Republika Dominikany
Republika Dominikany

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    • Dzień 10

      Out of order

      23 kwietnia 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Einer von uns dreien ist erst mal raus... Christian hat sich was eingefangen. Wir vermuten es war der Meeresfrüchtesalat. Das Ergebnis ist Magen-Darm mit leichtem Fieber, zusätzlich hohem Flüssigkeitsverlust und dadurch auch Kreislaufprobleme. Wir waren sogar gestern und heute beim Arzt hier im Hotel, der Christian auch gleich ins Krankenhaus bringen wollte, was natürlich nicht auf viel Gegenliebe stieß. Mit viel Flüssigkeit gestern und heute inklusive Elektrolytlösung und etwas Paracetamol gegen das Fieber ging es dann auch langsam wieder bergauf.
      Gestern waren Luise und ich dann auch alleine unterwegs und haben uns mit am Strand buddeln, im Pool planschen und im Kids Club spielen beschäftigt. Luise könnte auch den ganzen Tag im Kids Club bei den Tanten sein, bei denen sie aktuell der Star ist. Mir reichen dann aber abends nach dem Essen die Spiele und die Mini Disco.
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    • Dzień 11

      Alles wieder im Lot

      24 kwietnia 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Christian geht es wieder gut und auch das Wetter ist wieder perfekt. So haben wir uns das vorgestellt. Etwas schlapp ist Christian aber noch, deshalb bleiben wir auch heute noch mal im Hotel, da uns ja auch morgen eine ganztägige Bootstour erwartet. Luise ist mit einem Pooltag auch ganz zufrieden. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 12

      I am sailing...

      25 kwietnia 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Um 8.30 Uhr werden wir abgeholt und mit einem Taxi zum Hafen nach Bayahibe gebracht. Mit einem Katamaran geht es mit dem Wind zur Isla Soana. Ein echtes Abenteuer, vor allem wenn man die ganze Zeit hinter einem laufenden Meter her ist, der alles total aufregend findet.
      Die Crew ist super organisiert und kümmer sich hervorragned um alles. Auch das Essen ist toll. Zwischendurch gibt es sogar die Möglichkeit vom Boot aus ins türkisblaue Wasser zu springen. Luise wäre am liebsten noch länger drin geblieben.
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    • Dzień 14

      Das war es dann doch nicht wert...

      27 kwietnia 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Nach dem Boatstrip haben wir uns und vor allem Luise gestern einen Tag Erholung gegönnt, die doch etwas Schlaf nachzuholen hatte.
      Heute sollte es dann aber noch mal mit dem Auto nach LaRomana gehen. Zum einen um im Jumbo Markt Schnaps zu kaufen und zum anderen um Altos de Chavón zu besichtigen. Altos de Chavòn ist ein Nachbau eines mediterranen Dorfes aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, welches in den 80ern erbaut wurde. Es befindet sich in einer eingezäunten, bewachten Wohnanlage mit Hafen, Geschäften, Golfplatz und Hotel.
      Um auf das Gelände zu kommen müssen wir einen Tagespass kaufen, der für 2 Erwachsene 60 US $ kostet (knapp 60 €). Das Areal ist riesig und schön angelegt. Der Hafen erinnert an ein mediterranes Dorf und hier liegen bestimmt einige Millionen vor Anker.
      Der Bereich Altos de Chavòn am Fluss Chavòn ist schon interessant und toll angelegt. Das Amphitheater ist beeindruckend, aber es nimmt uns alles nicht so ganz mit. Christian hätte gerne Aufnahmen aus der Luft gemacht, allerdings ist das nicht erlaubt. Und ob ich Fotos einfach so machen darf, weiß ich gar nicht so genau. Im Nachhinein lese ich auf der Homepage was von 200$ für eine Fotosession.
      Alles in allem ist Altos de Chavòn sehenswert. Durch die hohen Kosten für den Tagespass, den wir gar nicht voll nutzen, da Luise nach einiger Zeit quengelig wird und Mittagschlaf machen muss und somit nur ca. 1 1/2 Stunden bleiben, bleibt ein Gefühl abgezockt worden zu sein. Naja... auch wir tappen mal in eine Tourifalle...
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    • Dzień 13

      Weiter chillen🤣

      25 kwietnia 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Es ist wirklich schön zu sehen, wie Coopi mit den anderen Kindern Kontakt hat- uns schwant schon wie Urlaube werden, wenn er älter ist😄😄😄🥰🤗
      Und wir müssen wirklich immer gut gucken, wo der Floh ist, denn ER guckt nicht, ob ihm einer folgt, wenn er losdüst!! Er ist im Hotel wohl schon bekannt als der Dreikäsehoch, der immer eingefangen werden muss🙈
      Wir waren am Samstag noch kurz bei einem Larimarstein-Schmuck und Zigarrenhändler, der Vertragspartner von DERTours ist, um den ZAHLREICHEN Fälschungen zu entgehen. Zigarren gibt's hier nämlich unter Umständen mit Zeitungspapiergeschmack und Steine aus Glas/Porzellan.

