Punta Ataguía

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    • Dag 3

      Capitolio (AVANA CENTER)

      29. desember 2018, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      El Capitolio, or the National Capitol Building (Capitolio Nacional de La Habana) is a public edifice and one of the most visited sites in Havana, capital of Cuba. The building was commissioned by Cuban president Gerardo Machado and built from 1926 to 1929 under the direction of Eugenio Rayneri Piedra. It is located on the Paseo del Prado, Dragones, Industria, and San José streets in the exact center of Havana

      Statue of the Republic
      Located in the apse, the Statue of the Republic is the figure of a young woman standing, dressed in a tunic, with a helmet, shield, and lanc; it weighs 30 tons, is 14.60 meters high, and rests on a marble pedestal of 2.50 meters. It was sculpted by Angelo Zanelli, author of the Altare della Patria, part of the monument to King Victor Emmanuel II, in Rome. It is the third largest indoor statue in the world, surpassed only by the Buddha of Nara, Japan and the Abraham Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. D.C.
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    • Mi primero día en Havana

      2. mars 2018, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Na mijn vertrek uit koude kikkerland Nederland, vloog ik circa 11 uur later Cuba binnen. Alles liep vrij voorspoedig en ongeveer half 8 zat ik in de auto naast Emilio (mijn taxichauffeur). In de auto heb ik nog wat Spaanse woorden aan elkaar weten te rijmen zodat we nog een beetje gesprekken konden voeren. Het was een fijne tocht.

      El Casa Ramonso is een beetje een verstopte casa in een groen gebouw op de eerste verdieping. Na wat uitgebreide basis uitleg van Francis en Fred, ben ik even kort Havana ingegaan voor een fles water en een hapje.

      Hoewel de wandeling kort was, kreeg ik voor mijn gevoel al wel de sfeer van Havana te pakken. De temperatuur is erg aangenaam, maar ook de geluiden. Overal klinkt muziek. Na een aantal meters wandelen, kwam ik terecht bij een Italiaan. Het voelde als een welkome plek, juist omdat je hier niet naar binnen werd gelokt door mensen aan straat. De pizza die ik kreeg had iets weg van een smakeloze pannenkoek met veel kaas en tomatensaus, maar ik stoorde me er niet aan. Het was duidelijk te zien dat iemand zijn best had gedaan op die pizza. Dus ik was snel tevreden. Het hele gebeuren kostte mij relatief een rib uit mijn lijf. Maar goed, soms heb je - en al helemaal niet op je eerste avond - geen zin om moeilijk te doen. Je bed opzoeken (nu op 4:00 's ochtends in NL) is het enige wat er dan toe doet.
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    • Dag 16


      21. august 2017, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      It was naturally a bit of a late start to the day today and we headed off to the museum of the revolution. It was quite interesting from a history lesson point of view, but quite one sided. It would interesting to learn a bit more about it.

      We thought we would get some breakfast despite the fact that it was lunch time so we crossed the road to Sloppy Joe's for our customary Mohitos and a very tasty burger.

      The eclipse was to be at 16:00 in Havana so we walked back to the hotel and went on to the roof top pool area and just chilled for a few hours. It was a lovely sunny day but just before 16:00 an almighty thunderstorm arrived complete with lightening and the sun and the eclipse were gone.

      We rendezvoused again in the early evening and wandered back into old Havana for...yes you've guessed it...a Mohitos. The rain continued to pour and we had a booked a restaurant a few minutes walk away. So we hailed one of those bike taxis and he pedalled us direct to the door of the restaurant.

      The door was locked but they let us in. We thought it was very strange that they would lock the door but perhaps that is for security. Anyway we ordered the food and it was excellent.
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    • Dag 2

      Hostal Chez Nous

      26. august 2016, Cuba ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Havanna, Cuba - erste Unterkunft auf Kuba. Nach einer langen Anreise sind wir endlich da!

