Provincia de Bolívar

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Provincia de Bolívar
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    • Hari 145

      Hiking at Chimborazo Volcano

      27 September 2021, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      After Cuenca we went to Riobamba. The perfect basecamp for hiking tours to Chimborazo Volcano. It’s the closest point on earth to heaven, due to his location close to the equator and the ellipse form of the earth. If you’re measuring from the core of the earth, Chimborazo is even higher than Mount Everest.
      The first two days we spent in Riobamba just hanging around because I was fighting with a little cold. Lucky for us on Monday when we went to Chimborazo we had the most perfect weather. Clear all day. By Car we drove to the Carrel Refugio a little cabin for those you want to climb the summit. It’s on 5.000 altitude. From there we startet our 15km hike. First to the next refugio and the Condor Cocha lagoon at 5.100m. The next stop was Templo Machay Cave before we went all the way down to Chimborazo lodge. The altitude was hard to handle, every step was super exhausting but totally worth it.
      The landscape was absolut insane and besides wild Vicuñas (Part of the Llama Family) we met a Ecuadorian shepherd with his Alpacas.

      Back in Riobamba we went immediately to bed after a pizza and a hot shower. 😅🏔
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    • Hari 45

      Salinas de Guaranda, Ecuador

      9 Januari 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Salinas de Guaranda is a small village in the Province of Bolivar more or less in the center of the Andes and Ecuador. It used to be known for its salt mines and production of some of the best salt in Ecuador.

      However, today the village is known for it co-ops that produce yarn, knitted goods, chocolate, and many types of cheese. I arrived in the evening and it was raining and cold. The change in altitude here and temperature really hits you. From the city of Guaranda I took a camioneta to Salinas. I asked to be dropped of at a cheap hostel. The driver brought me to one and waited until the owners came to open the door, we had to honk a few times to get their attention.

      The rooms in the hostel looked like motel 8 rooms with about 4 layers of blankets because they were freezing and the hostel / most places don't have heat.

      The next day I got up to explore the town. It was rainy, but still people were out and about. It was market day so many people from the countryside were coming in with milk to sell carrying it o their backs, on horse, donkeys or lamas.

      I first went to check out the salt mines which looked like many of the volcanic areas I've see in Iceland. While walking down there I met an older lady named Isabel. She told me she was going to see the mines too so we walked together.

      Isabel was from a small town called Santa Rosa de Ambato. She had seen Salinas on the TV and always wanted to visit, but taking care of her family or feeding her pets prevented her from doing that. Now in her older years she decided she would go visit, but this time alone all by herself, which her kids were a bit worried.

      She talked and talked and clearly she had to have known I was foreign, but that didn't matter. As she and I were the only tourists in the village or so it seemed we decided to explore the co-ops / factories together.

      We first went to where they sold many of the knitted goods. Many of the women who worked at this co-op would knit at home and then bring it to the store to sell or send it off to various markets in the country. Just up the road was where the yarn for the goods was made. A large factory building with some pretty archaic looking machines would take the wool, wash it, pull it, wind it and dye it.

      Officially we weren't allowed in the factory and were supposed to wear hard hats that could be rented in the center of town. One of the men in the factory told us this, but Isabel always seemed to ask around until someone gave us the ok. When others would tell us the opposite shed just say that so and so said it was ok and smirk a bit.

      From there we went on to find the chocolate and cheese factories, which in themselves weren't much to see, but the samples were worth it.

