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10 лучших туристических направлений Barranquilla
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    • День 134

      Dinner at Parrillia Lebanese

      10 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      It was a fantastic day... We really enjoyed ourselves. Our tent had been packed during the parade. The people were throwing foam and white flour at each other. It was full fun and party. But, as soon as the parade ended, the locals running these sitting places started stacking up the chairs and within a few seconds everything was ready to be locked for the day.
      From the parade, we went to a Lebanese restaurant we had seen in the last few days but had not gone in yet. We had our dinner at Parrillia Lebanese and the vegetarian fare for the day was a meze plate with a nice mix of chickpeas, mashed brinjal paste, falafel etc. The food was good but we ran into trouble towards the end of the meal when the bill came. It had been a grand meal and we had topped 100,000 COP. Hristo realized that he might not have enough money for the food. After emptying out all the pockets, we still ran a few tens of thousands less. Luckily, I was carrying some money and we managed to just reach the bill amount with nothing left for a tip 😈
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    • День 132

      Coronación Reina del Carnaval

      8 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      The Crowning of the Carnival Queen. During this show, the previous carnival queen crowns the current carnival queen, amid a party with full of dancing and music. The candidate crowned as the carnival queen is that one showing excellent dancing skills, charisma and carnival spirit to the 11 members of the carnival board, who privately meet annually and elect the queen six months before the beginning of the carnival.

      The show is a marathon of dancing styles, and it has become the most demanding test for the carnival queen over time, because during which the carnival queen has to demonstrate her dancing skills by gracefully dancing a myriad of musical genres, such as cumbia, salsa, merengue, champeta, mapalé, etc. This year, the show even had Indian dance as one of the genres. This show is accompanied by members from some of the most important dancing groups participating in the carnival and by national and international singers.
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    • День 132

      To the coronation of the Carnival Queen

      8 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Near Barro Abajo, we came across a local mercado after almost 2 months. Same as in Bolivia or in Peru, this place had small kiosks selling a limited menu, very cheap prices and with plastic chairs and tables set in front of the kiosks where locals could sit and eat. We had our lunch here. A few meters away, we found a multi-storey market selling phones and phone spares. There were SIM and recharge cards sellers as well. Since we were planning to stay for another 15 days in Colombia, we decided to buy 2 SIM cards between us. This would also enable us to keep in touch and sync up since we were staying in different places. That took us best part of 2 hours. By the time we finished, it was getting quite late and the crowning of the Carnival Queen was supposed to begin with at 8 pm. We were quite far from the place where the crowning program was. We also weren't sure what exactly the program was. We hurried back towards Bella Vista and then on towards Via 40 near where the program was supposed to be held in the Naval School. The info for the carnival events amd venues was very sketchy. Their official website had no mention of the entry fee, any map of the location or even any details of what the event was about. The only 2 lines it had, said its the coronation of the Carnival Queen in the Naval School on Via 40. Now, Via 40 is a 5 km long stretch of road and there was no Naval school marked on either Google maps or Maps.me. We walked towards Via 40 and entered the road right in the middle of the stretch. Luckily, the program was happening nearby. We could see some lights and music between the thick cover of trees in this area. We started walking in the direction where everyone was going. Here, we encountered many touts selling tickets. Looking around we saw some of the people carrying tickets in their hands. We had no clue about the ticket price or if there actually was a ticket. We had presumed that the entrance would be free as this was not part of the main carnival parades etc. There were no kiosks or shops selling tickets anywhere.
      We walked on and reached the entrance. Here, there were security people checking the tickets. We asked them where we could buy the tickets. They confirmed that tickets were needed for the entrance but had no clue how much they cost or where to buy them. We checked with a few people going in and realized that they had paid 100,000 COP each. Now, we had 2 issues, first we weren't carrying that much cash since we were expecting to be in a crowded place, so we had carried a little amount of money only. Secondly, we didn't know if the event would be worth paying that much amount for. We had the option of going to our hostels nearby to get the cash but, would it be worth it? Was 100,000 the correct price? Will we be able to make it back in time? Should we spend so much on one of the side events or save the money for the main events? We had moved back from the entrance and were contemplating these questions, during which we were constantly being interrupted by the touts selling tickets. We decided to check with one of them. We asked the price, which was given as 100,000 per ticket. We told him we didn't have that much amount. He asked how much we had and we told we had about 100,000 among the 3 of us. All this while, Maria was not having a good feeling about this and kept asking us to move away, while the 2 of us wanted to get more information from the guy before making a call. In any case, we didn't have anything to lose besides a total of 100,000 COP among the 3 of us and if it worked, we could be inside pretty cheap. The guy promised to get us in for a total of 100,000 COP. We told him we'll give the money only when we were in. He agreed.
      He started walking in a totally different direction away from the venue. We got suspicious and asked where he was going. He told us that from the entrance, people inside were going to the other side from below the road through a tunnel and showed us the place where the lights and sounds were coming from the other side of the road. He told us that there was another way from above the road only, via another entrance. We followed him and soon enough we came to another entrance where there were queues to enter. Here he entered after the security check and we followed him. No one asked for any tickets or anything. We were still not sure if we were going to the same place. A bit further, we came across another security check. By now, we could see that we were going to the same venue but by a different entrance. He told us to pay and continue inside. We refused, we told him to leave us all the way inside as we were not sure if there would be another check where they might ask us for the tickets. After a while he agreed but instead of going in himself, he sent a lady colleague (tout) with us with the instructions to get the money from us when we were satisfied and totally inside. We followed her in and after a few tens of meters we were in and among the crowds. By now, we realized we had been fooled in some ways. This was a free entrance to the same venue but towards the back of all the crowds. We've been had!! 🤣🤣 The tout asked for the money and we gave the 100,000 we had promised to her. After that we went in and had a good laugh about it. They had promised to get the 3 of us in and no more, and they had come good on their promise. While we had paid them whatever we had promised them. In some ways, we paid 1/3 the price for the information we didn't have, that of the free entrance 😉
      For once, we didn't feel bad about having been made a fool of. Both the sides kept their words and we managed to get in without paying the high sum of 100,000 COP per person.
      The program was a very colorful one we had a clear but distant vew of the stage. There were huge screens also where we could see the details of the dances etc.
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    • День 134

