Humedal de Córdoba

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    • День 6

      Week 1 part 2!

      4 марта 2016 г., Колумбия ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Day 3 - Thursday: teacher van again, I was almost late but we got there at the same time which was good. Every day except Thursday there is something for the teachers at 7:15, but Thursdays are off so we got to get the classroom ready. I'm also still getting used to the schedule, it's different everyday. Today though Rachel and I talked about my phase in plan, when I'm going to start teaching and what not. I'll start with 5th grade social studies next week, twice. The week after I will do 5th grade spelling and I think 6th social studies. She also does language arts but the curriculum for that is crazy right now so I won't take that over for a little while. After school one of the teachers who lives on my side of the autovista walked me around and showed me where to go to get groceries, money, or anything really. She walked me home and taught me how to do it by myself from the van so that was nice, she's a good teacher! I got home and talked with Angela for a little while. With her being the art teacher she sees every student in the school and knows my kids very well. She told me some of their background and why they act the way they do. It was very enlightening to find out that some of the kids parents don't really care about them. Hearing about their lives made the way they act make sense. It's definitely helpful having Angela! After dinner I skyped my parents and then JP and then got to talk on the phone with Terry. I hadn't been able to really talk to any of them much so it was super refreshing. I still feel homesick but less so now.
      Day 4 - today! Today was a half day so the already confusing schedule got a little more confusing. Yesterday Angela said I was going to take the public transportation with them to school so she could show me how its done and then go with them to the big mall, Santa Fe, after school. However, when I woke up there was a note in my bathroom that she wasn't feeling well and I should just take the teacher bus. I got ready and went to the bus but I was worried that they thought I wasn't coming. And it was about 15 minutes late so I was getting panicked but it all worked out! The half day went well, they did have lunch for us in the cafeteria after the kids left which was nice because there were meetings and stuff so the teachers had to stay. I stayed until the 4:20 bus and got a lot done! I graded the spelling test they took today, made a bulletin type thing outside the classroom, learned some curriculum stuff. Speaking of which, our meeting this morning was about English curriculum. Turns out being an international school means that there are a bunch of different curriculums for everything. The team that was there is all experienced teachers, but they also besides Rachel are not coming back next year. So they are trying to organize what they are teaching for the next teachers. Also because they don't know what's being taught in 5th grade and accidentally reteaching it in 7th for example. I had no idea that these teachers are basically finding their own curriculums to teach. I learned a lot today, and all week! Now I'm exhausted and looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I might try to post more than once a week cuz this is a pretty long post.
      Random sidenotes: the food is good but different. It's hard for me to eat the breakfasts because they are so heavy and I'm bad at eating in the morning. Lunch is the main meal of the day so dinner is usually light. I'm going way outside my comfort zone when it comes to food and trying everything. Today at lunch I ate an avocado, and kind of liked it. I also just ate a tuna sandwich. I'm growing! But that's about all I got for now, I'm attaching pictures of week 1, general school and what not pics. :)
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