      Eigentlich wollten wir heute noch auf die Insel Saona fahren, aber gestern Abend hatten wir beide plötzlich Durchfall, was jetzt über den Tag zwar besser ist, Adi aber noch unfit ist- naja, der Strand hier ist auch bombe und wir sind ja nicht das letzte Mal hier- für den Anfang auch Challenge genug😄😄 trotzdem natürlich ein bißchen schade😐
      Dafür hatten Coopi und Alfonsina noch ganz viel Zeit zusammen, inklusive Küßchen🥰 Sie reist heute Abend ab mit ihren Eltern- später mal wird sie auf eine Deutsche Schule gehen, das steht schon fest, und ihre Studienreise nach Deutschland machen- wer weiß, was das Schicksal da vor hat?😉😄

      Das Highlight (in Coopis Augen) sind übrigens die Trecker am Strand , die ab und zu Seegras wegfahren- ein prima Urlaub, wenn die hier sogar Trecker haben 😂😂
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    • Dzień 4

      El Loro

      29 maja 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Even though we went to bed late, I woke up early and went for a walk along the beach. I almost reached Playa Ballena, when a friend texted me if we wanted to have Breakfast together. So I met her at a restaurant where we started by ordering a coffee. Although we had only ordered „un cafécito con leche de almendra“, they brought us a fruitsalat with papaya, mango, ananas and melon, so we didnt even need to order a breakfast anymore. In the afternoon we went to the beach in front of a place called Loro, where it was so windy that after a couple of minutes laying there we were completely covered by sand. We gave up the idea of sunbathing the whole afternoon and drank a very refreshing campari spritz instead. In the evening I went to the rooftop alone, ate a salad made of the leftovers we still had in the fridge and really enjoyed the time I had by my own. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7

      Playa El Anclón

      1 czerwca 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today there was no dive, however we had a meeting instead, where I met Jonathan, the biologist we‘re working for, for the first time. During the meeting we discussed everything that needs to be done and even though meeting sounds boring when you could go diving instead, I absolutely loved it. I could ask as many question as I wanted, I could come up woth ideas and I felt as if I could actually make a change. This made me so happy to realize thaz this peoject is partly also in my hands and thaz I am responsible for it such as everybody else, because we‘re working as a team. I wouldnt go as far as to say that I took over the lead (Rio, as the one who has been there the longest still is mainly in charge) but I did talk and discuss a lot, actually way more than anyboby else and Jonathan seemed to like it. I even proposed the diving plan for the next day. Right after the meeting we went working on pur 3d coral models at the diving center. But before I could go I had to prepare lunch fpr Theresa, I had promised I would do it. Apart from Pasta , maybe a sunny side up egg and a wrap, Theresa doesnt know how to cook at all. But since I could only prepare the piadinas and not actually cook them because I had to leave, I wrote her a paper with very accurate instructions on how she had to do everything. While working on the computer the cute boy was there again and entertained me, his sister even made braids all over my head. After we went to a mangrove beach and after dinner we met Jonas, Robin and Tim for drinks at the beach. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 18

      Lazy Day

      12 czerwca 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After a dive in the morning and a crazy evening on Saturday with a lot of dancing and driving a car for 5 people with 11 people in it, today was officially named “lazy sunday”. This day started off with brunch on the rooftop at 12:30 pm, where everzbody brought something, which could be shared. I prepared porridge after a Jamie Oliver recipe and it turned out delicious, it will definitely become my new to-go. Other than that we had lots of fruit, Eggs, Yogurt and fresh juices. We hung around at the beach the whole afternoon, went into the water and slept. In late afternoon the waves got bigger and some surfers started showing off their skills. It was reallz fun watching them do a handstand on their board and falling in the water. Now, totally tired, after a walk around the “pueblo” with René, i’ll go to sleep. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 19

