Inner City

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    • Day 41

      Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen

      October 24, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today we head north to Copenhagen. Gui has kindly offered to drive us to the airport. We arrived with plenty of time as it is the start of the school holidays for the Walloons and so the airport was pretty busy. Having said that the check-in was smooth and quick as was clearing security. Once through to the other side we did a bit of window shopping and we stopped to have a wine as we still had about an hour to kill before boarding.

      Finally, we were on our way and on time. The predicted bad weather hasn’t eventuated and so we have a fairly easy flight up to Copenhagen. We catch a taxi to our apartment which is in the very heart of the city. Our host Anna is here to greet us, and luckily she is fit and young enough to assist with our luggage as we are on the 3rd floor and the stairs are steep and shallow. The apartment is wonderful, a combination of old world style and architecture combined with some modern amenities.

      After settling in we walk around to a wonderful square that is full of restaurants, we are spoiled for choice. We decide on a French place Le Pavé, which looks really good and has a table for us. Brigitte orders the fried Turbot and I decide on the Coq au Vin which comes with the most delicious mashed potatoes I have ever had and we have a bottle of Pinot Noir to accompany the meal. It is an absolutely delicious meal but the servings are so generous there is no possibility of dessert or coffee.

      We then head back around the corner to our apartment and get a pretty early night as it has been a big day.
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    • Day 3


      November 28, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Hamburg war schön, doch leider hatten wir die Fähre verpasst die uns von Fynshav nach Bøjden bringen sollte.
      Darum sind wir richtung Flensburg gefahren und über Kolding dann nach Kopenhagen.

      Nach 5h fahrt sind wir in Kopenhagen angekommen. Mit den grossen Brücken über die Meere war sehr aufregend, den der Wind drückte uns hin und her.

      Kaum angekommen waren wir schon auf der suche nach den Sehenswürdigkeiten.
      Durch den vielen Verkehr haben wir leider die Hafegasse mit den vielen farbigen Häuser nicht gsehen.
      Doch die Kleine Meerjungfrau war mir sehr wichtig, dass ich die mal sehen darf und so zoges uns zu ihr.
      Am "Abend"giengs schon weiter nach Malmö. Um 16 Uhr siehts hier aus als wäre es 20 Uhr, was richtig faszinierend ist.

      Aber da es schnell dunkel wird, haben wir die Sehenswürigkeiten von Malmö auf morgen verschoben.
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    • Day 43

