Quebrada La Colorada

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    • Dag 19

      Villa de Leyva

      22. september 2022, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Efter at have brugt nogle dage med Simons mor og mormor er vi nu blevet os selv igen. Igår forlod vi så Bogota og tog bussen 3 timer nordpå til byen Villa de Leyva. Det er en virkelig flot by, som er kendt for sin flotte arkitektur og hvide facader. Vi er dog kommet af en anden grund - de har også en masse fossiler her, og for dinosaur-elskeren Simon er det dermed det perfekte sted at besøge. Vi kom igår i løbet af eftermiddagen og bookede en tur til idag så vi kunne komme rundt og se en masse af de ting, som ligger udenfor byen og vi ikke kan gå til. Det viste sig så, at vi havde booket en privat tur, så vi havde egen chauffør der kørte os rundt til de forskellige steder og en guide ved hvert sted også. Først besøgte vi Sol de Muisca, som var et astronomisk område for Muisca-folket. Muiscaerne var en stor gruppe der levede i området inden spanierne kom, og de havde en befolkning på lidt mere end 1 million. 10 år efter spaniernes ankomst var de så næsten udryddet og der var ikke mere end et par tusind tilbage. Der er ingen tilbage den dag idag, men de prøver meget på at bevare det som står tilbage. Vi fik at vide at Muiscaerne, sammen med Mayaerne, var de to grupper som gjorde sig mest i astrologi og de var meget spirituelle. Vi fik også lov til at se, hvordan man regner med de boede.
      Da vi var færdige med Muiscaerne, var det blevet dinosaur-tid. Vi blev kørt til Centro de Investigaciones Paleontologicas (Center for Palæontoligiske Undersøgelser), hvor de har en masse fossiler. Villa de Leyva havde tidligere (for mange, mange millioner år siden) ligget under vand, så derfor fandt de mange fossiler af marine dyr. Vi så nogle virkelig flotte fossiler af store dyr, som det er ret vildt at forestille sig at de har svømmet rundt mere eller mindre der, hvor vi stod.
      Vi sluttede turen af med at se nogle menneske lavede søer, som det havde fået en flot blå farve grundet mineralerne i jorden. Man kunne desværre ikke svømme der, men flot var det.
      En god tur og en god start på Villa de Leyva.
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    • Dag 241

      Kites with no Wind

      14. august 2022, Colombia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      After our underground adventures we're back at the surface and drove to the nearby town Villa de Leyva. The roads are surprisingly good here, expect a few places where craters in the road create a little grid lock!

      Villa de Leyva is an old colonial town that has been declared national monument in 1954, thus kept all its cobblestone streets and whitewashed buildings. Walking through the town, slowly as cobblestones are perfect for ankle twisting, we notice that this is more of a tourist town than Zipaquirá, although mainly for Colombians. We saw more tat shops and people hawking you to go in the restaurants, but the atmosphere is still calm and friendly (and cold) and it is nice to wonder around the streets. The town is centered on the plaza major (litteraly the main square) which is very big and mostly pedestrian which is nice. This is apparently one of the largest town squares in South America, 120m by 120m. For a few days every year, this square is used exclusively for an international (apparently) Kite competition. When checking in to our hotel we learnt that this was happening while we are in town, a very pleasant nice surprise!

      Our first day in town is Friday so no kite competition today. We took the opportunity to see the local attractions starting with a house of clay. Yes, a two story, three bedroom real house of clay! This was created by the artist Octavio Mendoza Morales as a house to live in and receive guests. Very soon he realised that due to its uniqueness more and more people were coming to admire the house and he had to move out. This is a funny little place, full of well thought out artistic pieces. The way it was constructed was the most intriguing as he had to put part of the house on fire for 30days to cook the clay! It could have been a good construction for the three little pigs 😄.

      Next on the agenda are two small museums showing some fossils found nearby. If you were attentively reading the last post, you won't be surprised that dinausores bones were discovered here, and more particularly, sea dinausores! We saw a 120 million-year-old baby kronosaurus, the most complete specimen in the world. This "baby" was only 12m long (although the fossil is only 7 long as the tail disappeared) with a 2m meter head. On our way back to the hotel we stopped to do a little walk to see some green lakes. Not that impressive but nice walk in the countryside.

      Next day is kite day! Competition starts with the craft kite children category at 9:30am. To our surprise, when we arrive on the main square at 10:30 they are just starting! It's cute to see little ones run across the square to get their kite in the air, and a bit heartbreaking when the wind is not strong enough to keep them in the sky! Through out the day we saw various categories of competition, from homemade kites, commercial kites, big massive kites, kites with tails, 3d kites, artistic kite dancing and group kites. Unfortunately it all ended by a big rain storm coming from the ominous clouds that you can see on the pictures!
      Overall we saw a lot of kites, but it was so great to experience a genuine Colombian tradition kept alive by local people with a passion.
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    • Dag 55–57

      Villa de Leyva

      15. april, Colombia ⋅ 🌩️ 24 °C

      Villa de Leyva is een klein dorpje in de bergen dat in de 16e eeuw door de Spanjaarden werd gesticht en sindsdien niet zo veel is veranderd. Het meest impressionante van het dorp is het gigantische Plaza Mayor. Met zijn 14 400 m2 is dit het grootste plein van Zuid-Amerika! Heel indrukwekkend en heel mooi!
      's Avonds werden we mee op sleeptouw genomen door een groepje Colombiaanse rechtenstudenten die ons hebben laten zien dat dit slaperige dorpje toch een nachtleven heeft.
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    • Dag 6

