Czech Republic

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    • Day 50

      Last day in Brno

      October 23, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      I found an Apple Store in town today as well as a huge shopping centre. Bad news is my phone won't hold much data let alone upload to cloud so I have to email myself my pictures to my laptop and then delete them from my iphone to make space. Pain in the ass. When I return to Sk I will buy a camera. Ntl I have managed to make some space to take a few shots today. Visited the gothic church of St. Peter & Paul, Green Market square and Freedom Square. Check out the cock clock as it is known here. Rings everyday at 11 but should be at noon and no one can figure out what time it is. It was erected (literally) in 2010 and the representation is when the swedes invaded in 1645. Every new year it's wrapped in plastic to protect it from fireworks so it looks like a giant condom. Only in Europe! Amazing.Read more

    • Day 49

      Brno today

      October 22, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      What a beautiful sunny day today with a crisp note in the air. Walked the city today but all the churches seemed to be closed. There are 4 churches within .5km of each other here. There are also underground tunnels (labyrinths) which I am too chicken to explore by myself. Apparently the dearly departed who had the plague years ago were exhumed and strange things lurk there. Got a roommate, Yuchin from Taiwan bunking with me tonight and she works for Amazon in Bratislava. Will meet up with her when I go back. We had dinner together at a local beer tavern that was super busy and the beer and food was outstanding. Two beers, gulash with steamed dumplings and gravy and hot peppers with tip $10. No fotos because since I uploaded to iCloud I have no storage in my phone. Really ticked off. Will be purchasing a camera tomorrow if I can find a shop so I can take some pictures. It's a must as the sites here are incredible. Highly recommend Brno as a destination to see.Read more

    • Day 1

      Auf einen Sprung nach Brünn

      February 11, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      Ich finde ja jede große Reise sollte auf einem Bahnhof beginnen. Am besten auf einem großen, altehrwürdigen, imperialen ... oder zumindest einem coolen architektonischen Gustostückerl ... oder Du denkst Dir: Wir könnten beim Zurückfahren noch schnell beim Tesco einkaufen und fährst mit dem Auto. Und zwar nach Brünn.

      Die Anreise in die zweitgrößte Stadt Tschechiens ging flux vonstatten und schon waren wir da - wir und der Hunger. Ein Glück dass unsere Nachbarn keine Freunde des Hungers sind und schon rettete uns das gemütliche Restaurant Kolkovna mit Mährischen Spatzen (Schweinsbraten), Gulasch und Bier vor dem ansonsten sicheren Tode. Yummy.

      Gut gestärkt schlenderten wir dann durch die Stadt und schließlich zur UNESCO Villa Tugendhat. Dort wurden wir mit den freundlichen Worten "all tours are sold out for months" begrüßt. "But you could visit the garden". Na gut, dann halt der Garten. Eh nett.

      Nach der kalten Wanderung war die abendliche Sauna im Hotel genau das Richtige. Herrlich. Sehr schönes Haus im übrigen: Barceló Brno Palace - kann ich wärmstens empfehlen, falls es wen von Euch hier in die Gegend verschlagen sollte.
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    • Day 91


      July 7, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Its nickname is "Moravian Manchester". It is the second largest city in Czech Republic and it was dead the day we arrived.. I don't know if someone warned them we were coming but hopefully it was due to it being a Czech public holiday. This first day was largely taken up on the search for a chocolate crepe. They seem to like crepes here in Czech and as I do not share the obsession with Nutella with the rest of Europe, I dragged Stuart around the streets until we found actual chocolate.

      On the second day we did our first "free" walking tour here. Where you basically tip what you feel like. Definitely helped to add interest to the city and we learnt quite a lot about it and Czech humour. We saw a statue of two people fornicating on the side of a church, a huge horse that when you stand under it and look up it looks like a giant penis and their modernist astronomical clock which is shaped like a bullet but people think that it looks - again - like a giant...

      In Brno they ring the noon day bell at 11am and have done since 1645. The weary Swedish were close to conquering the city but agreed that if they had not done so by 12pm then they would leave and not return.. the sneaky Moravian Mancunians therefore decided to ring the bell at the Cathedral of St Peter and Paul an hour early at which point the Swedes promptly left and the city was saved.

      On the tour we met a lovely Finnish girl called Hanna, who was in Brno for a Bachelorette party. We ended up having lunch together and visiting a crypt under the Capuchin Monastry with Hanna. We also enjoyed a free Birdseye view of the city which we had learnt about on the tour.

      In the evening we headed to the coolest bar called Super Panda Circus. It is found behind a curtained doorway and you must ring the doorbell to be let in. You are then met by a doorman who explains how the bar works, shows you to a seat and brings a display of random items on sticks. You choose your drink by instinct (but you can see how much you are paying and the alcohol content!!).

