Al Mutḩaf al Mişrī

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    • Gün 162


      30 Ağustos 2022, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      Miles: 2.4 Steps: 5638 Flights: 13

      We went to downtown Cairo today to the Egyptian Museum. What a difference in areas - Everywhere that ISN’T downtown is littered with garbage, buildings falling down and just outright nasty. Then you cross into the downtown area and it’s clean and modern.

      The museum was neat - we saw two actual mummies which was a first.

      Spent the rest of our day at our hotel, working in the room looking at the pyramids out of window. So nice to have that view 24/7 since that’s what we came here for.

      Saw another amazing sunset and the light show. Egypt is in a “reconsider travel here” warning by the state department - but so far, really glad we took the risk and made the stop here!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Ausflug zu den Piramyden von Gize

      27 Aralık 2022, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Das Schiff hält in Alexandria an um uns zu unserer Reise zu den Pyramiden raus zu lassen 👍😀es geht 3.5 Std. Nach Kairo ins Museum und anschliessend weiter nach Gize zu den 3 Pyramiden es war Eindrücklich und Schön.
      Aber ich sag euch der Car Chaufeur hatte seine mühe mit der Schaltung ( die arme Kupplung)🤣🤣🤣
      Die Sphinx durften wir auch no Begrüssen dann noch ein kurzer Stopp bei einer Papier Produktion und los gehts zum Schiff.
      Kurz vor dem auslaufen Pot Said bei nacht😀
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 172

      Museum and touching the nile

      26 Ekim 2023, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Today we continued sightseeing ancient Egypt with a trip to the museum. It was very crowded but was quite cool. It was filled with mummies and sarcophaguses and statues, some of which were from as far back as 3000BC! My favourite artefacts were the older sarcophaguses, theyre carved out of big singular slabs of dark rock and don't have much going on in terms of decoration but they're so striking to look at, i definitely understand why rick owens got one to for his home. Other standouts were the statues of the egyptian gods (the hippo one was my favourite, she is the God of the home and parents would ask her to make sure their kids did't get eaten by snakes and crocodiles), Tutankhamen's treasure (his sarcophegus is by far the best preserved, it's so shiny and has jewels and golden carvings all over it), and the massive mummified crocodiles. Once we left the museum we roamed around for a bit and realised that there isn't actually that much to do in cairo so we ended up just going back home. While we were roaming around I managed to touch the nile which was something I came to Egypt wanting to do. Unfortunately it's not very accessible so I had to run through a building site and touch it in a place where there was a bunch of rubbish but it had to be done.

      On our last day we went to a restaurant overlooking the nile for lunch :).

      A few concluding observations about cairo as a city:
      The roads are extremely wide(sometimes 10+ lanes) and busy which makes walking around the city quite a nerve jangling experience.

      The people in general kinda suck (always hassle you and just loiter around in intimidating groups) they actually weren't that bad to me tho because they were all a lot more interested in spencer with his long blonde hair, I found if I just walked 5m behind him I could avoid all the drama ahahah.

      There are no vegetarian options to eat but the food is really really nice (kebab type stuff). One of the restaurants we went to served us a salad with the Salsa dressing in a cup, I think you're supposed to take a bite of your kebab and then take a sip of the dressing so that everything doesn't get all soggy which is pretty clever.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 14

      Ägyptisches Museum

      12 Nisan, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Das Ägyptische Museum ist "ein Muss", wenn man in die Antike eintauchen möchte. Für uns war es der krönende Abschluss unserer Reise.

      Noch ist dieses Museum das größte über Altägyptische Geschichte der Welt. Es ist anzunehmen, dass es mit Eröffnung des Grand Egypt Museums (Eröffnung noch dieses Jahr??) auf den zweiten Platz verwiesen wird, aber das ist nebensächlich.
      Hier waren bis zu 150.000 Exponate ausgestellt, ein großer Teil davon wird jedoch zur Zeit in das GEM verlagert. Dadurch erhalten die Ausstellungsstücke mehr Platz und auch die Besucher verteilen sich besser.

      Höhepunkte sind die Särge, die Maske, Schmuck und Grabbeigaben des Tutanchamun. Letztendlich sind aber alle Ausstellungsstücke sehenswert, u.a. die Mumien von Thuya und Yuya und das wohl älteste Ausgrabungsstück der Welt, die Narmerpalette (Schminkpalette).
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 3

      Entre alcaldes, faraones y escribas

      25 Mart, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Hoy, nuestro viaje nos llevó a un lugar fascinante: el Museo Egipcio de El Cairo. Créanme, no fue fácil la llegada: a pesar de ubicarse tan solo a dos minutos andando de nuestro hotel, había que cruzar una avenida de seis carriles con tráfico constante. Tras arriesgar nuestra vida en ello, nos dimos cuenta de que esta visita fue la elección perfecta para un día más tranquilo y cultural, a pesar de los sobresaltos iniciales.

      Tras un merecido descanso, nos dirigimos al museo. La entrada fue mucho más sencilla que nuestra experiencia en la Necrópolis de Giza, conseguimos rápidamente las entradas. El Museo Egipcio, de casi 120 años de historia, alberga algunos de los más preciados artefactos del Antiguo Egipto. Aunque su organización es un tanto caótica, como muchos otros museos en Egipto, gracias a unos vídeos de Youtube que Pablo estudió, logramos orientarnos y realizar un recorrido coherente, comenzando desde el periodo del Reino Antiguo hasta la era Ptolemaica y años sucesivos previos a la conquista romana.

