Czech Republic

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    • Day 5

      Prague here we come :)

      May 5, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we had a leisurely get up, packing up our suitcases once again to move on to the next destination. Amazingly we managed to find our way back to the train station with no problems. With an hour to kill we decided to look round the shops in the station. It was then off to platform 3 to board our train to Prague. When we first boarded the train it was packed full of people with every seating compartment full and so it was a painful 1hr perching on our suitcases, the floor, against a wall, stood up, basically we just couldn’t get comfy and being in front of the toilet door just didn’t help the situation. A quick game of eye spy and an episode of Orange is the new black lightened the mood and made time fly.

      Finally we reached the first stop off where the majority of people disembarked the train so into our own little compartment we went with our cases 😁😁😁. The journey was beautiful crossing through the bohemian Switzerland national park which is on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic.

      At 3.35pm we arrived into Prague! After figuring out how to use the underground and what ticket we needed it was off to find our apartment. We had to collect the keys from a cafe across the road. We were in and decided to have an hour having a nap (travelling and sitting on a train doing nothing is surprisingly tiring) 😂 All rejuvenated we put nicer, fresher clothes on and boarded the metro taking us into the old town of Prague.

      The first sight we found was Charles bridge over the Vltava river, looking at it from another bridge. We then wandered a bit further and found ourselves in the old town square containing the astronomical clock of Prague and lots of restaurants where we then decided to have some food. Just our luck it is marathon day tomorrow in prague 😂 so we will see how easy it is to get around in the morning.

      After a lovely meal we walked further into the old town around all the side streets looking in the shops, searching for bars and finding the nicest looking sweet shop whereby every sweet had been placed in a specific position fo create patterns. Considering Prague is stag central we saw hundreds of stag dos but couldn’t figure out which bars they were coming from. Our solution... follow them... we eventually found a nice cocktail bar, which was also an art gallery, (the bar made out of leaves and moss) where we sat and had a cocktail. When finished we walked a bit further to find ourselves actually crossing over charles bridge looking at Prague castle in the distance and for a brief second believing we had walked to France with what looked like the Eiffel tower in front of us. After a quick google we found out it was the Petřín Lookout Tower which was in fact inspired by the Eiffel Tower and looks out across prague and on a clear day across the whole of bohemia.

      It was approaching the last train time so we found our way back to the train station and made our way back to the apartment, leah and I sleeping on a double bed bunk and Katie on the sofa bed. Night.
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    • Day 6

      Prague 5th - 7th May

      May 6, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Waking up to sunshine and heat is something I could get used. We’ve been so lucky with the weather😁🌞 Today it is hot outside with temperatures in the 20’s so choice of attire was slightly different to the 2 previous destinations! We didn’t have any food in our apartment so we had to skip breakfast and decided we would just have brunch instead.

      We hopped on the underground, now understanding the system, with an app that takes you through getting place to place step by step (what would we do without modern technology). With the underground they have a system whereby you buy a 3 day pass and stamp it the first time you travel to validate it. We suddenly noticed we had stamped ours the wrong way round so every trip on the train after that we were praying no one asked to see our tickets, avoiding being fined. 😂

      Once in the centre of Prague we crossed over the river to find a nice cafe where we then sat and had lunch. In the distance we could see Prague castle and so when we had finished our meal we thought we would go and explore. After a steep walk up to the castle we were met with some incredible views of Prague looking down on all the terracotta roofs. On our way up there we saw a man with doves on both his arms giving them a drink out of a water bottle.

      As you enter the castle grounds you get searched and are more than aware of the massive guns the police and guards are holding 😬 After a quick stop to buy some water (feeling rather dehydrated after the climb) we started to explore. We started off by looking around the Old Royal Palace which was the original residence building built in the 9th century. Next it was into St Vitus Cathedral which was stunning! The stain glass was more vibrant than I’ve ever seen before and the scale of the building was incredible. After a quick coffee break, whereby Katie and Leah ordered ice coffee which came out as ice cream with a shot of coffee and then cream on top, we had a look in St George’s Basilica before wandering down Golden Lane, a lane which was once inhabited by defenders of the castle and servants.

