Porec Port

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    • Dia 20

      How steep was it?

      3 de junho de 2022, Croácia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Hello from Porec , Croatia.

      On Thursday, June 2nd we left Trieste very early hoping to catch a ferry south down the coast to Muggia. After a 1/2 hour in line someone told us that the ferry had been cancelled as it was a bank holiday. Mike asked but no one seemed to know what the holiday was about. Now, call me silly, but we expect extra ferries on holidays in BC - but evidently not in Italy. Change of plans - we had to cycle out of Trieste - through ++ industrial areas including by the Illy coffee plant - which is based there. Unfortunately, Mike caught a wheel in one of the tram tracks in town and fell hard. He is now sporting some serious road rash. Those rail tracks are very dangerous as some of our friends have previously found out.
      After Trieste - which sits at the northern point of the Adriatic - the coast drops south and you are in the peninsula of Istria - which juts out into the Adriatic. The history of the area includes Roman, Venetian , Austro-Hungarian and, finally, of course, being a part of the Yugoslav Federation. Slovenia has a very diverse geography with large mountain ranges and alpine terrain but we were only traveling close to the coast on this trip although there is a lot to see in other parts. Approaching the Slovenian border we rode past salt flats and fish farms located in a wide estuary but then started started to climb. The coastline is steep and rocky in these parts. We readied our paperwork to enter Slovenia but it turned out to be only a signpost on the bike trail. “Welcome to Slovenia” . ( photo enclosed)
      Turns out that Slovenia is very cycle friendly. Lots of well marked, paved routes following old rail lines. ( the Parenzana Trail) . Our friend Laura sent us a travel article about biking in this area and ,evidently, Istria ( Slovenia and Croatia) are where all the cool kids are cycling these days. Who would have thought Mike would be on the leading edge of a trend! Slovenia has only a small slice of access to the ocean and there is a massive port at Koper with container ships, ship building industries and many large leisure yachts. Fortunately, we mostly skirted around it.
      Overall, we had a good day of cycling in Slovenia - although the fun was interrupted by a couple of hair-raising road crossings. We enjoyed a lunch of spinach pastries with our toes dipping in the sea. We biked on to Portoroz and rewarded ourselves with a refreshing dip in the ocean. Lovely azur blue water and relatively warm sea water - even slightly warmer than the water in August around Hornby Island. We managed to get dinner at a small, family-run restaurant called Pri Mari which has won a number of awards. We drank the local white wine - Malvesia ……..quoting Helen: “a bit heavy on the petrol notes but very quaffable”. Our cheerful waitress advised a cold sea food platter followed by a baked sea bass with veg. The proprietress - who is featured in all of the photos on the wall - deftly deboned our sea bass and served up a delicious fish meal. The only weird part about our stay in Slovenia was an poorly appointed hotel which was interconnected by walkways to 4 other equally odd hotels. We kept getting turned around and Helen and I started to hum Hotel California - you can never leave……. In addition, we noticed as we left Italy and entered the Balkans that the cheerful, Italian hospitality has passed and we have encountered a number of surly, bureaucratic types and also loads of smoking. We had to beg for extra towels from a very stern looking hotel manager and finally resorted to snitching some from the cleaner’s cart. On checking out we were charged 6euros simply for using the housecoat.
      Yesterday was our last day of cycling and we had to work for that last 60 kms. The temp was 25 degrees when we left Portoroz and we quickly started one of three tough climbs in the blistering heat. How steep was it? Well, even my e-bike on its lowest gear and highest power setting came to a standstill. Mike was feeling a bit wobbly from his spill so the Logan sisters took a couple of turns pedalling the regular bike which gave Mike a chance to try out the e-bike. I don’t think he has converted yet but in the 30 degree ++ heat, he appreciated the break on the hills. We crossed into Croatia with a bit more formality ( stamps in passports) than Slovenia but nothing too tough. We had pre-registered our visit on-line before leaving Canada.
      We completed our 834 km trek in the town of Porec yesterday afternoon. We were knackered, very hot and ready to give the bikes back and give our derrieres a rest. We enjoyed a leisurely drink and lovely dinner last night in the old town. This is a very touristy spot with lots of people from all over Europe, Mike says that this used to be where all of the rich oligarchs had their places. We have seen some lovely yachts.
      Today we rest and swim in the ocean again. We’ve met some fellow travellers along the way and tonight we will join a British couple who live near where Mike grew up. You can imagine how the stories are flying.
      Tomorrow is Sunday and we catch a very early ferry back to Venice where we say farewell to Helen who is off to the Florence area for a few days with friends. Mike and I have an extra day in Venice which was planned before the COVID testing requirements were changed. We’ll spend a quiet day with perhaps a train trip to a local village if we feel inclined. I think we’ll avoid another trip into Venice.
      It’s been a great trip made all the more fun after being home for 2 years. All the things we worried about didn’t happen, although we did have contingency plans in place.