      Beschreibung im Reiseführer:
      "Das prachtvolle Kolonialhaus mit Innenhof bietet 3 Zimmer mit Doppel- und Einzelbett, Balkon, Antiquitäten und TV. Eine abenteuerliche Wendeltreppe (adR siehe Foto!!) führt auf die begrünte, mit Liegen bestückte Terrasse, diw zugleich ein Minizoo ist, wo sich 10 kleine Hunde, eine siamesische Katze, Schildkröten, Papageien und sogar ein Eichhörnchen tummeln."

      Und natürlich hat Celine schon einen Ersatzhund (adR kommt natürlich nicht an Balou ran) gefunden.
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    • Dag 15

      Gold Medal

      20. august 2017, Cuba ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      So what should we do in Havana? A nice American girl we met last night gave us a few tips on places to go and see, so we thought the first thing to do was to get a hop on, hop off bus, around Havana. We decided to hop on and not hop off during the tour around the city. I suppose one can sum up the city in a few down buildings, American classic cars, Salsa bands, cocktails and a a fair bit of poverty.

      We were on the bus for a good 90 minutes then returned to where we had started. It looked like we might have to tick off some of the few cocktails it was at the world famous Floridita. The establishment is famous for its daiquiris and for having been one of the favourite hangouts of Ernest Hemingway in Havana.

      Some history...In 1914, the Catalan immigrant Constantino Ribalaigua Vert started working in the bar as cantinero (bartender). Constantino, nicknamed Constante, became the owner in 1918. Constante is credited for inventing the frozen daiquiri in the early 1930s, a drink that became linked to the fame of the place, whose motto is now "la cuna del daiquiri" (the cradle of the daiquiri). The bar became a school of highly skilled cantineros (bartenders) specialised in cocktails prepared with fresh fruit juices and rum, whose traditions are still preserved by the disciples of Constante.

      It was packed but we found a seat and listened to the live music whilst sipping Daiquiri. The food looked a bit iffy so we left and went down Obispo Street which seemed fairly lively. Part of the way down was a kind of pop up restaurant in an old knocked down building enclave. I think it was called Ruin De Parques. Outside was a sign advertising lobster lunch for around £10 and a great band was playing. A few hours later after I dined on lobster and Eva on Chicken with quite a few Mohitos, we knew most of the people that were coming and going...the professional lady photographer from Argentina and her set of girl friends who asked if Eva was my girlfriend, the hippy American lady that had come to Havana for one week and hadn't left four weeks later and who now had a toy boy Cuban boyfriend who was the trombonist from the band, the German couple from Hamburg (he had proposed to her but she hadn't said yes), and of the course the band.

      They were brilliant!

      I got up and did my Gold medal Dad dance with Maracas or Maraques...not sure which...and they got a reluctant Eva up to join in with what looked like a stale baguette with ridges in the side that you slide a stick up and down. I even bought their CD...I hope it sounds as good as they did during that day.

      The weather was very hot and we were perspiring a lot so ice cold Mohitos seemed just the job.

      We arrived there at 14:00 and we left at around 22:00. It took us an hour to get back to the hotel and it should have taken 15 minutes! Goodness knows how we got lost.

      We decided that a quick night cap was in order after such a long walk and went to the hotel bar. The only people in it were 3 Australian couples...the banter soon began to flow and the event moved into the next day. After Trevor the Australian decided it was a good idea to get his manhood out on the bar, with much encouragement from Eva but less so from his wife, we decided it was time to go to bed.
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    • Dag 14


      19. august 2017, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      It was late one last night so I ordered breakfast in our suite and started to pack. Eva was still asleep.

      Our personal assistant Marios knocked on the door with a gift for us...a bottle of Tequila.

      'Erm thanks but no thanks Marios you have it as a present'

      We set off to the airport some 90 minutes away. You know when you get that feeling that you have left something behind or forgot to turn the water off? Nope, Eva was here. What can it be?

      Then it dawned on me that I had left my trousers and shirts still in the wardrobe back at Hard Rock Hotel. I quickly called them to see if they could get another taxi with my clothes on board to follow. it would be too late so hopefully they are en route to meet me in New York. I shall have to use what I have.