      The drinks themselves were like works of art. Mine came accompanied by a lime and coriander ice lolly.. Hanna's had a marshmallow and an ice block branded with the bar's logo.. Stuart's came accompanied with a dish of enoki mushrooms.. All of this in a completely non-pretentious atmosphere. The bartenders were really friendly and the doorman didn't bat an eyelid at us in trainers and rainmacs. To top it all off the prices were half of what you'd pay at home. I would say this place is reason enough to stop over in Brno, and I don't even like cocktails!
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    • Tag 12 - Brünn

      August 6, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nah einem gemütlichen Mützchen bis fast halb 10 noch im Appartment gefrühstückt und die Sachen für die Weiterreise gepackt. Mit dem Bus zum Bahnhof Trutnov und von dort mit Umstiegen in Hradec Kralove und Paradubice weiter nach Brünn gefahren. Halbwegs pünktlich (wie immer auf dieser Reise) um halb 4 dort angekommen, ins Hotel gefahren und um 5 raus um die Brünner Innenstadt zu erkunden.
      Dort zunächst mal ein (sogar gutes) veganes Restaurant entdeckt und nach dem Essen weiter auf den Freiheitsplatz, wo grade ein Bierfestival stattfand. War etwas verwundert, dass wie zu vor-Covid-Zeiten gefeiert wurde und nachdem die Stimmung ganz nett war, hab ich mich noch auf zwei Biere hinzugesellt. Leicht wackelig noch den Rest der Innenstadt bewandert um gegen 20:00 noch einige Souvenirs für die Lieben zuhause zu besorgen. Letztlich gut und wohlbehalten im Hotel angekommen und den Abend bei einer letzten Spiele-Abendrunde beschlossen.
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    • Day 2

      Brno. What a surprise!

      July 29, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We discovered a wonderful city, full of life, energy, history. As soon as arrived we went to the center to eat something, and then to our hotel, efi hotel. Perfect place with swimingpool and free taxi to the center... even if you can reach the center with a 15 minutes walk.
      The aperitif in the central square (namesti nobody) was superlatif, also the visit to the Spielberg castle was pregnant of meanings, at least for the Itaoian history (Silvio pellico wrote there the book my preasons).

      After that.... water, water, water,... beer, beer , pivo... and food for a very cheap dinner (50 € for 5 people).

      Back to the hotel... the day is done!!!
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    • Day 3

      From Brno to Ostrava

      July 30, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This is a "trip" day. We had a good breakfast in the morning, then taxi to brno station. Surprise... our train to Ostrava is a bus... and we have to wait 2 hours... perfect to visit a park close to the station! Now we're in the bus... 2h and we will go to the station... direction CracowRead more

    • Day 4

      Prague's Astronomical Clock

      January 17, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ -2 °C

      A fascinating structure is Prague's Astronomical Clock-the Pride of Praha, a pure work of genius. It is made of all mechanical fixtures but one. It shows the seasons, the 24 hr and the 12 hr time measure, what zodiac the earth is in at the moment, and the phases of the moon (the one piece that gets hand-turned every night). It was originally installed back in the 1400s and legend says was commissioned by the city officials. The master clock maker amazed everyone and Prague was very proud of their clock. The city officials were SO happy with the clock and it's maker they threw him a big party with lots of wine and beer. Well into the party, the clock maker was quite wasted, which the city officials intended so they could cut out the clock maker's eyes and cut off his tongue. You see, while they were very pleased with the clock, they were also very afraid of some other city acquiring such a cool clock. In medieval times, instead of having civilised conversation and a contract with a non compete clause, people lose body parts.

      The legend goes on to say the clock maker got his revenge, however. Soon after his eyes and tongue were removed, he timed a well placed jump into the clock tower gears, ending his own life and the working of the clock for many, many years until someone smart enough could come around and rebuild it.

      That's not exactly what happened but it's a great story told as we walked the cobblestone streets. It is beautiful and on the hour, apostles come out and do a little jig, rooster crowing and everything. It is only one of three astrological clocks still in existence and the oldest one still working.
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    • Day 6

      Ankunft in Brünn / Tschechien

      June 3, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Und nun nach einer Umleitung mit 20km Umweg nach 510km endlich in Brünn angekommen. Nach diesem Rag war auch noch der Kellner im Biergarten eine echte Enttäuschung.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Brno, Brünn, برنو, Горад Брно, Бърно, Брно, Μπρνο, ברנו, Բռնո, BRQ, ブルノ, ბრნო, 브르노, Bruna, ब्रनो, Брно ош, เบอร์โน, ברין, 布爾諾

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