      From Helen: “ I want everybody to know that I will always remember the wonderful roses, honeysuckle and floral scents along the way that can’t be captured in the photos.”

      From Mike: “ Biking Europe with the Logan sisters is , as always, a glorious and humbling experience.”

      Signing off from Croatia. Thanks for traveling with us. Hope to see some of you very soon.

      Love Heather/ Mom/ Grandma ( and also from Mike and Helen)

      “ Life is made for good friends and great adventures” (Anonymous)
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    • Dia 6

      Driving from Vienna to Poreč in Croatia

      30 de novembro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Today was a day of driving through various forms of precipitation... snow, extreme rain and fog. On the wrong side of the road. In a foreign car. What could go wrong?

      Thankfully nothing! Craig and Jeff were exhausted from excessive concentration by the time we made it to our lovely waterfront apartment in Poreč, Istria, Croatia.

      We stopped at a raststation for coffee and soup for lunch. A strange sort of Austrian style of Macca's extreme marketing. Still, a welcomed stop.
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    • Dia 8


      30 de abril de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Heute geht der nächste Ausflug nach Porec.
      Das beschauliche Städtchen, etwas nördlich von Rovinj, hat im Gegensatz zu Pula deutlich mehr zu bieten. Zumindest optisch hat es uns sehr gut gefallen, obwohl es anlässlich des kommenden Feiertag ganz schön voll war.
      Bei Livemusik am Dorfplatz gab es ein leckeres Eis 🍧
      Am Abend waren wir dann wieder lecker Essen, zusammen mit unseren Freunden.
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    • Dia 7

      Poreč at night

      1 de dezembro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      At about 4.15pm this afternoon the clouds cleared enough to get a brief glimpse of a sunset over the Adriatic Sea.

      After dinner Craig and I partook of an evening constitutional through the old town to see the more modest Christmas lights of Poreč. We came across the best name for a beauty business... "Pluck Your Quack"! ☺️Leia mais

    • Dia 5


      5 de outubro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute fahren wir nach Poreč und sehen dort auf unserem Spaziergang entlang des Hafens und des Meeres und durch die Altstadt die Basilika Euphrasius die zwei runden Türme, die Stadtmauer, den Hauptplatz mit der Kirche Gospa od Andela und vieles anderes. Eine schöne, überschaubare Stadt!Leia mais

    • Dia 12

      Tag 12: Poreč

      25 de setembro de 2019, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Leider meldete uns der Wetterbericht wieder Regen, weshalb wir entschlossen eine Höhle in der Nähe von Poreč zu besuchen. Die Jama Baredine Höhle war eine Tropfsteinhöhle mit Kristallbildungen. Mega interessant und schön!
      Danach schlenderten wir noch durch die romantische Altstadt Poreč und kauften kleine Souveniers.
      Abends fuhren wir noch heimwärts bis nach Ljubljana. An der Grenze von Kroatien zu Slowenien wurden wir von Polizisten genaustens untersucht. Sie kontrollierten unsere Pässe und das Wohnmobil und redeten alles auf kroatisch, sodass wir nichts verstanden :D
      Am Ende ließen sie uns aber doch auswandern. Glück gehabt :P
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    • Dia 22

      Lunch in Porec

      6 de setembro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Wir sind tatsächlich positiv überrascht. Nach all den Berichten über Preise in Kroatien haben wir für Istrien das Schlimmste befürchtet. Völlig grundlos. Sowohl Getränke als auch Essen sind hier um einiges günstiger als weiter südlich. Die Kellner sind extrem freundlich und man bekommt überall, wo wir bisher waren ein Amuse Gueule und einen Schnaps oder Espresso aufs Haus. Geschmacklich und qualitativ großartig 🥰Leia mais

    • Dia 13

      Laatste avond

      19 de maio de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Vandaag dus echt een dagje niks.
      Op de kamer verbleven na het ontbijt, lekker in bad geweest.
      Jonathan en Marloes zijn wel nog wezen wandelen richting Porec en met een touristen treintje mee gereden.