      We spent much of the afternoon at the castle. On our list of things to do was to have cocktails overlooking Prague so we found a roof terrace (part of a very posh hotel) where we sat in the sun having cocktails with the clock tower behind us overlooking the old town square. Next on our agenda was to go straight back to the sweet shop we had previously found and get some to take home (not sure if they will make it home yet 😝) Walking around Prague we had noticed these unusual looking things called trdelnik. They look like a doughnut and are filled with ice cream. It seemed only right to try the local delicacy.. our thoughts... nothing special 😂 We had also noticed a lot more bars and clubs during the day which we had missed the night before and so we went into ‘one club’ (that’s the name of the place) for a glass of wine and to listen to the DJ. We noticed a sign on the door saying club night 22.30pm and so that was it our evening was decided.

      Back to the apartment we went to get ready, have a drink and sing along to the only English radio we could find on the TV before heading straight back to the club for a night of dancing 💃🏻 We had the best night and ended up being more or less the last people in there. After a quick McDonald’s (how you end every night out) we realised the public transport had stopped running and so we had a 25 minute walk up a very steep hill back to the apartment although time seemed to go pretty fast. 😂 It was straight into bed and I’m pretty sure we were asleep the moment our heads hit the pillow.
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    • Day 3

      FK Viktoria Žižkov - 1. SC Znojmo

      October 22, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Die Nacht war mal sehr entspannt und angenehm. So langsam gewöhnt man sich an Hostels.
      Dennoch ging es wieder früh hoch. Zunächst frühstückte ich und dann ging es zu einem absoluten Highlight der Tour. Von einigen Kumpels wurde mir schon viel erzählt zu dem Ground von Viktoria Zizkov.
      Rechtzeitig ging es dann zur eFotbal Arena, die nur knapp 10 Minuten zu Fuß von meinem Hostel entfernt war. Das Stadion ist mitten in der Stadt in einer Wohnsiedlung. Ein super geiler Old-School Ground. Ich war echt geflasht von dem Ding. Es gab eine Haupttribüne mit Überdachung. Die Tribüne gegenüberliegend hatte einiges an Charme. Sie war direkt an alten Gebäudemauern gebaut. Von diesen Mauern fiel nach und nach schon der Putz ab. Super geil! Ein Traum. Leider trübte der Besuch ein wenig, da laut Plakate das Stadion grunderneuert werden soll. Traurig sowas..

      Auswärtsfan waren ca. um die 20 mitgereist. Sie hatten einige Banner aufgehangen und ab und zu mal konnte man ihre wenigen Gesänge vernehmen. Na immerhin! Besser als gestern.
      Auf der Heimseite wurden hinter dem Tor auch ein paar Banner angebracht. Dort standen aber auch nur ca. 25 Leute mit einer Trommel. Hier war es ähnlich. Ab und zu mal waren sie zu hören, aber nichts spektakuläres was den Support angeht.
      Auch das Spiel war besser als das gestern gesehene!
      Die Partie startete recht furios und die Gäste aus Znojmo machten viel Druck und betonten direkt wer der Favorit ist.
      Sie spielten sich zahlreiche Chancen raus, die leider nicht genutzt wurden. Und so wie es häufig ist, fiel dann das Tor auf der Heimseite. Der Gastgeber machte mit der ersten richtigen Chance gleich das 1:0! Das war dann auch der Halbzeitstand und man war gespannt, wie es nach der Pause weitergeht.
      Und das war dann doch überraschend. Zizkov wurde immer mutiger und bestimmte nun das Spielgeschehen. Aber wie sollte es auch anders sein? Das Tor fällt auf der anderen Seite. Die Gäste gleichen mit einem super rausgespielten Angriff aus. Auf das gesamte Spiel gesehen, war das 1:1 mehr als verdient und gerecht. Doch die Hausherren wollten den Favoriten ärgern, der sichtlich, aufgrund einer aufreibenden Leistung, keine Kraft mehr hatte. Und ihnen gelang dann tatsächlich kurz vor Schluss noch das 2:1!
      Das war dann auch der Endstand.
      Aufgrund der zweiten Halbzeit war das schon verdient, aber zum Spiel gehören ja meist 2x 45 Minuten, aber im Fussball gewinnt halt nicht immer der Bessere.
      Ein absolut gelungener Start in den Tag, gutes Spiel, geiler Ground. So kann es weitergehen.
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    • Day 2