      Villa de Leyva

      21. januar, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Villa de Leyva liegt im Departamento Boyacá, dem Andenhochland nördlich von Bogotá. Die Fahrt hierher eröffnet schon herrliche Berglandschaften. Der Ort selber ist wunderschön. Neben den alten kolonialen Häusern beeindruckt der Plaza de Mayor, der mit seinen 14.000 Quadratmetern der Größte in Kolumbien ist.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Saturday in Villa de Leyva

      24. juni 2023, Colombia ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      On Saturday morning (after some handball drills) we headed into the centre of town to explore, shop and have coffee. The huge cobbled Plazor Mayor (town square) is full of marquees and other crap for a cycling event - so those pictures have been ripped off the internet.

      The town was founded in 1572 with narrow cobbled roads radiating out from the Plazor Mayor. There was little development over the centuries so virtually all of the Colonial architecture was preserved. The town was declared a national monument in 1954. The surrounding landscape is spectacular and in the valley many dinosaur fossils have been unearthed. (Wikipedia)

      The town is very touristy by Colombian standards but is not in any way ruined by it. There are lots of courtyards with cafes, bars and restaurants.

      We went back to the house for lunch and had Nancy's delicious Aijaco which is a chicken soup served with maize (corn), rice, avocado and capers. Once the food coma wore off we had a swim.

      Dean and I lit the bbq and we had snags in bread (pan) for dinner, played music and some waited for the Collingwood game to start. Tomorrow we head back to Bogota. This really is a special place.
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    • Dag 85

      Villa de Leyva

      1. mai 2022, Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir heute zwei Wasserfälle bestaunen daraus wurde leider nichts weil sich die Wasserfälle auf Privatbesitz befinden und der Zugang gesperrt war. Also sind wir durch die Stadt gelaufen und haben uns das Schokoladenmuseum angeschaut. Yammi 😍Les mer

    • Dag 320

      Villa de Lleyva

      20. mai 2023, Colombia ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Die Stadt ist schon lange Kulturgut und daher noch alles aus der Kolonialzeit erhalten und bis heute müssen die Häuser passend gebaut werden. Wir haben bei einer Mühle übernachtet die seit Jahrhunderten in Familienbesitz ist und wie ein verwunschenen Park ist!Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Villa de Leyva

      22. februar, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Und plötzlich sind wir mitten in einer lustigen Bier-Runde. Die freundlichen Kolumbianer fragen uns aus und geben uns Tipps für die Weiterreise. Dann kommt noch der Aguardiente hinzu. Ein Anis-Schnaps, mit dem alle anstossen (müssen). Unser Spanisch wird immer besser…

      Es ist erst 12 Uhr und wir sind auf dem Samstagsmarkt in Villa de Leyva. Nebst dem Einkauf von Früchten und Gemüse geht es hier vor allem darum, Freunde zu treffen und Bier zu trinken. Die Kolumbianer - ein geselliges Volk, das keine Möglichkeit auslässt anzustossen.

      Villa de Leyva ist das Wochenendexil der wohlhabenden Städter. Eine wunderschöne Kolonialstadt umgeben von Bergen. Mittendrin der Plaza Mayor - einer der grössten Plätze Südamerikas. Man merkt zwar, dass der Tourismus die Haupteinnahmequelle ist, trotzdem hat das Städtchen Stil und wir fühlen uns sehr wohl hier. Auch unser Hostel gleicht einer gemütlichen WG - mit spannenden internationalen Gästen.

      Nebst der Kamera packen wir auch die Wanderschuhe aus. Nach einigen Höhenmetern erreichen wir unerwartete Felsformationen und schönste Aussichtspunkte.
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    • Dag 62

      Zadnji dan

      4. mars, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Danas mi je zadnji dan u Villa de Leyvi. Otišla sam na ručak u Osteriju i poslje toga posjetila galeriju koja je na drugom katu zgrade.
      Vlasnik zgrade je don Domingo (ne don ko svečenik nego na španjolskom gospodin). Njegov tata je bil umjetnik i nacrtal trg Ville de Leyve kak je prije izgledal na zid restorana. Sad su izloženi radovi njegovih unuka u galeriji.
      Poslje toga sam otišla doma spremiti sve stvari i krenula sam na bus za Bogotu.
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    • Dag 60


      2. mars, Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Svake subote se prodaje lokalna hrana na pijaci malo više gore od glavnog trga. Iz znatiželje sam se i ja htjela na pijaci prošetati i vidjeti kaj tu sve ima.
      Polovinu od voća i povrća nisam još nikad vidjela i tak sam brzo došla u razgovor sa prodavačima.
      Probala sam nekoliko stvari od kojih sam već zaboravila ime. Od papaye, žute pitaje (od koje se dobije proljev ak se previše jede), do španjolske limete (mamonzillo) do kojekakvih kobasica i odječe - sve se tu može nači.
      Bilo je dosta toplo ali ipak sam provela nekoliko sati šetajući se naokolo.
      Oko 3 sata sam se opet spustila u selo, sjela sam se u park pojela nekaj od voća kojeg sam si kupila. Poslje toga sam otišla doma da ostavim neke stvari i opet sam otišla u selo se prošetati i na večeru.
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