      Toen Jonathan en Marloes terug waren, zijn we rond 13:30u bij het restaurant van het zwembad wat gaan lunchen: Ceasar salade 😅

      Om 15u was het dan toch echt tijd om het zwembad in te springen, ja ook het niet verwarmde. Brrr.. 🥶⛄🏊🏻‍♀️😎🌞🌡️🌴

      Na dik twee en een half uur hebben we het zwembad verlaten en zijn we ons klaar gaan maken om naar Porec te lopen om daar ergens iets te gaan eten.

      18:40u was iedereen presentable en konden we op weg.

      Jonathan, onze deskundige, had een aardig restaurantje op internet gevonden en ons daar na zo'n 20min heen begeleid.

      Restoran Tradizione.
      Hmmm..! Dat was zeker een goede keuze. Gezellig uitziend restaurant, vriendelijke/behulpzame bediening en heerlijk eten!
      Allemaal een groot bord soep, tomatesoep en ik had vissoep (note to myself: een voorgerecht is te veel! 😅)
      En daarna gingen de heren voor een Chateaubriand, Marloes voor een kalfs medaillon en ik ging voor een spaghetti carbonara. De bordjes kwamen niet leeg, zo vol. Maar we hebben ervan genoten.

      Om 21:10u zijn we richting het hotel gelopen.
      21:30u waren we weer bij het hotel. Even een beetje kunnen uitbuiken tijdens het wandelen. Pfff...
      Nog even een foto van het zwembad gemaakt. 😋
      En nu lekker op bed dit stukje schrijven.

      Vanavond op tijd naar bed, morgen vroeg willen we de eerste zijn aan het ontbijt en daarna snel door naar huis. De rit zonder stops duurt ruim 13u en zou betekenen dat we iets na 21u thuis aan zouden moeten komen. Dat wordt denk ik dan dus wel rond 23u of later met die pregnant mutti's achterin, hun aangedouwde blazen en hongerige buiken 😅

      Het zit er weer op deze vakantie, 2 weken zijn voorbij... Gevlogen! 🚀
      Weer een mooie ervaring rijker.
      Jammer dat het er weer op zit, maar ook zeker fijn te weten dat ik morgen weer gewoon thuis in mijn eigen bedje kan slapen, in mijn eigen huis, met water uit de kraan 🚰 en boterhammen op mijn bord! 🍞
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    • Dia 12

      Rovinj -> Porec -> Pula

      28 de setembro de 2017, Croácia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      De meeuwen schreeuwen ons wakker! Het is pas 6u, maar we moeten toch redelijk vroeg uit bed want de boot naar het vasteland wacht niet.
      ‘S morgens zijn de kleuren het mooist ik gebruik mijn camera dan ook om de omgeving vast te leggen. Vandaag hebben we weer een huurbus want Jacky heeft 2 vrije dagen, vandaag en morgen. We rijden door het Istrië gedeelte van Kroatië, heel anders weer van landschap. De wegwijzers zijn in het Kroatisch en het Italiaans.
      Porec is de eerste stop. Het is een van de kleinste steden van Kroatië. Porec ligt 100km van Venetië, aan de overkant van de zee.
      De gids heeft haar Nederlands geleerd uit boeken en door het praten met de mensen, dat geeft een heel grappig resultaat;)
      Porec is heel veilig zei ze: alle criminelen zitten in het buitenland en de rest zit in het parlement.
      In 1850 ontstond het toerisme hier, de eerste toerist, een prins van Hongarije bouwde een kasteeltje voor zijn vrouw op een eilandje en zo kwam dan eerst de adel en daarna het gewone volk. Er zijn in het seizoen 100.000 officiële overnachtingen per nacht! In 1860 waren de badvoorschiften zeer streng. De vrouwen droegen zo een soort badpak dat wij nu kennen als boerkini mannen en vrouwen moesten apart in zee gaan bv. Mannen links en vrouwen rechts met een afsluiting tussenin. Nu in de naturisten stranden die er veel zijn in Kroatië is een trikini verplicht: een petje, een zonnebril en sandalen!