      The whole morning was spent wondering around the factories and sneaking into the off limit areas with Isabel. As lunchtime approached Isabel caught a truck back to the city of Guaranda and I went to have lunch before heading off to my next destination.
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    • Hari 325

      Chimborazo Vulkanbesteigung bis auf 5100

      12 Julai 2018, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Die Entscheidung war mir schwergefallen, aber wegen guter Wettervorhersage und weil ich am Vorabend bei Anreise aus Baños die wunderschöne Schneekappe des Chimborazo gesehen hatte, wollte ich endlich mal bei Sicht auf einen Vulkan steigen. Andreas wäre auch für den Indianermarkt in einem ursprünglichen Dorf in der Nähe gewesen, wo nur donnerstags Markt wäre.
      Aber bei Nebel fuhren wir mit dem Bus für beide 2,50 zum ungefähr 40 km entfernten Eingang des Nationalparks. Dort sah es schon aufgehellt aus. Ein 20jähriges Mädchen aus Frankreich, die 1 Jahr in Uruguay studiert hatte entschied sich mit uns per Taxi für 20 Dollar zu dritt zum 1. Refugio hoch- und wieder runterzufahren. Von dort auf 4800 starteten wir den 300 Meter Aufstieg zum 2. Refugio und zur kleinen Lagune. Ich hatte Aspirin und Asthmaspray genommen und hoffte es klappt, da wir ja gerade aus tieferen Lagen kamen. Aber wir liefen langsam, schließlich musste Andreas wieder meinen Rucksack nehmen. Es ging viel einfacher bei gutem Pfad und warmem Wetter bergauf als am Cotopaxi.
      Wir waren glücklich oben heil anzukommen, mussten immer wieder auf Steinen ausruhen. Gut das ich den Taxifahrer erst für in 3 Std. Bestellt hatte und so hatten wir Zeit die herrliche Landschaft zu genießen, sie erinnerte uns ans den Altiplano in Bolivien, irre weite Sicht. Auch die ca. 100 Meter höher mit Schnee und Eiseinlagen zu Lagune bewältigten wir noch. Nur unten am Gedenkstein für alle hier Verstorbenen machte Andreas einen Fotosprung vom Plateau, aber er stürzte und rannte eine Strecke bergab. Zum Glück hatte er sich nicht verletzt.
      Meine Entscheidung war doch richtig. Andere Franzosen aus dem Hotel kamen mit Führer an uns vorbei, sie hatten für den Spaß 60 Dollar gezahlt, wir haben es für 14 Dollar pro Person hingekriegt und ließen uns für 15 Dollar nach Riobamba zurückfahren zu dritt, aber der Pickup wurde auch noch voll. Der Fahrer hielt auf Wunsch und wir konnten Vikunjas und Alpakas fotografieren, er quetsche Nina aus, welche Musik sie liebe, Reaggeton. Der Fahrer war 20 wie sie, schon verheiratet und mit 1,5 jährigem Kind. Wie anders als bei uns.
      Es war ein cooler Tag.
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    • Hari 22

      Paro Nacional de Ecuador

      18 Jun 2022, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      The past five days have been tumultuous across ecuador, with nation wide strikes and protests by indugenous politican group CONAIE and other unaffiliated groups. The conflict had even reached the small village of Atandahua, where all cars and modes of transport have been blocked off, meaning no trucks to deliver fresh water and gas for the stove. this of course isnt an issue, weve been boiling water and using the traditional outdoor fire stove! food is not somthing we miss, as we live right in a farming community, veggies, pork, eggs, cheese are all accessible from good neighbors, and if we really need a beer or somthing, its only a 1hr walk into the town of Guanujo, where some shops remain open against the demands of the Paro. Im living through history and its really incredible… im not in any danger, as the problems of the people arent blamed on us gringos :) we help watch kids while parents help with the road blockade, and we are safe. its a beutiful thing to see so many people cooperate under one goal, and I admire the morale and dedication of the protestors.Baca lagi

    • Hari 35

      last 2 weeks photo dump

      1 Julai 2022, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      ok, to sum up my last two weeks, the paro raged on for 18 days total, finishing 2 days ago. during which we walked 10 hrs total to see a really beutiful waterfall, partied hardy once the paro ended, and today, we went to see the sunset at 11000 feet :) overall a good but exhausting two weeksBaca lagi

