs we ended on a high and are looking forward to another trip highlight tomorrow, The Great Wall.
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