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    • Dag 4

      Blue Cave

      8. juli 2023, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Despite the day before being like a movie, we had booked an island and blue cave tour that we had to make it for. Although we drank hundreds of dollars worth of liquor the night before we woke up feeling not too bad. Perhaps our bodies were still in shock of the yacht lifestyle we lived for a night, or we were still drunk. Whatever it was, we jumped on our boat and headed towards a small island off the island of Vis. On the way we boated past the Agape Rose and Jack and I marvelled one last time in its beauty and once again questioned how the fuck we ended up there the night before. Knowing the family were going to Split that day we knew we would not see it again. Nonetheless, we had a great day ahead of us, and the first beach was fantastic and provided a great opportunity to relax quickly and recover a little bit more after the big night. While snorkelling, Jack had spotted an octopus that got quite a bit of attention from other tourists. It would have been cool to get a photo of it but my underwater phone cover was left at the apartment. I was slow moving in the morning and forgot it. We then headed to the green cave, which I once again couldn't take photos of because we had to swim out. It was cool though, you had to pay 12 euro but a small hole in the roof of the cave meant that a little bit of light shun in and turned the cave slightly green. Although no where near as cool as the blue cave you could at least swim in there. The blue cave was the next stop and this was phenomenal. It functions on a whole lot of natural coincidences that, when combined, create a spectacular natural light show. Firstly, it faces the perfect direction to ensure it always gets sunlight throughout the day (even changing colour from morning and afternoon). Secondly, the sand below the cave is white and is able to reflect the sunlight through the bottom of the ocean (carrying with it the blueness of the water). Finally, the caves shape ensures that although completely enclosed from the water surface, under the water, there is plenty of space for light to pass through. The tiny entrance that you boat through was man-made to ensure that people could enter the cave for tourism but left small to not interfere with the bright blue colour in the cave itself. The original entrance is nothing more than a small crevice on a random island in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. Why someone decided to crawl through it is beyond me, but the view they would have got once they went through would have felt other-worldly.

      After this, we made our way to the final stop of the tour, Parmizana. This was a really cool place to park up for a beer and some food. Despite the huge night, I had not yet eaten a single thing, and it was now approaching 3 p.m. As a result, we stopped for a quick feed and a snorkel. When we went got to the boat to collect the equipment, we started chatting with the 2 guys running the tour. Eventually, a few other captains from other boats had congregated onto our boat, and before we knew it, they were all smoking weed, despite the tour not yet being over. Despite needing to continue captaining our ship, these guys rolled the largest joint I've ever seen and punched through all of it. The guys were super chill and explained how they work in Bosnia throughout 9 months of the year, doing random jobs, and come to Croatia each summer to captain ships and party. It didn't sound like a bad setup at all. Eventually, everyone was back in the boat, and we began the short journey back to Hvar (Hoping our captain wasn't too stoned to steer the ship).

      Jack and I were itching to tell the guys at the hostel that the recommendation to go to Hula Hula last night paid off, and some. They were in disbelief that in one night in Hvar, we managed to get onto a yacht. We then proceeded to mention it as often as possible to all of the people I the hostel. Myself and some Canadian girls we met at the hostel decided to turn it into a drinking game, and any time Jack mentioned the word "yacht," we had to drink. Safe to say we were plastered by the time we decided to head out for town. It wasn't as exciting a night as the previous, but we still had a lot of fun with the Canadian girls.
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    • Dag 117

      Pakleni Uvala Tarsce

      22. juli 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Scedro to Otocic Lukavci to Pakleni Uvala Tarsce. After another awesome morning run to the abandoned monastery on Scedro we headed to swim on the island Lukavci and anchored in Uvala Tarsce. Sunset drinks on the rocks.

      17.01 4:49:06
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    • Dag 5

      Abendessen im Fisher Man s House

      3. oktober 2023, Kroatien ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Wir machen in einer kleinen Bucht fest. Die Bucht vor dem Restaurant war schon voll belegt, so müssen wir in der gegenüberliegenden Bucht Ankern und über die Insel zum Fisher Man s House laufen. Aber die Mühe lohnt sich… wir bekommen einen tollen Tisch im Garten. Es gibt tolle Vorspeisen und frischen Fisch und selbst-gemachtes Eis.
      Unsere Taschenlampen fallen leider etwas mickrig aus , als wir mit dem Schlauchboot durch die Dunkelheit zum Schiff zurück fahren
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    • Dag 2

      Solta Hvar

      4. september 2023, Kroatien ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Für einmal gibts den guten Kaffee bereits auf dem Schiff. Mit Generator und Kaffemaschine an Board habe wir allen Luxus. Die Bora ist schon gut spürbar in der geschützten Südbucht. Also steht uns wieder ein Segeltag mit starkem Wind bevor und wir setzen die Segel nur bis zum dritten Reff. Wir segeln zuerst entlang der Südküste in Richtung des berühmten Strandes Zlatni Rat (goldenes Horn) auf der Insel Brac. Mit gutem Abstand zur Insel und etwas Segel Trimmen erreichen wir einmal über 10 Knoten! Kurz vor unserem Zwischenziel ist der Wind böig und dreht so stark, dass wir uns entscheiden umzudrehen und den Hafen von Hvar Stadt anzusteuern. Diesmal ist es uns nicht gelungen vorzureservieren und so ist denn der Hafen schon voll bei unserer Ankunft. Wir fahren noch etwas weiter bis Palmizana, wo wir an einer Boye festmachen. Unterwegs hat sich noch die Dirk vom Schäkel gelöst, sodass wir Ruedi mit dem Bootmannstuhl auf den Mast hieven mussten um sie zurückzuholen.Læs mere