      Este lugar es un paraíso para quienes tienen algo de conocimiento sobre la antigua cultura egipcia. El primer piso, organizado de manera más o menos cronológica, ofrece una variedad de objetos, estelas, bustos, estatuas, y demás artefactos impresionante. Nos llamó especialmente la atención la estatua de Ramose, elaborada en madera y bautizada como "alcalde del pueblo" (sacerdote llamado así por los trabajadores que la encontraron), y las interesantes piezas del Reino Antiguo y Amarna. Impresionantes estatuas (muy reconocibles, en otro orden de cosas, por ser prácticamente el único faraón representado de manera realista) de Akhenatón, de quien dicen que fue el primer monoteísta, en su lucha feroz contra el clero de Amón, se encuentran en la sala amarniense.

      El segundo piso alberga la auténtica joya del museo: el ajuar funerario de Tutankamón. Quedamos asombrados ante la vista del sarcófago y la icónica máscara dorada. Viendo la magnificencia de los objetos de Tutankamón (Amelia quedó fascinada especialmente por el simbolismo del escarabajo pelotero portando el sol/caca) , un rey considerado menor, uno no puede evitar preguntarse sobre la grandeza de los ajuares de faraones más destacados.

      A pesar de que solo exploramos superficialmente el segundo piso, decidimos que era momento de tomar un descanso. Salimos del museo con la sensación de haber vivido una experiencia única e inolvidable, un viaje a través del tiempo y la historia de una de las civilizaciones más asombrosas del mundo.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 4

      Cairo D2 - pyramids, sphinx, museum

      23 Aralık 2023, Mısır ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Busted the pyramids of Giza, saw Christmas camel, and bonded more with my new family of Brits and Egyptian guide, Mohammed (the “Casper” family).

      The pyramids were stunning and even more impressive than I imagined. I got to go inside the Cheops’ pyramid and see a burial chamber! Blew my mind at how much more incredible this is than my childhood imagination could conceive...Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 2

      Ägyptisches Museum Kairo

      22 Mayıs 2023, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Unsere kleine Reisegruppe für heute und morgen besteht aus Mohammed, dem Ägyptologen, Mohammed, dem Fahrer, einem Paar aus Berlin und uns. So bleibt genügend Zeit für Gespräche mit Mohammed (dem Ägyptologen), der ab und zu dienstlich in Deutschland ist und überhaupt sehr aktiv zu sein scheint in der Tourismusbranche.
      Durch den dichten und chaotischen Verkehr brachte uns Mohammed (der Fahrer) traumwandlerisch sicher zum Ägyptischen Museum am Tahiri-Platz.
      Dort gibt es erstaunliche Exponate aus derZeit der Pharaonen zu sehen.
      Wir hätten gern den ganzen Tag dort zugebracht, hatten allerdings nur reichlich zwei Stunden. Und die vergingen leider wie im Fluge. (Stimmt nicht, im Flieger vergeht die Zeit langsamer …)
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      A visit to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo

      8 Ocak 2023, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We were up earlier than planned this morning due to noisy neighbours! We got ready and went to breakfast at 8 so we had plenty of time before our trip was due to start at 9.

      In reception at the appointed hour, Romani appeared with another guy who he introduced to us as Ray, our guide for today and tomorrow. We had a bit of a chat about the tour we have just done and about Nabil and then went to find our transport and driver.

      Our first stop was the Egyptian museum in the centre of Cairo, a building purpose-built in 1897 to house Egypt's impressive collection of antiquities. There are plans to move the entire collection to a new site near the Pyramids. Indeed, the building is ready (Nabil pointed it out to us when we were there) and some artefacts have already been relocated. By all accounts, it will be a modern state-of-the-art facility which will rank as one of the great museums of the world when it opens to the public.

      The current museum is rather dark and dusty with poorly-written explanations about the exhibits. It is, nevertheless, an impressive collection, despite the fact that so many antiquities were taken overseas by the archaeologists and treasure hunters who discovered them.

      Ray showed us the highlights of the museum and explained their significance. He left us by the Tutankhamen room and gave us free time to explore by ourselves. It was quite a moment coming face-to-face with the young Pharaoh's mask and sarcophagus. I remember when the Tutankhamen exhibition came to the British Museum in London to mark the 50th anniversary of Howard Carter's discovery of the tomb. It was 1972. I was seven years old. My friend, Carolyn West, went to see the exhibition. It was a huge deal! She brought a commemorative programme into school to show us all. I can vividly remember seeing the pictures of the magnificent treasures, the like of which none of us had ever seen before. It sparked an interest in me that never went away. Now, just over 50 years later, today I saw them for myself! It was quite a moment!!

      We weren't allowed to take photos in Tutankhamen's room, so I bought a couple of postcards instead.

      We spent a further hour in the museum marvelling at the exhibits and wondering at the incredible talents of the Ancient Egyptians to have created such a huge quantity of outstanding artefacts.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29

      The Egyptian Museum

      31 Ekim 2022, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      The Uber took a it longer than expected, (although still only 110 LE) and got to the museum 20 minutes after it opened and the tours were already there. The crowding was worst going through security, then it was in OK. At times some of the exhibits were blocked by a group, but it always cleared.

      The museum was established in 1835 and the current building opened in 1901 and is the oldest museum in the Middle East, It exclusively focuses on the predynastic to Roman eras of Egypt, and is there ever a LOT of that!

      Two hours only covered the "guidebook highlights".
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Kultur am Tahrir Square

      28 Ağustos 2022, Mısır ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Natürlich darf die kulturelle Komponente auch nicht fehlen. Dafür waren wir im Ägyptischen Museum am Tahrir Square, welches sehr interessant aber auch sehr chaotisch war. Außerdem waren wir auf einem Jazz Konzert im Kulturpavillon der AUC.Okumaya devam et

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    Al Mutḩaf al Mişrī, Al Muthaf al Misri, المتحف المصري

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