      The flight is a short hop to Cuba and we touched down around 16:00. They do not greet you with a smile. In fact they are down right miserable. After clearing immigration and customs which took ages we then queued outside in the humid heat for the currency exchange. This took about half an hour to eventually queue and change my peso's to whatever it is in Cuba.

      We then grab a taxi into Havana. We are staying at the Hotel Saratoga. Not five star but sufficient for the next four days and with a roof top pool. We went up there for a cocktail and found on the map a small restaurant called Lamparilla Tapas & Cervezas. When I say on the map I mean google maps. The only thing is that for google maps to work out needs the internet...obviously really. But in Cuba there is no mobile network just hotspots. We would have to resort to old technology called paper to get around and a thing called a paper map.

      So not in possession of either digital or analogue technology I memorised where it was located. After 10 minutes of walking we seemed to be in 'Dodgy Havana' rather than 'Old Havana'. Although they are fairly similar what gave it away was a man feeding his cockerel on the doorstep to the almost derelict town house, piles of rubbish everywhere and the strange looks that we got as we wandered along. There was nothing for it but to return to the hotel where we could get wifi. So we asked one of the Bike Taxi chaps with gold teeth to take us back. No sooner had he started to pedal he got pulled over by the very aggressive looking police and had his papers checked and was asked to get off the bike. We decided to walk.

      When we got back to the hotel Eva asked, 'Dad are you sure you turned the right way when we set off before?'

      I double checked. No I didn't, we ended up going completely the opposite way. So off we strode again with a not to give up attitude. After 15 minutes we arrived, located down the street Lamparilla, which indecently still looked a bit dodgy to me. However the food was very good and we sat there for a couple of hours before heading in the right direction back to the hotel.
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    • Havanna

      2. februar 2017, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Am Morgen früh hiess es um 4 Uhr aufstehen und bereit machen. Sabina war so lieb und begleitete uns zum Flughafen MUC. Der Flug München - Havanna war trotz 10 Stunden Flugzeit dank Premium Upgrade sehr kurzweilig und die karibische Hauptstadt von Kuba begrüsste uns mit angenehmen 28 Grad und Sonnenschein.

      Manuel hiess uns herzlich in seinem Appartment (Casa Particulare) willkommen und zeigte schnell die wichtigsten Sachen. Da er nur spanisch spricht war es die erste kleine Challange. Doch mit einem Cuba Libre als Willkommensdrink und der Mithilfe von Händen und Füssen war das schnell gschafft.

      Danach erkundeten wir zu Fuss noch etwas die Gegend, assen einen kleinen Znacht und gingen nach einem 24h-Tag müde aber happy schlafen.
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    • Dag 2

      Capitolio Havanna

      26. august 2016, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Das Kapitol von Havanna in Kuba wurde 1929 als Sitz der Legislative gebaut und diente diesem Zweck bis 1959. Aktuell wird es renoviert und restauriert und soll ab 2018 wieder als Sitz des kubanischen Parlaments dienen.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Plaza Vieja, Havanna

      26. august 2016, Cuba ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Die Altstadt von Havanna hat eine der weltweit höchsten Dichten an historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten und wurde 1982 von der Unesco zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt. Beim Flanieren durch die Straßen hat man das Gefühl, eine Zeitreise durch fünf Jahrhunderte Geschichte zu machen. Allein im Stadtteil Vieja gibt es so viel zu sehen, dass man mindestens drei Tage einplanen und die wichtigsten Kolonialen Plätze mit ihren Palästen ganz oben auf die Liste setzen sollte.

      Plaza Vieja - Schon 1559 unter dem Namen Plaza Nueva errichtet, stieg der Platz Ende des 17. Jhs. zum bedeutesten Markt- und Handelsblatt der Stadt auf. Batista unterhöhlte das historische Erbe 1952 mit einer Tiefgarage. Heute ist die Plaza mit ihren Prachtbauten ein Beispiel für vorbildliche Sanierungsarbeit.
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