      EEN BEETJE GESCHIEDENIS, evt overslaan!

      De stad Porec is gebouwd in de 1e eeuw bc ten tijde van Julius Cesar, op dit kleine schiereiland werd Rome als stadsplan gebruikt, dat was in de meeste steden die we bezochten zo!
      In WO II is Porec zwaar gebombardeerd door de Anglo-Amerikanen wegens de deelname van Mussolini aan de kant van Hitler, Porec was toen Italiaans grondgebied.
      De blijkbaar zeer goed bewaarde huizen uit de 12e en 15e eeuw zijn eigenlijk replica's maar wel met de originele stenen!
      Vele handelaars uit Porec verlieten de stad en hun plaats als ambachtsman werd ingenomen door mensen uit andere streken van het toenmalige Joegoslavië.
      De vele goudsmeden die hier in de hoofdstraat zijn, zijn er niet voor toeristen maar voor de bewoners. Alle gebeurtenissen worden gevierd met een gouden cadeautje, en zelfs nu nog zijn ze zeer bedreven in het goudsmeden meestal zijn het 3e generatie Kosovo-Albaniërs. En je kan afbieden tot -20%.
      Na een uurtje namen we afscheid van de gids en gingen nog op eigen gelegenheid wandelen door de stad en lunchen, een kleinigheid is genoeg gezien het uitgebreide buffet van s’avonds!
      Op de weg naar Pula, de volgende stad zagen we Kazoem’s kleine huisjes zoals de Trulli in Puglia, hier werden ze gebruikt als schuilhutjes voor herders.

      Pula had 12 ingangspoorten in de verdedigingsmuur, er zijn er nu nog 3 over.
      De Oostenrijks-Hongaarse regering, die hun grootste oorlogshaven hier in Pula wilden aanleggen, hadden geen rekening gehouden met het probleem dat het hier een malaria gebied was door de vele moerassen. Zij begonnen daarom hun nieuwe stad ten zuiden van de oude stad. Er werden tunnel gebouwd die alles bijeen zo’n 40 km lang waren en daarin kon men 27.000 mensen onderbrengen. Zerostrasse is de ingang van tunnels, die nu nog steeds zouden kunnen gebruikt worden! 2 m onder deze tunnels lag Romeins Pula. Deze overblijfselen van de stad uit de Romeinse tijd werd in de middeleeuwen gebruikt om de muur rond het kasteel te bouwen.
      Na afscheid van de gids op het Forum Romanum wandelde we nog tot aan de vauban burcht helemaal boven met mooi uitzicht op de stad en dan zakten we af naar de plaats waar de bus ons zou ophalen. Nog een ritje naar Rovinj en met de boot naar het hotel en de lange dag zat er weeral op.
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    • Dia 28