      King Momo's float

      10 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      King Momo is known as the son of the dream and of the night and presided over parties of the insane, which are celebrated in pueblos and cities. Momo became known as the “protector” of all those who indulged in merrymaking and the scandal of vice and excess.Читать далее

    • День 28

      Carnaval ... La fiesta 💃🕺🎉✨

      26 марта 2022 г., Колумбия ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Premier jour de Carnaval ... verdict ... C'était énorme !!!

      La journée n'avait pourtant pas super bien commencé. Après le petit dej, on voit du sang par terre ... on demande qui s'est blessé ... pas de réponse. Il faudra quelques secondes pour trouver Joe avec la main au dessus du lavabo ...
      ... Il a voulu toucher le ventilo cassé qui tournait 😳
      retour de docteur Quinn, qui recolle l'ongle coupé en 2 avec de la super glue ! Plus de peur que de mal 👍

      Bon, le principal , c'est le carnaval, tout le monde a adoré !!!!

      Musique, ambiance ... tout était réuni pour passer une bonne journée ! Super bon enfant et accueil au top ! Tout le monde s'asperge de mousse et de maïzena ! Par contre, les Colombiens finiront sourds et nous aussi ! 200 dB !

      Heureusement qu'on avait réservé nos places dans un "mini palco" ... Nous étions un peu protégé du soleil ☀️ ... Il a fait une chaleur de plomb 🥵 !!!!!! Dodo à 21h pour tout le monde!!
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    • День 29

      Carnaval Jour 2

      27 марта 2022 г., Колумбия ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      2ème jour, ambiance différente ! Aujourd'hui, c'est danses traditionnelles !💃💃🕺🕺

      Notre "mini palco" est a moitié vide, et globalement dans toutes les tribunes, il y a moins de monde. Ça nous permet d'être un peu plus à l'aise et surtout de faire la connaissance de plusieurs familles colombiennes avec qui les enfants joueront tout l'après midi !

      En plus des bombes de mousse, les enfants trouvent des sachets de maïzena colorée que les Colombiens se lancent traditionnellement dessus ... Autant dire que les enfants s'en donnent à coeur joie !!!

      Le défilé en lui même est plus "traditionnel" aujourd'hui et il y a 3 types de danses qui représentent les différentes ethnies : les Indiens, les Africains et les Espagnols.
      On voit des femmes qui dansent avec des bouteilles d'alcool sur la tête ... un Colombien nous explique que ce sont les expertes. En effet, danser sans bouger la tête est un "must" !!!

      Les danses ne sont pas d'un niveau de ouf, mais on apprécie quand même le spectacle !

      Une douche s'impose ce soir !

      Ah oui, la petite souris devrait passer ce soir, mystère si elle va passer en Colombie ...
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    • День 27

      Carnaval ... nous voila !!!

      25 марта 2022 г., Колумбия ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Journée transport, on doit rejoindre Baranquilla ce soir pour assister au Carnaval à partir de demain !!!

      Après avoir galèré pour trouver un taxi ... On arrive en retard à la gare des bus de Carthagène ... mais coup de bol, notre bus nous a attendu 😳 !!!

      Bus grand luxe, on a des écrans dans les sièges et on est trop bien installés ... C'est la classe à Dallas !!!

      On arrive à Baranquilla en fin d'après midi dans le Airbnb qu'on a réservé pour 4 nuits. C'est pas le mieux, ni le mieux placé ... mais le plus cher qu'on ait jamais pris 😬. En discutant avec d'autres voyageurs, on a déjà eu de la chance de trouver un logement !