      Mosquito Beach Bar

      13 czerwca 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Paradise found, that‘s what I thought when we walked into Mosquito Beach Bar at El Porillo. Also, this is what I call a perfect afternoon. I had to fill up some tanks earlier after the diving but didn‘t get bored because Sola was entertaining me perfectly all the time. It‘s surprising, the amount of cuddles this dog needs:) And with her cute puppy eyes I just couldnt say no..:) After the last tank and the cuddle session, I walked to Punta Poppy and from there all the way along the Beach to the Mosquito beach bar, we had seen so many times while driving by but had never checked out. We stayed there the whole afternoon and tried the delicious frozen daiquiris they offered us. To get back i got on a GuaGua, another typical method of transport in the Dom Rep, whoch was full of dominicans coming home from work or the groceries. They were all laughing, talking and some of them even singing. I love this culture. In the Evening we made Avocado toast and later on I had a „date“ with Micka, a guy I met at the beach, who wanted to introduce me to the owners of the „best ice cream shop“ in Las Terrenas and buy me an ice cream. We shared our ice creams so we got to know different flavours as for example Guanábana. In the end he admitted that he already knew all of them;) Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 20

      people, cars and dirt - Santo Domingo

      14 czerwca 2022, Republika Dominikany ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Since Nina‘s passport had been stolen a couple of weeks ago when she had been mugged in the capital, she needed a new one in order to fly out of the country. She already had to postpone her flight to a week later, but finally on tuesday they gave her an emergency appointment at the dutch embassy in Santo Domingo to get a provisional travel document.
      I knew how dangerous Santo Domingo was for a girl on her own, so I offered her to accompany her to the capital. We hat to take the bus leaving las Terrenas at 5am in the morning. When we arrived in Santo, we still had 2 and a half hours to kill, so we went to the ciudad colonial by uber and ate breakfast in a café where everything is 100% glutenfree and based on coffee. I was delighted! I had a really tasty Chai latte, an espresso and delicious oat pancakes with fruit and honey. I still dream of them now. Afterwards we headed to the embassy where in total we had to wait for 2 hours. In between we left the building once to go and take colour- pictures of Nina for her Passport, because she had only brought black and white ones. At the studio we asked the owner to take some pictures of us together and even though it was meant as a joke at first, we ended up having a fotoshoot.
      During our wait we played all possible games and we laughed a LOT. Even the security guards had fun watching us.. we caught them laughing:)
      When we finally had the new passport we checked out two malls, of which one is the famous Àgora Mall, but it had nothing special really. So we decided to get the 3pm bus back to Las Terrenas. As we got to the bus station, which is located in one of the worst parts of the city, almost a ghetto, we noticed we didnt have enough money to pay for the busride. We searched online for „cajeros“, atm‘s, close to us and found one in 5 mins walking distance. We started walking and soon understood that it had been a bad, really bad idea. The pathway along the road we were walking on got tighter and tighter, the cars to our sides were rushing past crazy fast, people were staring at us, talking to us, trying to reach out for us. I had my phone in my hand for the google maps, some guys screamed and shouted at me to put my phone away because otherwise somebody would rip it off me. There were people lying on the street, people walking past us, trash everywhere and a really bad smell. We got to a crossing where the sidewalk was very narrow, we had to cross the street but the cars didnt seem to ever stop. Suddenly a guy came up to us and asked us what we were doing here and told us that it was very dangerous. With tears in my eyes I told him we needed money and thank god he lead us to an atm. We got the money and walked back as fast as we could, got on the bus and drove home. I felt really bad afterwards. Reality had really hit me and i had a lot to think about. At night I went to salsa class to distract me and it worked. Later on I went for a dance at Babylon with Mickah. All in all, interesting day.