    • Dag 80

      Solta To Pakleni

      11. juni 2021, Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Solta To Pakleni. Leaving with our wonderful visitors - we engined in perfectly calm waters to Pakleni. After the storm of the previous day, this was a welcome event. A stop to float in the middle of the ocean and let the 8 men hang off a rope while I drove GypsyDjango was a lot of fun. Arriving in wonderful Pakleni emitted many sounds of wonder at this ideal and pristine bay. It was then time for Kevin to head up the mast to replace our boom topping lift and code 0 halyard which resulted in some perfect photos 🔱👏💛. Somehow the work on a boat never ends.Læs mere

    • Dag 135

      Pakleni Duboka Vela to Uvala Tarsce

      5. august 2021, Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Well it just goes to show why we have never seen that form of anchoring before. Early hours of the morning the scirocco winds became Mistral and fortunately we were moored well enough to cater for the switch from South East to North West. But the conditions had become unpleasant in this bay and it was time to move to the south of the island. Noticing the panic in the corner we saw the catamaran had been blown onto the rocks and was now stuck. We took up anchor and tried to assist but the owner had turned the catamaran around with help of the boat next to him and was facing the wrong way ro be pulled out of the corner. After refusing our assistance we motored to the south to anchor in a perfect bay.Læs mere

    • Dag 108

      Solta Necujam to Pakleni Uvala Tarsce

      9. juli 2021, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      As much as we travel these islands and revisit the bays they all eventually melt into one. They begin to feel the same and the difference being the distance to navigate the waters to the destination. Necujam and Tarsce are quite similar.Læs mere

    • Dag 36

      Vira - Palmizana Marina

      4. juli 2007, Kroatien ⋅ 19 °C

      Der grosse Tag von Mara und Gian. Nach Schule und ungeduldigem Warten kommt das Tauchschiff um 12.30 vom Tauchgang zurück und wir paddeln zu Mario hinüber. Er unternimmt mit beiden einen 30 minütigen Tauchgang zu einem Octopus und einem riesigen alten Anker.
      Ich studiere den Wetterbericht und die Verhältnisse im Stadthafen von HVAR. Ich entschliesse mich, die Marina PALMIZANA gegenüber anzulaufen. Auf dem Weg dorthin kommt Gefi am Ruder zu 11 sm traumhaften segeln. Die Marina ist um 17.00 schon ziemlich voll und immer mehr Yachten laufen ein. Der Himmel überzieht sich langsam mit Wolken. Mit dem Taxi-Boot lassen wir uns nach Hvar-Stadt hinüber führen. Am Stadt-Kai
      schaukelten die dort angelegten Yachten schon toll hin und her. Wir besichtigten die alte Burg hoch über der Stadt und genehmigten uns danach in der lebhaften Altstadt
      Pizza, Eis und Bier. In der Ferne blitzte es schon und die festgemachten Yachten am Hafen krachten vom heftigen Wind und den Wellen schon mit den Masten zusammen. Hässliche Geräusche !!! Der Hafenmeister befahl den Yachten sofort abzulegen! Hektik kam auf, alle wollten zurück in die Marina.
      Nach 30 minütigem Warten kam unser Taxi-Boot. Kaum am Schiff angekommen, pfiff der Wind durch die Marina und es fing an zu regnen, aber glücklicherweise streifte uns das Gewitter nur.
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    • Dag 37

      Palmizana Marina

      5. juli 2007, Kroatien ⋅ 21 °C

      Der Durchzug des Tiefs hat Spuren hinterlassen. Der Wind hat auf NW gedreht und verursacht 3 - 5 m hohe Wellen. Wir schalten einen Ruhetag ein.Nach einem kurzen Fussmarsch erreichen wir eine traumhafte Badebucht.
      Hoffentlich hat sich morgen das Meer etwas beruhigt, sodass wir weiter in Richtung der Insel KORCULA ziehen können.
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    • Dag 88

      Rt Polce Hvar to Pakleni via Stari Grad

      19. juni 2021, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Leaving this quiet bay and heading to a town which we have heard of but never before visited. Stari Grad is very special- beautifully maintained with flowers and cobbled streets. I finally had the feeling of being a tourist which has become more difficult of late. It’s strange but still miss Arenys de Mar and the predictability of waking up each day in the marina with our friends close by - ready for a drink or two or three. And let’s not even get started on missing darling SA with our precious family and friends. I have to constantly remind myself to be in the moment. Shocking I am and without gratitude but at least I acknowledge it 😊. Tonight’s bay is one of our favorites Uvala Tarsce on Pakleni.Læs mere

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