      U Houdku - Der Hinterhofbiergarten

      May 20, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Weiter ging es zu einem für uns noch unbekannten Lokal namens „U Houdku“ im Stadtteil Zizkov. Nachdem wir zunächst in die falsche Richtung gelatscht sind, kamen wir schließlich dort an. Betritt man das Lokal, so wird man durch eine Art dunkles altes Treppenhaus nach hinten in einen überraschend gemütlichen Hinterhofbiergarten geführt, wo wir uns dann gleich entschlossen, nicht nur was zu trinken, sondern auch was zu essen.
      Dunkles Kozel, wirklich gutes Essen und wir waren die einzigen Touristen dort. Auf jeden Fall ein Ort, an dem man gerne nochmal wiederkommt in Zukunft.
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    • Day 2

      Žižkov stolp

      November 7, 2021 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      S tramom se odpeljeva do Žižkovega stolpa kjer je več oddajnikov za TV. Najprej WC, saj sva komaj zdržala.
      V recepciji samega stolpa kupima karto za katero odštejema 20 €, za oba.
      Z dvigalom se povzpnema s hitrostji 4m na sekundo, vse do predzadnjega sklopa.
      Ogledava si celoten del ter občudujeva pogled na Prago, ki je mimogrede ogromna!
      Kot zanimivost naj povem še to, da je TV stolp po mnenju Avstralske internetne strani za turizem, bil 2009 razglašen za drugo najgršo stavbo na svetu.

      Praga ima 1,3 milijona prebivalcev in meri 20km × 25km.

      Po samem razgledu, se vrnema nazaj v središče. Tram naju odloži na Náměsti Republiky, kjer se napotima v shooping center PALLADIUM. Nič nisva kupila, sva si pa privoščila Kitajsko hrano v restavraciji Running sushi.
      Nisva bila preveč zadovoljna, ampak za prvo silo je bilo.
      Glede na to, da sva imela namen obiskati center Novy Smíchov, se odpraviva do tja.
      Prehodiva center in si privoščim Starbucks kavo. Posediva in v miru popijeva vsak svoj napitek.

      Glede na to, da je Praga zelo osvetljena. Se napotiva dalje do samega gradu ( kot da še danes nisva bila ).
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    • Day 5

      Prague we have arrived

      August 13, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      The struggle was real getting up this morning after our late night farewell to Vienna. We were all allergic to hearing the alarm go off at half6 but it had to be done because we had a 4hr train to Prague and wanted to make the most of the day.

      In Vienna we had been staying in an apartment which was great. We had loads of space, our own freedom to do what we want and eat when we want. The only downside was that we had to return the key back to the hotel associated with the apartment which was a 15min tram journey. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but on a Sunday trams are on a different schedule and run very intermittently. We allowed time for this but 30mins later still no tram. It was time for plan b, ring a taxi! There was no joy there either as the company wouldn't come out as far as we were. Very strange happenings with taxis in Vienna. Eventually we managed to flag one down. He thought we were mad to get a taxi to the hotel as it was in walking distance but once we explained the luggage and that we then needed to.go to the train station he was more understanding. We got there eventually and got our train without any hassle thankfully.

