Tsjekkisk Republikk

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    • Dag 23


      14. mai 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute sind wir mehr oder weniger zufällig an terecin vorbeigefahren bis wir realisierten was für ein Ort dies ist. Es war sehr sehr bedrückend und eindrucksvoll.
      Das grausamste Tier ist und bleibt der Mensch.
      Nie wieder Faschismus.
      Viel mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen.
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    • Dag 7

      We survived Terezin

      11. august 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I had my reservations yesterday when the girls demanded to go to Terezin home of the infamous Terezin ghetto during WW2. Terezin is located an hour north of Prague. It would require a metro trip, a bus ride and a walk. Of course I only had a vague idea of when the bus would leave. It was going to be a hot day. I always get a little depressed going to concentration camps. Who doesn't. Despite my reservations I rose to the challenge.

      We got going early with a 7:30 wake up which is our earliest wake. We made it to the correct bus stop at the correct time. After the bus driver had fought back the masses we were allowed on the very hot bus. Maybe he was trying to warn us not to go but we don't understand Czech.We were the only tourists on the bus. I think he must have been related to the airport driver in Prague but he was driving a bus. I wasn't too bus sick when we arrived.

      The story of Terezin is almost unbelievable. Terezin was a walled fortress city before WW2. The Germans kicked out all of the 2000 inhabitants and used the city as a ghetto for thousands of Jewish people awaiting deportation to the death camps. Despite not being a death camp 33000 people died in Terezin from malnutrition and poor treatment. 155500 people passed through the ghetto, the majority of whom died before the end of the war. 15000 children. We visited the 2 museums in town, the colabarium, the crematorium. We couldn't find the hidden synagogue. It kept getting hotter as the day went on. Cheryl and I broke out our umbrellas for the sun. What I realized was odd about the town was that other than the 2 museum's the rest of the town was fully inhabited. People were living in buildings that had imprisoned Jewish people 75 years ago where many of them had died. If there are ghosts or spirits anywhere they must be in Terezin.

      Not to be outdone by Terezin the town, there was a small fort outside of Terezin where the SS had imprisoned and executed Czech political and resistance prisoners during the war. We walked out in the heat for more death and misery. After a tour of the execution grounds we all had had enough so we caught an even hotter bus back to Prague having survived our one day tour of a concentration camp. Today was definitely not a Disney tour day.
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    • Dag 5–6


      26. mars, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Heute wird ein guter Tag. Es wird wärmer. Die Sonne scheint. Das tut gut. Wir schauen uns heute Theresienstadt an. Eine Gedenkstätte.
      Zuerst spazieren wir im und um den Ort selber herum, später schauen wir uns die Gedenkstätte an.
      Kaum zu glauben, dass ein so schöner Ort eine so schreckliche Geschichte hat.
      Anschließend stellen wir uns auf einen Parkplatz in einem Park und machen uns erst einmal was zu essen bevor wir wieder auf den Stellplatz von letzter Nacht fahren. Hat es uns doch so gut gefallen hier.
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    • Dag 37