      Kopenhagen 2.0

      September 11, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Von Oslo führen zwei Wege zurück nach Europa, also in das richtige Europa - das mit der Union, Ihr wisst schon 😁.
      Entweder man nimmt die Fähre von der Südspitze Norwegens nach Hirthals, Dänemark oder man fährt etwas weiter östlich durch Schweden nach Kopenhagen. Kopenhagen? Da waren wir doch schon und fanden es ganz prima . Da fahren wir doch einfach nochmals vorbei.
      Von Oslo aus gibt es auch eine Autobahn und man schafft die fast 650 Kilometer recht entspannt in ca 6 Stunden. In Schweden darf man sogar 120 fahren. Das ist fast deutsche Richtgeschwindigkeit und das fühlt sich nach 4.500 Kilometern in Norwegen einfach gut an. Fast, als ob man flöge.
      In Helsingborg muss man sich entscheiden, ob die Fähre oder die Weiterfahrt über die Öresundbrücke die erste Wahl ist. Wir googeln ein wenig und stellen fest. Die Fähre ist für 25 Minuten Überfahrt wirklich teuer. Die Brücke kostet genau so viel. Und das ist kein Zufall - man versucht durch gleiche Preise eine Kannibalisierung eines der beiden Transportwege zu verhindern. Hört sich jetzt irgendwie nach Kartell an, aber was soll's - wir nehmen die Brücke, das ist auch flexibler.
      Und wieder staunen wir über diese Riesenbrücke . Selbst die große Fähre , die fast genau unter uns durchfährt, wirkt klein.
      In Kopenhagen stellen wir das Auto ab und steigen sofort wieder auf die Räder um. Ein Auto ist hier nur hinderlich. Und auch auf dem Rad musst Du echt aufpassen. Die fahren wie die Verrückten. Der Däne radelt so, wie der Italiener Auto fährt - rote Ampel, das ist eher eine Empfehlung, denn ein Verbot. Wir mutieren schnell auch zum Kampfradler. Wir sind Deutsche, bei Aggressionen im Straßenverkehr macht uns keiner nass !
      Uli hat vor ein paar Tagen gefragt, welche Stadt uns am besten gefallen hätte - Kopenhagen, Stockholm oder Oslo. Diplomatisch wie wir sind, haben wir keinen Sieger benannt. Das war ein Fehler. Kopenhagen liegt vorne. Alle drei Städte sind toll und modern. In Kopenhagen spürt man aber eine gewisse Leichtigkeit. Hier ist so viel los , die Menschen sind auf der Straße und freundlich, gut gelaunt (solange sie nicht radeln). Es wirkt so, als gäbe es hier keine Probleme. Natürlich gibt es auch hier Probleme, keine Frage, aber die Kopenhagener scheinen anders damit umzugehen. Hier fühlt man sich einfach wohl.
      Wir radeln am Abend zu einem foodcourt etwas außerhalb des Stadtzentrums. Am Wasser sitzen die Menschen, essen, trinken, schauen auf die Stadt oder chillen bei Musik am Feuer. Keine Probleme halt ....:
      Im Hotel verstauen wir unsere Räder und gehen in den vinyl room. Da steht tatsächlich ein Plattenspieler und es liegen alte Schallplatten herum. Die Hotelgäste können sich hier Musik anhören.
      Für einen Schallplattenfan ist der Zustand der Platten und der Umgang damit schauderös, aber wir hören eine Stunde verschiedene songs an und freuen uns . Es kommen ein paar andere Gäste von der Bar zu uns und hören mit. Nostalgie pur 😎.
      Morgen haben wir kein Programm, wir lassen uns treiben und schauen was passiert und was die Stadt uns bieten und zeigen wird.
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    • Day 25

      Day 25: Copenhagen to Kolding

      May 8 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Spent a lovely day in Copenhagen. Walked the round tower. Hoofed it to the Viking ship museum. I also visited an art gallery while Graham was reading Viking material. More drinks in Middlefart. Settled again in Kolding. Love this town. Definitely one of our favourites so far.Read more

    • Day 51

      Saturday in Copenhagen

      October 19, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We have left Norway. Woke this morning to a grey drizzly morning, and were very thankful for the lovely rain-free day we had yesterday exploring Oslo. So after breakfast and leisurely packing up we went to the airport, as no point hanging round, and getting wet. Oslo airport very organised and not to large. We did have one drama though - Amr, very unusually, made a crazy mistake....we were at the self-serve bag drop, had had boarding passes and bag tags printed, and Amr put his bag up before he tagged it, then scanned the tag (which was still in his hand) and off went the bag away on the belt before he could catch it!! General panic (by us) but SAS are very efficient, and assured him that they would catch it and tag it before it got any further....but it was a moment of horror, and we didn’t feel totally secure until it came out, actually one of the first! at Copenhagen.

      So all was well, and it was SO easy to get into the city from the airport - the metro goes right to the airport and took us to right near our hotel. We knew which stop, and it is quite in the centre with many shops, restaurants and hotels nearby. So easy, and even cheap by Norwegian standards! About equivalent to $15 for the 2 of us. The train to Oslo airport, which was very handy and easy also, was about 4 times the price, and even had seniors from 67, so Amr just missed out!!