      Destination Croatia

      11 de outubro de 2018, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      When we were planning our holiday the options of getting from Venice to Croatia were minimal. To fly there would require flying via Rome or with some airlines, Paris. We had agreed we would only fly on National carriers, avoiding the budget airlines. The ferry from Venice to Porec took 3 hours 30 minutes, it was a smooth trip and docked at Porec about 8pm. I thought is was a 2 hour 30 trip and we would lose an hour through the Timezone change but Italy and Croatia are on the same clock.There were taxis waiting to transport people to their final destinations but we thought we would get some milk first then a taxi. We trudged over the polished slabs that made the road until we found a market that sold fresh milk. We asked where we might catch a taxi and were pointed towards the waterfront. When we arrived there was not a taxi in sight. Now we were worried, for some unknown reason the hotel we booked was 5km away. This did not make sense as the hire car had to be picked up the next morning from near the ferry terminal and we always tried to have accommodation near the town centres. Soon about 6 people were walking towards us so I asked if anyone understood English. Yes they said, they were Croatians who had lived in New Zealand for about 24 years. It was our lucky night, they needed a taxi too so they called one for them and one for us. One taxi arrived and as it had room for 10 we all clambered in and shared the one taxi as the taxi driver said he was the only driver working now. After the New Zealand group were dropped off our trip continued to an out of the way area on the outskirts of Porec. Finally we were dropped off out the front of our hotel, paid the taxi driver his fare in kunas then dragged our luggage to reception. No one was there but there was a gentleman in another room watching TV. He finally noticed us and came to check us in. With the little command of the English language he had he photocopied our passports, said something about Adelaide and two nights then gave us the key to our room. He tried to help carry one bag up the stairs and almost fell as he struggled due to its weight. The room was horrible, dirty with a few dead cockroaches on the floor. The bed was a small double that was not the normal length. We started to make our tea and I went back downstairs to get the wifi password. He didn’t know what I was talking about so called his son on the phone who could speak English and we now had network access. The nights sleep was bad, I couldn’t stretch my legs out, the mattress was lumpy and the pillows were the ones filled with crushed foam. Poor MDW tossed and turned most of the night, unable to get comfortable. In the morning we had a cup of tea in our room and refused to have a shower because of its floor having cockroach bodies on it. Bravely we ventured down for breakfast hoping for a cup of tea and a piece of toast. When we finally interrupted the domestic dispute between mother and son, the mother came out and asked us to be seated. We brushed the dead insects off the table cloth, by now all MDW wants to do is leave this hotel. We were the only two having breakfast at 8:30am. A bother table is set for a group but we wonder if we are really the only stupid people staying here. I ordered a coffee and MDW a pot of tea. Coffee arrives as did a pot of tea with a wedge of lemon but no milk. MDW asked for milk which was promptly delivered (hot frothy milk left over from my coffee). So MDW pours her tea into the cup with some warm milk in it. Purple, yes the tea was purple. Not only purple but smelt of berry, maybe blueberry. It didn’t look good blended with milk, really it didn’t blend, with the milk repelling the tea as did MDW who said she wasn’t drinking that stuff. So we now hoped for some toast but got bread with cold salami, maybe ham, cheese and tomato. We ate buttered bread. Croissants arrive prepacked in foil packaging, not good. The woman kept checking if all was ok, of course we said yes and smiled. After the bread was eaten we got our bags, rang for a taxi and tried to check out. For some reason the owners were surprised. They thought or maybe hoped we were staying two nights. I explained we had prepaid for one night showing the son the confirmation email. He said nothing but kept scrolling through the computer screen. I asked if there was a problem and he said he was checking if we had paid. The taxi was waiting so I told the son we had to go then all of a sudden he must have seen the payment confirmation, stood up shook my hand and we were gone.
      The taxi took us to the car rental firm who I had rung earlier to see if I could pick the car up before midday. No problem he said, 11am is suitable.
      We had a look around the Porec waterfront where there are numerous large boats, a few casinos and a dozen or so market stalls. We had a quick look at the markets then got some supplies from a small supermarket before going to the car rental firm to pick up our VW Golf. The contracts were printed off with extra insurance cover when I noticed the cost had risen €80 from the quote I had agreed to online. I questioned why and he said you are picking the car up 45 minutes early so you are being charged a penalty fee. “Well I’ll wait till 12 noon or change the return time to 11:15am.”
      He made some changes and printed out a new contract with the correct fees. We waited for the car to be brought the parking area when along comes a Mercedes Benz Hatchback, B Class I think. Almost brand new. After the inspection we put in our luggage and into the car we sit. It’s an automatic. MDW says I should move as I’m blocking someone so I start the car and can’t find the gear stick. Eventually I find the gear selector is on a steering wheel stick (a bit like an indicator or wiper control). I work out how to put it in drive and drive down the lane then go to turn right but of course I’m in the left hand lane. The car I made room for is on my inside or the right hand side of the road where I should have been. Not a good start. MDW has a good laugh as I’m starting to perspire. I give MDW the job of reminding me to stay right and before long we are following the directions on Google maps as I can’t workout the cars navigation system. We get to our first roundabout and navigate it correctly except we took the 2nd exit and not the third. At the next roundabout we do a u-turn and then take the first right but end up at a petrol station. This is harder than I imagined. I just drive through onto the road and we are on our way to Zagreb. It’s mostly freeway with two toll sections. We came across one of the greatest inventions of all times. We were approaching some road works when we notice a man waving a flag up and down, obviously warning us to slow down. The marvellous thing was it was a mechanical or robotic figure with a helmet doing a wonderful job for no pay.
      So far the weather has been marvellous, low to mid 20’s with beautiful blue skies. Apparently by October Croatia is getting cold but so far the warm weather has stayed and been very welcome.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Porec Port, Porec Ferry Port

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