      Somber Terezín

      20. januar 2017, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ 🌫 -3 °C

      We didn't get to bed until after 12.30am. Kellie has sorted out her university subjects, well at least we hope that it is right. Up at 7am and went down for breakfast. Today it was garlic soup! Could you imagine how gassy you would be eating that first thing in the morning? No apples and custard, it was cous cous mushy stuff and fried onion ???. We are a bit over foreign food now. I might take the Vegemite down tomorrow and have vegemite and toast.
      We left the apartment by 9am and headed into the old town. It felt a lot colder this morning perhaps because we are a bit tired. We went to take some pictures but the town had a haze over it and it was overcast. We walked over Charles Bridge and took some photos. It is the first time my fingers have felt frozen. I haven't been wearing gloves as it's too awkward to take pictures, as my vest pockets have kept them warm enough. I had to fish out my gloves as I couldn't get my hands warm. We have seen these pastry things wrapped around a cylinder and slowly cooked like on a rotisserie. We saw them at one of the German markets. So we decided we should have a taste. We each had a different filling, mine was mixed berries with whipped cream. It was yummy except too much cream. We were still freezing cold and the kids had seen a torture museum the day before. I had done some research and knew it wouldn't take long to go through. It was long enough to warm us up again. We needed to head back towards our hotel as we had a tour at 12.30pm and had to find a quick lunch on the run. Unlike Germany there are very few bakeries or cafe's to grab a bite to eat. Our last resort was Maccas, not bad the kids haven't had it for 5 weeks.
      Our tour today took us out to Terezín. It is about an hour's drive from Prague towards Germany. Terezín the town was built as a part of a fortress in 1780 by the Austrian-Hungarian Empire as protection against their Prussian neighbours and was used during WWII as a Jewish Ghetto where the Jews from the area were forced to live. Out there also was the Gestapo prison which also served as a deportation camp sending trains to death camps, if they made it. We also visited a museum which unfortunately we only had 20 minutes in and we wished we had longer as it was so interesting and engaging. Once again our tour guide commented on how it's not usually this cold, it is unusual for it to be in the minuses.
      We arrived back in Prague about 5.30pm, once again did a bit of shopping for tea. I don't think we will need Emirates to fly home, I think we have eaten enough chicken we will be able to fly home ourselves.

      Photo 1 - Frozen on the bridge
      Photo 2 - Trdelník
      Photo - 3, 4, 5, 6 Terezín Memorial
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    • Dag 33

      11. Theresienstadt, 86km

      2. august 2020, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Wie versprochen fahren wir von Mělník nach Theresienstadt und zurück. Diese Stadt wurde im Krieg geräumt und als Durchgangslager für Nazi-Gefangene benutzt.
      Auf dem Hinweg fahren wir gemütlich auf dem neuen Radweg der Elbe entlang. Plötzlich hören wir bei Radice Lautsprecherdurchsagen und wir können einen Ruderwettkampf von Kanadier-Boooten beobachten.
      Wir zweigen später ab, Richtung Süden und kommen richtig aufs Land. Grosse Felder mit Hopfen, Kartoffeln, Kohl, Zwiebeln und anderen Gemüsen beherrschen das Bild. Nach Theresienstadt pedalen wir einen Teil auf Landstrassen, dann wieder auf dem Elberadweg zurück zum WoMo. Aber nicht, ohne vorher in einem hübschen Kaffee ein Glace (Eis) zu essen. "Daheim" nehmen wir als erstes ein erfrischendes Bad im See und geniessen ein selbstgemachtes Erdbeerfrappé.
      Wie vom MeteoSwiss angekündigt fallen um 16:30 die ersten Regentropfen, dazu passt ein Kaffee wunderbar.
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    • Dag 10

      Koncentrationslejren Theresienstadt

      30. juni 2013, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      På vej hjem fra Prag mod Tyskland kommer man tæt forbi koncentrationslejren Theresienstadt. Vi gamle havde været der før, men synes tøserne ville have godt af at opleve den. Jeg blev overrasket over hvor dybt et indtryk besøget gjorde på pigerne, men vi tror at det var en god ide at ligge vejen forbi.Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Kilometer 792 - Theresienstadt

      5. august 2018, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Theresienstadt, Garnisonsstadt und Festungsanlage.
      Natürlich auch Ghetto und Konzentrationslager, in denen viele Menschen umgekommen sind.
      Interessant auch, dass die russische Armee die Anlage bis 1996 nutzte..Les mer

    • Dag 20


      25. mars 2019, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Final concentration camp of my trip today. I think the way Prague and the Czech Republic as a whole remember the Holocaust is very simple but respectful. Small plaques stand in front of houses where victims lived, commemorating the individual lives that were taken by the Nazi's. The plaques themselves are made of a metal that becomes shinier the more it is walked on symbolising the fact that the more we ignore the past the more present it is. Drove along the road when the assassination of Heydrich took place, the road itself has changed dramatically over the years but is marked with another simple memorial. The past couple of days have given me a massive amount of respect for what Czechoslovakia (as it was at the time) went through at the hand of the Nazi's, and I am in awe by the resilience of the people here at the time and their resistance to the regime.Les mer

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