      Our hotel is great. It is another of these Scandinavian modern minimalist hotels. Small spotless rooms, everything works, everything fits, no nonsense! If there are 2 people there is a second doona, pillow and set of towels in a drawer under the bed (you always get a doona each here it seems). And amazingly great wifi in all the hotels, and even on the boat.

      So, once we had dumped the bags we went out to get a feel of the city. It is mountains in Denmark. Also, just remembered, we saw what I think was “the Bridge” as we flew in! We had left the clouds over Oslo, and it was even sunny here, though has descended into rain this evening. Reasonable forecast for tomorrow though. We can’t help noticing all the absolutely beautiful young Scandinavian girls...they all have perfect skin, and are remarkably gorgeous - maybe from lack of sun!

      We walked around, it was Saturday afternoon, and a clear day, so everyone was out and about, walking in the cobbled pedestrian streets. Saw the royal palace (slot, which I realise is a Schloss)..but am not sure if this is the royal residence, or just a show place, as there were no visible guards like Buckingham Palace, but maybe the Danes are more casual!! Will find out more...Amr plans to find the Danish design museum tomorrow, and also we found another Viking museum here which should be good! So if it gets rainy there is plenty of inside stuff to do. Had dinner at a restaurant along a canal were there are many eateries. It was lovely...I actually had a very nice steak, and Amr had Danish meatballs. Cold by then. We had come south, and when we arrived felt too hot in thick jackets, but it certainly cooled off. Not much photo taking this afternoon.
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    • Day 2


      June 6 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      In Kopenhagen angekommen schlenderte ich durch die Altstadt, die Schlossgärten, das Hafenviertel und durch die Freistadt Christiana. Es gab viel zu sehen und zu erkunden und gerade die Freistadt war sehr interessant da es wie eine eigene kleine Welt war. Nach dem aufregenden Tag und einer anstrengenden Nacht, in der Nähe, wollte ich dann aber weiterfahren.Read more

    • Day 22

      Letzter Stopp, Kopenhagen

      July 22, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Der Tag in Kopenhagen, der letzte unserer faszinierenden Fahrt durch das "Nordmeer", war mit ca. 18*C, der wärmste unserer ganzen Reise. Morgen früh legen wir dann wieder in Warnemünde an.
      Wir haben die Zeit sehr genossen, aber jetzt freuen wir uns auch wieder auf euch alle und auf Zuhause!
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    • Day 14

      Copenhague D3

      August 7, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Nous avons eu la chance de découvrir aujourd'hui Copenhague en novembre... pluie +++ et surtout gros gros vent froid..
      Ce matin, marché couvert, puis nous allons à Rosenborg...mais il y a tellement de monde que nous renonçons, avec l'idée d'y revenir en fin d'après-midi. Nous repartons vers le centre, passage par le magasin du nord, version danoise des Galeries Lafayettes, puis repas au restaurant du musée national. Là il faut tout d'abord se sécher le pantalon au sèche-mains des toilettes... ensuite, nous y trainons un peu, avant de retourner au Rosenborg. Puis retour chez nous faire les sacs pour demain.Read more

    • Day 4

      Silvester in Kopenhagen

      December 31, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      Heute haben wir Silvester in Kopenhagen verbracht. Vom Nyhavn bis hin zum Christiania haben wir alles zu Fuß erkundet, haben uns anschließend mit Burger und Fish n Chips gestärkt und sind in einem gemütlichen Pub mit guter Laune Musik eingekehrt, um der Silvesternacht entgegen zu tanzen. Punkt 12 Uhr konnten wir das Feuerwerk am Hafen bewundern.
      Wir sind beeindruckt von der sauberen, wunderschönen Hafenstadt!
      Wobei Christiania - ein autarkes Viertel mit eigenen Regeln- schon etwas befremdlich war.... 😅
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    • Day 100


      June 25, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We started our 100th day of the trip right by doing a free walking tour (we love doing these when we visit new cities)! We met at city hall, which was actually modelled after a cathedral in Siena, Italy. We found out that this was actually the 6th city hall and it was constructed in 1905.