      Four hours of snoozing abd relaxing later we arrived in Prague. Then more hassle with taxis began. The minimum journey for a taxi is 15mins and our hotel was only 7mins away so joy for us there. Back into the station we went to sort out tram/metro tickets. We managed to get a three day pass for about €14, unbelievable value. Of course we took the long route to the hotel as we walked the opposite way to what Google maps told us to, but what's new there. We really need to invest in a compass.

      At the hotel we had some downtime before heading out to explore Prague. The hotel is basic but clean. We feel a little confined after all our space in Vienna but what do we expect when we are only paying €100 each in total for three nights in the city.

      We are right on the tram line so access to the town centre is very easy. We strolled through Wencless square for food and spent a couple of hours there eating and soaking up our surroundings.

      We ended up walking all the way to the Old town square with the astrological clock and around the meandering streets to St Charles Bridge. It was a wonderful time to be there looking out over the river. The late evening sun provided us with alternating shadows and raidiating light which means we capture amazing photos. I have a couple of my good camera that I am quite proud of. I can't wait to upload them on the laptop, hopefully they will still look as good!ha

      We got an amazing Prague dessert that was called Trdelink or a chimney. It is a twisted sweet pastry that is cooked over coals and then filled with a variety of fillings. Ais and myself both got homemade ice cream in ours. It was delicious!!

      15,000 steps later we decided that it was time to head towards the hotel. But of course we took the long rambling route home because we couldn't find a tram stop. It is good for our health I suppose!haha

      Our first night in Prague was not a wild one as none of us couldnt contribute any more to the day. I, in typical fashion, fell asleep as the girls were pottering around the room. Nothing was going to disturb me from my sleep !!

      One key thing from the day was that nothing around Prague looked familiar to me from my last visit. That heat stroke really hit me hard! I may as well have never been here!!
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    • Day 1


      October 20, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌫 10 °C

      Nach einer echt langen Fahrt mit Zwischenstops in Potsdam und Dresden erreichte ich dann endlich den Busbahnhof von Prag. Zumindest ab Dresden wurde die Fahrt lustig, da ein JGA zugestiegen ist und die nur Müll gelabert haben! Ganz nach meinem Geschmack.
      Am Busbahnhof holte ich mir dann erstmal ein 3-Tages-Ticket für ganz Prag für knapp 12€! Was ein Schnapper, wenn man überlegt dass ich alleine von Kutenholz nach Hamburg 8€ für eine Fahrt gezahlt habe!
      Danach ging es dann zu Fuß zum Hostel.
      Ich bin sehr gespannt wie es hier wird. Das Personal super freundlich und das Hostel ist auch Top. Jedoch gibt es in unserem 8er Zimmer keine Vorhänge vor den Betten. Steckdosen am Bett habe ich auch noch nicht gefunden....naja schauen wir mal!
      Heute geht's glaub ich nur noch auf 1-2 Bier in die hoteleigene Bar. Morgen heißt es denn endlich Fussball :-)
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    • Day 6

      Clown & Bard Hostel Prague

      June 29, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      So after a 4 and a half hour Interrail journey from Berlin to Prague yesterday, we arrived in the city at around 3:30pm! We found our hostel which is definitely the best hostel we've stayed in so far; friendliest people, soooo cheap and amazing rooms! Last night we found a cider bar which served 40 different ciders! We then had two pints in our hostel which would come to just over £2 at home! Today we explored the Old Town which was genuinely so beautiful! We also took a visit to the Prague Beer Museum which served over 30 different draught beers! All in all Prague has been a 10/10 stay!Read more

    • Day 6

      Prag Tour Nr. 1

      August 30, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Dickes Danke an Eva, unsere Guide-Frau tagsüber!👍👍👍
      Super viel gesehen, erfahren und wir hatten sie sogar für uns alleine.
      Prag ist wirklich so eine schöne Stadt!!!

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Žižkov, Zizkov, Жыжкаў, ژیژکوف, Жижков

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