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    Dominican Republic, Dom. Republik, Dominikaanse Republiek, Dɔmeneka Kurokɛse, Dominikanische Republik, ዶሚኒክ ሪፑብሊክ, Republica Dominicana, جمهورية الدومينيك, جمهورية الدومينيكان, República Dominicana, Republika Duminikana, Dominik Respublikası, دومینیکن جمهوریتی, Доминика Республикаһы, Dominikanang Republika, Дамініканская Рэспубліка, Доминиканска Република, Dɔmimiki republiki, ডোমেনিকান প্রজাতন্ত্র, ཌོ་མིནནི་ཀན་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ།, ডোমিনিকান প্রজাতন্ত্র, Republik Dominikan, Dominikanska Republika, Доминикана Бүгэдэ Найрамдаха Улас, Dominica Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók, Доминикан Республика, Republikang Dominikano, کۆماری دۆمینیکان, Dominikan Cumhuriyeti, Dominikánská republika, Gweriniaeth Dominica, Den Dominikanske Republik, Cumhuriyetê Dominika, Dominikańska republika, ޑޮމިނިކަން ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ, Dominika repɔblik nutome, Δομινικανή Δημοκρατία, Domingo, Dominikaani Vabariik, Dominikar Errepublika, Repúbrica Dominicana, جمهوری دومونیکا, Ndenndanndi Dominika, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, Dominikanalýðveldið, République Dominicaine, Rèpublica domeniquêna, Dominikaans Republiik, Dominikaanske Republyk, An Phoblacht Dhoiminiceach, Dominikan Respublikası, Poblachd Dhoiminicia, República Dominica, डोमिनिकन गणराज्य, ડોમિનિકન રીપબ્લિક, Yn Phobblaght Ghominicagh, Jamhuriyar Dominika, Dominica Khiung-fò-koet, הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית, डॉमिनिकन गणतंत्र, Dominikanska republika, Dominikani, Dominikai Köztársaság, Դոմինիկյան Հանրապետություն, Republica Dominican, Republik Dominika, Republika a Dominikano, Dominikana Republiko, Dóminíska lýðveldið, Repubblica Dominicana, ドミニカ共和国, Républik Dominika, დომინიკელთა რესპუბლიკა, Jamhuri ya Dominika, Доминикан Республикасы, សាធារណរដ្ឋដូមីនីកែន, ಡೊಮೆನಿಕ್ ರಿಪಬ್ಲಿಕ್, 도미니카 공화국, Komara Domînîk, Repoblek Dhominikanek, Доминика Республикасы, Res publica Dominicana, Dominikanesch Republik, Lipubulika ya Dominika, Dominicaanse Rippubliek, Repubbrica Dominicann-a, Repübliga Dominicana, Repibiki ya Domínikɛ, ສາທາລະນະລັດໂດມິນິກັນ, Dominikos Respublika, Ditunga wa Duminiku, Dominikānas Republika, Repoblika Dominikanina, ഡൊമിനിക്കന്‍ റിപ്പബ്ലിക്, डोमिनिकन प्रजासत्ताक, Republik Dominican, Republikka Domenikana, ဒိုမီနီကန်, دومینیکن, Ripubrikin Dominika, Domingotlacatlahtohcayotl, Dominic Kiōng-hô-kok, Den dominikanske republikk, Dominikaansche Republiek, डोमिनिकन गणतन्त्र, Dominicaanse Republiek, Den dominikanske republikken, Dominikal Republike, Domingo Bikéyah, Rippabiliika Dominiikaan, ଡୋମିନକାନ୍ ପ୍ରଜାତନ୍ତ୍ର, Доминиканæйы Республикæ, ਦੋਮੀਨੀਕਾਨਾ ਗਣਰਾਜ, Republika na Dominikana, Dominikana Republika, Republika Dominikano, डोमोनिकन रिपब्लिक, Dominikan Repablik, Republika Dominikany, Repùblica Duminican-a, ڈومینیکن, ډومنيکان جمهوريت, Duminikana, Repubulika ya Dominika, Republica Dominicană, Доминиканская Республика, Repubulika ya Dominikani, Доминика Республиката, Ripùbbrica Duminicana, Dominikána dásseváldi, Ködörösêse tî Dominîka, Duomėnėkas Respoblėka, Dominikánska republika, Jamhuuriyadda Domeenika, Republika Dominikanë, Tibuse weDomonokha, Dominikanska republiken, Důmińikana, டொமினிகன் குடியரசு, డొమినికన్ గణ రాజ్యం, Repúblika Dominikana, Ҷумҳурии Доминикана, สาธารณรัฐโดมินิกัน, Lipapilika Tominika, Dominik Cumhuriyeti, Доминикан Җөмһүрияте, دومىنىكان جۇمھۇرىيەتى, Домініканська Республіка, ڈومنیکن جمہوریہ, Dominika Respublikasi, Repùblica Dominicana, Dominikanine Tazovaldkund, Cộng hoà Đô-mi-ni-ca, Sandominän, Republika Dominicana, Réewum Dominik, Доминиканмудин Орн, დომინიკარეფიშ რესპუბლიკა, דאמיניקאנישע רעפובליק, Orilẹ́ède Dòmíníkánì, 多明尼加, Dominica Gunghozgoz, 多米尼加共和国, i-Dominican Republic

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