      We then proceeded to walk through the city, learning a lot of fun facts along the way, including that:
      - Like Oslo and Stockholm, Copenhagen has also experienced a lot of large fires (it seems to be a theme in Scandinavia where they loved building with wood!!) In 1728, there was The First Great Fire which was started by a candle in someone's house and the couple blamed it on their 7 year old son! That poor kid was blamed for having burnt down half the city!
      - In 1795, Copenhagen had its Second Great Fire where the other 50% of the city burnt down. After this, the city made some changes to try and prevent further fires such as making the streets much wider, they changed the corners of the streets so they didn't use 90 degree angles (so it was easier for fire-fighters to get around to houses) and there were rules about the construction materials which had to be used in Danish houses (I.e. they couldn't be made fully of wood).
      - Danes pay a lot of taxes but have free school, university, health care and uni students get paid to go to uni plus support in finding new jobs. This is part of the reason why Danish people always score very high on the "happiness index" being considered some of the happiest people in the world.
      - We walked past the house of the founder of Carlsburg's beer. Carlsburg was founded because the founder wanted to create the best beer in the world and travelled to many European cities to try different beers. He discovered that the first step was to ensure they had clean water and the problem in Copenhagen was that the beer there didn’t have taste consistency (because they used different yeasts which always tasted differently). With the king's approval (who just so happened to be a fan of beer), the founder set up a brewery just outside the city walls and discovered a great yeast that they shared with rest of world to help everyone have good beer! The yeast was discovered in 1883 and hence the Calsberg 1883 special beer was born!
      - There are more bikes than people in Denmark and over 50% of people use bikes as transport, with bicycle highways to get from suburbs into main cities. There is quite a bit of bike theft in the city so people usually use their "worst" bike for riding into the city and then their "nice" bike for visiting friends.
      - We had a quick language lesson, learning some phrases in Danish. We like that "hej" is hello and "hej hej" is goodbye. We learnt about the concept of "hygge" (which doesn't have a direct English translation. A lot of English words are derived from Danish/the language the Vikings used. For example, "by" is the word for town/city in Danish so any English towns which end in "by" were Viking towns.

      During the walking hour, we visited a number of nice squares and buildings in Copenhagen including Christianborg which was a palace built for the royal family but they didn't want to use it so it is today used as the Parliament house. We also saw many students wearing particular caps which looked like sailor hats and riding around in trucks playing music loudly and drinking as we walked around. We even saw some of them jumping in the fountains! This is a Danish tradition for when students graduate high school and the trucks drive them around to each family of the families, having drinks all day and night!

      We finished the tour in front of the Royal Palace and then headed into the Marble Church - a very European looking church in the heart of Copenhagen. Of course, we spoke about the modern love story of Prince Frederick and Princess Mary (who met at the Sydney Olympics). Interestingly, we learnt that the Danish royal family is the second oldest royal family (after Japan) so other European royal families have to bow to them when they meet up.

      We then had a walk through the Kings Garden and stopped in the Botanical Garden for a quick lunch break before heading into the Rosenberg Castle. The castle had 3 above ground levels and one basement level, housing many artefacts from the Danish royal family, from paintings to sculptures and even some creepy wax figures of kings and queens! It was the home of where the royal family used to live and then where the royal family housed their dearest and most expensive possessions. We finished off the tour with a viewing of the magnificent Crown Jewels in the treasury.

      We continued our walking through Copenhagen to our last stop of the day, Tivoli Gardens. This is the second oldest amusement park in the world but also contains some pretty gardens, fountains and a lake in the centre. We also went on one of the oldest running wooden roller coasters in the world (built in 1914) which was lots of fun (see funny photo of our faces!)

      We enjoyed some organic burgers at Tivoli for dinner before watching the light and water show in the main lake at 10:30pm to end an incredible day of exploring!
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    Indre By, Inner City

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