    • Hari 41


      7 Julai 2022, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      this weekend we took a trip to Otavalo, with a 2 night stop in the capitol of quito on the way. Quito was what we expected of a. big city. got in very late the first night and uber eats’d McDonalds. what a comfort we take for granted at home 🤣. After we went to sleep and woke up bright and early the next morning to go ride the TeleferiQo, a 2000 m gondola ride from the outskits of quito to one of the highest points in the surrounding areas... What a veiw! The altitude was a whopping 14000ft, so we of course we're all somewhat suffering in some way, despite this though, we enjoyed the beautiful veiw of quito (which is huge) and got to swing at the highest point. There's a 40 km trail from the TeleferiQo, which we would have loved to hike, but unfortunately didn't have time. After we walked around and did some shopping, getting any imported or rare goods we couldn't get in our small city of Guaranda, and went home for a nap before going to party. After the nap Elea and I met up with Kamila at a cute little cafe/ restaurant with a beautiful veiw of the city... We enjoyed a beer, but with the price per bottle being set at $4 per beer, we opted to instead go back to our hostel and indulge in the bottle of Rum we had brought with us, initially thinking it was tequila... Embaressing to be corrected by another hostel goer... Regardless, alcohol in our system, and new friends made we split the cost of a taxi to the party district where we initially tried to go to a gay bar, but were turned away for lack of ID from a member of our party. We ended up at another club which didn't charge anuthing. And thankfully because of our rum, we didn't need to pay for any drinks. This is where it starts to get fuzzy for me, but I remember it was a great time, despite having a hard time getting home 😳Baca lagi

    • Hari 42


      19 Februari 2019, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Ein Ausflug zum Punkt welcher der Sonne am nächsten ist, für uns an dem Tag leider mit Wolken verhangen. Dafür waren die Vicuñas zuckersüß, die haben so hübsche Gesichter, könnten wir den ganzen Tag herzen.Baca lagi

    • Hari 25


      21 Mei 2018, Ecuador

      En ook vandaag weer met veel moeite: een merel, een mus, en onze gewone mussen met het petje.

    • Hari 12


      6 Jun 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      "Hoch und runter" oder "Wenn man eine Reise macht dann kann man was erzählen!"

      Irgendwie waren dann zu viele Leute mit unserer Reise beschäftigt. Und sehr bedauerlich finde ich, wenn der Guide anmeldet das der Plan so nicht funktioniert, aber die Agentur es anders macht.
      Nach etwas Chaos bekamen wir dann heute doch noch den Trip auf den Chimborazo. Gestern sind wir ja nur eine Runde rundherum gefahren.

      Und da nun durch Umorganisation auch noch entspannt Zeit war, wurde es ein recht schöner interessanter Tag.
      Ich bin an einem Halt auf einen Friedhof aufmerksam geworden und Danilo hat uns angeboten den Friedhof zu besuchen und hat erklärt wie das hier in Ecuador mit Beerdigung geht.

      Gestern wie heute hatten wir super Wetter!
      Gestern um Fotos zu machen und heute um einen echt Kräfte zehrenden Aufstieg auf 5.100 m zu unternehmen. Es waren "nur" 200 Höhenmeter vom Parkplatz bis zur Schutzhütte zu bewältigen, aber auch da haben wir 1,5 h gebraucht.
      Ich bin an der Schutzhütte geblieben und habe mir die Zeit mit Schneemann bauen vertrieben, während Lutz mit Danilo noch bis zur Lagune weitere ca. 100 Höhenmeter aufgestiegen ist.

      Auf dem Rückweg haben wir noch angehalten um die Schichten zu betrachten die Vulkane in tausenden von Jahren, fast wie Baumkuchen, übereinander Geschichten haben.
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    • Hari 5

      El Terreno; Casa Communal

      1 Jun 2022, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Heres the home base of voulenteer work for El Terreno. many of the voulenteers live here at the Casa Communal, which offers classes to the local community, as well as volunteer work which benefits the community of AtendahuaBaca lagi

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