      Appart=pâtes carbo=gros kiff ! On goûte aussi un nouveau fruit trop bon, la grenadilla 🤤
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    • День 134


      10 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      The parade started at around 1 pm, the first of the participants came just about 20 - 30 late but that was quite acceptable considering the Latin American standards. 😉
      From our place right next to the road, we had a good feel of the show but the barriers and the police guys standing on the outside of the barricade were constantly in our line of sight.

      Some of the beautiful floats in the Saturday Parade.
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    • День 13

      Carnaval 🥱

      26 марта 2022 г., Колумбия ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Por le COVID, el Carnaval del 2022 se pasó de Febrero a Abril y en cuanto me enteré, cambié todos mis planes para ir. El carnaval de Barranquilla es el segundo mas grande de América Latina después del de Salvador de Bahia, y según dicen, de los más imponentes.

      Lamento desilusionarlos a todos, ya que después de haber ido, creo que el de Gualeguaychu es mejor...

      No se si fue falta de organización, o el calor, pero la gente tenía menos onda que un renglón, había mucho robo y realmente no había tanta gente. Pagué una fortuna por el vuelo y para quedarme con Ali y sus amigas, pero terminó estándo bastante divertido. Vivi, una de las amigas de Ali, estudia música y en particular, cumbia y chambeta colombiana, así que nos llevó a un montón de fiestas aparte, que nos hicieron el día.

      Al final de nuestros día ahí, me tomé un bus hacia Santa Marta, mi nuevo destino.
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    • День 134

      Tickets for the Saturday Parade

      10 февраля 2018 г., Колумбия ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The parade was set to begin at 1 pm along the Via 40 street. I had tried to enquire on the evening before about the time, the cost of the tickets and where to get them. Interestingly, none knew where to buy the tickets. For the time, they suggested going around 11 am to get good places. The owner of my hostel also suggested that instead of the palcos that were quite expensive, we could look for places organized by private people. These, people normally put up plastic chairs just behind the barrier and are much cheaper than the palcos (balconies). Armed with this information, we had agreed to meet at a junction nearby and from there, go on together to Via 40 which was about 700 mts away from there.
      In the morning, Hristo messaged and informed that the person at the reception had mentioned that he could arrange the tickets for the parade for 75, 000 COP per person. That offer did seem tempting considering that the entry for the Crowning of the Carnival Queen had been 100,000 COP per person. But, we had realized than that there was a cheaper (free) entrance as well so, it could also be possible that the parade too had a free/cheap place. We decided not to buy the tickets for him. When we met at the junction, we discussed this again. It was almost 12 pm. All the good places if they were free or cheap would have been taken up by now. We decided to buy the tickets from the guy at the hotel reception. Hristo was to run back, buy the tickets, while Maria and I would continue to Via 40 and then we would sync up after Hristo had the tickets and knew which place to go to. Maria didn't want us to split up and put her foot down firmly thats we'll all be together and go to the Via 40 amd when a woman does that, you've gotta listen 😁😁
      We all went to the Via 40 together. There were barricades everywhere and the police was searching and checking tickets. They had separate ques for men amd women. I was 1st in the que among the 3 of us. They checked my bag and let me in. No one asked for any tickets. Behind me, Hristo was stopped and asked if he had the tickets. He just pointed to me and was let in. Maria too was searched in the women's que and then asked if she had the ticket. She pointed to both of us and was let in 🤔
      Inside the barricade, there were touts selling tickets. Some of them at 60000 COP, some for 40000 COP. We couldn't really figure out why we were let in without the tickets and what tickets these touts were selling. There was an "official looking" ticket counter next to the barricade. We went and had a look. They were selling tickets for 30000 COP and a combo ticket for 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) for 50,000 COP.
      We just ignored all the touts and continued inside towards the Via 50. Just near the main road, we were stopped by a police guy who singled us out from the whole crowd moving in. He asked for our tickets and on telling we don't have any, asked us to go back to the barricades and go over to the other side of the partition barricade. We asked him where we could buy the tickets, for which he told that this area was reserved for the Navy and the entry was with passes only and that we could get the tickets on the other side.
      Something didn't really add up.. The people around us didn't really look like from the navy and what about the tickets being sold near the entry barricades or by the touts. 🤔 In any case, we didn't have an option since the police guy wasn't leaving us, so we walked back towards the entrance. Just before the entrance, we saw an opening in the partition barricade, where we could cross over to the other side. We crossed over and found ourselves in an area with a lot of private tents with plastic chairs selling the places from 30000 COP to 40000 COP per place. We continued walking along from one tent to another, checking out the prices and places. At the end of this private area, the area for the private balconies started. These were raised platform with chairs to sit on. Each palco had its own entrance and tickets. There were touts selling tickets to the various numbered palcos at different prices but most of them were quoting prices from 100,000 to even 300,000. After walking around for another 10 min, we decided that of we could get a front row seat in one of the private tents, it would be a much better deal than paying 100,000 for a slightly raised seat, that too quite behind since the palcos were already filling up fast. So, we negotiated a price of 70,000 COP for the 3 of us and found a place in the second row in one of the private area. There were people sitting on the floor in front of us but we still had an amazing view.
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